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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Dimension Academy 2: Deus's Return

"Well, to be honest I've been lazy and spent my days drawing or painting, a little of writing as well, that's what lots of free time does to a guy like me" he said while laughing, looking back at this last week he realized he hadn't gone out of his room more than necessary through it, time had gone so fast within his room things hadn't had the chance to get boring. It used to happen often to him, art capturd his mind and managed to make him forget about the rest of the world, maybe that was why he had never managed to make any friends at all.

"By the way, that idea about the buffet sounds great, and I don't mind the babbling, it's actually interesting to know what you do. And if you don't mind then ice cream and a sandwich sounds great." Ryllian said while smiling, so far he was enjoying the morning and having fun. His heart was still racing from when Shara had taken his hand, he didn't knew why but it had been so sudden his mind had gone blank for a moment, he didn't particulary dislike it, actually he didn't mind at all, it made him feel weird but good.

@The Suspicious Eye

((I shouldn't be so lazy))
Two people. Two radically different reactions. Honestly, this was why humans were just so... so.... She couldn't even find the right words for the soul-crushing frustration she was dealing with. That's right. She didn't want a boyfriend. For a uselessly breakable thing such as a human being to mean the world to her... it would be suicide. What would she do with one, anyways? She couldn't hold hands with them or kiss them normally or hug them or any of that stuff. Maddening, maddening, talking as if they knew anything at all. So what if that Julius or Jude or whatever his name was didn't like her. She didn't care. At least, Megaera was trying very hard to convince herself she didn't care.

The second boy's reaction, however, caught her quite off-guard. He seemed to have gotten high off of the fact that she'd cracked the table. A fact she was not very proud of as it was. If she was being honest, he was freaking her out a little. She prayed she didn't come across him very often, but that wasn't likely. This school wasn't quite THAT big. She listened to his comment quietly, not replying back, even though some part of her wanted to correct him. It wasn't strength that had caused those cracks in the table. If only it were that simple. She cupped her hands and let the note drop into them, watching them go as the boy vanished the church organ and raced out the door, saying some nonsense about fake swords and someone called Asuna, whoever that was.

She looked down at the note, not quite sure what to do with it. She should throw it away. She should never come near him and his strange boyfriend ever again. But for some reason, she just couldn't bring herself to do it. Megaera continued to stare at it as she slowly began wandering out the door. "Hmmm..." A familiar voice sounded in front of her. She looked up at her brother Simon, only to have the note snatched away from her fingers before she could realize it. "What's this? A number? You finally got a boy to hit on you, huh?"

Megaera flushed to the roots of her hair. "It's not like tha-" Before she could finish her protestations, Simon exchanged the note for a pudding on a paper plate with a metal spoon. Megaera didn't like sweet things, but this was one of Simon's specially-made, savory concoctions. Instantly distracted, her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree and she held out her hands pleadingly. "Pudding?"

She didn't hear her brother mutter, "oh, it means that much to you, does it?" But he plopped it in her hands with a grin, and walked off before Megaera could remember anything about the note at all. Happily, she munched on the pudding all the way to the library, her feet taking her there instinctively. Right outside the door, she dropped the trash into the trash can and slipped into the library. Finding a good book in the fantasy section, she curled herself onto one of the more comfortable chairs in the library and settled down to read.

animegirl20 said:
She lifted her right leg and kicked his arm out of the way then turned and swung a punch at him. With her hands on fire.
Des took the punch he was pushed back and felt the burn on his chest. His shirt caught on fire and he tossed it. He formed some dark matter over the burn and smiled. "Good punch, baby." He raised his hand up and the matter shout out towards her. Hundreds of long ribbons that lashed out towards her. The edges rounded to make sure that she wouldn't get hurt.

(I've noticed that Des is really into musicians and Shara seems to be really into artist.... weird.)

Shara smiled at him "oh awesome I love ice cream! Don't laugh, but i just love carrot ice cream. I know it's weird, but being a moon rabbit and all." She blushed embarassed by her favorite flavor. She had heard all the jokes before. But she liked her heritage. Knowing that your ancestors were from the moon was cool. Although, she still thinks that the whole moon rabbit is a myth. They passed the last of the stands and he added down the path towards the cafeteria.

