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Fantasy Crimson Knight Academy

Again the question was asked. Why was he here. One he didn't really enjoy answering. But after already telling his story to Elden, he didn't want to bore him with the entire story again, so Christian decided to recap. "Well lets just say... My mother wasn't very happy that she gave birth to me, so i spent my seventeen years traumatically abused by my alcoholic mother, until the letter of invitation to this school saved my life." Just wanting to skip any further questions about his past. he once again lifted his shirt so they could all see the Cuts, burns and scars covering most of his body. He quickly pulled his shirt back down, intertwining his fingers trying desperately not to think to much about the pain some of the scars still brought him. "Because of this I'm not very connected to my air magic, but i can use it a little. I mostly use it with my vast knowledge of medicinal herbs and medicine." If there was any pride that came from his past, it was his great abilities with healing.
Leaning just slightly forward Marble easily touched her finger tips gently to Christian's chest. "You have great magic child of the wind, it is not gone. It just needs to be found." She sat back into her chair again. People could be so cruel to each other. They could make another human lose faith in them self. To lose touch with a thing they knew before their beginning.
Elden only smiles as he listens to the child. He was very happy to hear that thus child was so committed to Hus own story. Elden could tell that many parts were exaggerated, but at least the boy had heart. Something this world would need. Elden hears Christian say his tragic story again, and Elden reassuringly gently pats the boys shoulder. Elden speaks his story again, since only Christian knew it as of now. "I was born in a tribe, far away from this place, in some mystical mountains. I shall not reveal the name, as it could endanger them. We were hunted down because of our special eyes, all seeming to have even more enhanced vision." He fully widens his eyes, and an unsettling oresence was felt in everyone. His eyes looked now like a pure tigers, all of the humanity in them gone. He blinks, and they go back to their tigerlike eye color, the bit of human in the eyes returning. "We were tired of being hunted, so prayed to the psurits to find ways to protect ourselves. And we were given magic. I possess lightning magic, and I was the top warrior for my tribe. However, something ancient is attacking them. So I came here for answers to help my people." Once again, he doesn't fully direct what the problem is. And he had no intention too. He smiles at Christian. "I can feel a warrior in you. I know you'll find your own truth." @JustKay @yamagache @kaito9049

When Marble had touched his wounds, he winced slightly. "I hope I can find my true abilities before it's too late." Pondering on the future that held all of them.

Re listening to Eldens past, reminded him of how anciently beautiful his home sounded. He prayed that Elden would find the answers he searched for. He then smiled back at Elden. "Thanks, you give me hope that you mAt be right."
( well it's a bummer but I have to go to sleep. I'll check as soon as I wake up. :D this is getting good. )
Kael had been silent for awhile, simply listening to all they said. Everyone was very interesting. They each had their own reasons for being and a past that held meaning. All except Marble, she only let on so much about herself. She was cool like stone and just as strong. Kael thought to his own magic and how it affected him. Water forms to the world around it. Adapting it's shape and nature to the environment. Was he the same?

If the situation called for it he could be bloodthirsty and ruthless, but now he was calm and even friendly. Water is formless, only imitating that which surrounds it. Maybe that was the truth. But still he was himself and that was all that mattered. "I wonder how far our magic will go..."
Yuliae was huddled on her bed, underneath the blanket. She cried silently, for the first time ever. The tears ran like fire down her face, new to this sensation after months of training herself to protect herself from it. She hoped nobody would enter, think she too was a weakling. Maybe it was true. But she... didn't need their pity.

After what Kiro has said to her, she had ran away. Because... it was what the people who took Mama and Papa away said to her once upon a time, when all was much happier. And that happiness ended too... Nothing lasts forever.

Yuliae looked outside the window, which was nearest to her bed. It would have to be dinner soon. She glanced at the clock. Seven o clock. She prepared to leave and build up her wall again, but then an announcement sounded. "Hello students! Dinner had been cancelled for tonight, since the Headmistress cannot make an appearance. Dinner will be served into your rooms. Thank you!" It was some mysterious woman, a staff member yet to have meet. The food arrived, and she devoured it quickly. Delicious. But nothing could soothe her mind and heart. Looking outside, she watched a single flower on a tree. Her eyes opened, wet with more approaching tears. It's spring. Their favorite season. My favorite season. Before she knew it, she had raced out the window and had already begun climbing the tall tree, towards the flower. But the tree was thin and frail. And branches could easily snap.

