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Fantasy Crimson Knight Academy

(( He finds a secret room leading down to a basement..? Or anything, maybe something that unlocks his powers. As long as it doesn't interfere too much with general story line... And the Headmistress will make her first appearance tonight at the dinner )) @National
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(Alright. Well if anyone wants to interact)

Elden opens the door and walks into the room. He looks, seeing mostly nothing in the room. Was this just an empty room? Was this supposed to be just an empty room? He uses his electromagnetic senses, and he uses them to find a small trigger in the corner if the back of the room. He presses it, and the entire room starts to glow. He watches as the front wall morphs into a large door, and he opens it. Suddenly, the door explode, the room vanishes, and Elden is shot right into the gym, slamming right into the floor. @kurol @Kiroshiven
Marble's eyes snapped open at the sound of an explosion, wiping her arm up the stone that had encased her shot out encasing the shrapnel in a stone ball. Slowly standing up she stretched as the stone ball floated over to her. As the stone ball landed in her hand she turned towards Kael to nod her head in greeting before turning to the other student. "I believe this is yours." the words tumbled like gravel as the ball floated to a table before dropping the bullet pieces on to it, sliding down to the floor and becoming part of it. Rolling her shoulders she took a seat across from the student stretching her long legs out in front of her.

@HybridxForce @Murtox
After announcements were heard of canceled plans to meet the headmistress at dinner and food was brought straight to there rooms, Christian had taken a small ham and cheese sandwich, watching as Elden ate a small portion of food placed on his plate. He saw that Elden had been taking small bites and taking his time doing it, as if telling his body he was in no hurry. Christian wondered if he was savoring the meal? "Is it good?..."

But suddenly Eldens head perked up at a sudden realization to something Christian had no knowledge of. Right after he noticed marble had moved from her spot in a hurry. (This is when Yuliae fell off the tree.) Seeing this made Eldens shoulders relax as if he knew she was going to take care of whatever peeked Eldens interest. Feeling out of the loop Christian stared at Elden. "So what was that just now..."

Agian it seemed Elden had been in his own little world, completly ignoring Christian. Clearly preoccupied by something more important then the meal he was eating. Placing his plate down, He stood up and began walking out of the room in a quick pace. Not sure what to do and still holding on to his sandwhich, Christian followed. He didn't want to be alone, and hoped Elden wouldn't mind his company.

He just kept walking. passing students left and right almost like a well learned dance, and with so much speed. At times Christian had a hard time following behind, but he never lost sight of him and always managed to catch up. Hallway after corridor, he traveled around every corner he could find. It was as if he was searching for something. "What are you looking..." Eledn stops at a door and tries to open them. But before opening them fully it was as if he new exactly what was on the other side. Christian looks up on the right side of the door. A small label was sticking out reading "GYMNASIUM" Elden abandons any thought of continuing entering the room and keeps walking. "Not the room you were looking for?"

He once again ignores Christian and continues hes search. Christian scratched hes head in confusion. Did Elden even know he was following him? After a few more minutes of walking, Elden stops at an unusual looking door, much different from the others Christian was so used to seeing. It was much bigger with more decorated embellishments. There were even hints of gold plating intertwined with the carved swirls around the door frame. He looked up to the right looking for the label marker of what the door lead to. Nothing, there was no sign. But that didn't stop Elden from taking a deep breath and yanking it open.

They both walk in to find that the room was empty. looking around there wasn't anything to justify why the door itself looked to hold such importance within. But again elden seemed to know more than Christian. He walked over to a corner in the back and activated a trigger Christian had not noticed. with a sudden burst of light catching Christian by surprise, He peered through the slits between his fingers when he had lifted his hands to shield he eyes. The back wall morphed and changed magically transforming into another door.

Christian felt unease. "i don't think we should open that one..." It was too late, Elden had already opened the door. The room vanishes, and the entire place explodes. Crashing both Christian and Elden into the gym? The explosion caught a part of Christians Uniform and had burned the entire back off, burning and fusing the shirt onto Christians skin. Pain suddenly engulfed him, as he fell hard on his knees. hands on the gym flooring. But even with the pain umberable and tears clouding his vision. he looks toward Elden with a worried look. "Are you ok Elden?" He said as the smell of burnt flesh hung in the air.