Trying to divert the conversation as they got closer to the cafeteria she smiled at him. "So your a artist! I love the arts! I really think we should push more art programs here. I think we should have more clubs for the arts and expand some of the current areas we alredy have for the arts. I've been trying to get a gallery event for student arts here approved." She was babbling, but was so excited to find someone who loved the arts. She looked at him, her eyes glittering with hope. "Would you be willing to participate in the event? It's a long way away from being accepted, but I think that having artists agree would be a huge help in making it possible." She really liked art and really wanted this gallery to be made.

One of them hit her and she fell to the ground when the others came towards her she spun around like she was street dancing with fire come her feet blocking the ribbons from hitting her. (I'm not good with fight scenes so here is a example gif.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/tumblr_n9suo3Jsun1st66hho7_500.gif.87c6cb5e07a7313f960bbf44f25bc372.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48983" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/tumblr_n9suo3Jsun1st66hho7_500.gif.87c6cb5e07a7313f960bbf44f25bc372.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

@The Suspicious Eye



  • tumblr_n9suo3Jsun1st66hho7_500.gif
    498.2 KB · Views: 18
(90% of the moves I do is described from gifs or videos.)

the particles diapparated into tiny pieces. Des debated between doing what he could versus what he should. He decided to go with what he should. I actually want to sleep with her again.. He raised his hand up and the particles formed into a cage over her and fell over of her with a large thud. Des smiled and looked at her inside the cage. "You're good Alice, but can you do better."

(seriously that's what he is thinking! xD Alice watch out!)

"Oh I know I can" She grabbed the bar with both hands and lit the cage on fire. The cage crumbled to the ground. She cracked her knuckles and then her neck. "Don't tell me that you thought we were done?" She said with a sly grin. Though she wondered what was going on in his head he had a look on his face. She raised an eyebrow. " You ok?"

@The Suspicious Eye

Busy. The atmosphere was buzzing with busy bodied human beings of all shapes and size. Left, right, then left again his eyes trailed after them one by one, his gaze not lasting long on a single person. "Why?" he thoughts wondered. Classes today were oddly laid back, his schedule being at this point, free, something that he normally never allowed. However, the counselor assured him that today was indeed a good day, and that nothing wrong had happened. She told him not to worry bout anything today and just to enjoy himself . . . whatever that meant. Gazing up at the festivities in front of him, his elongated ears perked up at the sound of laughter that came from all side. "Noisy." was the only thing that came to mind as he trudged through the crowd of people who all stared at him at one point or the other. He could hear them whispering to each other, some finding his odd match up to be quite humorous while other found it gross and disgusting.

"What is that?" a masculine voice mumbled to his female companion. He attempted to whisper, but rarely anything got passed his black tipped floppy ears, so his attempts was futile.

"He looks kinda cute." another voice added to the far left of him, a tall female with short brown hair. "Cute?" he thought. What does it mean to be cute? In his brain the definition popped within his inbuilt dictionary whispering,"Cute: to be attractive in a pretty or endearing way." Even with this he still was left with an air of confusion that seemed to follow him whenever he tried to understand the human psychology. Humans are indeed an enigma that need further studying. After walking for a good 3 minutes he could hear a faint twitching coming from somewhere a head of his current location.

"Y-ummy?" he deciphered from the chewing noise. It seemed it was another rodent similar to himself, but most likely a lot smaller than he was. Interested, he waddled forward to where the noise originated only to find two humans near the white furry creature. They rested under a large tree, a male and female sat close to the little creature that warranted his attention. Should he approach it? He didn't know. March really wanted to see what the animal thought to be so delicious, but it what the human called "privacy" that kept him at bay. From his experience human had an invisible space around them called "personal space" and they became wary when people or things (where he'd fit in) entered this unseen barrier. He turned around, but the sound of the creature enjoying the meal before him made him somewhat hungry himself.

Finally, he allowed his curiosity to get the best him and hopped towards the creature, the chimera like creature crouching down to see what it was eating. The 3'ft tall bunny crocodile mixed stared lazily at the animal, examining the thing in his jaw. However, before he could, it took it's last gulp and down it's esophagus the substance went.

"What are you eating?" he asked, the other refusing to respond to him. The apparent joy on it's face made the meal seem wonderful, and although normally he'd just eat a shadowy substance, but he was quite hungry and wanted to have a taste of this "yummy" thing.

