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Fantasy Crimson Knight Academy

"It is a finding, not a knowing." Marble answered in regards to her magic. As they walked it was like moving through cool liquid that tried to cling to them and coax them into staying. But she continued forward making sure that Kael kept pace with her. It wouldn't do to have one of their number become part of the stone wall before they began classes. "Depends on if they are easily startled." Marble mused before taking him by the shoulders she stepped them through the wall into the back of the common area with the others, trying not to draw too much attention all at once. Once they were through the wall wobbled for a moment before turning solid again remembering that stones didn't let things through. Taking a moment to observe those in the room she noticed they were missing the small one from the fight earlier. It took only a breath for the stones to tell her she was simply in the dorm room pouting, probably over her loss. She waited at the back of the room given the occupants ample time to realize they were now among them before she decided to move. It was best not to startle warriors and magic users too much if one could avoid it, plus it wasn't like there was anywhere for Marble to rush off to.

@Metaphysics @National @Kiroshiven @yamagache @kurol @kaito9049
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Elden smiles as his hands drop back down to his side. He felt bad for Christian, who was barraged at his mother for being unwanted. It wasn't even the boys fault. In his tribe, the child would be adopted by the sages, and trained as a spirit monk. Elden was already born to be a spirit monk. "My people, they definitely do have different ways that they act from other people. Sadly, they may not exist if I don't find an answer." Eldens tiger eyes dim a bit before he masks his fear. His electromagnetic sense suddenly picked up two others that were in the room. He looks over to see the water and earth user. He couldn't pick them up before, probably because of the earth girl. It was definitely a bit strange. If their sensing was good, they could feel his tiger like eyes on them. @yamagache @JustKay @HybridxForce
Marble turned her head ever so slightly and met the animal eyes watching her. She held them steadily, unafraid. Giving off neither harm or anger or really anything. Just a steady gaze. It seemed like this one was the most alert of those in the room. If she had to make a wager she'd say he was most likely a child of lightning as they seemed to have the best sense of presence. Still holding his gaze she inclined her head ever so slightly to acknowledge him without moving any unnecessary muscles.

Metaphysics said:
"Nice to meet you Troy!" Marian greeted, shaking his hand. "And well, getting me fazed would require an act so stupid it renders me silent. Because when your family has a tradition that throws young children into a huge pit full of starving wild animals with nothing but your bare fists..." She suddenly trailed off, her mind going to another place full of pain and blood and probably trauma, she shuddered. "...Ah what was I saying? Oh right, then nearly everything else isn't scary."
"I know what you mean. There are some things that make you almost.....immune to taking another life." Troy thought about his entrance exam. Although he let Kiro do the work, Troy still watched on, but didn't feel anything as his opponents died at his own hands. Troy's only thought during the time was "Better you than me." And that memory alone scared Troy with what Kiro was capable of.
"I hope you can find the answers your looking for, I'd hate to see your wonderful tribe disappear." As he spoke Christian saw Eldens eyes fluctuate then his gaze was drawn to the opposite side of the wall. It took a moment For him to notice the other Two students who seemed to come out of no where. since Elden seemed to be interested in them he waved his hand up in the air trying to get her and his attention. "OVER HERE!!" He yelled ushering them to join he and Elden in there conversations.

suddenly he quickly slapped the hand that was in the air on to his mouth realizing he had just yelled to the other side of the room. Christian had never done anything like that. He was so afraid of people and talking that his new found bravery shocked himself. was he new friendship giving him courage. Christian never felt so excited! He hoped the two students weren't turned away from the sudden loud invitation.

@National @JustKay @HybridxForce
Elden nods, feeling the gaze that was sent back. He hears Christian invite them over, which was okay with him. It would be better to know who the people he is with.
The people here are weird, thought Michael. Some of them had already revealed their pasts and abilities to each other. Was that what the heroes in his stories had done? Usually the backstory was narrated...real life was really inconvenient.

Finishing up his writings, Michael stood up and stretched. In the commons area, students were chatting, as if they hadn't just slaughtered their fellow students. He shuddered involuntarily. Would he one day become this desensitized to death? Warriors fought wars--it was that simple--but not against their own. He really hoped that the others wouldn't look at him as a weak link; it would be extremely embarrassing to have his heroic story end so soon!
An almost imperceptible smirk played across her lips for a fraction of a second before she gently nudged Kael and nodded in the direction of the child of lightning and his rather loud friend. Easily making her way over to their side of the room through huge fluid steps that seemed to eat up the distance. She moved to sit down opposite of them where there appeared to be no chairs. As she sat the stone moved up like water to form two seats, one of which now currently occupied by her. Marble seemed relaxed and yet rigid at the same time as she nodded at the two students.

