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Fantasy Dimension Academy 2: Deus's Return

When Des put his arm around her Alice sighed. This guy never gives up she thought to herself. She decided to leave it be though. "I'm being way to nice him." She said not careing who heard. Then Akira said something about the place being big. When she looked at him she thought she noticed something strange about his eyes. "........." I wonder........

@The Suspicious Eye @Azure Sky
Gwen was spreading the garlic butter over the bisected loaves of french bread expertly cut by her of course when Alecta popped in the kitchen and started looking at the grosser noodles.

"You aren't going to eat this are you?" Alecta asked her white haired friend with a somewhat disgusted look on her face.

'Well yes." Gwen said with a smile, "And hello Alecta how are you I'm fine thanks for asking I've fixed your amp by the way you're welcome. and no I am not planning to eat it I will. devour. It." She smiled at her red-head friend, who rolled her eyes in return and backed away from the odd-colored pasta.how are you sweetie

"Need any help?" Gwen heard from the corner of the kitchen. "Shara! She said happily, spinning on a heel to tackle hug her. "How are ya my Lepus friend! Did ou gain muscle? have you been getting all buff on me? hitting the gym? Getting taller and, ok seriously are you going shapeshifter on me?" Then she finally looked up. It was a tall boy with black hair and weird eyes. She jumped back and nigh sub consciously she started scanning him feeling the familiar tingle as her eyes changed from green to steel grey,"Hello, weho are you?" She asked.

'That's Xen. He's new. Be nice." Alecta said from somewhere behind her. The boy had a weird genetic structure and super dense muscles. So his powers were inherited and had something to do with seriously enhanced strength.

"Hi." Gwen said to him, too focused on her scan to chatter.


Meanwhile, Ignis and Alecta and Ignis heard a very wonderful sound. Des arriving. She and Ignis walked to the door. "Hello Des!" She said happily, "You ready for some Italian? We set aside a table for you two. very intimate. Just you and everyone else in this house." Ignis let loose a series of loud barks that sounded quite ferocious, that Alecta recognized as a loud laugh.

@The Suspicious Eye@Azure Sky @animegirl20
Des Demios ~ Chancellor's House

Des looked at Ignis and groaned "oh great how may of you guys are here?" He turned his head and grumbled "why can't I have just one quiet evening without any kind of social event?" He turned to Akira "well at least you get to meet some of your classmates. " He lead Alice inside and looked around at the others. Most were I'm the kitchen and some were hanging around in the open area. Then the smell hit him, not the horrible smell of rotten food, but the delicious smell of fresh Italian pizza. "Oh man is that Pizza Veloce (Speedy's Pizza)?" He nearly drooled at the hope of it. He loved the fast Italian pizza made by one of their off campus students families. It was one of the best deals ever made, free tuition for free pizza. At first Shara and Des thought their father was crazy when he agreed. Bur when they tasted that pizza for the first time all three of them agreed it was a great deal. He took a few steps into the room where the massive amount of pizza was.

@animegirl20 @Azure Sky @theunderwolf

Shara watched as Gwen mistook her for some other guy and shook her head. She laughed and tried to grab some of her pizza. Only grabbing air she looked down at her empty hand and realized that she had left her food in the previous room where Ken was at. She sighed and tured back to grab her pizza. Missing Des by a few steps. She walked over and grabbed the pizza she had so carelessly forgot on the chair. She turned around to see Ken on the couch. She smirked and walked over to him. She sat on the glass coffee table in front of him and smiled. "You okay?" Her voice was oozing with sarcastic charm and worry. "You look like you hit a spot of bad luck. I can see it all around you."


