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Fantasy Dimension Academy 2: Deus's Return

(Is it bad that I actually forgot what I was going to say? Lol.)

Des looked at her "don't....." He turned away completely embarrassed. He didn't know what he was doing, he knew what he should be doing, what he would have been doing if she was any other girl. He turned back to face her "Why...." are you different from the rest? He sighed and let her arm go. He combed his fingers through his hair and looked away yet again "I'll walk you home. This place sometimes gets a little crazy at night."

@The Servant

Talia ~ @The Servant @Kotios

@SirKnight Squibbly

Hopefully that is everyone.

She glanced at him and blushed a little. She then looked away. "Thanks but I.....guess I could stay longer......" What was she saying. Stay longer she must be out of her mind. And she wasn't the only one acting weird he seem to be acting strange to. She looked back him then thought of something. "But if you do walk me home I guess you could show me that place you were talking about." Oh man I really have lost it. This was so not like her at all.

@The Suspicious Eye
Des looked at her and smiled. He scratched his head and looked at her. She looked so beautiful in the night sky. "You know what. I think we should go check out something just as good." He slowly slid his hand from her arm to her hand and pulled her along through the house and out the front door. Heading towards the school.

He stopped as they arrived on the school grounds where the New Spring festial Stands were already set up.

She glanced over at him to see him looking at her. She wondered what he was thinking. I wish he would stop looking at me like that. She thought to herself. "Huh?" He held her hand pulled her along. She glanced at the others as they past by everyone. Then she looked down at there hands. She blushed slightly. Where is he taking me? She thought to herself as he led her over to the school. It was quiet the whole way there. Was it cause they had nothing to say or was silence really all they needed right now? She then noticed they were on the school grounds where the New Spring festival Stands were already set up. "Oh" she said to be honest if it wasn't for the prank they were doing she would never bother with this festival. Thought she wondered why he brought her here.

@The Suspicious Eye
(I have no idea what I am doing)

Des looked out at the area and smiled. "It looks pretty good right?" He held her hand a little tighter and began to walk toward the class building. He smiled thinking about the plan and everything that will be going on here. He made it into the student building and led her up the stairs. "Let's check out the spot you picked." He opened the door and saw the open starry sky that glowed from the terrace. He led her out and smiled.

(Haha that's ok me either :P )

She looked at the starry sky. "Wow." The sky looked more incredible here. She looked over at the view. She let go and walked over to get a closer look at the view. The stars made her think of her mother. She started humming the song again softly to herself. Forgetting for just a moment she wasn't alone.

@The Suspicious Eye
@Azure Sky

"Ah. Life in the colonies," Gwen said with her usual impish smile, "that must have been fun, but Hong Kong's interesting I mean how could it not be with a name like HONG KONG. Good name. great name but seriously that must have been pretty awesome to learn martial arts there. I mean it's no cliff by the ocean. But you probably had like a xen old master at least. Right? RIGHT? hehe Xen old master get it. Ah whatever. I mean who has time to pun." She said as Akira came over to say hello 'Hello Akira!" She said brightly, "I'm guessing you're another martial artist like Xen? Did you train by a waterfall? You look like you need some waterfall training. No offense you just look a little scrawny, of course I do too and i fight plenty well so... Screw it I bet you can beat Xen here amiright?"


"Oh he was parading about with Alice on his arm and looking for a quiet date night." Alecta explained, "Well this is their quiet date night with pizza. and like half the school. It's been fun and I was happy to greet him at the door." She giggled and Ignis made a satisfied sound as he laid down at her feet. "But what's your stake in this Kano? You seem just as interested in messing with Des. I thought you two were friends."

(Like I literally have no plans for this. I guess it's could be Des last hurrah before he's gone. Nice meter to the max!)

Des looked at her as she slipped from his hands. He felt a rush of cold course through his body. He shoved his hands into his pockets and walked closer to her. She was humming again. He walked up behind her looking up at the stars. "When I was a kid, I thought that the stars we're people who died looking down at us. I would come up here and talk to my mom." He chuckled, "Shara told me that I was wrong, that stars were just big balls of gas millions of miles away. Then proceeded to tell me the entire lifecycle of a star. She was always so smart." He slicked his hair back and looked up to the sky again. "Knowing all that, I still look at the stars." He stared at them for a minute and then turned to Alice his face slightly flushed. "Sorry I don't know why I told you that. I.... you picked out a good spot."

(gone? where's he going? O.o )

Alice stopped humming. "No it's fine I seem to saying things as well. And thanks.......You know I still come out side to talk to my mother." There was a moment of silence. Then a question came to her mind that she had been wondering about. "Why are you so interested in me?" She looked down at her hands as she asked this. Why did I just asked that? She thought to herself.

