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Fantasy Crimson Knight Academy

She growled, but grinned mischievously. "Just a hit? Bring it on, Sunny! You know what, commoner had a much better ring to it!" They both took up a fighting stance. She activated her metal armor. A cocoon of silver light burst around her, and she was decked in her armor. She knew her armor could do something else, so she activated Mode 2. Her armor shone again, and built up more on the shoulders, legs, hips and hands. Parts of it had bright red lines running through. "This is Mode 2 of my armor..." she said, as she drew Arcana. "And this is Mode 2 of Arcana!" Her sword was exactly the same to the armor, and had grown nearly double it's size. She was always one to attack first. She did a front flip and landed behind him, and tried to strike. "So, just how long do I have to beat you up? Not that landing a hit will take time."

Troy yawned as the pheonix shrunk in size, but the entirety of the flame turned white. The heat alone reached levels that began to melt the ground beneath them as well as the blade in her hand. Fire had a natural advantage over steel if you could increase the heat. He pushed himself forward, leaving a trail of melted ground around him as the phoenix returned to its orginal size and blue color. One hit would be near impossible for a girl that attacked without a strategy. And if she thought that she was the first to trigger a second tier of her own power against him, she was sadly mistaken, but he enjoyed her liveliness. "You've better hurry, at this rate you're going to have to start calling me Troy. Say it with me now. Troooooooooy." He was taunting her as he tapped his watch.

"No way!!" she said, as her blade started to melt. She backed away, and restored Arcana with metal magic. He was clearly teasing her, taunting her. I need a strategy, she thought to herself. Hm... she could use her agility to jump up onto the wall, and bounce back off onto him or near him... She'll try that. "Okay," she said to herself. She used the metal magic, as well as her own ability, and jumped up onto the wall. She glanced down at Troy, who was grinning mischievously. She needed to beat him! Yuliae jumped down from the wall with speed, and held out her fist, getting ready to punch him in the face. Then, once she had done that, she could win.

kurol said:
"No way!!" she said, as her blade started to melt. She backed away, and restored Arcana with metal magic. He was clearly teasing her, taunting her. I need a strategy, she thought to herself. Hm... she could use her agility to jump up onto the wall, and bounce back off onto him or near him... She'll try that. "Okay," she said to herself. She used the metal magic, as well as her own ability, and jumped up onto the wall. She glanced down at Troy, who was grinning mischievously. She needed to beat him! Yuliae jumped down from the wall with speed, and held out her fist, getting ready to punch him in the face. Then, once she had done that, she could win.
"Seek her out Doctrine." Troy moved his left arm toward her and the chain sprang to life, it began moving towards her what it couldn't reach was replaced with cool fire that began to form a giant sphere around her. She could no longer move forward towards him as he then made a throwing motion and the sphere opened up as it threw the poor girl away. "That's not much of a different strategy Yuliae. Blindly rushing at your opponent when they vastly out power you is asking for trouble. Use your head." Troy was going to get this girl to think, even if it took him the whole hour. "Remember what you're magic is and what you can do with it. Use that to your strength."
She had become trapped inside a ball of Troy's control, and then had been thrown onto the floor. Her arm hurt badly. It was already her second day, and she had been injured so much. She got up, and resisted the pain from her left arm. "Remember what you're magic is and what you can do with it. Use that to your strength." My magic... Well... I could attack with Arcana, use Mode 2, and... use metal to mold things. She had an idea. She conjured a piece of metal, and inside a large ball of light to conceal her, she morphed it into a perfect version of herself. She did this many times, until there were fifteen Yuliae's all holding deadly Arcana swords. Although they couldn't speak or attack with power, they could confuse. Then... she could attack. Her arm hurt from the metal magic, but she sealed away the light ball to reveal her army of Yuliae's. But which one was the real one? They attacked with power at Troy.

"Better." Troy sighed. "But not good enough." The phoenix vanished as Troy left the field, Kiro took over and the eruption of red fire that formed his dragon appeared. The shockwave of the appearing suddenly wouldn't be enough to send the metal ones back, but it should knock the real girl off her feet. If it wasn't enough the dragon opened its maw and let loose a torrent of blue fire that began overheating the ground again, causing the copies to get stuck along with Yuliae. "Now the real show starts." Kiro leaped into the air and the dragon that was his armor held him aloft in the sky. He stayed up there waiting for the next move Yuliae would think of.