(Damn this girl is so taunting.)
Ken didn't hear Des enter since he had his headphones in playing some music. He absentmindedly petted Op when Shara sat in front of him. He calmly looked up and smiled at her as he went over to turn off his headphones. However instead of turning them off he accidently increased the volume to max and before he could change it a heavy metal note hit, effectively blasting Ken's eardrums. "Ah!" He exclaimed as he threw of his headphones away with one hand. This sudden movement surprised Op which caused him to bite onto Ken's finger rather hard. Ken snatched his finger away from Op and cradled it. He looked and saw it was bleeding, nothing too bad, but it still freakin hurt. He looked up at Shara and grinned at her. "Any other obvious things you want to state? Also isn't against the rules to use your powers to harm another student? And to be honest I have been better." He joked as he rubbed his ear and shook the hand that was bleeding. @The Suspicious Eye
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Shara put a hand on her heart giving a surprised face. "What I would never use my powers to harm another student. You couldn't possibly be blaming your recent string of bad luck on me?" She turned her head and her eyes began to tear up. "That's discrimination you know! Just because I'm a black rabbit you automatically believe that it was me?! That I am the cause of your bad luck?" She hid her face in her hands and began to. Her shoulders rose up and down as she sat there sobbing. "I was just warning you about your bad luck and you, you......" Her words were drowned out by sobbing.


(Oooooooh your gonna get in trouble, lol)
Ken kept a blank expression as he rolled his eyes. "First off I don't discriminate, seriously bad for making 'friends'. Secondly there is no way you didn't curse me. I was fine till you touched my chin. Then I fall knocking the wind out of me, hit my head, blow out my ears and my finger gets bitten. I should probably treat that...eh, it can wait." He said calmly as he leaned back. "And I have a feeling my bad luck isn't over yet." He crossed his arms trying to figure out what could possibly happen to make things worse. Then he thought of the most likely possibility. "Des...crap, he's back isn't he?" He muttered as he facepalmed. Oh...she's good. I completely underestimate her. Honestly pegged her as a complete goody two shoes that wouldn't harm a fly no matter what....I like her, she's intresting. Though Des is far more intresting she still has my attention. "Look stop fake crying, seriously my ears are already busted, don't torture them more. *sigh* What do I have to do to get you to stop? Or is Des already in earshot?" He asked remaining calm despite the situation he may have been put in. @The Suspicious Eye
Shara raised her head out from her hands. Tears were rolling down her cheek. As a drama student and future actress she naturally had developed the ability to cry on demand. Along with extortion. She tuned back to face him and smiled "well, aren't you the clever one. Well I guess if you fill me in on your knowlege over Des and why you were so keen on goint to a review mewting, I might just let you off this time. You must know that your bad luck will prevent Des from believing a word you say. So what do you think? Sound like a fair trade?" She cocked her head and looked at him her eyes a still unwavering blue. She was absolutely serious.

Ken gazed directly in her eyes, after a minute he cracked a smile and began to laugh quietly doing his best not to bust out laughing. "Let's face it bad luck or not Des would never take my word over yours." He said as he linked his hands together and rested his chin on his hand. "I like the deal, except for the word might, if you can change that to a guarantee I'll answer one question you have about your big brother. For now I'll tell you about the review meeting to secure a might." He said with a small smirk before sighing. "The reason I want to go the meeting is because they always give me the best brownies. And they are rather cool people, have you listen to their stories of others that went to the board? Haha Some of them are down right hilarious." He said with a smile though he wasn't lying he had been there a few times and they actually have given him brownies on more than one occasion and boy did they gossip. "Now if you want to talk about family issues you got to promise to stop fake crying, also since I would prefer if some people didn't hear what I had to say we would need to go somewhere more private." He said as he stood up and waited for her answer. @The Suspicious Eye
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Shara tossed her head and smiked "true, he'd never believe you." She glanced at him and smiled as he pointed out thwoman little exception I their deal. "Oh you are smart, fine I will assure you that I won't have my brother tear you to shreds. However I am still skeptical of your closeness of the review comittee." I'll have to investigate them, I don't need a corrupt committee. She sighed Great another thing to add on my evergrowing list of things to investigate. She closed her eyes, remembering a time when her heart had hardened and looked at him. The tears dried quickly leaving steely determination with a small hint of bloodlust. She got up and smiled, "fine. We'll talk in my room." She grabbed his hand and began to show him upstairs.