"Where did you get it from?" he asked once more, ignoring the humans next to him unintentionally. He didn't want to be what they considered rude, but he usually lost track of things around him when he was truly interested in something.

@Kal & @Peaceswore

(Hope this is okay :3)
He smiled at her and raised his head. "Of course. I was thinking of something I wanted." He raised his arms out and grinned. A huge wave of dark matter grew from his body and formed into two large armored claws on his arms. "Come on, round two. You ready?"

Des rased one large claw and slammed it down to the ground expecting her to jump to doge it. He then took the other and slashed the area above incase she was near. The claws were dulled to bruise, but not puncture. He then rebounded from her first claw and flipped int the air. in a spinning spiral of claws.

She jumped out of the way for the first claw she almost got caught by the second but when the first one started spinning she got hit in the leg and fell to the ground. She sat up. "Not bad"

@The Suspicious Eye

Ken let out a sigh as he laid on the benches playing with a soccer ball he had picked up on the way to his seat. He absentmindedly paid attention to the ball and the fight, not because the fight was boring. No, he found the fight to be relatively interest. but it was before noon and he had gone to bed at four in the morning. So he was on the exhausted side of things, he couldn't help it. When there was something he wanted to know, but couldn't find out it irritated him to no end. He let out a yawn and soon began to drift off.

@animegirl20 @The Suspicious Eye

Festival under a tree

Alex shrugged his shoulders when the girl didn't answer him and returned his attention to the rabbit who seemed to be enjoying the lettuce quite a bit. He smiled at it and gently petted it, but he noticed a shadow going over the rabbit. Curious as to what it could be he looked up and say March. He didn't say anything as it seemed he was talking to the rabbit that had just finished the lettuce. "...You can understand what it is saying?" He asked as he tilted his head to the side. "If you want to know what he was eating I don't mind showing you." He said as he held out his hand making pixels appear creating two leaves of lettuce. When he did this the rabbit ears perked up and took on of the leaves munching on it happily. "Do you want the other leaf?" Alex asked March as he handed it him.

@A Guileless Fable
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Alecta walked down the festival's main aisle, searching for familiar faces and holding a small gift bag. The festival was nice, she decided, if a bit too lively for her taste but she was doing her best to enjoy it. Ignis certainly was. The massive canine was having a blast jumping from booth to booth, begging for and usually receiving free scraps or sometimes a whole fresh cooked meal from different stands. His good mood was certainly improving hers and she found herself smiling a little as she wandered the stalls looking at all the food and games that were set up for the festival. Eventually though, she caught sight of someone she did want to see, as well as what was his name... Ryllian?

"Shara!" She yelled in greeting as she jogged over.

@The Suspicious Eye


"It's not working!" Gwen shouted in frustration,"Why is it not working! Everything should be working!" Her eyes were on and at full bore and there were no faults in the engine at all. None. "Stupid machine! I can't believe I ever built you. You suck." The engine made a moaning sound like a wounded elephant. "I didn't mean it honey!" She shouted back, which shut it up. "Now what is wrong with you..." She circled the car engine again.

"All the hoses are in the right place... Pistons are functional... Spark plugs are sparkable...Oh!" She blushed. "Forgot to turn it on. God I'm stupid." With a flick of her hand the engine came to life as she focused her power on it. And it with the most beautiful sound that eight cylinders could give. Gwen would have needed to wipe away tears if the action wouldn't have smeared her face with oil and if she was crying. "I'm not the sentimental type anyway..." She said as she released her focus and the engine stuttered to a stop. "Now then. This beautiful engine needs a body and I have," She turned to a jumble of scrap metal that was formerly the cars outer shell.

"Nothing. oh well! Time to find some blueprints!" She said happily as she strapped on her tool belt. And skipped out of her garage.

---A few minutes later, the library---

Gwen was sitting in her usual library reading nook, on top of a bookshelf. She had settled in with a catalogue of modern and a book collection of vintage cars. The were laid open in front of her as she furiously memorized and sketched different Ideas of what to put her lovely engine in. Her blue prints were neat and notably scribble free and she worked with the slow and steady intensity of of a long held passion. However as she furiously sketched away she failed to notice that her books were teetering on the edge of the shelf and due to the laws of Murphy and Newton, When she happily kicked out a leg she kicked a stack of reading matter to the floor, sending the them tumbling to the floor towards a odd looking girl with pink hair. "Sorry! And oh, look out!" Gwen shouted after them, hoping the girl would notice in time.