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All the copies had melted with the appearance of Kiro and his fiery dragon armor. "Hello, dragon," she said, mock politely. "I believe last time I let you win? Not this time! This time I will finish it!" But how..? She had no idea what to do. Her plan to make a diversion of copies had been thwarted. Her arm hurt. It was bleeding slightly through her uniform sleeve, although the pain lied inside the limb. One more plan sparked in Yuliae's mind. She needed to figure out Kiro's weakness. What... what if she could bring Troy back out? A plan formed. If it worked, she could win. If it didn't, she had seriously lost this duel.

She got up slowly, forcing tears out of her eyes. They weren't real, but she hoped they'd be genuine enough to trick the dragon. There was one more part left. She got Arcana... and cut a large wound on her left arm. She fell to the floor from the instant agony.

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Elden continues to look through the school. He needed answers for his tribe, and that meant searching the school. He knew this was forbidden, but he needed to find the headmaster. After dodging a few other students with his deadly speed, he sees a set of doors. He walks over and tries to open them @kurol
Someone was trying to get into the gymnasium, it seemed. Had Troy sealed the doors..? Her thoughts couldn't go far, as she was lying on the ground, left arm bleeding waterfalls of red, right still holding Arcana. Arcana, who was covered with her own blood


Troy and Kiro shared a thought with one another. Either she was crazy or this was her plot. Either way, they needed to use magic to their advantage. They lowered themselves to the groun and sent out Doctrine to cauterize her wound. Troy and Kiro worked together to control everything perfectly. Keeping a good fifty foot distance the two managed to use Doctrine to observe her. The time that had passed had only been a few minutes. The dragon suddenly had a blue phoenix flying around it. It was very rare that both mage armors appeared at the same time. "Are you alright Yuliae?" Both voices sounded out. Kiro had been paying attention and new what the game was about, but even he couldn't completely abandon someone.

Both Troy and Kiro began to merge, a blue phoenix circling the dragon. Both asked if she was alright. "N..N..No... I.... I can't use Arcana any more now... My left ar is hurt.... That's my wielding arm...." She stuttered. If only she could keep up the act.... And hope neither suspected too much.

Elden uses his electromagnetic sensing, and sees that the room was occupied with students. No the room that he needed. He leaves the gym and continues to search for the headmasters office. He reaches another set of doors, and they looked much more official. He was now deeper in the school, and he hoped that this was the room of the headmaster. He puts his hand on the door and tries to open it. @kurol
Perfect. They had picked her up, both souls in one body, taking her to the nurse. She giggled from the loss of blood, her normal attitude mixed up. She reached her right arm out and punched the boy softly on the arm. "Heh... Heh.... I won. First... hit...." she said, smiling brightly. She wasn't her normal self from the blood loss. Then, as she heard the boy replying something in answer, she blacked out.

(( sorry....... ))

The wound still seemed to be bleeding, gushing with blood. And there was one reason for that. It was fake blood. For a fake, metal Yuliae.

"Yahhh!!!!" She attacked from behind, kicking the boy in the head. She broke the his fiery aura, which caused heat to burn up on her skin, but she didn't mind. Yuliae was always good at trickery, but she never thought it would be this handy in battle. She had replaced herself with a metal copy while she hid perched on a wall. The metal copy was filled with fake blood that would keep gushing out. She laughed, hands on hips.

The two smiled as she managed to get into the aura. It was a deep sacrifice that they would reward. They lessened the heat where they were from that of the sun to that of an average fire, which allowed her to kick him. She'd thought and they could also use this as an opportunity, after all an hour had just slipped past. "Good game. But a little late on that plan. You spent so much time thinking and planning that you missed out on a bunch. But go ahead and call me what you'd like. That's what friends do right?" Troy smiled at her. His face easily showed that he hadn't tried at all. It was carefree as the whole sparring was a game for him, til she did the fake blood trick.

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She burst out in arrogant boasting, huge grin on her face. "I won! I won! Ha! I'm going to call you Commoner now!! Forever and ever and ever- Friends?" Did he just say that's what friends do? "I... I'm not friends with you, commoner. I'm... we're mere acquaintances." She hoped he couldn't sense it, but something warm was creeping into her soul. And it wasn't fire, or metal.

*After breakfast*

"How about you show me around the school, commoner? Not like you'd have anything else to do," she said. He was a senior, therefore knew more than she did.

