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Fantasy Department of Defense Against the Supernatural

"That's one of the things I love about you, Zhaine. You don't care about things like this." She took his hand in hers, playing with long digits, eventually lacing her own hand through his.
Zane smiled at her, watching their hands and intwining their hands together. "Of course I don't, especially when it comes to you." He leaned forward, and kissed Alexa's forehead. "So, tell me about the case you helped solve, Detective Lexy sounds sexy."
"That guy back there was a Black Dog, wouldn't give up any info, so I looked onto his timeline...turns out the tapestry was meant for the grandfather, not the Heights daughter." She kissed his nose and giggled at the nickname. "I am far from sexy. All I feel like is tired and freakish."

(So, not going to respond?)

Tulula was sitting in her office, drawing something that she saw earlier. It was a black thing made of shadows with two completely white circular eyes. It had a creepy smile and it's appendages were long and lanky, like a spider. She continued sketching until she was sure she had got this right.
"Tulula?" Greston asked, "Do you want to be part of the team setting up headquarters down closer to new orleans?"

"Hmm, tired, and the purple hair may account for freakish, but that's certainly all I see." Zhaine than realized what she was saying, "Arianna is dead? That's a bit of a shame, her poor parents." Zhaine shook his head and squeezed her hand, "But I'm glad you could help them. It's not every day the book store clerk solves some fancy murder mystery." He didn't mention the black dog part, he didn't really know what that meant, and honestly he was more interested in Alexis than her story, it was just an excuse to talk with her
(Just make him ask her out...just do it!)

She nodded but shook her head. "I think I might be the only one, the only 'Time-Keeper'. It sucks..."

She leant her head against his chest and sighed, enjoying the sound of his heartbeat.
(Shhh... it's happening, I was waiting for a good opening, so he could say some super smooth line, but fine! Haha)

"Something tells me you're not the only one," Zhaine told her, hugging her close to him. "You're certainly not alone, that much is true." He smiled, deciding that the opening he was hoping fore was just going to have to be here. "Hey, I had a question for you, by the way, Lexi."
"Did you ever want to date a model?" Zhaine asked, smiling down at her, he knew she would say yes, why wouldn't she?
"Really? Because I just got hired, and I thought you would like to go see a movie with me tonight?" He said, surely she wouldn't turn him down. He may be narcissistic, but he knew he was better than most of the stereotypes.
"Greyston," Piper called from where she was sitting, typing rapidly and trying to get in the loop. "Are we going to New Orleans? I'm getting out final report typed up now."

(Awful short post)
"Yes!" She leapt from the chair, almost tackling him to the ground. "Of course!" She stopped in her tracks and cursed slightly.

"Sorry if that was too enthusiastic..."
Tulula's eyes brightened. "Would I ever!" she sheathed her pen behind her ear. "When do we leave?" She asked. "Because I have something that might help." She showed them a picture of the thing that she saw. "I'm calling it a chaos demon. I think it works for the thing in New Orleans."
Greyston nodded at Tulula, not paying much attention to her drawing, and then told Piper, "Yes, we are. Let's see if Luke minds sending some of those bots with us, that way he can stay in contact through more than just a phone. I'll be back." Greyston said, getting out and heading down the hall to speak with the techies. "Luke?" He asked when he got there. "Hey, we need some stuff from you."


Zhaine grinned, and caught her, stumbling backwards a bit. "No, I love your enthusiasm." He said spinning her around.
Piper stood up with a nod. "I'll get a few things together. We have no clue what we'll be facing here."

(Is it day or night?)
(By this point it's probably afternoon/eveneing.)

The rest of the department was now in an organized frenzy, trying to follow through with Corin's previous orders.

"Maybe I am." He says with a grin, then he turns to kiss her lips, something he's wanted to do for a long while.
Piper suddenly began looking throug her cabinets, muttering angrily as she realized she'd left something important at home. "Greyston, I have to run back to my apartment," she stood up, going over to her partner. "I left something. I need it before we leave."

(Gonna make it dark. I wanna keep Galleytrot around.)
Zhaine grinned at her, and said, "You're so cute when you blush." Zhaine was always pretty single minded, ignoring questions he didn't want to answer.

Meanwhile, Lillian was prepping her plane to go. Apparently the Department of something or another wanted a military presence ready to go down near New Orleans to handle the situation. 'Surely it can't be as bad as all that?' She thought to herself.
(Just to clarify, I am using a brief flashback here)

2:23 am, earlier this same day.

Scath looked out across the plains and gently rolling valleys that lay out before his eyes. It had been years since Scath had risked going into the open, and possible being seen, but the reward was worth the risk. He shifted his wings, allowing his blood flow to filter out the lactic acids that had built up in his system. He had left the lower Appalachian mountains, specifically Blood Mountain Georgia, earlier that evening, only stopping now just above Davenport Gap, Virginia. Scath didn't really know why he had left Georgia. The vast wilderness had proven to be a bountiful haven, and he had easily avoided human contact. Despite his caution, though, an avid Dragon tracker group had followed his evidence with an unending devotion that was worthy of praise, though it unnerved him when they managed to actually take a picture of him in flight. That picture had spurred a new wave of amateur Dragon trackers and researchers to pour into the North Georgia mountains in the search for sightings or evidence ranging from footprints to cast, old shed scales, or even scat to collect and analyse. Scath rumbled quietly to himself. Maybe it had been the persistent flux of human activity that had caused him to move on.

Maybe, and this he felt was the true reason, just maybe he left because the rutting season was in full swing.

Scath looked out on Virginia as it lay sleeping in front of him. He knew what he was going to do would announce his presence to the very same trackers he had left in Georgia, but at this moment he didn't care. They were several hundred miles behind him, he had a few days before they could catch up. He stood up, taking a deep breath, before letting out a long, sonorous call that echoed on the mountains and out across the valley below for upwards or ten miles, give or take. Scath listened to the sound of his echo die out somewhere in the fields and pastures before him before taking an even deeper breath, raising his head into the sky, and releasing a stream of fire that rose thirty feet above the mountain he stood upon. The stream lasted right at a minute, and was followed by two equally long bursts, the heat of which withered the leaves of the trees in a ten foot circle around him. No doubt the display would garner fear in the humans who saw it, but if any other of his kind had just by any chance been within range, they would understand.

Here I am.

Scath stood motionless for upwards of an hour afterwards, though after five minutes of no response he knew he was alone. Mournfully, the great red dragon left the ground behind. He would not stop again until he reached the Potomac River. He would reclaim his original nest near Washington DC. It was there that he had hidden his hoard so many decades ago, when this land was still young.

Current time, that same day.

Scath curled his body tightly in upon itself. He ached from his long flight out of Georgia. He wondered sleepily if the people that had been so devoted to tracking him would follow him up this far? Did they have a branch in DC? Had they found his den before he returned? He hadn't smelled human when he arrived, but was that only because of his exhaustion? Was he too comfortable with this place that he thought that no one would ever find him? Whatever the outcome would be, Scath thought to himself, he would find out after he slept.
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Still being electricuted, I wrap a tentacle around the electiric spear and precede pull it out and throw it away from me, I then precede to look for the pest that threw the spear at me.
Zhaine waited down stairs for Alexa to get back, giving her plenty of time to get ready without complaining

Lilian overheard some guys talking about seeing a dragon fly by outside of the city, 'yeah, right. Dragons? Idiots like you two hunted them out ages ago.' She thought to herself, finishing her preflight of the jet.

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