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Fantasy Clash of Kingdoms

(Didn't he not know that Kurt is a servant?)

Azura quickly grew bored of watching the rain in the garden. She wanted to go to the library, but was unsure if she felt like socializing with someone who might be in there because there were few other places to go while it rained. Wandering the halls seemed to be a good idea. The castle was old, so she might find a secret passageway or something exciting. Plus, she could run into one of her sisters who might know who that stranger was.
micheal stood their, just watching the rain silently, if you looked closely, visible for only a moment, you might have seen a small tear drip from his left cheek (post people, post!)
(I was going to have Bolton wake up later, but I guess now is fine)

Bolton's dream had dissolved from his vision and was replaced with a close view of the floor. 'My body must have been restless when I slept.' he thought while forcing his body to hold itself up. Looking out his window, he saw the amount of rain fluctuating in its descent to the ground.

After obtaining soap and a rag from a closet that a servant informed him of, Bolton walked out of the castle towards the forest. 'A wash sounds nice right now.' he thought as he spotted a river.

With loud plop's, the wet clothes fell to the ground. Bolton stepped into the shallow river and began to scrub away the accumulated dirt. The rain was easy to ignore for Bolton, but his thoughts were harder to do so. 'What about my family? What will happen to them? Will their title as nobility be relenquished?....' his thoughts flooded his mind, while he absentmindedly cleaned his body. Then a single question grabbed Bolton's full attention "Am I selfish for doing what I want?" His hand that held the rag froze to his chest and like a seed the question propagated identical questions "Are they selfish for wanting me to become king? Do I hold myself higher than my family? What should I do to help everyone?..." "No," he spoke aloud "I'm doing this to help fix the laws that bind." His words tasted hollow and bland. Bolton would only change a few laws, so that he could leave Ema in charge and able to marry who she wishes. After that, he would have nowhere to go. A spark lit his mind after reviewing his life and a happy smile brightened his dull face. "I know what I can do!" He yelled with glee, while rushing to put on his clothes.

The sopping wet, yet clean Bolton quickly made his way into his room and changed into a new set of clothes. His skin was still slightly wet, but the clothing that he doned absorbed it with ease. With a more optimistic mindset, he left his room to find Azura.
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Neva slammed the large dusty book shut and groaned, pushing the hair back from her face. She was having no luck finding a solution to her sisters problem, and Neva felt like she was left with no choice but to let her sister struggle through it. And there wasn't much time either. The deadline for Ema's decision was fast approaching, and she would have to choose to marry one of the suitors or step down. Neva knew that if she were in her sister's shoes she would choose Landon. He was everything that a young man aught to be. He was intelligent, funny, handsome, kind, and honest. But she prayed that Ema wouldn't choose him. Not that he wouldn't be a good match for her sister, but Neva felt oddly attached to him. She wasn't sure that she would stick around to see their life together if the worst happened and Landon married Ema. Even if she was Ema's heir until they had children. It would break her heart to see it. Even if she wasn't quite in love with Landon yet, she knew that she was falling. For a brief moment, she considered avoiding him to stop the inevitable. Sure there were two other suitors, and their strange visitor from afar but Ema had the same talent for seeing goodness that she did and it would surely end badly for her. Neva wouldn't say anything to her sister though. Not if it meant Landon losing his chance to be king like he wanted, or rather his parents wanted. She would just have to endure what came.


