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Fantasy Crimson Knight Academy

Yuliae grinned, having climbed up the tree with her incredible smallness and agility. "You think someone like me would ever play by the rules? Foolish commoner." She laughed demonically. Then, in a tiny flash of weensy Knight, she grabbed the girl by the leg and pulled her out, dropping her at the bottom of the tree with only enough roughness to give her a headache, maybe a some skin peeled off.

@too much idea (HAHA I'm the devil ^^)
kurol said:
Yuliae grinned, having climbed up the tree with her incredible smallness and agility. "You think someone like me would ever play by the rules? Foolish commoner." She laughed demonically. Then, in a tiny flash of weensy Knight, she grabbed the girl by the leg and pulled her out, dropping her at the bottom of the tree with only enough roughness to give her a headache, maybe a some skin peeled off.
@too much idea (HAHA I'm the devil ^^)
(And here i thought that Sky is looking down through a window? If it's so, there is no way for Yuliae to drag her down aside from attacking the building)
@too much idea She climbed up a tall tree (being small and agile and stuff) and went on a thick branch near window, where Sky is, then leaned out and pulled her out. ^^
kurol said:
@too much idea She climbed up a tall tree (being small and agile and stuff) and went on a thick branch near window, where Sky is, then leaned out and pulled her out. ^^
"she grabbed the girl by the leg"

To pull Sky out she need to grab her arm or her neck, but remember that Sky is an MMA boxer so i believe that she will react fast enough to evade Yuliae's sneaky attack by taking several step back :o
Oh...you're right. Let's see....

She appeared out of nowhere, and in one punch knocked Sky out, then dragged her by the neck out of the room, and dropped ehr lgihtly to the ground.

** sorry but I couldn't think of anything better... do you have any ideas?
Marian watched boredly as she watched two other students fight. "Wow...and here I thought I was violent..." She said as she looked up. "Actually no I take that back. this is pretty tame compared to what I do..." She said as she slowly walked up to the girl. "Umm hi, I'm pretty sure that people don't like being dragged then dropped...also pretty sure that it's looked down on but hey if you want to indulge in your fantasies go ahead, just don't do it here please?" She rambled.

@kurol @too much idea
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kurol said:
Oh...you're right. Let's see....
She appeared out of nowhere, and in one punch knocked Sky out, then dragged her by the neck out of the room, and dropped ehr lgihtly to the ground.

** sorry but I couldn't think of anything better... do you have any ideas?
Sorry but that powerplaying went overboard.

The only option is that Yuliae destroy the building, really. That will make Sky fight her. Orrrr we can just wait for the Snow Queen
hahah... yeah. oh well.

Yuliae rolls her eyes impatiently. After a while, she goes back up to the room (with her metal armor, of course) and looks at a smirking pair of girls, one ice magic, one wind and air. "You only spared me the embarrassment of talking to you, commoners!" I slumped down into the couch, letting my weight sink in to the sinister leather. And I wanted to ask if they wanted to be friends, if they were okay. She shook her head, and thought to herself 'No way, not these commoners. I'd rather be alone, I;d rather them di-' She stopped mid thought. Luckily, someone spoke to distract her from her memories.


you both can be in our dorm

P.S To anyone who isn't in our dorm, you can basically come to the common area (where we are) since we'll all hang out there mostly
"Hmph?" Yuliae turned around, her long black hair whipping around. There was another boy, slumped in the corner of the room? "Grrrr!!!! How many commoners are there!?"

Just then, an announcement sounded from who knows where. Mr Kiro and Miss Marian will be joining Dorm (whatever dorm this is since I forgot). Thank you!"

Yuliae rolled her yes, then got off the couch and approached the boy huddled in the corner. "Gee, don't you know it's rude to sit like that in froth of people like me? Get up! Sit on the couch at least, commoner! You're not a pig, are you? Though I wouldn't b the least bit surprised if you all turned out to be muddy old pigs." Hopefully he isn't too much taller than me... Yuliae thought to herself.


@Kiroshiven Sorry I ignored that..... Wait I just realized my mistake in my last post...... Hehhe please play on from there.....?
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kurol said:
"Hmph?" Yuliae turned around, her long black hair whipping around. There was another boy, slumped in the corner of the room? "Grrrr!!!! How many commoners are there!?"
Just then, an announcement sounded from who knows where. Mr Kiro and Miss Marian will be joining Dorm (whatever dorm this is since I forgot). Thank you!"