(@Darekk please don't go all chinman... I still love Ryllian (:'()

PS: if you don't know what I mean by chinman then here's the link http://imgur.com/gallery/4jAMy

@Rantos you have 1 more free pass, before you lose)
"Intimate?" I hope she's joking. She followed Des in and looked around. Way to many people for comfort. She could see people talking and lounging around. She never liked going to parties. She looked around to see if she could find somewhere to sit but then she smelled the food. "Sure smells good she thought to herself. "Now where can I sit?"
((@The Suspicious Eye ok, ok fine im back! Ill try to join back in but im going to have some trouble since I dont have a grip on what's going on.))

Kano was watching everything unfold from the safety of behind the couch. Thinking of a way to make edible motor oil (yeah hes still hung up on that) he watched as Shara took Des upstairs and Alice followed. "Is it just me or does she seem like shes going to kill Des? Eh maybe its just me." Kano got back up and made his way to Ignis. "Hello little doggy! And who are you?" He looked up at Alecta and asked. "Is he yours? Whats his name?"

((Sorry if its a little bad, been out of it recently))
Ken let out a sigh as he was being dragged to her room. My bad luck better be over, other wise I just know the two of us will end up in an awkward position just as Des or someone else enters...*sigh* what a pain. He looked around the room and shrugged. "Nice room. Anyway I only promise to answer one specific question about your brother. Nothing obscure." He stated as he walked toward the window placing his hands into his pocket. "So let's get this over with before more bad luck comes to either one of us." He muttered as he leaned against the side of the window and looked out patiently waiting for her question. @The Suspicious Eye
Ignis snorted derisively. He was neither small nor a doggie. And Alecta emphasized but responded coolly anyway, "I'm his human yeah." She said with a small smile, she always liked finding new ways to explain her relationship with her best friend,"This is Ignis the Cerberus, I'd advise not calling him small or a doggy though. he's not fond of either. And yes he understands every word you say so do be careful.." Ignis stood at his full height in front of the girl-boy, All three of his heads fixating on Kano's eyes. Then the huge Cerberus nipped the boy on the nose, extremely lightly. "But he thinks your ok." Alecta amended with a small smile.

Ryllian Langh-Chancellor's house

Ryllian was sitting at a far corner of the room while silently munching a slice of pizza , he had never been a fan of parties and everytime be attended one things always ended up like that. To be fair though he hadn't been paying much attention to the party at all so it was also his fault but he wasn't used to have so many people around him and it stirred an urge to run away to a quiet place. Just when he was about to stand and move to a different room Shiu arrived " Where have you been?" Ryllian asked while walking towards what seemed to be either the living room or a mini movie theather Seriously, what is it about all these expensive things he thought.

"Well you know, here and there" Shiu said

Ryllian sighed, he was used to the useless answers Shiu sometimes gave so he didn't make any effort on trying to get any more words from him, he'd probably hear about it eventually if it was something important anyways. So he just stretched his legs, grabbed his phone and started trying to beat his tetris highscore.

((Open to any interactions ;- ;) )
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"He can understand what im saying eh?" Kano asked while looking at ignis. "Well aren't you just the smartest Cerberus I ever seen." Kano kept on petting him and laughed as Ignis started nibbling on his nose. "I feel honored to be liked by him." Kano got up after Iguis stopped. From his own body a clone of him appeared and started petting Iguis. "Wouldnt want to leave him without a friend. Also I need to ask you a question." Kano came closer to Alecta and spoke softly. "Your sister Gwen. How do I win her favor?" A clone of Kano came by and gave the real Kano two slices of pizza. "Pizza?"