@The Suspicious Eye
(Well lets just say that in the New Spring festival, bigger things are happening than just this prank.)

Des smiled at her and took a step closer. He slowly put his hand under her chin and gently lifted her head. He looked into her face and pulled a strand of wayward hair behind her ear. His face was serious as he looked at her and spoke "Why not?"

(Take that as you wish I am off to bed)
(oh ok)

Her cheeks turned pink and her heart was beating fast. Come on just move his hand and push him back. She kept telling herself in her mind but she didn't move. "Well I.....there are lot more prettier girls out there then me." Why does he have to be so close? She thought to her self.


@The Suspicious Eye
Ryllian Langh

Ryllian was growing tired of the party, he hadn't really interacted with anyone and wasn't interested on doing so, so far it was as every other party he had ever tried attending, which meant it was boring for him. He had been staring at the door for several minutes until he finally decided to walk towards it and leave, though before he could reach it Shiu arrived and perched at his shoulder before whispering "If you're leaving you should at least say goodbye to Shara, after all she invited you, it's just common courtesy". He stopped and turned around, as much as it annoyed him Shiu was right, it would be rude if he just decided to leave without saying goodbye.

And so he walked around searching for her, on the way he grabbed another pizza slice and started munching on it, everyone seemed to be minding their own business and absorbed in their conversations, though he prefered it that way, after all unwanted attention had always bothered him greatly.After a few minutes of wandering he saw Shara coming from upstairs alone so he waited until she was down to approach her "Uhm, hey Shara, I was about to leave since I'm feeling kind of tired so I came to say goodbye" He said awkardly

((Sorry!! I've been so busy, but I should be having more free time these days))

@The Suspicious Eye
"Oh was he now?" Kano's smile turned into a sadistic glare as Alecta explained what Des was up to. She put a hand into the inside of her coat and shuffled around looking for something. As his hand fell over what he he looking for his smile returned to him once more. She quickly pulled a whip from under her coat. "Well, well, well. Looks like its time for punishment again!" This is the sadistic side of Kano. She started laughing at the top of her lungs. During her laughing fit she randomly stopped mid laughed. Her expression took on a more somber look and she put away the whip. Maybe this is why I can't find real love. "Sorry about that, let me feeling get the best of me." She slowly walked over to the door before looking back at Alecta. "I guess we are friends, in a way... I need to sleep, good night, tell your sister I wish her sweet dreams." Before opening the door she took one last look at Xen. Bastard. On her way out she didn't say anything else. She teleported back to her room. She wanted to scream but didn't know why. So rather than screaming she just flopped onto her bed and went to sleep.

((Ready for the time skip.))

Xen started laughing a little. ''This girl sure talks alot, but she's funny'' he thought to himself. Then she asked Akira if he was stronger than Xen. That was a rather difficult question and it heavily depended on the situation, but Akira simply replied: ''Hmm, martial artist isn't an accurate term to describe me but it works, I guess. On the other hand, one thing is for sure: Xen is way stronger than I am and he'd utterly destroy me in a fight''. Xen expected Akira to say that. That part of him ticked him off. ''Hey, that's nonsense and you know it. In a fight between me and you, the victor would be uncertain in most situations and...'' said Xen, but before he could finish , Akira interrupted him, smiled and said: ''You're really modest Xen, but you don't need to lie about it...'' . ''Huh, you're always like this...'' said Xen, leaving the argument hanging. ''Anyways Gwen. I'd like to hear your oppinion as someone who's been here more than me. What do you think about the academy?'' asked Xen.
animegirl20 said:
(oh ok)
Her cheeks turned pink and her heart was beating fast. Come on just move his hand and push him back. She kept telling herself in her mind but she didn't move. "Well I.....there are lot more prettier girls out there then me." Why does he have to be so close? She thought to her self.


@The Suspicious Eye
Des looked at her and shook his head. "There is no one more beautiful than you are Alice. Here, now, and forever." He smiled at her and slowly leaned in to kiss her.

Darekk said:
Ryllian Langh

Ryllian was growing tired of the party, he hadn't really interacted with anyone and wasn't interested on doing so, so far it was as every other party he had ever tried attending, which meant it was boring for him. He had been staring at the door for several minutes until he finally decided to walk towards it and leave, though before he could reach it Shiu arrived and perched at his shoulder before whispering "If you're leaving you should at least say goodbye to Shara, after all she invited you, it's just common courtesy". He stopped and turned around, as much as it annoyed him Shiu was right, it would be rude if he just decided to leave without saying goodbye.