Yuliae rolled her yes, then got off the couch and approached the boy huddled in the corner. "Gee, don't you know it's rude to sit like that in froth of people like me? Get up! Sit on the couch at least, commoner! You're not a pig, are you? Though I wouldn't b the least bit surprised if you all turned out to be muddy old pigs." Hopefully he isn't too much taller than me... Yuliae thought to herself.


@Kiroshiven Sorry I ignored that..... Wait I just realized my mistake in my last post...... Hehhe please play on from there.....?
Kiro growled. He was in control at the moment and lit up a cigarette. "Commoner? That's no way to talk to somebody that's already been here a year." He stood up, reaching his full height of 6'2" and walked over to her, the aura of fire surrounding him causing the room to waver in the heat. "Let me explain something princess......Kiro, enough of that!" Troy took over and his eyes changed to a cool blue, though the fiery aura remained. "I apologize for my other side's terrible manners. You see he is a bit aggressive and rather violent. Though he IS right in you treating someone who's been here a year poorly." Troy's voice was less gruff than Kiro's and was openly friendly. However, he didn't put out the cigarette.
Well... That caught Yuliae off guard, didn't it?

"Eh..EH....?!" she yelped, walking backwards and looking up at the towering boy who stood before her. Two sides..?! The others didn't seem as affected by this, a few curiously shocked expressions. She stumbled backwards and fell onto her head. "Owww...." She rubbed her head, then looked up at the boy who had changed from someone fiery to... more extinguished. "DAMN COMMONER!!!" She yelled, getting her fist and preparing to punch him. She went in for the hit, afce red with embarrassment and annoyance.

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kurol said:
Well... That caught Yuliae off guard, didn't it?
"Eh..EH....?!" she yelped, walking backwards and looking up at the towering boy who stood before her. Two sides..?! The others didn't seem as affected by this, a few curiously shocked expressions. She stumbled backwards and fell onto her head. "Owww...." She rubbed her head, then looked up at the boy who had changed from someone fiery to... more extinguished. "DAMN COMMONER!!!" She yelled, getting her fist and preparing to punch him. She went in for the hit, afce red with embarrassment and annoyance.

Troy immediately switched out with Kiro and the fires lit up again. "I love a good brawl." He grabbed her fist and as he went to throw her out the nearest window, Troy once again took over and instead wrapped his arms around her to stop the momentum, only to crash into the wall himself. "Damn it Kiro, I told you before no violence to other students." He let out a groan of pain as he let the new girl go. "Again, really sorry about him."
Her face went red. She immediately got up and turned around. "F..f...filthy commoner...." she stuttered quietly.

"I'm going to the dorms. If any of you follow me.... Grr, I'll chop you all up with Arcana!!" She stormed off into the dorm room, and shut the door. She went into the bedroom, and buried her face in the pillow, and then had a huge fit. "COMMONERS!" Little did she know, she was in... the boy's bedroom. *-*

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kurol said:
Her face went red. She immediately got up and turned around. "F..f...filthy commoner...." she stuttered quietly.
"I'm going to the dorms. If any of you follow me.... Grr, I'll chop you all up with Arcana!!" She stormed off into the dorm room, and shut the door. She went into the bedroom, and buried her face in the pillow, and then had a huge fit. "COMMONERS!" Little did she know, she was in... the boy's bedroom. *-*

Troy stood up and shook his head. "Enough of you Kiro. Go to sleep for a few hours." Troy focused all his thoughts on a giant cage and built it so that it trapped Kiro inside. It wouldn't last more than an hour or two, but it would work well enough that he'd be able to relax. He collected himself and walked into his room. However, the girl from earlier was in his bed. "Um. Miss, I think you have the wrong room." Troy put out his cigarette in the ash tray on his desk while he waited for the girls response. He moved his sleek black hair out of his face.
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The boy had followed her in..?! Creep! As he put his cigarette in an ash tray, he told her she was in the wrong room. Yuliae's face went ten shades redder. She buried her face in the pillow. "I'm not moving, commoner!" She breathed slowly, inhaling and exhaling. What was she doing? What was she supposed to do? Grr... This school was so confusing! The people... the people... "Grr!!" She flipped over to face the boy. "What, tall commoner? Why are you still here?" Oh... wait... It was his room. She sat up onto the bed, silently praying time would go faster and that it could already be seven o clock (dinner). It was only six.