Troy shook his head. "You realize that you may have landed a blow, but it's past an hour right?" Troy chuckled. "Oh well. No, I actually have to practice controlling Doctrine with Professor Naomi. She's been helping me learn to merge with Kiro. You should make friends your own age." Troy didn't want to hurt the girl, but two things were stopping him. One, she kept calling him commoner and he was already sick of it to the point where he wanted to challenge her to an official duel and really let her feel how hot it gets in the kitchen. And two, he really DID have lessons to help him merge with Kiro.

"Of course... I didn't even want you to show me around in the first place!" she covered up, turning around. "Bye.." she murmured softly as she walked away. Now was a good time to go find some other friends. Gahh! Not that I consider him a friend..! She laughed at herself. Yuliae crossed the hallway, going back to the common area, when she saw a library. She loved books. "Well, I've got spare time on my hands.." she said as she entered. The librarian seemed occupied, so she just entered, sat down and began to read.


Marble sat where she had been since after everyone had gone to bed. In the middle of the library near her set of dorms in a deep state of meditation. She was one with the stone. In fact currently she was a part of the stone. To any looking on she was stone. Completely still, completely at peace, completely open to her power. Here she learned what was needed as her magic decided it was time.

Yuliae detected the presence of another. She turned around and looked around the library, peering between the tall shelves lines with row after row of ancient books on magic and fairy tale. She was reading the history of Metal Magic. But she could feel that there was someone else in the library.. But all she could see was.. a stone. Hmph. She got up and left.

(( sorry got to go ))
Avong was in the library too , to get peace in his reading and to search several other books about metalcrafting , thats why the librarian was occupied and couldnt attent others , after ten minutes he finally found the books he wanted , the first was about using in magic in metal and it was more advanced than the things that Avong made to his bullets , thought the book said "Basic metalcrafting with magic" , Avong noticed the a girl that just entered the library but he was more worried carrying the books he needed and so he sat near a strange stone statue , in a couple of seconds he was already reading again and trying several magical spells in a small scale with some bullets he brought to the library , he only hoped that none of the bullets would explode so he did everything carefully.

Despite all the food set up in the room Kael wasn't the least bit hungry. He was in his own little world, running scenarios and implications through his mind. Every thought was either discarded or deemed unusable. In the end his head only hurt as he slumped in his chair. In a daze he stood up and wandered the halls, making sure to grab his weapons before hand. Magic was a difficult concept to grasp. At one point it seemed to follow logic and science and at another it seemed to be just magic, the unexplained.

Like most others Kael's weapon was material, not formed through control of an element. He had yet to even develop his armor. The blades were a sturdy material and seemed solid just like the links, but in actuality they were hollow. Filling them with any liquid would grant Kael better control and even the ability to enhance the qualities of the blades. It was infinitely small in comparison to other magic, but Kael liked to focus on the minute control of his element. Water existed in three states. Liquid and gas he could control but solid, ice, was another realm of magic. Kael sighed. Whenever he thought of a new way to use water he would question it and eventually believe it impossible. He need knowledge of how others had used the element before him. With that he searched for the library.

Minutes of wandering eventually brought him to the place. Inside was rows upon rows of shelves with countless volumes of text. Kael skimmed the titles as he searched for books on the applications of water magic. One book in particular seemed to carry an aura. He took the book and out of habit looked around him to see if anyone was watching. From the corner of his eye he saw one of the students who had been in the living room. Close by was a stone statue...no it was someone. Kael blinked a few times and walked closer. He passed the boy and spoke to the statue. "Marble?"

@JustKay @Murtox
Elden grabs the golden wooden door, confident that this may lead answers to where the headmaster was. He takes a deep breath, and yanks it open. (He left the gym and went to a different room to find the headmaster BTW. Its your choice what he finds inside and if he finds something cool.) @kurol
Avong was too much focused in making small spells to pay attention to the strange boy that just spoke to an statue , in the meanwhile he had made some progress , he was able to cast an small spell that made the bullet a bit lighter but he wondered why so test its weight he started to move it in the air , everytime more faster , after something happened , a small tiny explosion inside the bullet made the metal go everywhere hopefully Avong was able to stop it just before it coudl reach the statue or the boy , the sound was another matter it could be heard in half of the library but Avong was far enough that the librarian didnt notice too much the noise.

@JustKay @HybridxForce

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