And so he walked around searching for her, on the way he grabbed another pizza slice and started munching on it, everyone seemed to be minding their own business and absorbed in their conversations, though he prefered it that way, after all unwanted attention had always bothered him greatly.After a few minutes of wandering he saw Shara coming from upstairs alone so he waited until she was down to approach her "Uhm, hey Shara, I was about to leave since I'm feeling kind of tired so I came to say goodbye" He said awkardly

((Sorry!! I've been so busy, but I should be having more free time these days))

@The Suspicious Eye
Shara smiled at him a little sadly. "So your going home? Yeah it is a little late. I'm sorry we didn't get to hang out as much, but I hope you enjoyed yourself just a little bit. Next time we should spend some time together." She thought for a moment and then smiled. "I know how about at the spring festival! I'll be there, and we can make plans to meet up. You have my number so call me anytime and we can hang out!" She felt terrible that they didn't get to spend any time together. She liked him and thought others would like him too if he nudged out of his shell.

She giggled a soft laugh He's kinda like Cyril in that manner. She raised her hand up to him and extended her pinky. "It's a promise, okay?"

(Sorry for shortness. Time skip tomorrow. Need to study.)
"Su-sure, it sounds great" he said stuttering a bit, " I'll call you later then" after this he smiled one last time and walked away. Once he was outside the house he let out a big sigh and got on his way to his room, he liked to walk through the campus at night since it was peaceful, quiet and empty. Several minutes later Ryllian arrived to his room and jumped in the bed, he was indeed tired but for some reason sleep wouldn't come, so he ended up deciding to get out of bed and draw for a while.

@The Suspicious Eye
So we are moving this time skip till tomorrow at 3 pm Eastren Time Zone. Since people need to catch up and we have some things in the works right now.
Her face turned red with his answer. Then slowly he started move in to kiss her. Her first instinct was to push him away which she actually started to do but then she stopped. Guess part of her wanted him to kiss her. So she didn't stop him and before she knew it she was standing there kissing him.

@The Suspicious Eye

Good Morning Students this is your Student Council President Shara Rain delivering the morning news. First of due to the recent earthquakes we have embedded the school grounds with something new. We have added a reviving factor to the ground and buildings of our school. This will allow the school to heal itself almost instantly. Thanks to the great work by our own Student Council Secretary Violet Green and our own nature and gardening club. This new power will activate mid day, So keep a eye out.

In other news, regarding last weeks prank. With help from the student task force we have narrowed out the culprit. We thank you for all your help. If you have any more information regarding the prank or the culprit, please come to the Student council room to file a report.

Finally, today is the New Spring festival. There will be music drink and stands all around the school grounds and walkway areas. There will be food served all day and at night we will have a wonderful firework display. Since there is a festival going on, All classes have been canceled so have fun!


Shara turned off the PA system and yawned. "It's going to be a long day guys so lets do our best!" She smiled at them and rubbed her eyes. Recently she hadn't been getting much sleep. Every night she had had a form of blurry nightmare of things she couldn't even understand. The people seemed so familiar, but she couldn't make out any face. Each time the dreams were different but similar. A whisper of the name Deus, a shout, a monster and a man. She didn't know what to make out from it, but it ate at her.

She pulled out her phone and checked the time, 9 am. "We have 9 hours till the fireworks are lit, so lets make sure that everything is ready and everyone is happy." She got up and made her way out of the student council room and down to the school grounds where she would begin her day.

At the school grounds there were rows of stands all along the center path towards the large stage near near the school grounds. The center path was filled with beautiful blooming cherry blossom trees.


Des yawned as he woke up from his slumber. He was planning on sleeping in until night, but that didn't seem likely now. He stretched and got up from his bed. He pulled out a water from his mini freezer and drank it. Then he looked back at his bed (@The Servant @The Servant @GiannaCoco @TheFallenwhisper

Ken let out a groan as he tried to hit an alarm clock only to find out he already short circutited that. After laying there for amount he realized that the thing that woke him up was Shara voice. "Damn it...fiv-no one more hour." He muttered as he pulled up his covers and placed his pillow over his head showing no signs in getting up this freakin early it wasn't even noon, they couldn't expect him to be up.

Alex yawned a bit as he sat out of his bed and quickly got ready for the day. It didn't take him long to shower and everything after he got dressed he left his room and headed to the school grounds since he liked being outside. As he walked he created a handheld system and began to play not really paying attention to where he was going.
Alice was having nightmare she would have them at random times. They were about her father and sometimes her mother. The one she was having now was her father screaming and beating at her. Some of this was coming from her memories. "Stop.....stop....stop it!...stop it!!!..Stop!!!!" She suddenly sat up and woke up, breathing hard and sweating. "stop.......just a dream" She looked around her room confused. "Wait...this isn't......this is......" Her eyes widen. "I didn't" She quickly looked under the covers, she was wearing his tshirt. "I did!"

