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Fantasy Crimson Knight Academy

At his sudden invitation to be friends. Christian couldn't help but tear up a bit. Wiping his eyes with his sleeve his smile was found once again. "Thank you Elden. You have know idea how much your friendship means to me."

Copying Eldens movements by holding his own hands to his chest in a fist like shape, he wondered what it meant. "What does this mean?" @National
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Michael watched as his peers brawled. He had always enjoyed sparring, but the others seemed a little...aggressive. It didn't seem right, fighting after what had just occurred. Perhaps he just had thinner skin than the other students. Well, he had a lot of room to grow, right? Normally, Michael would have gone around and introduced himself to his dormmates, but they seemed a little preoccupied at the moment. Instead, the young man decided to huddle up in a corner, away from prying eyes, and write. It was always a little awkward, being a talented poet. Well, it was a miracle for a farmer, but an embarrassment for a gallant hero. But it was the one of the few things that made him feel at home wherever he was, aside from farming.
Yuliae wakes up from her unconscious state. Oh, right. She had lost to Kiro. What was she even thinking, dueling a year two level standard Knight? Her ribs ached. How had she gotten into this bed? It was Troy's. Kiro's. None... none if made sense.

She got up slowly, clutching her ribs. Then she walked out into the commons area, where Troy stood, as well as Christian, who seemed to be tearing up a little from an invitation of friendship, and a boy huddled in a corner, as well as another boy talking to them. Everyone was there. "Commoners," she said, not looking at Troy as she sat down on the couch. She had dressed in a new uniform before she left, and wore stockings long socks in an attempt to hide her agonizing burns, which still hurt.




Kael was slightly startled by Marble's height. Something about her strength and the aura around her made him instantly admire her. He followed her to the common area and sat down in a seat across from her. When she stomped the floor Kael watched the beautiful movement of the stone as it mimicked a battle. Most likely the other students were fighting somewhere. Kael sighed. He could see that one particular fighter used their magic widely to create a monster. He began to wonder of the implications of his own magic. As the fight ended he could tell that Marble was interested in these other students. "Shall we join them where ever they are? I'm sure we'll be fine as long as we don't leave the dorm areas."

Kael stood up and started for the door. He paused for a moment to see if Marble was intent on following.


(I ship [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17043-national/"]@National[/URL] 's and [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/871-yamagache/"]@yamagache[/URL] 's OC's.)
Before Christian could get an answer out of Elden, In came Yuliae. With a hot temper to match the long stockings she was now sporting, Christian could tell just by the way she walked in that she had Broken a rib or two. He knew the pain well. He had plenty of bones broken in his life, but with the kind help of his postman friend bringing dozens of medical books, he learned how to heal and repair. When his mother was past out for the night, he used every second of free time to learn the little about the air magic he knew he possessed. So even if he did not know the slightest way he could use his magic to fight, he learned how to use it in healing.

Even though christian was completely afraid of Yuliae, he couldn't chase away the need to help a fellow student. After all Attitude or not, she was still a classmate... A family member in his eyes.

He slowly walked over to her, fear becoming a stone in his gut, getting heavier with every step closer to her. He stopped right in front of her. He could already feel himself trembling all over again, but he swallowed his fears and tried. "Umm... I... i can help with the... the pain. If you'll le... let me." He spoke while holding his hands on his chest. If she listened closely, she could probably hear his heart beating a volitional rhythm

The shy boy had walked up to her. Christian, his name was. A Sky Knight. She had heard about his miserable past, as well as Elden's, the tiger eyed Knight's. Her ribs hurt really badly. "Umm... I... i can help with the... the pain. If you'll le... let me," he had stuttered. But there was something kind in his eyes that let her trust him. "Fine, just make it quick, commoner."

Nodding at Kael's suggestion of finding the other students, Marble stood and walked to the largest well instead. "This way." she stated looking over her shoulder at him before stepping through the wall. The stone rippled like water around where she had entered. She kept it open trusting him to follow her quickly. The stones would tell her when he did so for them to begin their journey. Like the earth all around them she was patient and waiting was not a problem for her. Everything happened in good time when it was suppose to. Sometimes what was needed was a slow way like the growth of a mountain from the pushing of Earth below it. Other times speed was needed like an avalanche or rock slide streaming down to destroy all in its path. Right now was a time for the slow, for the patient. Marble knew soon enough their lives would become busy. Better to enjoy the ease of time now.