(Is this ok that i joined you @National?)
(No that is just fine @yamagache )

Elden gets up slowly, and his enhanced smell picked up something.. Strange.. Like burnt flesh. Suddenly, he snaps out of his weird trance, and he looks at Christian, and horror settles in his eyes. He didn't even notice the boy was following him, he was so consumed over trying to find answers. He gets up quickly, and flashes right next to Christian. Elden couldn't help but feel guilt course through his body. Thus was his fault that Christian was hurt. He couldn't believe it. He holds the boy up, making sure he didn't apply pressure on his wounds. "Christian, I am truly sorry. Are you okay?"
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Unable to speak at the moment, his mind was swimming with his vision fading behind. But he needed to do something and fast! Slowly, gently touching the bottomed edge of his back, he tried to feel where the burn first started. When he finally located the beginning of the wound, an unbearable shock of pain washed over Christian, as he yelled out in pain.

He was about to pass out. He quickly realized that his medical kit was not strapped on him. Was it destroyed by the blast? Had it fallen off when the fell into the gym? He needed to know immediately! Still with his vision on borderline black, he spoke softly through greeted teeth. "My...my medicine...bag, is it...near?" Praying to the only God he was familiar with that the satchel was unscaved.
Elden watches as Christian struggles with the pain. Elden was horrified as he thinks I'm how he could help. Thus was all because he was so focused on his own goal. To be fair, he didn't know a bomb room would be in the school.

He faintly hears Christian, saying something about his medical bag. He needed it, and so Elden opens his eyes fully. This vision was powerful enough for him to easily find the satchel. He flashes away, and after a split second, reappeared with the bag. He gently gives it to Christian. "How may I help?" @yamagache
Using pure will power to stay conscious, he sees Elden passing the bag into his blurred vision. Oh thank god, he thought to himself. He placed his right hand on his head, breathing heavily he tried to remember what he needed inside. "Please... Find a spray bottle labeled calendula tincture. Then... Then generously apply it to the affected area. I'm having trouble seeing, so I won't be much help...sorry." He then put his fist in his hand and placed it on the gym floor. The he placed his forehead on his gestured hands as a cushion, bracing himself for the up coming pain he was about to experience. "No...no matter how much I wince and gasp... do not stop, I need the entire area burned to be covered."

He waited.
Elden listens carefully to the boys instructions, and he quickly searches through the bag. For such a small bag, it definitely could hold a large assortment of medicine. He continues to search, a bit worried now, until he finds the bottle. He quickly attaches the spray nozzle and aims it at the wound. He sprays the entire wound, making sure he covered all of it. Elden knew a bit of shock therapy, so he sent a small shock through Christians spine to numb some of the pain. But he knew it wouldn't be enough to suppress it all. @yamagache
As Christian began to fall unconscious, a sudden small shock was passed through his body. It woke him up a bit more than hurt him. He realized it was Eldens doing and thanked him in his thoughts. at this point the solution that was placed on Christians back not only numbed the pain considerably but also softened the skin making it malleable. he took a deep long breath and concentrated on his back connecting his mind with every piece of fabric that had been fused in his skin. Activating the small amount of air magic he knew, Christian slowly used the bubbles of air laying in between the burns and cloth to push the pieces of uniform out of his burns. The more pieces that fell out the more tears fell across his face. But then he finished and the worst part was over.

He stood up a bit so that he was siting down legs crossed. still in much pain, his body was trembling. "I can't thank you enough." He said with sweat rolling down his face, but with a genuine smile. He picked up the bag and rummaged through it himself. He pulled out a tube with a green spiked plant labeled Aloe Vera. He cracked the plant open and squeezed a piece until a clear viscous liquid came out. "I'm gunna need you to do me another favour." He said while handing Elden the plant. "Do you mind putting that clear stuff on my back as well?" Hoping he wasn't asking to much of him. Hoping he wasn't a burden. They just became friends. He didn't want to lose that.
Elden sees as the brave boy pushes through the pain. Elden still felt horrible for putting Christian through all of this, it was his fault. When he hears the not thank him, Eldens eyes widen. "Thank me? I apologize deeply for putting you in this position in the first place? I am deeply sorry!"