@The Suspicious Eye
Kano sat near the kitchen of the school, getting ready to play his pipe organ. He got this thing for quite a steal considering its massive size. He just found it collecting dust in a cathedral. The thing had two keyboards and a pipe to match every key. It was Kano's most prized possession, well that and Des that is. He was cooking something in the school kitchen but that needed to sit for a bit so Kano thought why not play some pipe organ while he waits. He took a bow to an invisible audience and trilled around dramatically to face his pipe organ. He pulled his chair forward and readied his fingers for the show. He slammed his fingers down and the organ began to make sound. Kano made sure to make this song especially loud. He wanted everyone in the school to hear this. He was absorbed into his song, the outside world no longer existed, all there was, was Kano and his music. As the song progressed Kano's whole body started to move as his fingers went from key to key. Seemed like he was getting a full workout just from playing the organ.


((@Anyone who feels the need to see why a pipe organ is playing in the cafeteria.))
Megaera woke calmly and the first thing she did, as she did every morning, was check to see where her hands were. Thankfully, they were right where she'd left them, lying flat facing downwards on top of the two bed springs she'd decided to sacrifice on the first day. Picking them gingerly up off the mattress, she pulled herself out of bed. She listened to the morning announcements, without really thinking too much about them, except that it was nice not to have to worry about packing her things and getting ready for classes today. Perhaps it would also be interesting to watch the school repair itself. A festival, huh? A gathering of people to avoid. She'd missed out on the party last week as well.

She changed quickly and began making her way down to the kitchen, to grab some breakfast since she was up already anyways. As she reached it, though, the notes of a pipe organ blasted past her and into the hallway. She flinched slightly, then continued on. It didn't matter if someone was there, as long as she didn't have to talk to them. She hated cooking, and the cabinets that always crowded the kitchen but had long since learned how to obtain some bread without having to pilfer any cabinets or the fridge. Casually taking some bread from the kitchen, she sat down at one of the tables, listening to the music quietly and eating with only one hand, the other up and facing away from her, as a matter of habit.

(@Rantos, she passed him, if you need any interaction)
Kano sighed as he played the last note of his song. Its been awhile since he last played his organ. Its a real hassle to get it out to the school and Kano didn't have that kind of time most of the time anymore. But today the halls were silent and everyone is outside at the spring festival. Today is a perfect day to play organ. Kano was just about to play his second song when a loud buzzing sound stopped him from doing so. "Oh! Its ready" Kano ran into the kitchen and checked the stovetop, boiling in a pot there it was... edible motor oil... well as far as he could tell it was edible. He picked up the pot along with a spoon and ran over to Megaera who was sitting and eating. He dropped the pot next to her and a little bit sloshed out of the pot. Kano looked Megaera dead in the eye and said. "You taste now. Dont worry, it will not kill you... hopefully." Kano gave her the spoon and awaited judgment.

((@firejay1 dont worry it won't cause you any harm. You can decide if it tastes good or not.))

"Dammit Rain...Why must you be so loud?..." Mitsuru muttered as she slightly opened her eyes.

At the moment the morning news had started Mitsuru sat on her desk, her head lying against it as she tried to get a short nap. Since Mitsuru's apartment was close to the school she always managed to get there with some time to spare, which she always used to sleep some more before the beginning of the morning classes. Even if the morning announcements had woke her up Mitsuru was still in a sort of semi-conscious state. Her eyes were open, but her ears ignored every word coming from the PA system. Or at least it was that way until she heard those angelical words: Food. Mitsuru's attention suddenly shifted towards the PA system.

"Oh right...The New Spring festival..." Mitsuru thought as she incorporated herself from her seat with a loud yawn following closely "How could I forget that?..."

It would seem like she was one of the few that actually forgot about the festival, or simply didn't get the memo. There were only a handful of students in the sophomore's classroom. Soon after stretching her arms Mitsuru headed out of the room and entered the halls of Deuss Academy. At that point the only reason why Mitsuru was even walking was because her gutter was forcing her to. Due to the way she walked and how lifeless her eyes Mitsuru closely resembled a zombie.

"Fried squid...Apples covered in caramel...Frozen bananas" Mitsuru whispered to herself "Why do they only serve these during festivals?..." She silently complained as she began speeding up her pace.

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