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Eldens eyes flash. She still used commoner. It seemed strange to him. He hears Christian ask what the salute meant, but it seemed he would have to do that after. "It seems you were beaten by a commoner. I think it would only be fair that you address as fellow students, just how we would address you." He meant no insult, and his tone made that clear. @kurol @yamagache
Troy smiled at Yuliae as she approached. "How are the burns? I can removed them if you'd like." While the one boy could help the broken ribs, Troy could remove the burns with his magic. "What do you say?" Troy smiled as he his the one staple to his agreement back until she would give him his answer. This was something that would be important to her growth.

As Christian healed her wounds, she turned her head and glared at Elden with her returned attitude. "No, you are all commoners. I will call you that. Commoners. What, do you prefer pigs?" She hmphed with attitude as she turned away. She still wouldn't look at Troy, so Yuliae just stared at the ceiling with annoyed eyes.

Troy had offered to heal her wounds. "Hmph, do what you want, Dragon." She didn't look at him, face red with... Anger, that's it, she told herself in her mind. But she had to admit, the wounds were disappearing with both of them healing, and she felt better by the minute.


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kurol said:
As Christian healed her wounds, she turned her head and glared at Elden with her returned attitude. "No, you are all commoners. I will call you that. Commoners. What, do you prefer pigs?" She hmphed with attitude as she turned away. She still wouldn't look at Troy, so Yuliae just stared at the ceiling with annoyed eyes.
"Let me put this into your head princess." Kiro took over. "At this academy there AREN'T any princesses. There are no commoners. You aren't better than anyone and you're not worse than anyone." Kiro's temper flared and a burst of blue flame came from his mouth. "Here at Crimson Knight, everyone is a comrade in a war against beings that can destroy us in an instant if you start getting cocky! And if you're lucky you'll be the ONLY one to die. However, normally you aren't. Normally, YOU'LL survive and someone else will die in your stead! So you better shape up before you start living with the guilt of watching someone who trusted you die in your arms, because you were a stubborn little brat!"
( sorry I need to go ) After Yuliae's wounds were healed, she raced out of the common area and into a bedroom. This time her own, to hope nobody followed her.
Marian blinked as someone rushed past her. "Okay...everyone seems to be on the move today." She said as she turned around and watched where she went. "I swear though, if someone knocks me over..." She continued before continuing to walk down the hall, She hummed as she walked, swaying from side to side from time to time.
Avong inside of his room , felt the metal being heated it was kinda a strange feeling because the only times he felt the metal being heated was when he meet an independent blacksmith in his travel to the school , so there was a great fire near or some student had used his powers , before he had felt that , he was trying to read some books about metalcrafting that as always he didnt had the time to read since he was busy with the travel , but now he wanted to know what had happened in the outside that made him distract from his reading so he opened the door of his bedroom and leaved just as another student enter his bedroom with an angry face.

Wondering what just happened he asked to the first person he could see.

"Hey , has something happened here?"

She said yes? A smile tore through the fear that once held with a fine grip. Christian was ecstatic to hear she had trusted him. Dropping to his knees, he pulled a small medical kit he had strapped behind his back waist, hidden underneath his uniform coat. He rummaged through the mass of herbs and oils all organized in small and well labeled glass tubes. Searching his vast amount of knowledge in his mind, he found the ingredients he was looking for. A tube with a picture of an arnica Flower. inside was a white pure looking oil. He gently lifted up her shirt just enough to make sure he wasn't anywhere near crossing any harassment lines. He gently massaged the oil on the effected area and used his wind magic to relieve the pressure in between the ribs so that breathing would be easier. "I'm adding some of my air magic to reduce the pain..." It was like he was talking to a wall. She wasn't listening to a single word. Yuliae was to busy arguing with Troy/Kiro to even notice his existence. Suddenly she stood up with great speed and furiously walked out of the living room.

Sighing at the thought of not being able to give her some handmade pain reliever chew tablets. He placed everything back in his bag and strapped it back around his waist. He then stood up and walked over to Elden once again trying to pose the same question as before. "What did this mean again?" Moving his hands into a hand covering a fist held toward his chest.