She almost reached it. But then... SNAP. The branch snapped, even under her frail body. She fell. It was terrifying, and she watched events of her past fly by. Growing up with her parents. Being told she was a metal user. Them being taken away. Training by herself for ages. Training her magic. Training her heart. She knew her fall would break her back. Maybe even kill her. She braced herself....
Their discussions were interrupted by the announecment that they'd be taking their dinners in the common area. It wasn't long before staff appeared carrying heavy trays piled high with food. Marble pulled a low, long table out of the stone wall by the door to allow the staff to unburden themselves. She hadn't really moved very much since joining everyone or talked really but she enjoyed being around life again. So many months of traveling and searching by herself made her appreciate this weird mashing of people. It made her miss the only place she had known as home, that little village on the constant edge of danger.

Marble stood and had been about to walk over to the food, having let everyone else rush it first, when the earth cried out a warning. No thought was put into answering it's call as she sunk into the stone in a blink of an eye. Popping up outside as if appearing out of nowhere she caught the small student from earlier. The one with the oversized sword and armor that had lost to the child of fire. Marble cradled the child of metal, her arms kind yet unyielding. The poor student was probably in shock from thinking they would be injured to being rescued before they could blink. "Are you alright?" She asked in a voice that put images of gentle hills and valleys in the listeners head.
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"Welp...uhm...I'm just going to eat now..." She said as she grabbed out two small balls of metal and warped into the likeness of a fork and a thin plate. "Control over metal is very useful sometimes..." She said as she approached the stone table, courtesy of another student, and put what she could onto her plate before backing off. "Ahh...that hits the spot...like me beating that one dude to death with a rock..." She said as she ate.
Elden's eyes glow a tad as he calmly observes the last of their conversation. Elden hears the announcement, and he takes the food as he slowly eats it, as he always does. Suddenly, his senses pick up someone starting to fall, and he sees that Marble sensed it as well. Since he sees her react, he let's her save the girl instead. Elden needed answers still. He gets up quickly, and he leaves his half eaten dinner and the others without warning. He needed to find the headmaster. He needed answers for his tribe, and so he starts to search the school for the headmaster. @kurol @yamagache
Was... she hurt? Yuliae looked past her scared wall of fear, to find she was saved by Marble. She quickly recovered from her petrified state and ran off, yelling "Commoner!" whilst doing so. She went back to the common area.

Troy awoke from a nap in his room and walked out to the common room. His hair was still a mess as he bumped into Yuliae. He looked at her as he waited to hear "commoner" Come out of her mouth again. He licked his hand and straightened out his hair while he waited.

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As she walked into the common area, she bumped into Troy. Just say commoner. "Dragon." She hmphed, sitting down on a chair, not looking at him but out a window. Her expression changed from annoyed to watchful, and slightly longing, as she watched the cherry blossoms float about in the spring air. So many memories... A small girl walked with her father and mother, her adoptive parents, piking the falling cherry blossoms and putting them in each other's hair.The girl giggled. She watched outside the window.

kurol said:
As she walked into the common area, she bumped into Troy. Just say commoner. "Dragon." She hmphed, sitting down on a chair, not looking at him but out a window. Her expression changed from annoyed to watchful, and slightly longing, as she watched the cherry blossoms float about in the spring air. So many memories... A small girl walked with her father and mother, her adoptive parents, piking the falling cherry blossoms and putting them in each other's hair.The girl giggled. She watched outside the window.
"So, you've stopped calling me commoner, but calling me dragon when I'm not Kiro is annoying." Troy sighed deeply. The dragon was the symbol of Kiro. Raw power unleashed into the world and destructive enough to conquer the world. That wasn't Troy in the slightest. "If you'd like I could show you MY mage armor?" Troy smiled at her and tried to bring her back from what thoughts may be bothering her.
"Hm?" she hadn't been listening. No, something about him not liking the name Dragon, since it symbolized Kiro. "You're lucky I even thought about not calling you commoner. Doesn't change the fact you are one, but still." "If you'd like I could show you MY mage armor?" he said. She nodded while looking at the ground. Yuliae did want to see this. She never saw his armor in the first fight, too. Is it more powerful?