giraffesarebetter said:
((Sorry I was visiting my grandma. And, pbtenchi, your character wouldn't know Kurt's name.))
Ema turns and smiles when she sees Kurt. Remembering what situation she was in, she quickly fixes her face, but sends a wink Kurt's way.
Kurt smiled, throwing a discreet wink Ema's way, before he continued walking, curious thoughts flowing through his head. He had no idea how this foreigner knew his name, and, in all honesty, was rather creeped out by it, so, he rounded a nearby corner, but stopped, pressing himself up against the wall, listening to what Micheal and Ema were saying. He didn't trust that guy, and had no intentions of letting him be so near to Ema when she was alone.
After allowing Micheal to talk a while longer, she excuses herself politely, saying she was in need of a small nap and heading in the direction that Kurt had gone. It was all she could do not to keep walking until she was out of the forigner's sight. "Are you spying on me?" She whispers, taking Kurt's hand and leading him into an alcove.
giraffesarebetter said:
After allowing Micheal to talk a while longer, she excuses herself politely, saying she was in need of a small nap and heading in the direction that Kurt had gone. It was all she could do not to keep walking until she was out of the forigner's sight. "Are you spying on me?" She whispers, taking Kurt's hand and leading him into an alcove.
Kurt steps back a little, clasping her hand in his, interlocking their fingers. He felt a little less worried now, and began walking with her, heading into the alcove. "Just a little," she said, looking down at her, a small smile gracing his features. "I was mainly spying on him though," he said, wrapping his arms around her. "Has he done anything to hurt you?" he asked, worry in his eyes.
Ema smiles and puts her hands on his waist, grasping the white cloth of his tunic. "No, he was a gentleman." She wrinkles her nose and lowers her voice to a conspiratory whisper. "Though he did offer me Turkish Delight." As soon as the sentence leaves her mouth, the princess beams, simply happy he was worried about her, even if it was for no reason.
giraffesarebetter said:
Ema smiles and puts her hands on his waist, grasping the white cloth of his tunic. "No, he was a gentleman." She wrinkles her nose and lowers her voice to a conspiratory whisper. "Though he did offer me Turkish Delight." As soon as the sentence leaves her mouth, the princess beams, simply happy he was worried about her, even if it was for no reason.
Kurt nodded, feeling her hands on his waist, and his smile grew brighter. "Turkish Delight?" he asked, his eyes narrowing, mind already clouded with suspicion. He shook his head, with a sigh, honestly a little surprised that he was getting so worried. He nodded, her statement satisfying his worry for the moment, holding her a little tighter. "That stuff's awful," he said with a little chuckle. "I stole some once from the kitchen," he said, making a humorous face as he shook his head. "Not worth it."
"Do you often steal from me, sir?" Ema puts on a stern face, but there is laughter in her voice, and she steps closer. Her eyes shine, as they always do when she was with Kurt. "Perhaps I should do something about that. A night in a tower cell, perhaps?"
giraffesarebetter said:
"Do you often steal from me, sir?" Ema puts on a stern face, but there is laughter in her voice, and she steps closer. Her eyes shine, as they always do when she was with Kurt. "Perhaps I should do something about that. A night in a tower cell, perhaps?"
Kurt only smiles brighter as her face goes sturn. "Quite often," he said with a smirk, as she steps closer to him, looking into her shining eyes, laughing at her offer. "Perhaps you should," he said, before taking another step closer, pressing his forehead against hers. "Aslong as you're there with me," he said, leaning in, planting a gentle, almost teasing kiss on her lips.
Ema's eyes close and she takes a deep breath after he kissses her. Every part of her wanted to simply press her lips back to his, regardless of everything. But she knew that she couldn't, wouldn't. At least not out in the open. "We should not do this here..." even as she mutters the words, she tightens her grip on his waist and kisses him lightly.
giraffesarebetter said:
Ema's eyes close and she takes a deep breath after he kissses her. Every part of her wanted to simply press her lips back to his, regardless of everything. But she knew that she couldn't, wouldn't. At least not out in the open. "We should not do this here..." even as she mutters the words, she tightens her grip on his waist and kisses him lightly.
Kurt's smile fades a little as she pulls away, practically feeling her regret. He nodded, understanding, as she returned the kiss. He denied the urge to kiss her again, but longer, and more passionately, knowing that she was right, and if they were found out, it could ruin both their lives. "Then how about we go somewhere else for this?" he asked, with a certain mischevious glint in his eye.
giraffesarebetter said:
Ema bites her lip. She takes about 3 seconds to let war rage within herself before nodding and smiling. "Where do you propose?"
Kurt smiled back at her, thinking. "No one would ever interrupt a princess in her room, would they?" he asked, grinning.
Ema's first thought is of the scandal. Her second is of her maids. Her third is that she had guards to keep them out. Her smile grows. "Come on." She grabs his hand and dashes through the corridors, looking back at him occasionally. Hopefully anyone who saw thought she was a serving girl.
giraffesarebetter said:
Ema's first thought is of the scandal. Her second is of her maids. Her third is that she had guards to keep them out. Her smile grows. "Come on." She grabs his hand and dashes through the corridors, looking back at him occasionally. Hopefully anyone who saw thought she was a serving girl.
He smiled, giving her hand a squeeze, as they dashed through the halls, feeling his heart beat accelerate every time she looked back at him with those beautiful shining eyes as they neared her room.
Ema hurries Kurtninto her room before calling for her guards. She tells them what she told Micheal, and that no one is allowed to enter. Then she closes the door to her chambers and smiles at Kurt. "No one shall disturb us, sir." The princess bites her lip and looks down, suddenly bashful as she realized she'd just snuck a boy, a servant no less, into her bed chambers, and not for the first time.

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