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Fantasy Crimson Knight Academy

He just jumped out the window. Grr.. Any empathy she had dared to feel had vanished, and know she wanted to show this guy up for all. But... she made sure she wouldn't hurt him too much. She wouldn't be able to bring herself to do that, no matter how much Kiro, or even Troy, tried to damage her.

She called from the window sill. "Jumping out of a window is my thing!" she called before landing perfectly onto the ground across him. "Three years? I think I'll beat you now, Commoner pig!" She moved into battle stance.

A cocoon of silver magic enclosed her in it's magic, arming her with armor enhanced with powers of metal, that with her sword, could definitely bring down this commoner! he didn't care if she was breaking a hundred school rules, she just hoped nobody could see her.

A cocoon of silver magic enclosed her, and she was in her armor. The armor, enhanced with magic, was compatible with her sword, and together they were strong. Strong enough to challenge Kiro? She hoped so. She drew Arcana, who;d been slung to her back, and pointed it at Troy, who looked like he'd been taken over by Kiro. "Ready, commoner? Who will melt away first; the metal or the fire?"

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"Does anyone else here fantasize about strangulation?" Marian suddenly piped out from her place on the door way. "The way that your hands grasp around one's teeny little neck while you slowly crush their windpipe, The way that they struggle as they attempt to escape for the reprieve of a breath. The moment when their eyes dim and their life leaves their bodies, forever trapped in eternal slumber...What were we talking about?" She asked.
@Metaphysics During Yuliae and Troy/Kiro's duel, please do not interrupt ^^ Thank you

Rule of Knights: During a duel, nobody shall interrupt the two duelers.
@kurol I've actually gotta go to work here in the next 30 minutes. :(

Kiro laughed as fire burst from his cigarette and engulfed him taking the form of a blazing dragon around him as he twirled the chains around. One end looked like a hook while the other looked like a spear tip. He grinned as he kept his distance from her, waiting for her to make the first move. Although Kiro was eager, he had experience and could tell she was easily frustrated. "So short stuff, gonna stand there with that sword? Oh, now I get why your sword is so big. Compensating for your stature?" His grin is vicious as he continues to keep twirling the ends of his chain around.
@Kiroshiven Yeah I need to go soon as well ^^

She gulped at the large dragon standing before her, dangerous chains engulfed with fire dancing around it. This is what to expect from a second year level student..? She would need to swallow down her fear if she had any chance of winning. "In your dreams, commoner," Then she shot him a deadly look. "I'll go easy on you, Kiro, but do be warned, whoever you are, better prepare yourself. And don't call me short."

Before she kenw what she was doing, she ran at the dragon, even though she knew it was the worst idea her mind could've came up with.
kurol said:
@Kiroshiven Yeah I need to go soon as well ^^
She gulped at the large dragon standing before her, dangerous chains engulfed with fire dancing around it. This is what to expect from a second year level student..? She would need to swallow down her fear if she had any chance of winning. "In your dreams, commoner," Then she shot him a deadly look. "I'll go easy on you, Kiro, but do be warned, whoever you are, better prepare yourself. And don't call me short."

Before she kenw what she was doing, she ran at the dragon, even though she knew it was the worst idea her mind could've came up with.
Kiro grinned. "Boom." An explosion of fire appeared under the woman's feet with a mere click of Kiro's tongue. He took a step back waiting for the girl to keep rushing at him. If she was stopped by that mere explosion, it wasn't going to be any fun for him. He moved the dragon's wing in front of him as the flames turned blue, showing their heat. He hadn't learned how to make them white yet, but with Troy's help he could at least do this much.
"Boom." That's all he said. One word. And... then a fiery explosion had lifted her off her feet. She fell to the ground. Kiro chuckled, his wing protecting him from the flames. She felt her legs burned up with fire. Intense... more than normal fire. Magic fire. The type that was made to destroy enemies. She tried to get up on her blazed legs. She raised her sword, arm shaking. If she could just...

She felt a rush of power surge through her. Not enough to make her feel powerful. But enough to get her running towards the dragon. He gives her a look as if to say "Again?". But this time, Yuliae jumps over the dragon, landing behind it, pointing her sword again. "I don't want to hurt you, commoner," she said, shaking. The insane pain emitting from her skin was too much to bear. "It wouldn't benefit either of us. So just surr-" She was cut off.

