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Fantasy Department of Defense Against the Supernatural

Noyeh said:
More Metal Spikes come out of the ground, trying to deflect the tentacles, the broken or smashed up metal join with other spikes. Noyeh's dome comes down, he converts some metal into a Auto Shotgun, shooting at the Mi-go, until he defeats all of them, the dome forming back up. But before the dome folds over Noyeh, he says, "I'm not human! Damn. I hate dealing with monsters that are gooey."
Seeing the pest completely protected by the dome, I have three tentacles begin bashing on it and I have two tentacles begin to dig underground in order to get under him.
Noyeh hears the bashing on the dome, he gets up, the top of the dome having Spikes come out of it. While Noyeh makes his escape, by opening a exit on the side of the Dome, than running at full speed. He runs towards his Mechanic's Shop, all of the metal smashes right through the glass, all of the metal form into separate disks, rough edges on them. The disks come at full speed towards Yog-dagor, while he's occupied. I hope he doesn't realize the flying disks coming full speed at him.

When they got back to the department, Cornelius checked his emails and texts, trying to get caught up, and finally exclaimed: "What the devil is going on down there?!"

He smiled at her, and kissed her cheek, too. "Well, I'm glad I could be of assistance. You look like you should sit down, though." He then picked her up and carried her over to a chair.
Noyeh said:
Noyeh hears the bashing on the dome, he gets up, the top of the dome having Spikes come out of it. While Noyeh makes his escape, by opening a exit on the side of the Dome, than running at full speed. He runs towards his Mechanic's Shop, all of the metal smashes right through the glass, all of the metal form into separate disks, rough edges on them. The disks come at full speed towards Yog-dagor, while he's occupied. I hope he doesn't realize the flying disks coming full speed at him.
Seeing the pest throwing what looks like metal disk I decide not to block them and let them go through my formless body. I then precede to send out twenty tentacle into the buildings by the pest and cause them collapse, hoping to crush him.
Noyeh has the pipes from the ground rise up and form half of a dome, protecting him from the Collapsing Building. "Really! You have a fucking gooey body, more of the reason why I hate monsters like you!" Metal from toys, stores, devices, everything else shoot out towards Yog-Dagor, as Noyeh gets onto one, he rides it like a surfboard. Having a Iron Katana in hand, he jumps as the pillar of metal smashes directly into the beasts eye. He slices the top of the beasts head, the Katana slicing down the back of the beast, Noyeh coming down with it. As he lands on the ground, he runs far away, jumping on top of a building and waiting.

Noyeh said:
Noyeh has the pipes from the ground rise up and form half of a dome, protecting him from the Collapsing Building. "Really! You have a fucking gooey body, more of the reason why I hate monsters like you!" Metal from toys, stores, devices, everything else shoot out towards Yog-Dagor, as Noyeh gets onto one, he rides it like a surfboard. Having a Iron Katana in hand, he jumps as the pillar of metal smashes directly into the beasts eye. He slices the top of the beasts head, the Katana slicing down the back of the beast, Noyeh coming down with it. As he lands on the ground, he runs far away, jumping on top of a building and waiting.
Quickly reforming any damage that the pest did, I decide to taunt him. I reach into the ruble of the collapsed buildings and pull out an injured man with a broken leg and arm. I then precede to dangle him in the air by holding his broken leg, causing him to scream in agony. I then rip his right arm of with another tentacle and precede to throw it at the annoying pest.
"You are an idiot." The blood that came out of the many people that died, Noyeh controls the iron in the blood, proceeding to manipulate the blood into spikes, zooming towards the beast. "Do your science!" He rolls out of the way of the dead man, not being affected by the man dead. He gets a good stretch, acting like the world is fine.

Noyeh said:
"You are an idiot." The blood that came out of the many people that died, Noyeh controls the iron in the blood, proceeding to manipulate the blood into spikes, zooming towards the beast. "Do your science!" He rolls out of the way of the dead man, not being affected by the man dead. He gets a good stretch, acting like the world is fine.
Becoming highly annoyed, I send ten tentacles at the pest, hoping to crush him.
Noyeh takes control of the dead man's blood, making a wall blocking the tentacles. He made the blood more dense, so it would be more harder to get through. Noyeh than sits down and waits for the tentacles to break through the blood shield.

Noyeh said:
Noyeh takes control of the dead man's blood, making a wall blocking the tentacles. He made the blood more dense, so it would be more harder to get through. Noyeh than sits down and waits for the tentacles to break through the blood shield.
Becoming irritated by the pest I begin to charge at the pest at a high spped, hoping to crush him.
Noyeh runs as fast as he can to get away from the beast, he literally plans to keep running until professionals come. To make it quicker, he waves at the Helicopter filming all of this, as he continues to run. He turns around, walking backwards at the same speed he's been going at. "Why the fuck are you here. Your not a god, and if you were the ruler of earth, why are you killing off your population. It seems like a dumb thing to do, even if your little minions habitat this planet, what are you going to do next? Are you going to continue killing off planets, such a idiot. Think of your plans first before you act them out!"

Noyeh said:
Noyeh runs as fast as he can to get away from the beast, he literally plans to keep running until professionals come. To make it quicker, he waves at the Helicopter filming all of this, as he continues to run. He turns around, walking backwards at the same speed he's been going at. "Why the fuck are you here. Your not a god, and if you were the ruler of earth, why are you killing off your population. It seems like a dumb thing to do, even if your little minions habitat this planet, what are you going to do next? Are you going to continue killing off planets, such a idiot. Think of your plans first before you act them out!"
Humans are a pest to be exterminated nothing more. I have no intention of ruling them, and my plans are beyond simply ruling one planet, worm.
"Well I did ask if your going to continue killing off planets so.. And I won't be labeled! I am not a worm. So if you're going to exterminate us, can you please give me an answer why." He was trying to make a conversation to stall the beast, as Noyeh hoped professionals ran in and started doing something.