Ryllian let out a soft laugh "Carrot flavored ice cream doesn't sound that bad actually, I saw worse than that when I used to travel around" he said while smiling. Thinking about it brought back memories from when he had to run away from pursuers after is fathers death, it hadn't been a happy time but being able to see so many different places had at least made his travels more bearable, specially when he visited museums or old constructions, he just loved those. It was strange how that had made him take a liking into art, maybe it had been because those were the only things he had considered beautiful at the time with so much pain and loneliness around him.

With a start he realized he had been spacing out and heard Shara talking about art events and how it would be great if he participated, he considered the option for some seconds, if it had been anyone else he'd probably refused, after all he had never shown his art before to anyone since he felt it was too personal, but he probably had a painting or two that weren't much personal and wouldn't mind much showing. "Well, I guess I could participate, though I've never shown my paintings to anyone before" he said.

@The Suspicious Eye

((Ok I may have gone a little too much in detail about his relation to art haha))
Central Path, Festival, On route to Cafeteria... eventually.

Shara smiled at him "awesome I am so happy, I could kiss you! I'm excited to help you in any way. You ask and I am there, I promise." She was so happy to have another artist for the gallery. She looked at him and held his hand a little tighter "thank you." She looked into his eyes and smiled she really thought he was such a great person.

She turned when she heard her name called. She turned her head to see Alecta. Shara turned when she heard her name called and smiled the at her. "Alecta! Hey!" Both the most well respected students in the school it was obvious that they would get along. She turned to Ryllian "Ryllian this is Alecta one of my closest friends." She then turned to Alecta "Alecta this is Ryllian." She leaned closer to her and whispered "be nice I like this one."

@Darekk @theunderwolf


Des looked at her as she fell to the ground. He landed next to her and smiled. "You okay?" He extended his hand out to her. If his claws were sharper she wouldn't have a leg.

"Please you think a punch like that can keep me from fighting." She take his hand instead she stood up on her own. Her leg hurt a little but she had been through worse. She dusted off her pants then said, "I can do this all day."

@The Suspicious Eye
Catching up with the bunny finally, Ellian found the snow-white fluff happily eating a piece of lettuce in the lap of a male student (she presumed) who was sitting under a large tree.

"Is this your rabbit?"

Ellian shook her head slowly, wanting to tell the tale of the box and the stand and the accident, but all she could think about was... the bunny. How was she supposed to get the bunny back to the stand? Certainly she couldn't
hold it... She began to outstretch her hands to the white rabbit, but they didn't even make it past her sides. Here, any normal person would have just asked the boy if he would assist, but to Ellian, that didn't make sense. How was it any of his problem, it didn't make sense at all to involve him, in fact, that thought didn't even cross her mind. Instead, she stood there, hands open but at her sides like some sort of funny human chicken.

"What are you eating?"

What a strange question, she was certainly not eating anything... Oh, wait a minute, someone was speaking to the rabbit... It was a... it was a... Ellian's fingers started to twitch as the sight of the small animal resembling a plush, standing on twos, a mix of a rabbit and a sort of reptile, began to register in her mind.

And so, she did what any normal person would do.

She began a seemingly endless squeaking "
eeeeeeeeee" as if she was a steam kettle building pressure. Why, oh why, in the middle of her having to hold an animal dilemma, did another animal-hybrid-thing have to come up? Ellian didn't know how to deal with it, so she just stared,, eyes wide, petrified, and EEEed as her fingers twitched and she stood like a human trying to impersonate a chicken.

Ellian finally shook herself out of it when the boy began conversing with the creature.
It might be a costume, for the festival, a funny animal... Yes, true, but who had ever heard of a three-foot-tall human?

A really young person...

Ellian was pushing it. "The.. the... bunny was in my arms and I didn't realize, and he jumped away and ran, all the bunnies in the box too, there are a lot..." she began explaining her situation in a way that made sense to her, as always, "And this one got pretty far, to you, he's not mine, he's the stand's though. Not the stand's but whoever owns the bunny who lent it to the stand... I think I need to bring him back, since I made him run away..." Again, she attempted to outstretch her open hands to the bunny, but her hands wouldn't move from her sides. Giving up, she held her hands together. "Soon, I have to bring him back soon. Or it could be a her, I'm not good with rabbit genders. Or animal genders, I just don't know."