Alecta took the pizza with a twitch of her eyebrow. She didn't like the whole cloning thing Kano did, it drove Ignis' and her sense of smell a little crazy, what with all the Identical life smells running around. She sighed as she took a bite of the misbegotten Italian goodness and sighed. It was delicious. As her father said: I would really hate Romans if their descendants didn't make such damn good food."

"A couple of things," Alecta said slowly, considering every word, "First, Gwen's not my biological sister. Just in case you didn't know." Though I usually feel like I have to baby-sit her and restrain her manners in public and she does go out of her way to annoy me. Oh gods she is my little sister. Alecta thought before continuing, "And I don't know about "Winning her favor" Sir.Genderswap but she likes you already just as friends. The only advice I can really give is just listen to the old cliches, be yourself and show that you like her. Oh and I'd stick to being a girl. She won't date you if she keeps thinking of you as a boy." She took a bite of her pizza, hoping to be vague enough to hide the fact that she really was in no place to give anyone dating advice and that she was really just making it up as she went along. "Oh and..." She said after a moment,"I don't think we were supposed to eat the pizza until we all sit down so I'm blaming the missed slice" Ignis ate Kanos slice with one big bite, leaving Kano with just a crust," s Alecta finished with a smile.

Shara Rain ~ Chancellor's House: Shara's Room.
(Located upstairs, door currently closed, but unlocked)

Shara rolled her eyes at him and shut the door behind her. She turned and glared at him. "What is my brother planning?" She walked up to him and smiled. "Let me rephrase that. What did Des ask you to do for him? If you're involved it's certainly something annoying." Shara never cared about her brothers sexcapades, but she knew something was up. Her suspicion began when she saw them together at the school grounds. That never hang out together. Des has said he respects him bexause he's good at what he does. If Des needs his help, then whatever he wants or had planned is something worth worrying about. She crossed her arms and glared at him.

(You can lie)

"And don't you dare try to lie to me, or you will regret it." She glared at him her eyes changing from a soft blue to a dark red.

(Um.. but you'll regret it?)


(Sorry I had a math test to fail)

Des, who was nearly drooling, attention was steered away from food and onto Alice. (Cuz Priorities) He noticed she seemed somewhat uncomfortable and smiled. It was cute to see her a little lost. He pointed to the kitchen. "There's a small breakfast nook in the kitchen if you wanna sit there. If not we can always...." he pointed at the ceiling, "take this party upstairs."

Alice looked up at Des. "........" She looked at where he had pointed then thought about going up stairs. To be honest she didn't care where she went she just wanted to eat. She was quiet for a few minutes, looked him with a blank expression and said, "Hungry" She had one thing on her mind that was chowing down on some food that was really smelling good. She sometimes acted strange when she's hungry. "I don't care where I just want to eat....." then realizing what he said she said, "Wait what's up stairs?"

@The Suspicious Eye
@The Suspicious Eye (I'd just like to point out that bloodlust has nothing to do with negativity or positivity, because it's not an emotion, it's a feral instinct, namely the instinct to kill, the ''thirst for blood'' xD . Oh and you don't need to worry about Akira...yet > :D )

@animegirl20 @theunderwolf

At the manor

Akira wasn't really that shy or unsociable , but considering that he came there to see the chancellor he just sat on a chair and awaited his appearance, while carefully observing everyone else. ''As I thought, there are a lot of peculiar people here...me included'' he thought to himself. Amadeus was watching him in secret, something about the student caught his attention.