Noyeh said:
"Well I did ask if your going to continue killing off planets so.. And I won't be labeled! I am not a worm. So if you're going to exterminate us, can you please give me an answer why." He was trying to make a conversation to stall the beast, as Noyeh hoped professionals ran in and started doing something.
There is no reason other then that I don't value human life and that I can easily exterminate them. Now die! As I said that, a swarm of three hundred Mi-go and I charge at the annoying pest, wanting to finally end it's miserable existance
"Uh huh..." Kirimi said, trying to forget about the name thing. She began to move through her bag and retrieved a small laptop. "It's not all of it, I use this to." Kirimi tapped her temple. "I'm augmented," she added in explanation. "But the laptop is my main piece. Oh I mean sleuthing as in going through things, finding things people intended to bury." So far, she wasn't feeling to positive about this "Luke" but for the most part, she didn't care. She came to work, not to make friends.
Noyeh sees the hundreds of Mi-go ready to kill him, as they appear, Noyeh skims his finger on the ground, metal coming up to his finger and changing his skin into pure Metal. As he runs at full speed, not being affected by the weight of the metal. His hands turn to fists, he starts charging through the Mi-go swarm, pushing them off one by one, the Mi-go's going flying, hitting other Mi-go's. After making it through the swarm, his hands turn normal and his skin turns to normal skin, except he starts screaming in pain of how the bone twisted and shifted. Though, he kept running.

Noyeh said:
Noyeh sees the hundreds of Mi-go ready to kill him, as they appear, Noyeh skims his finger on the ground, metal coming up to his finger and changing his skin into pure Metal. As he runs at full speed, not being affected by the weight of the metal. His hands turn to fists, he starts charging through the Mi-go swarm, pushing them off one by one, the Mi-go's going flying, hitting other Mi-go's. After making it through the swarm, his hands turn normal and his skin turns to normal skin, except he starts screaming in pain of how the bone twisted and shifted. Though, he kept running.
Becoming enraed by the pest, I begin to chase after him at fuul speed, ramming through buildigs and causing massive destruction as I speed through,
Turning around and charging at the beast, Noyeh skims his finger on the ground, his whole entire hand being engulfed with metal. He comes at a stop, converting his hand into a hammer, he punches the air, the blast was so hard that it blew beast away, collapsed and shattered building, even the helicopter broke down. Noyeh sweating in pure pain, he converts his hand back to normal, than he repeats his scream in pain.

Noyeh said:
Turning around and charging at the beast, Noyeh skims his finger on the ground, his whole entire hand being engulfed with metal. He comes at a stop, converting his hand into a hammer, he punches the air, the blast was so hard that it blew beast away, collapsed and shattered building, even the helicopter broke down. Noyeh sweating in pure pain, he converts his hand back to normal, than he repeats his scream in pain.
After being buried in ruble from the destroyed buildings, My formless body seeps from of the ruble and fully reforms. I then precede towards the pest after hearing his screams of pain.
After he stops his screaming, he runs as fast as he could away, he was tired, but had to keep going. So. This monster is basically invincible, great! I just have to spark some life... Haha! Noyeh runs to the closest power line, he gets Metal out of the ground to shock it up, until the pillar is fully sparked. Directing the Pillar towards the beast, hoping the spark will keep it down for a while.

@Barbas (I feel like your having a Yan-dagor's super happy fun fun time with a regenerative body. Seriously!)
Noyeh said:
After he stops his screaming, he runs as fast as he could away, he was tired, but had to keep going. So. This monster is basically invincible, great! I just have to spark some life... Haha! Noyeh runs to the closest power line, he gets Metal out of the ground to shock it up, until the pillar is fully sparked. Directing the Pillar towards the beast, hoping the spark will keep it down for a while.
@Barbas (I feel like your having a Yan-dagor's super happy fun fun time with a regenerative body. Seriously!)
When the electic pillar struck me, my entire form begins to convulse and I begin to make a loud, screaching roar of pain as I am being electrocuted.
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When they got back to the department, Greyston headed down to the central room, and attempted to control the chaos the news from New Orleans was causing within the department. He pulled up a feed, and played it- with sound- which gathered the attention of those down there quickly.

"Look, whatever that thing is, we have to respond. I've never seen anything like it, but we have to react as though we have, understood? I will be organizing a team to set up a base of operations closer to the threat." He announced, switching to work mode. "Piper and I will be heading down there and running things from afar. I expect you all to keep straight heads on." He began splitting the up the agents, he would take one third of them with him, and the other two thirds would stay there in case anything else comes up- like it always does. After that, he got out his phone and called Luke, if anyone could get him info on this thing it was Luke. While the phone rang, Greston did some research of his own, watching the feeds that they had, learning the thing and how it attacked.

(We're going to pause it here until tomorrow morning for the others to catch up some, at least, we are within the department. If you two want to keep going at it, go for it. It looks as though New Orleans is pretty destroyed already, so there's not really much left to save, anyway!)
(I have to go to bed early so.. Sure, let's resume this tomorrow. But can you start like at the afternoon, I have school so that takes me up for time.)
He smiled at her, "Freak out about you? No, I've known you too long. Besides, you told me about your condition- sort of- I wondered if it meant you weren't entirely human." Zhaine said, sitting himself on the desk near her.

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