He watches as Christian squeezes a plant, and a clear liquid comes out. Elden nods, and he help Christian by putting the substance on his back. @yamagache
Dinner was delicious. It was in a huge hall, where long tables seated many rows of students. Different ages sat in different tables, meaning Troy sat somewhere else. Yuliae sat with some people she knew, Marble, Christian, Elden and some others. She conversed little. The food was good. After dinner, as everyone finished their cups of chocolate mousse, the Headmistress emerged from the front of the hall, onto a stage. "Welcome students! I apologize for not being able to arrive last night." No, she saved herself from being killed by a hundred angry students. Even now, some still went red from the anger of having to kill others during her orientation.

"I know it is only second day, but there is already a dangerous report of power hungry demons attacking the human world. Despite it being a job for more students in the fourth year, I have decided students in the first year, as well as unofficial second years and second years who have been placed with first years ( @Kiroshiven ), shall be battling them. Think of it as your first class! Oh, which reminds me, classes begin next week. Anyway, in three days I want your teams created and practiced. Teams are what you will be going into battle in, a small pair of two students that I have already decided. Teams have been posted onto paper in the common areas. It doesn't matter if you and your comrade's powers contrast, some of the best teams are teams like this. I need you to practice with your partner. Thank you, my Crimson Knights!" With that, she vanished magically into thin air, leaving behind a scatter of leaves. As soon as dismissed by staff, Yuliae ran to the commons area to find out the teams.

(( P.S I only put in people who are active. If you are not on but will post, just tell me in OOC ))
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Crimson Knight Teams:

Yuliae @Metaphysics [/color]

Sky @too much idea , Michael @kaito9049

If you are in serious protest of these teams, or aren't on there since I haven't regarded you as active, please tell me and I will put you in teams! Please try to like your team!
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Yuliae sat down on a couch, stomach aching from the vast amounts of dinner running about as she dashed into the commons area. So, I'm with Troy? Then I'm with Kiro too. She thought about it long and hard, wondering what it meant to her. All she had the strength to say is that "It'll be our advantage, since he's like two people, with two types of powerful magic. But putting fire with metal? Was the Headmistress planning their death sentence again? Fire and metal are two elements not to stand beside each other. She had no idea how this was going to work.

Yuliae sat in the commons area, relaxing her stomach, and waiting for someone to come by.


Marian suddenly popped up behind her holding Bloody Cross. "Oh hello! I heard you say metal, you a metal user too?" She asked Yuliae. "Yuliae right? Can I call you Yuyu? Not Yuyuyu, just Yuyu. Is it just you her Yuyu?" Marian rambled as she bounded about, bouncing on her feet and never seeming to stay in one place. @kurol
"You can call me nothing but Your Grandness, commoner. And may I ask, why are you so bouncy? You just ate dinner, aren't you sick from that?" Her stomach cried again. Yuliae growled. Anyway, it seemed like this girl was also a metal user. "I am Yuliae Montgomery. How long have you known about your metal powers? And what can you do, commoner? Tell me!" But Yuliae was quite curious, especially since she was new to this world of magic and metal and death.

Elden looks over at Christian, smiles, and nods. "It seems we are on a team together. And our combination of elements isn't bad at all. This should be interesting." His animal like eyes scan everyone else, seeing most of the students pairing. He uses his electromagnetic sensing, and with it, finds every single pair up. Elden looks at Yuliae and the other metal user.

He grins, as this school just got very interesting. @yamagache
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Before this Marian girl begins to answer her questions, Yuliae glances over at Elden and Christian. Elden seems to be grinning. She never really talked to the pair much, but saw that they obviously had some sort of friendship. Maybe she will talk to them one day, a real conversation. Before the battle... after that, she might lose her chance at talking to them ever again.



(Sorry fell asleep. :D )

Christian was ecstatic to find out from Elden that they were gunna be teaming up together... As partners! After walking down to the huge hall for dining, making sure to take small steps not to move his back to much. He sat right across from Elden at the table they were sitting at.