kurol said:
The boy had followed her in..?! Creep! As he put his cigarette in an ash tray, he told her she was in the wrong room. Yuliae's face went ten shades redder. She buried her face in the pillow. "I'm not moving, commoner!" She breathed slowly, inhaling and exhaling. What was she doing? What was she supposed to do? Grr... This school was so confusing! The people... the people... "Grr!!" She flipped over to face the boy. "What, tall commoner? Why are you still here?" Oh... wait... It was his room. She sat up onto the bed, silently praying time would go faster and that it could already be seven o clock (dinner). It was only six.
"Feel free to stay. Just please don't take in my smell so much. It's a little uncomfortable." Troy sat on his desk while he smiled at the girl. "So, you had to go through the entrance ceremony today. Are you okay? You did just kill some people. It was a bit much for me so I let Kiro handle it. He's better at fighting than I am. Though I'm better at magic and magical control...." Troy sighed as he wished he could either separate from Kiro or they could merge together. Life would be so much easier that way. Troy's thoughts began to move on their own as he almost forgot about the guest before him. "Ah, I'm Troy. I've been here for a year, but because Kiro causes trouble, I'm stuck in the first year again." Troy chuckled at his misfortune, but was overall comfortable with it.
"The orinetation? Oh... I don't really want to talk about that, commoner. But... it certainly won't be a highlight of the year I'll want to remember," Yuliae replied. She smirked. "Although, there was satisfaction in itself for killing those annoying tall people." They underestimated her, and she hated that. Her mind flicked to the twins. Her grin vanished, and her grumpy expression returned.

"If you say your name is Troy, why you keep calling yourself Kiro? Who's Kiro? You got some problem, commoner?" Yuliae asked.Even though she didn't want to get involved with any of these commoners, it was stills something she couldn't get past. Troy... Kiro?

kurol said:
"The orinetation? Oh... I don't really want to talk about that, commoner. But... it certainly won't be a highlight of the year I'll want to remember," Yuliae replied. She smirked. "Although, there was satisfaction in itself for killing those annoying tall people." They underestimated her, and she hated that. Her mind flicked to the twins. Her grin vanished, and her grumpy expression returned.
"If you say your name is Troy, why you keep calling yourself Kiro? Who's Kiro? You got some problem, commoner?" Yuliae asked.Even though she didn't want to get involved with any of these commoners, it was stills something she couldn't get past. Troy... Kiro?

Troy laughed uneasily. This was a topic that had to be addressed early when he met new people. "Have you ever heard of multiple personality disorder?" Troy was sure that this person had from the way she addressed everyone as commoner. Her background must be a lot more.........lavish than his was. "I have it due to some circumstances with my childhood. Kiro is the other me. So it's like we're two people sharing the same body. However, since we've come here, I've learned to lock him away for a few hours at a time. Someday, I hope to lock him away for good." Troy could speak openly because Kiro was busy with his cage. Troy's uneasiness got to him though and he lit another cigarette. Two within minutes of each other. That's no good. Oh well, thanks to fire magic I won't die from this at least.
"Oh... I guess that makes sense, commoner." Split personality disorder? So his other half was Kiro. There had to be more than a ‘childhood’ behind it. But, now wasn’t the time to dig deeper. Not that I care, Yuliae reminded herself.

"Mama used to say that I had two personalities. I mean, not like yours, commoner, but two sides to me. I don't get it, as far as I know I'm like this. Silly mama.." I faded off. A strong barrier fought to hold back tears. I maintained my grumpy face. It was my shield.

"Well, Troy... Kiro.... Commoner, I'm pretty new to this magic stuff. Not like I'm ever going to tell you about my past, I wouldn't ever do that, but I should ask, have you always had magic? And what's yours?"

kurol said:
"Oh... I guess that makes sense, commoner." Split personality disorder? So his other half was Kiro. There had to be more than a ‘childhood’ behind it. But, now wasn’t the time to dig deeper. Not that I care, Yuliae reminded herself.
"Mama used to say that I had two personalities. I mean, not like yours, commoner, but two sides to me. I don't get it, as far as I know I'm like this. Silly mama.." I faded off. A strong barrier fought to hold back tears. I maintained my grumpy face. It was my shield.

"Well, Troy... Kiro.... Commoner, I'm pretty new to this magic stuff. Not like I'm ever going to tell you about my past, I wouldn't ever do that, but I should ask, have you always had magic? And what's yours?"