The little child of metal she had saved jumped out of her arms, shouted 'Commoner' and took off. If Marble expressed emotions she would be rolling her eyes way into the back of her head. Talk about ungrateful but the stone was unmoving and patient. Looking up at where the little mage had fallen from she saw a tree ladened with cherry blossoms. Reaching up the branch from the tree reached out to her offering its flowers. She took a few and melted back into the ground moving easily through the earth back to the common area. Stepping out through the wall that had previously allowed her entrance she looked around till she spotted the child of metal. Moving quickly and easily she placed the flowers in the ungrateful mage's lap and continued back over to her previous seat without stopping or looking back. Settling back into her seat she took a long slow breath as she caught back up on the conversation as if she had never just disappeared.

Troy offered his hand. "If you'll come with me Yuliae, I'll gladly show you. And I'll even spar with you. No dirty tricks like the fire trap either." Troy was just trying to get the girl to drop whatever barrier she had put up, BEFORE she lost someone........A flash of a memory crossed over Troy's face as he remembered a few months back. The real truth why he was still a first year and why he didn't attend his classes anymore. Troy's face clouded over with sorrow and he had to shake himself to snap out of it. "Shall we?"

The girl who had caught her appeared. She seemed to be expressionless. Yuliae hmphed, and looked out the window. "Y...You know, I could've caught myself," she said arrogantly. But she added "But thank you." She waited for Troy to activate his fire armor.


kurol said:
The girl who had caught her appeared. She seemed to be expressionless. Yuliae hmphed, and looked out the window. "Y...You know, I could've caught myself," she said arrogantly. But she added "But thank you." She waited for Troy to activate his fire armor.

"It's best if we head outside. I usually barbecue a few things when I summon it." He continued to hold out his hand waiting for her response.
Troy offered his hand, saying "If you'll come with me Yuliae, I'll gladly show you. And I'll even spar with you. No dirty tricks like the fire trap either."

"I'd rather go fall out of a tree again than go with you..." she said, but it was only an act to cover up her excitement. Yuliae took his hand. It felt warm, and her hand could almost melt... like metal.

"It's best if we head outside. I usually barbecue a few things when I summon it." Yuliae tucked away her smile, which had quickly appeared.

Troy smiled as she had responded. Not only did she agree to his invitation, but he caught a glimpse of a smile. He walked her out of the dorm and across the campus to the gymnasium that was designed as the sparring center for students. As an "unofficial" second year, Troy was allowed in any time he liked. "Welcome to the training grounds Yuliae. It's only open during school hours for first years, but second years and unofficial second years are welcomed anytime they feel the need." Troy stepped into the center of the arena and turned to face her. "Now, what you were waiting for." Troy took in a deep breath and focused his mind. He pulled out a lighter and created the small flame he needed. Suddenly, his eyes came to life as the fire surged into the air. It circled around him and looked like it was about to consume him before it erupted into the form of a blue phoenix. The fire was hotter than most flames people on earth saw. And upon closer inspection anyone would be able to see the streaks of white fire throughout the phoenix. Troy smiled as Doctrine of Flame took its place wrapped around his arms and shoulders, dangling off his arms by several feet on each side. "What do you think?"

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She was stunned. Not only was his fire and the phoenix hot and deadly, it was beautiful. She clapped slowly. "Impressive, for a second year." But she thought it was much more. She wanted to say it was brilliant. Amazing.But if she was ever seen saying things like that, it would give the impression of a weakling who needs to admire others' magic... And she didn't need that. But she knew what she could say. "I'm not going to call you commoner, or dragon. I think I'll call you... Sunny." She smiled quickly, and then recovered. "You know, because sun's are fiery, and they're also really stupid and annoying like you!" she said, to cover up her previous words. But it was also because the sun lit up things with a radiant warmth.

Troy laughed as he took up a fighting stance. "How about this? If you can land a single hit on me, you can call me whatever you want, but if you can't within..." Troy looked at his watch. "One hour, then you'll call me and Kiro by our names. I mean, unless you think you're not strong enough to land a hit on me." Troy was playing with her. She was a lot like someone he knew when he first came here, though that person didn't call everyone commoner.


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