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Fantasy Crimson Knight Academy

kurol said:
Before this Marian girl begins to answer her questions, Yuliae glances over at Elden and Christian. Elden seems to be grinning. She never really talked to the pair much, but saw that they obviously had some sort of friendship. Maybe she will talk to them one day, a real conversation. Before the battle... after that, she might lose her chance at talking to them ever again.


(sorry I fell asleep)

"Well, aside from the usual stuff I can do with metal..." She pointed at a stray bird outside. "I also seem to be able to kill thingss from inside out! Ahehehehe!" She said as the bird was impaled by a spike of iron coming from inside it. "Isn't it fun? Thriving in battle, getting all bloody and stuff, ripping things apart from the inside with glee?":
Elden sees Yuliae look back, and he nods, signaling that he noticed her. He looks back at Christian, and he smiles. "You don't need to say sorry. You and I will be one of the greatest teams in this school." He looks at Marble, and nods. "Of course. I shall help with this training." @yamagache @JustKay
Feeling Better at Eldens Confidence, Christian Heard Marbles invitation to get stronger in his magic, This made christian happy and curious as to how his abilities could evolve. Seeing as Elden was planning on joining made him him even happier. He was truly happy in there friendship and was even happy at the new friendship he found in Marble as well. As He stood up, he winced in pain from his back. He tried to smile to hide that fact that he was still in much pain. He didn't want to hurt elden. He never blamed him for what had happened. "Are you ready to go to the library? we can go there together." He said Enjoying the time he was spending here at the academy. @National @JustKay
Elden nods, and he gets up from his seat. He flashes right next to Christian, and holds out a shoulder for support. "If your wounds hurt too much, I won't mind if you need some support." He walks with Christian to the library, Elden looking around for any clues. @yamagache
She had settled on the floor in front of the fireplace on the far side of the library. Slowly the stone leeched the tension from her body that came with being around people. Taken a deep breath Marble slowly released it, opening herself up to her power. Holding herself back from falling into it like she normally would do she closed her eyes and waited. Poking through the stones of the school she let them bring her little tidbits of conversations, some of which she was pretty sure she wasn't suppose to hear.

@National @yamagache
He waved his hand. "No... no I can walk on my own. But thank you." He didn't want to rely to much of Eldens strength. He wanted to prove to him that he would be a capable partner for him. He wasn't going to let his ignorance and Weakness put Elden in danger. He would make him proud. Motioning toward the dinning room door, he began walking towards it. passing a number of students eating, some looking up at him just starring... Judging. he walked out and began heading to the library. there was just one problem. "Hey umm, do you know where the library is?"

@National @JustKay
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Elden shakes his head. "I can find it quickly, don't worry about that." Elden uses his senses to track down Marble, and he pinpoints her. He grabs Christians good shoulder, and they both disappear. In a flash of lightning, they reappear behind Marble. "There we go." @yamagache @JustKay
Marble peeked open an eye as she felt Elden's magic bring him into the library. She wondered if he used his magic to get them their because it was faster or because they had difficulty finding the way to the library. If so it the latter it would most likely have happened due to a comment of uncertainty on Christian's part. Elden seemed to be quick to do what was needed to soothe over any anxiety or fears the child of air might have. It was a good instinct especially for someone from Christian's situation but it could hinder his growth. Balancing the two acts would be like stacking stones. "Have a seat." Marble gestured to the space in front of her as the floor stretched to open up the space and push the furniture away from them.

@National @yamagache
Christian was a bit tingly from the teleporting, he had never experienced that in his life and wasn't sure if he liked it or not. He wondered how Elden felt about his own powers? Or marble and her elemental abilities. Did they like what they were given? Christian couldn't really see the uses of his own air magic, except for the small doses he used for medical purposes. He was really curious as to what they would teach him.

Marble told them to take a seat, while making the room... Roomier. He sat on the chair to her right, Making sure his back never touched the chair, waiting for Elden to do the same.

@National @JustKay
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Elden sits down on the floor, and he gets into his meditative posture. He breathes in and out, and with electromagnetic pulses, he levitates an inch from the ground, and he opens his eyes. "A good way to begin is to control your breathing. That is what I usually do. Feel your magic flow through your lungs. Air users have an easier time with this than most." @yamagache @JustKay
He watched as Elden decided to levitate in the air rather then sit on a chair. Christian was completely amazed. He was doing this, with Lightning? Such a beautiful display of control. He then told him to breathe in a way that was almost like following a rhythm, controlled. "Feel your magic flow through your lungs. Air users have an easier time with this than most."

If only he knew just how right he was. He began remembering the time he was drowning in the bathtub at a young age. His mothers hands held tightly on his throat. "You disgusting dirty piece of shit!" His mothers words echoed in his head. If it wasn't for his magic pumping air into his lungs, Christian surely would have died that night, like so many other moments In his life.

His breathing became very much the opposite of controlled. He closed his eyes trying to regain the little control he had. But the sudden memory had shaken him. Anxiety filled his heart.