Troy let out a puff of smoke as he spoke. "I think I've always had magic, however, it didn't awaken until Kiro did." Troy's eyes dimmed as he remembered waking up to a blazing house and his father's corpse laying there. The cigarette's flame began to swirl around him as he became engulfed in the memory. His weapon, Doctrine of Flame, manifested around his shoulders and arms, the long chain formed two spikes of fire at the end. "As for my magic, it's fire. The creator and the destroyer." Kiro looked at her with a smile. "And as a steel mage you have quite a ways to go," Troy was especially good at identifying other people's magics with a quick glance. He'd learned that in one of his magical control classes.
Yuliae hmphed at his notice that she was a metal mage. "Keen eyes, commoner." So a fire wizard, whose powers were controlled by his more ruthless Kiro half? Yuliae remembered they way he'd violently prepared to throw her out the window. She shivered. Not that she'd ever admit in a million years, but had felt scared. And then Troy appeared, and protected her... from himself? She shook herself. Just commoners!

"Yeah, I'm a metal user. But I never knew about magic until... one night," she inhaled and exhaled quietly. "Since then, I trained on my own for months. With Arcana, my sword. And my metal." Yuliae got off the bed and picked up Arcana, who she'd slumped onto the other side of the floor. She swung the sword around, no trouble handling the sword that was made of pure metal, gold and magic, that weighed and sized more than five times herself. With magic armor, it was even easier. "I'm a pretty good magic user though, commoner, so don't underestimate me, or maybe I'll creep into your room at night and chop your head off." She smirked, playfully, before hiding it away again.

"What's it like? With Kiro?"

kurol said:
Yuliae hmphed at his notice that she was a metal mage. "Keen eyes, commoner." So a fire wizard, whose powers were controlled by his more ruthless Kiro half? Yuliae remembered they way he'd violently prepared to throw her out the window. She shivered. Not that she'd ever admit in a million years, but had felt scared. And then Troy appeared, and protected her... from himself? She shook herself. Just commoners!
"Yeah, I'm a metal user. But I never knew about magic until... one night," she inhaled and exhaled quietly. "Since then, I trained on my own for months. With Arcana, my sword. And my metal." Yuliae got off the bed and picked up Arcana, who she'd slumped onto the other side of the floor. She swung the sword around, no trouble handling the sword that was made of pure metal, gold and magic, that weighed and sized more than five times herself. With magic armor, it was even easier. "I'm a pretty good magic user though, commoner, so don't underestimate me, or maybe I'll creep into your room at night and chop your head off." She smirked, playfully, before hiding it away again.

"What's it like? With Kiro?"

"It's a challenge. Holding him back is like trying to stop a bullet train with your bare hands. I guess I had a lot of anger growing up." Troy completely ignored how she had behaved. He took the chain and stood, twirling it around while shaping the fires at the end. He even made the chain longer using fire. "After a year of being here ms........" Troy realized he never got her name and looked at her. "What's your name your highness?" He asked slightly sarcastically.
"Grrr..." His sarcastic remark made her resist punching him again, just like every time with every person. He had barely even noticed her flawless sword swinging! "My name? It's Yuliae. Yuliae Montgomery. And I'll be calling you Commoner, Mr Tall Fire Two Person Boy." She smirked. "And just so you know, I'm way better than you. Or anyone else at this annoying school. So think of it as a blessing that I've given up my rare time for you, Commoner. It's not like I enjoyed myself." But, if he had been looking at her any closer, he may have seen the slightest of smiles appear quickly on her face, before disappearing as quickly as it had come.

"What were you about to say, commoner?"

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kurol said:
"Grrr..." His sarcastic remark made her resist punching him again, just like every time with every person. He had barely even noticed her flawless sword swinging! "My name? It's Yuliae. Yuliae Montgomery. And I'll be calling you Commoner, Mr Tall Fire Two Person Boy." She smirked. "And just so you know, I'm way better than you. Or anyone else at this annoying school. So think of it as a blessing that I've given up my rare time for you, Commoner. It's not like I enjoyed myself." But, if he had been looking at her any closer, he may have seen the slightest of smiles appear quickly on her face, before disappearing as quickly as it had come.
"What were you about to say, commoner?"

Troy was competitive when it came to magic. She just opened up a can of worms she wouldn't win. "I was going to say in about a year, you MAY actually be able to beat me and Kiro. But with that attitude of yours, I say it'll easily take you three." Troy smirked as he climbed out his window and used his fire to land easily on the ground. Troy dropped the cage holding Kiro. She's going to want to fight. Just don't kill her is my only rule. Troy felt Kiro laughing with excitement as he readied himself for a duel.

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