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Fantasy Clash of Kingdoms

Azura stops and states at Bolton in shock. "Where would you ever have thought of something like that?"

Frowning, she considers the idea. "But... it could work. I'm not an expert on the laws, however. Politics bore me to tears," she laughs slightly. "We'd have to research it a little more. And definitely talk to Ema. But how would that help your family?"

(It is kind of a fantasy setting. We haven't been exactly historically accurate anyway. So not everything has to be 100% perfect.)
Landon after caring for his horse and getting fresh air returned inside the castle. He entered the grande library, with high ceilings all shelved and filled with books squeezed in cover to cover. So much knowledge He could only imagine how much it would cost for something of this sort. He grabbed a book on the preceding of courting. If he was going to have to marry Ema - at least attempt to - he should know the proper way to do it. He blew the dust off the cover and carried it to small alcove with a over looking the grande gardens. Landon set the book on a table for now as he looked out over the remarkable greenery. The royal family, so much wealth. It was almost eery the amount.
Neva stood, her mask in hand and began to walk back inside. She wanted to talk to her friend, but without one to speak of she had only her sisters. She was close to each of them, but Ema was the one she was closest to. However she didn't really want to bother Ema with her problems, who was having large problems of her own. In love with a servant she could not marry, and courted by four noblemen who she did not. In comparison, Neva's problems seemed rather small. In the mood for a particular hot drink that Kathleen had made for her months ago, she set out in search of her room, barely paying attention to where she was going as she looked down at the mask in her hands.

Opening the door, her eyes widened as she spotted Kurt and Ema. "Why is it that I always find you two together?" she said quietly, raising an eyebrow.
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Kurt burst out laughing, "Nice one Ema!" He turned, throwing 2 eggs onto the mirror. He heard the door open and turned, seeing Neva. He shrugged, before an evil smile covered his face, and he opened up some drawers. Inside he saw a bunch of Karleen's more expensive dresses. He pulled out an egg, and cracked it. As the egg's insides began to pour out, he moved it throughout the drawer, ruining all of them. He left the shattered egg inside, as he turned , looking for something else to ruin. (SO SORRY. WIFI BROKE YESTERDAY. JUST GOT IT BACK NOW)
Neva stared, wondering what they were doing and why. She watched as Kurt ruined all her dresses and paintings. Her stood frozen in the doorway. "What on earth are you doing?" she asked, confused.
"Just a bit of friendly revenge," Kurt answered, pulling out another egg. He threw it right into the center of her bed. He pulled out his last one, and put it inside the pillow, laughing with glee. "How many left to you have Ema?" He asked, walking over to her.
Neva raised an eyebrow and stood in the doorway. She smiled at him and crossed her arms, wrapping them around her waist. "Do you do this often or do you have other methods other than eggs?"
She giggled. "Remind me never to get you annoyed with me," she said softly. "Do you have an egg going spare?"
"I'm out of eggs, but I think Ema has some," he says, nodding. "I don't think you could do anything as bad as she did, Neva."
Kurt watches, seeing her look around for a target. "This rug looks rather expensive," he comments, looking over at a large gold and green rug infront of the bed.
Ema shakes her head. "I would rather do something a bit more... personal." She moces toward the bed, sticking the egg inside her pillowcase, so that she wouldn't see it had to be cleaned. When she finally laid down...
Kurt snickered, looking over at her. "Good idea," he said, chuckling. "I like how you think, Ema," he continued, saying nothing about he had already put an egg in there.
(It's fine.). He bowed back, before inquiring, "Now, should we stay here and wait for Karleen to return? Or go somewhere else?" He asked, looking over at her and Neva.
Neva giggled and walked over to a table and picked up her perfume bottle. Setting the eggs down carefully, she opened the bottle and cracked open an egg. She poured the contents inside and screwed the bottle tightly. Picking up her remaining egg, she looked around. "You guys have made quite a mess, I'm not quite sure where to put the last one," she said as she looked around.
Neva giggled and dropped the egg a short distance from herself onto the rug. She smiled at Ema and Kurt. "WEll that was rather fun," she said softly.
Kurt nodded, chuckling. "Now, should we stay or go?" He asked, looking at Neva and Ema. Personally, he was alright with either actions.
Ema nods, smiling wide. "She's also fetting fired." Ema would tell her sister more of this later, why she felt the need to do this. But she didn't want to talk about it in front of Kurt, for sone reason. "I think we should go. Not too far though... "
Neva nodded, smiling at Ema. "Sure," she said softly, turning and walking out with her mask in hand. She waited patiently outside the door for Kurt and Ema.

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