@National @JustKay
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Yuliae nodded curiously at the girl Marian's skills. She impaled a bird.. inside out. With some sort of maniacal enthusiasm. "Good on you, commoner."

Yuliae wondered quietly were Troy was. Everyone seemed to have paired up with their partners. Where did he go? Was he in shock? Was he running away? Yuliae shook the thought from her mind. One, she couldn't go out there alone into the battle. And two... Were they friends? No, no, no. Just comrades in this battle.

Yuliae decided to look for Troy. She searched in the dorm, the library, the gym and most other places and nooks hidden around the school, which she had introduced herself to during the day time. There was one last spot. She looked out the window, eyes frantic and heart beating an irregular pace. The sky was dark, and the stars shone dimly. But she could see the fire mage standing outside on the long beds of dew spotted grass, cherry blossoms floating around him. She jumped down from the window, breaking into a sprint. She didn't call him commoner. "Troooyyy!!! What are you doing?! Troyyy!!!"

Troy was lost in thought when he was called out to. Not many people called him Troy, he wondered who it was. He turnes slowly to see Yuliae. She was running over to him and was actually calling his name. "Not commoner today?" Troy chuckled as he smiled at the girl. He wouldnt let her know what he was about to do. "What's up?"

Marble placed an hand Christian's arm as he began to panic. "You are safe here but perhaps we should try a different approach." Moving back into her meditation pose she placed a hand on the middle of her torso. "Everyone's magic is tied to a core of its user. For Earth users it feels like the roots in the ground and the stone that makes the base of the mountain. It will feel different for you as a child of air, but it will still be a feeling that brings you immense peace without you even knowing why. It will be a feeling tied to your magic." Reaching out with her magic Marble plucked a small strand of it from Christian and placed it in his hand. "Now close your eyes and look into yourself. Feel the thread of magic in your hand, it is a part of you. It always has been. Follow that thread of magic you use back to its source." Keeping her eyes on him she used the stone to help her powers and drew a bubble around them to keep any stray magic that might leech out from Christian from causing any untold trouble. She had once seen a young child of earth bring down the side of a mountain while trying to reach his core. At this point reaching the core normally loosed a wild stream of magic as the user could access it but didn't yet know how to control its flow or wield it yet. "When you find the source of your magic let yourself fall into it. Let it engulf you. Feel it rush through your body. Remember how it feels, how you got to it. Let it remember you."

@National @yamagache
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Her touched suddenly yanked him back into reality, his breathing became stable again, as Marble suggested another method. Being encased in a bubble of protection and then told to close he's eyes and feel where his magic originated from, made Christian feel a little overwhelmed. what was the bubble for? He poked it with his other hand, watching it fluctuate at the sudden touch. It was weird seeing such a visible representation of magic. Christians air power was always invisible to the naked eye. But she had just handed him a piece of his own magic in his hand.

closing his eyes like instructed, Christian focused on the ball of energy in the palm of his right hand. He noticed how it was swirling in a violent circle, as if a small tornado was residing in the sphere. He thought of a tornado. The immense power it contained over taking anything that dared to get in its way. The sheer power of Air prosonified in one of natures most deadly weapons. Within the bubble Marble created Christians abilities began to activate, copying the movements of the sphere in his hand. A wind Began to swirl getting faster and faster. Becoming a tornado itself contained in the protective bubble with Christian at the centre. He felt calm knowing that he had the potential to wield such a vast amount of power. He thought about how he could of used it to protect himself from his mother and her abuse... Suddenly the tornado of power intensified and became unstable, trashing around and violently tearing down the barrier. Christian opened his eyes to the horror. The bubble was about to break and he had know idea how to stop himself. "what do I do!!" He said completely overwhelmed.
As always she sat patiently waiting and watching for what she knew would happen. As Christian had found his magic and tapped into the source it had gotten away from him. Reigning back magic was a lesson that needed repetition and now was as good a time as any to show him its start. Marble reinforced the bubble as she felt it thinning, adding a secondary bubble outside of this one, before standing and walking through the torrent of the wind storm towards Christian. Large stones didn't move in storms, the wind battered against them and wore them away over hundreds of thousands of years but the stone still remained long after the storm had passed. She placed the tips of her fingers on either side of Christian's head, forcing him to look away from the chaos and at her. "Let the magic take you. Don't fight it. Let it fill you up till you think you are nothing but air. You are the magic, you are the wind. Be the wind as it pounds in anger. Let that wind release that anger, feel it slowing down. See it slowing down in your mind." Her voice reverberated around them in an echoing boom that was easily heard over the cacophony created around them without her having to shout. "Remember who you are child of wind."

@National @yamagache
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She panted as she reached him. He smiles, as if nothing was unusual about standing outside the dorms and common area at a time like this. "Not commoner today?" he said, grinning. I rolled my eyes. "Commoner! How about that?"

"What's up?" he asked. "How can you be so casual? You're the one whose standing out here for who knows why! You're supposed to be my team partner! Go back before I have to knock you out and drag you into the room!" Yuliae answered. She tried to sound angry, but there seemed to be a tinge of worry that lined her words ever so carefully, so cleverly that even she couldn't pick them out of her own words. Yuliae breathed heavily, looking up at the much taller boy from her tiny height.