Kiro was still furious as he stood in the common area with the others. He conjured a blue fireball in his hand and readied himself to throw it through the wall. Easy Kiro. She's a spoiled brat, calm down. Troy's words helped to stifle Kiro's rage. "Stupid kid." Suddenly, Troy once again took over and his eyes turned into the deep blue they were earlier. "That's better. However, that girl really needs to learn to not call people commoners, but I guess calling me dragon is a step in the right direction." Troy chuckled. "If only she'd have seen my other armor. Oh well. Save some surprises for later." He took a seat and observed the others in the room. "Just letting you few know that I am your senior here by a year. And I will not be attending most of the classes you will. I have been recognized as potential that needs to be harnessed in order to be of use, so I will be training with the second years though on paper, I'll still be a first year."
Marian burst into the common area with a goofy grin on her face. "Hello! My names is Marian! I hope we all get along nicely as we rip out their rib cages and use it as body armor!" She said. "On a side note, yes, it's actually effective as body armor." She added enthusiastically. "So, how is everyone here? I hope you're all doing fine."
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Metaphysics said:
Marian burst into the common area with a goofy grin on her face. "Hello! My names is Marian! I hope we all get along nicely as we rip out their rib cages and use it as body armor!" She said. "On a side note, yes, it's actually effective as body armor." She added enthusiastically. "So, how is everyone here? I hope you're all doing fine."
Troy was shocked at first by this woman's entrance, but he laughed as she seemed so riled up. "Well, somebody doesn't seem fazed at all by the entrance ceremony." Troy shook his head more as he laughed heartily. This was the first time in a very long time that he'd laughed at all. He stood up and walked over to the woman and extended his hand. "The name's Troy."
Elden repeats the fist motion. "This? It's a sign of prayer, to ward off evil, and to embrace the spirits of hope. It is what my grandma does to good spirited people." He looks at Troy. So he was a senior. That meant he would be the strongest one out of them. At least someone experienced was here. Elden knows his magic, but he definitely wants to learn more. Hus tiger eyes settle on the rambuctious newcomer. @Metaphysics @Kiroshiven @yamagache
Kael was somewhat amazed. He hesitated for a moment before stepping into the wall. Moving through ones element wasn't something new to him, but having enough control so that others could move as well was way beyond his knowledge. This Marble was something else entirely. Kael carefully followed her somewhat afraid that if he lingered he'd find himself encased within the walls. He spoke in a soft voice as moved through the stone. "You're quite adept with your magic. I'm guessing you've trained a lot to reach such a level. I feel somewhat embarrassed having thought my level of understanding was high."

Kael could tell that they were getting closer to the others. Not from magic or anything special, simply because of the muffled voices he could hear. "Sounds like things have calmed down from fighting, but still it seems lively in there. How do you think they'll react when we walk out from a wall?"

Kiroshiven said:
Troy was shocked at first by this woman's entrance, but he laughed as she seemed so riled up. "Well, somebody doesn't seem fazed at all by the entrance ceremony." Troy shook his head more as he laughed heartily. This was the first time in a very long time that he'd laughed at all. He stood up and walked over to the woman and extended his hand. "The name's Troy."
"Nice to meet you Troy!" Marian greeted, shaking his hand. "And well, getting me fazed would require an act so stupid it renders me silent. Because when your family has a tradition that throws young children into a huge pit full of starving wild animals with nothing but your bare fists..." She suddenly trailed off, her mind going to another place full of pain and blood and probably trauma, she shuddered. "...Ah what was I saying? Oh right, then nearly everything else isn't scary."
Avong knew what happened after the what the senior said , it was a little of common sense from Avong , after this he just sit down in one of the chairs trying to get some more details if possible , eventually Avong would just try to keep reading the book he had in his hand , there was nothing else to do until the dinner and he wanted to expend his time doing something , it was nothing but tradition in his family to be diligent .
"Oh wow!" He said while watching Elden Repeat the prayer hand. Christian was very close minded about the world outside his prison house. not that he wanted to be, but he was enjoying learning new things everyday. Now was the time to brighten his horizons.

"Your culture is so interesting, I find that i just want to learn more about your people." realizing that Elden had just preformed the prayer to Christian. Something Eldens grandmother had only done to good people. And Elden had done it to him. For some reason, that made Christian very happy. did this mean Elden truly believed he was a good spirited person? After all the pain he had suffered and at one point believed his mothers unkind words. Believing the he was a monster, an evil blemish on a righteous earth. Was he really aloud to be happy?


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