@HybridxForce @National @yamagache
"Hi. I'm Christian Vandower, But you can just call me Christian." He said with a genuine smile. He enjoyed watching the chair materialize out of the earth beneath her and one beside her. It seemed to come so easy to her, using her elemental magic. Christian was a tad bit jealous. "Your handle on your earth magic is really a sight to be hold." Nodding and agreeing with himself.

He also had just noticed a boy in the corner of the room scribbling notes in a journal, how long had he'd been there? "Would you also like to join us after your done stretching?" He called out once again shocked at his ability to speak his mind.

@National @JustKay @HybridxForce @kaito9049
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"We've been spotted..." Kael sighed. He gave a nod to the boy who had just shouted, accepting his invitation. The young man seated next to the boy had the strangest eyes. Kael slowly followed after Marble and generously took the second seat she had created. Kael fiddled with his sheaths as he broke the links and set them down on the floor. "Hello, I'm Kael and this is..." He trailed off as he gestured to Marble, not wanting to be rude and introduce her himself.

Kael kept one of the links around his finger and twirled it like a toy. It was a small habit that helped him relax. He noted the others in the room but felt it best to meet them a few at a time. The two in front of him appeared to be more than acquaintances. One was a blade user like himself and the other had two handguns. Both seemed very interesting.

@JustKay @yamagache @National
The seat adjusted itself around her hammer to allow her to continue wearing it and remain seated. Inclining her head in acknowledgment of his introduction Marble was happy to let things steer away from herself to yet another person in the room. Leave it a child of the wind to dance from thing to thing with no solid roots in any one thing in particular. She figured they'd get around to finding out her name eventually as it wasn't a race. Taking in everything carefully her eyes were very alert and watchful while not a single muscle in her body moved. As predicted the opportunity presented itself as Kael launched into an introduction even around Christian's odd jump in conversation. "I am called Marble." she finished for Kael. All things in time.

@National @HybridxForce @yamagache
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Elden watches as the girl uses her earth magic fluidly. But she wasn't the only one who could do it. Elden suddenly disappears, not able to be seen by the others. Suddenly, he appears behind Marble in a quick flas of lightning. "Your earth magic. It is quite the sight." @JustKay @yamagache @HybridxForce
Christian watches in awe as Elden displays his abilities. "Awesome." He said while silently clapping.
"So is yours child of lightning. It seems we might have many to guide down the path to their magic together." Marble hadn't moved a muscle during the display of power, not even to turn and face him. There was no need to. Though his magic had made him invisible to her eyes his crackle of magic had let her track him. She was glad to see at least one other amoung their ranks had a grasp on their magic as it would make the many trails doubtlessly head of them that much easier.
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Kael flinched. Water and lightning didn't mix well and never would. That small display of power was enough to send a sharp wave of magic outward. Most would be unaffected, but a water user would get the slightest of shocks. Kael turned to the boy and couldn't help but narrow his eyes. This was someone he had to look out for. Kael stopped spinning the link as he reattached it to his scabbards. Kael took a deep breath and let it out as a silent sigh. "I have nothing to go back to, no one to miss, no one who even knows I exist. It was by chance that I found that letter and ended up at this place. If the orientation was a taste of things to come, then I'll be quite comfortable here... for now."

Kael set his sheathed blades against the stone chair as he examined the smallest of them. He had seen so many forms of magic usage. His own was minute in comparison, but at least it was his own. "I'm each of us has their reasons, too bad mine are just that simple."
Marble shrugged in a motion that brought to mind the shifting of rocks at the question. "I am searching." It was a simple answer followed by no further explanation. She was many things but she was not wasteful. Not in movements nor in words. This was probably the most she had spoken in several months. She had left what she had known as home as much as any place was to her to find what was lost.
Michael snapped his journal closed at the sound of the other boy's call. He hoped that anyone watching would think that he was just planning some grand scheme to save the world or something like that. He silently watched as the others demonstrated his powers. The young man hadn't really practiced all that much with his own abilities (his family had always reacted with nervousness when they had seen it; they said that, as farmers, it felt like cheating), but he knew a few tricks.