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kurol said:
She panted as she reached him. He smiles, as if nothing was unusual about standing outside the dorms and common area at a time like this. "Not commoner today?" he said, grinning. I rolled my eyes. "Commoner! How about that?"
"What's up?" he asked. "How can you be so casual? You're the one whose standing out here for who knows why! You're supposed to be my team partner! Go back before I have to knock you out and drag you into the room!" Yuliae answered. She tried to sound angry, but there seemed to be a tinge of worry that lined her words ever so carefully, so cleverly that even she couldn't pick them out of her own words. Yuliae breathed heavily, looking up at the much taller boy from her tiny height.

Troy pet her head. "I'm glad to see you're worried." Troy looked at her with a smile. "But I don't know about me fighting out there." Troy had a skeleton in his closet that he wasn't ready to face yet. His face was clouded over with the memory of it. The fact that he had gotten someone like her killed.......Troy shook in recollection of her face at the moment he watched the life fade from her eyes. And then the memory of waking up to the destruction that he supposedly caused. There was a lot that Troy had to atone for, but wasn't ready to deal with it just yet.
He pet her head, "I'm glad to see you're worried." She shook her head, eyes like a worried, angry child. "I'm... Not worried! But something might happen to you out here, and I can't risk losing you without beating you up first!!" She yelled, like a tiny child having a nonsensical fit. He said he didn't know about fighting in the battle. "What do you mean? You're... You're pretty good, alright! Gee, commoner, just don't tell anyone I said that, or I'll kick you're head off! And the paper said you are my partner! If you're coward enough to run away, I might die out there!!" She yelled, all her thoughts rolling out in one big emotional ball.

kurol said:
He pet her head, "I'm glad to see you're worried." She shook her head, eyes like a worried, angry child. "I'm... Not worried! But something might happen to you out here, and I can't risk losing you without beating you up first!!" She yelled, like a tiny child having a nonsensical fit. He said he didn't know about fighting in the battle. "What do you mean? You're... You're pretty good, alright! Gee, commoner, just don't tell anyone I said that, or I'll kick you're head off! And the paper said you are my partner! If you're coward enough to run away, I might die out there!!" She yelled, all her thoughts rolling out in one big emotional ball.
She said it. She said the words that brought back the memories for Troy. Kiro took over to hold Troy back from the darkness. "Kid, don't mention dying around Troy. There's something that you need to understand, someone important to him died only a few months ago. He blames himself for it." Kiro's words were harsh. "Actually, she was important to both of us. But that's not the point right now. Troy considers you a friend and he's sensitive to death and he's not ready to face a demon again. So leave him be about this pairing thing or talk to me about it. Got it?" Kiro's eyes were a fierce crimson that made fresh blood look pale. This was a warning, Kiro was feeling aggressive and violent. And it all stemmed from the dark place Troy was in at the moment.
Kyo was bored. She saw absolutely nothing interesting here, and thus started wondering why she'd come to this place from just a stupid letter. Currently fiddling idly with one of her swords, particularly the cyan, she suddenly got a brilliant idea; however, she didn't know what some specifics should be. "Perhaps...?" Kyo thought aloud, a smirk spreading across her face as she threw her blade back in the sheath upon her, well, back, before trying to remember where specific people were at, or at least where she'd last seen certain people go. She also thought about how she'd yet to be assigned a partner, though found the idea lovely of working alone should they be having her do so; after all, others had partners and so she wasn't entirely certain what was going on for her.

((Sorry for not posting for a while... You peoples post too fast for me, so I haven't even read most of the posts since page two/three X3 Thought I'd get this post in anyway, 'cause y'know, I might as well at least try to be a part.))
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Kiro emerged from Troy, taking over. He told her about how someone important to both of them had died, and Troy blamed himself for it. Kiro looked aggressive, eyes crimson. Troy was hidden in a dark place of memory.

The old Yuliae may have yelled commoner rand ran away. Run away from all her problems. Just like how she sprinted from the memory of her Mama and Papa being taken away for raising a magical child. Their limbs bleeding, screams piercing the cold air. She ran away from those memories. But this time, Yulaie wasn't going to run away from Troy and Kiro. Friends. The word circled in her mind, giving her the strength to fight back.

"I.. I don't care about that! I'm sad that he lost someone a long time ago, but he needs to look past that! Or else he'll lose someone again! You'll both lose someone again! And.. I'll lose someone too! So if you are just going to be a coward and leave me to die in the battle, so be it! But you'll only lose someone else! And this time, you won't even fight for me! It'd be just like giving up! And neither you, Kiro, nor Troy, would ever do that! Do you hear me?! Hear me!" She yelled, eyes wetting. Yulaie didn't care if what she said got her beaten up.

@Kiyoko Tomoe (( Hehe if youc an you can catch up, but I don't mind if you need to drop out. But it'd be lovely if you stayed in! Message me in Conversation ^^ ))

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