Meanwhile Xen was about to present himself to Gwen (although he already did it before but let's live it like this). ''Nice to meet you, I'm Xen Evans'' he said a little embarrassed. He wanted to raise his hand for a handshake , but considering he almost crushed Des's hand earlier he was extra cautious. It was a new situation to him, holding back.
Ken shook his head and smirked. "*sigh* Is that what you want to know? Okay, also just because I'm involved doesn't automatically make it annoying...well in this case I guess, but not always." He said simply as he shrugged. "You know the girl that this party is all about? Yeah well I found out he liked her wayyyy before you or maybe even he knew. So I was trying to...help him by giving him something to work with, but he flat out denied! Which is beyond irritating I mean you figure someone like him would take my deal without missing a beat! *sigh* Anyway I followed him a bit trying to get him to break, since having him or you owe me a favor is like hitting the jackpot. Sadly he still denied my generous offers. So to answer your question Des didn't ask me a damn thing, but he was being an annoying bastard." He said irritated, really selling his lie. "So can I get back to my pizza or are we going to keep up the interrogation? I can promise that's the only thing I'm willing to tell. Though if you want more..." He looked at her in the eyes and smirked. @The Suspicious Eye
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( :P my bad, I just didn't want Des to notice yet. Cuz Priorities)

Des matched her stare somewhat confused. He waited for her to say something, then had to restrain himself from laughing. He covered his mouth and turned away his face red, trying his hardest not to laugh. She is so weird. How, much fun could she be. He regained his composure and looked at her and shrugged, "Upstairs? There's rooms, labratories, a computer room, some old classrooms and a terrace. I just finished fixing the terrace up. Even added a hot tub." He smiled proud of all the work he had done. It took him a month, but that terrace looks gorgeous, not that he likes to brag.


(Ugh more things to add to locations)


(@Peaceswore oh you are good, but I'm better. You gambled, let's see if your hand won)

Shara glared at him her skepticism through the roof. She really wanted to disbelieve him, but it sounded truthful. She clentched her teeth and sighed Damn, I actually believe him. She shook her head, this sounds so weird.....but what if he really does like her? Hm. She was deep in thought about what he had said until he added the last part. She looked up and smiled at him. "Oh, do tell what would happen if I wanted more."

(Phone dying 2%)
She watched him turn around and was to confused by why. She listen to what he said was upstairs then she thought for a min. She didn't want to admit it but she kind of wanted to see what he had done to the terrace. "....Well I am curious about what you did with terrace.....But don't get the wrong idea! I just want to see what it looks like.....also can we eat up there?" She covered her mouth realizing she had went back to thinking about food with out even trying.

@The Suspicious Eye
"Im fine with you blaming me. Its a party so I think its customary to enjoy yourself. Besides no one here is a real stickier for the rules..." Kano realized that grave error as soon as she said it. "Hold on a sec... Shara's here? Ah crap I forgot she would be here. Yeah she might mind a little bit but hopefully it shouldn't be too much of a problem." Kano watched as Ignis ate his whole pizza save for the crust. Kano then placed part of the crust into Her mouth and took a bite. She chewed and swallowed the crust. "Thanks for that. Ill contemplate that advice farther." Now the real question is why am I so into Gwen? Kano though of her as a friend too but never did she think and more of her. But now suddenly he has taken an interest in her. Maybe im reaching that age when I get interested in others. Aw whatever, ill just have to see where everything goes from here. Maybe it will be fun in the end. "So you enjoying the party so far. Hows the pizza? Wait, wait before you answer that. Ryllian! Get your butt over here and talk with someone! Sorry about that. So hows the party?"

@theunderwolf @Darekk
Ken let out a small laugh as he ruffled her hair. "You and I both know I can't give you anything without going against the school rules." He said with a grin as he placed his hands in his pockets. "And honest student such as ourselves would never do anything of the sort. Though...I wouldn't mind trading notes. I'm still curious about what got you lost in thought during this party." He walked pass her and to the door. "Of course if you don't want to tell me anything then I guess I have nothing left to tell you. Though when I think about it the amount of girls Des brought here without your knowledge should stay a secret...especially the things they have done..." He mumbled though he knew she could easily here him."That's up to you." He said as he glanced over his shoulder looking her in the eyes. @The Suspicious Eye

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