The little earth that he knew how to control seemed insignificant, however, when Michael saw how skillfully one of the girls commanded the element. It took all of his willpower not to throw himself at her feet and beg to be taken in as her apprentice; he figured that she wouldn't appreciate it all that much. Instead, he focused on watching the others' movements, committing their actions to memory.
Christian listened to Kael's Story and then In came marbles short response. "Searching for what?" He asked Marble immediately regretting the rude questioning. "Sorry. You don't have to answer that." feeling a little nosy.

He turned his head to see that Micheal had finally decided to join them. Christian pointed at the recliner next to him. "So whats your name stranger? What brought you here? Whats your element?" Out came a flurry of questions that Christian was dying to find out. He enjoyed getting to know everyone. and wanted to hold on to this peace as long as he could.
Marble held up her hand when Christian asked the strangers power taking control of the conversation before it continued. "Close your eyes and tell us." It was said like a statement but carried the weight of a command. If the rest were going to get a handle on their magic it was best to start now. "First find where your power lies"
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Elden listens to everyone's story. His tiger like eyes study everyone, and he hears Marble, seeing what she us trying to do. A small grin cracks through his serious face as he keeps his eyes open. This exercise wasn't meant for him, he could see everything more clearly than anyone else here. @JustKay @yamagache @kaito9049 @HybridxForce
Michael hid a smile. Now was his chance! He had to weave a story of suspense and wonder! The young man cleared his through and paused dramatically. "I am called Michael. I'm afraid my tale is one of sorrow, my dear man. But it has hope, and if you will hold awhile, I will tell it.

"I was born to a household with neither fame nor fortune. Yet Heaven must have smiled upon my mother that day, for I came into this world healthy, and as you know, with a strange and dazzling ability. Of course, I knew it not at the time. My early years were ones of simple happiness, though work was hard. Ah, but Fate was training me to become the hero I am destined to be. For even in my childhood I could feel the pull of greatness on my life. Ah, but first came many, many trials. I come from a large household, but a few of my brothers and sisters died early--sicknesses that have not yet been cured in my land, you understand. Furthermore, my mother, blessed with fertility, was often unable to work in the fields. And so it fell to me to aid my father in keeping the family well-fed.

"In my youth, I fought many foes: the terrifying...uh, Dysentery...and the, um, legendary beast known as Kraven." Well, they seemed absolutely unstoppable at the time, Michael thought. And it was my duty to protect the chickens. "The citizens of my area were eternally grateful," he said instead.

"And so my life went on. I might have never known about my latent greatness had it not been for the letter from the Academy. The very moment I received it I felt something awaken inside me, a power meant to bring a golden age for mankind! it was then that I discovered my affinity for the earth. Imagine, the very ground you stand on, being yours to control! Alas, my family did not share my conviction, and they begged me to abandon my calling. But a hero's destiny goes greater than that of even his family. It was my very duty to follow my path, though my heart mourned within me. Yet one day I shall return to my home, just you see. And on that day my family will rejoice over the legendary figure that stands before them. Ah, one day..."
If Marble expressed emotions she might have groaned at this long winded child of earth. How could one be so disconnected from their source, his grasp on his magic must be fragile indeed to have a personality that clashed with its very nature. To the outside she merely sat as still as stone as the fellow prattled on. If she had been in a foul mood she might have let the stone eat him to silence him within its embrace. She waited, the dutiful stone. Observing only as she waited for him to run out his breath so that they may return to the task at hand.
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"That is quite a... story." He said not very sure how to respond. "So you lived on a farm, until you realized you had a connection to earth and then got invited to this school. You took this as an opportunity to show your parents back home that you were made for greater things. Wait. no, you got the letter first then found out you were connected to earth." He scratched his head trying to remember all the information, Cutting away at the long running sentences to make mental notes of the important points in his life story. "Is that about right?" He asked wanting to make sure he understood.
Michael paused to consult his notes. "Let's see," he mumbled under his breath, turning to shield the journal away from the group. "Mmhm...and mmf that...yeah..." The young man turned back around and cleared his throat. "Something like that," he replied non-committedly. He would need to work on his story, especially if things went as planned and he had a book written about him. Inconstant biographies were the worst.

"Anyway," he said, finally deciding to give up the spotlight. "How about the rest of you guys? How'd you get here?"

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