@Kiroshiven (by the way just wait until the fight is over in a second, and then I gotta go ^^)
Sky went to the window and watched. After her weird decision to come back inside the building, blushing, running into the wrong room, she suddenly ran out of the room and jumped out of the window (again) and this time challenged a different person who accepted her invitation. The guy with two personality seemed to be a senior, and someone older than her at least. Sky make sure to observe and memorize Shortie's and the senior's magic and movement just to be safe. Especially Shortie's. If she ever challenged her to a fight again, Sky will make sure that she kick her ass.
@too much idea *watching from window is good ^^ we're rapping up soon and I'm going soon. like what you did, with the observing her moves stuff.*
kurol said:
"Boom." That's all he said. One word. And... then a fiery explosion had lifted her off her feet. She fell to the ground. Kiro chuckled, his wing protecting him from the flames. She felt her legs burned up with fire. Intense... more than normal fire. Magic fire. The type that was made to destroy enemies. She tried to get up on her blazed legs. She raised her sword, arm shaking. If she could just...
She felt a rush of power surge through her. Not enough to make her feel powerful. But enough to get her running towards the dragon. He gives her a look as if to say "Again?". But this time, Yuliae jumps over the dragon, landing behind it, pointing her sword again. "I don't want to hurt you, commoner," she said, shaking. The insane pain emitting from her skin was too much to bear. "It wouldn't benefit either of us. So just surr-" She was cut off.

@Kiroshiven (by the way just wait until the fight is over in a second, and then I gotta go ^^)
Kiro smiled as the dragon's tail swung full force at her ribs. "End game." The fiery tail would finish her off by knocking her unconscious. "You'll learn a lot if you stay calm and pay attention, but getting irritated like this will end you. Protecting this world aint a game for anyone but me. Remember that Yuliae. And if you call me or Troy a commoner again, we'll end you." He smiled wickedly as he prepared for Troy to take over and care for the foolish girl.
the last things Yuliae remembered were Kiro telling me things that frightened her more than anything. So...when Kiro took over... Troy had nocontrol, did he?

Then... she blacked out.

Elden watches everything unfold... Like a calm before the storm. But that had to be a good thing, right? No one could really decipher thus boy. He watches as the short girl and a fire user battle it out. He was a bit surprised at the turn of events, but no emotion leaked to the outside. He continues to look around the living room. (Anyone to interact)
Marble sighed as she felt the shift, of course some of their rank had to go and break the rules already. Gently stomping on the ground the stone in front of her spread before turning liquid. Shapes rose up and moved. Mimicking the battle outside as it unfolded, a kind of play for them to watch. She could already tell it wouldn't be a very long fight. The fire user was clearly more experience and far more advanced then the metal user. In fact Marble was quite certain the metal user had been in the group that had just completed the entrance exam. Shaking her head at the young one's ignorance as anyone could clearly see that her opponent was not new to this school. It was a rare chance to study others and their styles of fighting before facing them but it was a rather short one as well. The fire user ended it quickly with a swipe from his manifested dragon. At least Marble knew this year would be interesting if nothing else. Perhaps she should seek out the others instead of staying to her own common area, technically it wouldn't be leaving the dorms. Especially if she traveled by the stones instead of by the hallways since she had already introduced herself to them.
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Following Sky, he walked toward the window watching as well due to curiosity, He made sure he made as little movement as possible as no to anger Sky. Christian saw the fight with wide eyes. So this was a fight between two students who new there own strengths? He was a tad bit jealous that they where so well versed in there elements. Christian Wasn't aloud to learn while he was trapped by his mother in his own home.

After yuliae's defeat, he walked back to the recliner he had been sitting and noticed that Elden hadn't moved from his chair. "Cra...crazy fight huh?" he Said while putting on a nervous smile, looking at Elden, he try'd to decipher anything on his face. But Elden seemed Stoic. Almost God like. His hair was beautifully decorated with feathers which Christian had never seen before. He seemed so different then Christian. Strong, Proud... Ready for anything.