@A Guileless Fable @Peaceswore
"Sorry, and oh, look out!" Megaera looked up from her book instinctively at the sound of the voice and her eyes widened in shock. A pile of books was falling right towards her, and she wasn't in a great position to be dodging them. She yelped and lifted her book out in front of her, shielding her face from the onslaught. A number of books tumbled into her, leaving a couple bruises on her legs and arms, but most missed and went flying over her head or onto the ground. She peered up at the girl above her with a frown. Ooh there were so many things she wanted to say right now, and none of them were pleasant. As it was, though, she just sighed and dislodged a couple more books from where they were perched as if trying to share her chair. The books were odd, about cars and physics and other strange machinery. It wasn't the kind of reading you'd expect someone to be doing on a free day. It reminded her of all the school work she wasn't doing. Wonderful.

Megaera looked up at the girl again. Should she say something? She usually tried not to say anything to anyone. It kept attention off of her, but would it be weird not to in this case? Lost in her self-debate, she continued staring at the other girl in a rather glassy-eyed manner.

animegirl20 said:
"Please you think a punch like that can keep me from fighting." She take his hand instead she stood up on her own. Her leg hurt a little but she had been through worse. She dusted off her pants then said, "I can do this all day."
@The Suspicious Eye
Des smiled at her as he helped her up. "Atta girl. I love a woman with endurance." After making sure she was really able to fight again he jumped back and smiled. He dissolved the claws and instead formed 3 rings that floated vertically behind him.

Alecta kissed Shara on the cheek politely. It was a gesture that she tended to avoid outside he home country but Shara was a close friend and she couldn't resist, "When am I not nice?" She asked, returning to a controlled, flat tone, "Though I will be extra... pleasant." She finished with a smile.

"It's Ryllian right? I'm Alecta" She extended a hand as Ignis caught up to her. The massive dog was ecstatic to see the rabbity-smelling girl and this new guy who smelled less rabbity but still very friendly. His middle head was chewing on an odd looking bone while the left and right heads looked excitedly between the two. "And don't mind the dog."

@The Suspicious Eye @Darekk


"Sorry!" Gwen said as she jumped down, "Again. I already said that sorry. Oh bloody- there I go again. Right you okay? you're a bit dusty and wow you got a bump or two wow. Thin skin. But seriously are you ok like mentally I mean. Do you have book related trauma? Will you? I mean after this i was reading some pretty heavy volumes. I mean frankly if one of those had hit your head, So sorry! I was just reading and well reading and sketching and well reading sketching and writing and tinkering a little to be fair but The point is that it was an accident and I'm so so sorry and your hair is cute and what can I do to make it up to you and oh geez I'm so rude I'm Gwen it's nice to meet you well probably not for you since I dropped a ton of books on your head but ohmigodImsoembaressed." She paused for a long breath.

Kal said:
Catching up with the bunny finally, Ellian found the snow-white fluff happily eating a piece of lettuce in the lap of a male student (she presumed) who was sitting under a large tree.

"Is this your rabbit?"

Ellian shook her head slowly, wanting to tell the tale of the box and the stand and the accident, but all she could think about was... the bunny. How was she supposed to get the bunny back to the stand? Certainly she couldn't
hold it... She began to outstretch her hands to the white rabbit, but they didn't even make it past her sides. Here, any normal person would have just asked the boy if he would assist, but to Ellian, that didn't make sense. How was it any of his problem, it didn't make sense at all to involve him, in fact, that thought didn't even cross her mind. Instead, she stood there, hands open but at her sides like some sort of funny human chicken.

"What are you eating?"

What a strange question, she was certainly not eating anything... Oh, wait a minute, someone was speaking to the rabbit... It was a... it was a... Ellian's fingers started to twitch as the sight of the small animal resembling a plush, standing on twos, a mix of a rabbit and a sort of reptile, began to register in her mind.

And so, she did what any normal person would do.