After the headmistress said her piece, and Elden relayed the fact that the were going to be working together, a deep knot started to form in his stomach. He put his fork down, lowering his head. They were being partnered up because they would be battling monsters? No. Demons. First the orientation, now this! He had no stomach to take the lives of his fellow students! What if he wasn't strong enough to kill a demon as well?

...what if his cowardice put Elden in danger?! That fear shook Christian to the bottom of his soul. He felt like crying, he didn't want to burden Elden. "I'm sorry." Was all he could say.

Marble sat down beside Christian in the dining hall for breakfast dressed in the boy's green uniform with a short tunic. She didn't eat or drink much, especially considering how some of her classmates woofed down as much food as they could reach. For the most part she observed the gathering and filed away things of remark. It seemed that Christian and Elden were forming a friendship. Something that would be good for both of them and help them reach further into their magic. Especially Christian who seemed to be in his own way in that regard. The small child of metal was devouring everything she could reach but seemed modestly happy like she was just beginning to peek out of her shell. For all the school's troubling ways Marble felt it was doing some of the students the kind of good that was needed for them to grow. People like plants couldn't grow without weeding, without care, or without adversity.

Having finished the small amount of food on her plate she had been doing what came naturally to her, waiting. Following snippets of conversation here and there. Answering in as few words as possible to those directed at her. It was pleasant to be among her fellow students. Though she had only interacted with a few of them she knew as time passed that would change. So when the Headmistress finally did make an appearance and yet another announcement, something she felt was going to be something that went hand in hand at this school, she was not surprised on either counts. The monsters, deamons, and devils that plagued their lands rarely stopped attacking. If this school was made to create those capable of combating those attacks it would stand to reason they would send them out as soon as possible. And if they were sending out her group of first years it meant that there must be a great potential in their grade.

So when she could feel Christian panicking over if he could measure up and fight after learning he was paired up with Elden, Marble reached over and gently placed a hand on his arm. "It takes great strength to know your short comings, and even greater wisdom to acknowledge them. If you would like before they send us out I can help you reach more of your magic." When she had touched his arm Marble had felt something off, something wrong. Her mind flipped back to when she had come in and how gingerly he had been sitting. Moving her hand from his arm she let it hover over his back without touching it. She could feel the heat from the burn radiating off of it. "We will start with this. You already have an affinity to heal, it comes from your connection to your magic you just need to learn how to connect to it. Meet me in the library when you are done here and we will get started." Turning back in her seat as she placed her hands on the table in front of her she nodded her head at Elden as she stood up. "You are welcome to join us."

Standing to her full height as she moved the chair back she could easily see the whole room as she towered above everyone. Spotting Kael she moved easily down the length of the table to where he sat and laid a hand on his shoulder. Marble didn't say anything it was merely an acknowledgement of sorts of their new founded partnership by order of the Headmistress. She had already found him more tolerable then most people and felt there powers would dance well together. Plus it seemed odd to her to talk so much all at once so instead she defaulted to her none verbal communication for now. Marble had the unpleasant sensation that she would forced into doing more talking then she enjoyed. Pausing only a moment at Kael she moved past him and through the doors out into the hallway. Making her way to the library on foot was easy as the stones made sure she never got lost.

@yamagache @HybridxForce @National
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(Sorry I'm at work, unable to post at the moment, but I love the idea @JustKay :D 4 more hours and I'll be free to continue sorry again.)
(( No worries @yamagache I'm at work as well. Figured since Elden and Marble are more in touch with their powers then most of the fellow students that they could start reaching out and helping them learn more. ))
Troy sat there and used his fire magic to properly cook the food before them. He'd learned this lesson quickly, with a bit of heat and magic the food could be edible. As he listened to the headmistress, his heart sank. He'd been selected to go and fight, despite what happened a few months ago. A dark shadow washed over his face and he left the cafeteria without looking at anyone, despite the looks he got as the only person to leave. He didn't care if the headmistress punished him for it, she should've known better than to put him on the front lines. He stood outside as night began to fall and the starts filled the sky. "We're really going to have to face them again Kiro." Troy spoke aloud to his other self. "I know, and this time we won't be alone. We'll have to watch out for shorty." Kiro sighed deeply. "We should tell her that we withdraw from the school." Troy knew that meant going to the human world's prison, but it was better than having to face the trauma again.


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