@National (I'm here of you'd like. :P )
Elden blink Hus eyes, and he looks over at Christian. The boy looked innocent and kind, something that the two girls definitely needed. Elden smiles as he sits up fully, eyeing the boy. Elden could feel a powerful spirit in the boy, but he could tell that the child didn't know about it. Maybe it wasn't time for him to know. "Yes, that was a chaotic fight. I feel bad for the little girl." @yamagache
Happy to be having a real conversation, Christians smile grew bigger. "Yeah, but she kind... kind of asked for it." Remembering how many times she had used the word "commoner" to describe everyone she met. How Confrontational she had been with almost everyone in the living room. Trying to pick fights where none needed to occur. She seemed like a very unhappy person. He wondered if her life had been hard on her as well. He then Wondered about Elden's background.

"Um... My name is Christian." He said while walking over to Elden's side of the living room, there was another recliner right next to his, so Christian sat there facing him. Hand held out Trembling as usual.

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Troy picked the girl up and carried her into his room. He layed her down on his bed and tucked her in before going out into the commons. "So, did everyone enjoy the show?" He called out loud enough to get everyone's attention. His voice was calm, he just wanted to give them small tid bits of info as their senior.

(Sorry school)

Elden looks at the boys hand, and he shakes it in a formal and friendly manner. Elden was still getting used to the public, since his tribe was away from the usual social places @yamagache

He hears the senior from before talking, and he looks up at him. Eldens eyes remain unreadable asnhe looks at the senior, wondering what he would tell them. @Kiroshiven
Still smiling, he places his arm back down on the chair. Christian turns his head towards the guy speaking loudly. Troy was it? Or was it Kiro? He wasn't sure.

Still trembling, Christian puts his right arm up as to get the young mans attention. "I thought you... You were pretty c... cool." Recalling the breath taking dragon of fire he had seen moments ago.
Elden looks at the senior, recalling the dragons breath. Elden was wondering if he could do something similar with his own magic. That would be amusing. He didn't know the boys name, but he knew that this guy was no joke. @Kiroshiven

Elden looks at Christian, wondering how he got here. He didn't look like a killer. @yamagache
While Christian Waited for the other guy to walk over and pull up a chair around Him and Elden, He turned back to face Elden. "So... What brought you here to this sc... school?" He asked very curiously. @National
Elden blinks his tiger like eyes as he looks back at Christian. His feathers rustle a little in the wind as he looks at Christian. "I come from a spiritual tribe, out in the mountains far away from here called the Tiger Eye Tribe. We are usually hunted for our rare color of eyes, and so we needed a way of protecting ourselves. So, we use magic. But something ancient is attacking my tribe, so they sent me out to find an answer to stop it. This school said they could answer my questions. Why are you here?" @yamagache
while putting his head down, Christian placed both arms around his chest, hugging himself in fear. Fear that was brought upon the instant memories flashing back of when he was a prisoner in his own home. "I...I..." Trying to swallow the lump that formed in his throat. He looked back up at Elden. He forced himself to answer. "I came here to be... free." Wiping the sweat from his forehead he swallowed once more. "My father died shortly after impregnating my mother with me." He could feel himself no longer trembling. "My mother you see, did not want a child. so she tried to remove me herself using a very unsafe method." Christian looked down to the floor once more. "She was sent to a hospital where they kept her drugged until the day of her pregnancy to ensure she no longer harmed herself and me." He just kept staring at his shoes. "Because of the small village i lived in, there were no such thing as an orphanage, and a law that prohibited the abandonment of ones child. So against her will she was stuck with me. She was always angry... So much anger. She began to drink her emotions away. And with every bottle she got violent." Christian stood up from the recliner and pulled up his shirt to show his chest, Sides and back Filled with years of lashings, burns and other scars. There were more scars then there was natural skin.

He pulled his shirt back down and sat down. "Years of this went on, I have been sent to the hospital on numerous occasions. It was not until i got an invitation to this school... this school that i didn't even know existed, and my only friend snuck me out of the house and brought me here." He recalled how his postman friend was determined to get him here. "I came here hoping for a fresh start."

After his long winded story of his unhappy childhood, Christian waited on Eldens reply wondering what he thought. @National
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Eldens eyes looked sad as Christian told Elden the sad story. He could feel the sad aura around Christian as he told his story. Elden holds his own hands to his chest in a fist like shape. It was a prayer in his people's language. "I send enlightment to you. I am sorry for your past. But we can write a new fate here. You can count on me as a friend, Christian." @yamagache

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