She began a seemingly endless squeaking "
eeeeeeeeee" as if she was a steam kettle building pressure. Why, oh why, in the middle of her having to hold an animal dilemma, did another animal-hybrid-thing have to come up? Ellian didn't know how to deal with it, so she just stared,, eyes wide, petrified, and EEEed as her fingers twitched and she stood like a human trying to impersonate a chicken.

Ellian finally shook herself out of it when the boy began conversing with the creature.
It might be a costume, for the festival, a funny animal... Yes, true, but who had ever heard of a three-foot-tall human?

A really young person...

Ellian was pushing it. "The.. the... bunny was in my arms and I didn't realize, and he jumped away and ran, all the bunnies in the box too, there are a lot..." she began explaining her situation in a way that made sense to her, as always, "And this one got pretty far, to you, he's not mine, he's the stand's though. Not the stand's but whoever owns the bunny who lent it to the stand... I think I need to bring him back, since I made him run away..." Again, she attempted to outstretch her open hands to the bunny, but her hands wouldn't move from her sides. Giving up, she held her hands together. "Soon, I have to bring him back soon. Or it could be a her, I'm not good with rabbit genders. Or animal genders, I just don't know."

@A Guileless Fable @Peaceswore
"Um....are you okay?" Alex asked as he looked at her with his head tilted to the side. "Are you afraid of this rabbit?" He asked as he looked over to it. "....If you are I don't mind taking him to the stall for you." He said nonchalantly without looking back at her. Instead he looked at the rabbit and started to pet it. ((Sorry for the shortness!! ;- ;) )
((Sorry, this one's short))

The girl began talking very fast. So fast, in fact, that Megaera spent the entire conversation staring and trying to recover from the onslaught of conversation. For a long minute after she was done talking, Megaera stayed silent, then her face puffed up into a sudden smile and she began laughing. She wasn't quite sure if she'd been insulted, complimented, or maybe both at the same time. After she got her breath back, she arranged her face back into a serious expression and shook her head, saying, "I'm fine. I don't have book trauma." It was true she had some bruises, but that was nothing to broken bones.
Checking out the festival

Most people remember their school days, especially highschool, as their high points in life. Or better yet, most people consider their high points in life as being their highschool days. But what if you were gifted with a power you didn't want and forced to live your life in an unpleasing way because of it? Up to this point this was the case of both Xen and Akira. But from the looks of things , this academy could possibly offer them the things that they dreamed of.

Xen was just walking from stand to stand , from event to event, fascinated like a little boy who first saw a a circus act or fireworks. '' Haha, that looks interesting, oh, that too, maybe I should try this, or that or even the other one...Guh , I'm hungry'' he thought to himself. He was just checking one thing after another at racecar speed. He was very happy and relaxed, the most he had ever been since birth, probably.

Meanwhile, Akira was also walking around the different festival stands and events, but for a different reason: to analyze people. One wouldn't understand why Akira was so obsessed with these things, but it was just in his nature. He had a high interest in observing and analyzing creatures and objects since he was little. His interest regarding living beings was higher than that regarding objects, though. As he walked around he tried his best to analyze people in an efficient and detailed manner. Body language, tone of voice, fashion sense, behaviour, supossed sexuality, food preferences and true personality, Akira was observing all of these things carefully. '' With this, I can get a good idea of what type of people I'm going to eventually interact with , during my years in this academy'' he thought to himself.

Amadeus Xenolion- in his own office

Amadeus was alone and he was deep in thought. The behaviour which he'd portray during his interactions with others wasn't the same. He was serious and seemed to do some research regarding something. He was looking through old books of unknown nature and some notes he took about a certain past event which happened in the academy not too long ago.

''This is wierd, very wierd. Considering this information, that thing disappeared just like that. But why? If it was as powerful as I belive it was, then the powers of those students couldn't have been enough...Where are you hidding? What are you planning? Why are you so full of hatred? Who caused your hatred? If it was this school, did you use to be a student as well? What's the source of your power? What's the reason of your existence? Why do you have to exist in the first place? Many questions pop into my head, but I can't find any answers. The information I have is not enough... Donovan most likely knows more about it, but he wouldn't answer my question , just like that, would he now? He would most likely sniff my intentions even if I apply my psychological strategies. Guuh, maybe I'm overreacting. I HOPE I'm overreacting!'' thought to himself Amadeus.

@Peaceswore @Rantos @The Suspicious Eye @animegirl20 @theunderwolf

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