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Fandom CLASH - Multiverse RP (Open, Needs People. Reboot)

Barbas said:
Uruk Hai army
Noticing that Greivious was outnumbered , a large group of Uruk Hai charge at Gaster and Bill.

@White Shamrock
The Royal Guard

The Royal Guard blocks the way of the Uruk Hai, giving their best to keep them away.
Lordvader59 said:
(Four arms and cybernetics essentially being overclocked right now.) Grievous took the blaster, he was battered, but not seriously injured.
@Barbas (Reinforcements, try to drag Gaster or Bill away)
Gaster then used thier telekinetics and tired to force grievous hands to a halt,as that was happening the most powerful gaster blaster yet was charging slowly.
Bot bill smiled "Looks like the cavalry has arrived, shall we finish them gatser," he said as he jumped into the mess, he shot some of the Uruk Hai, keeping his distance floating.

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@Barbas (Use the commanders) Grievous rolled away from Gaster, breaking the telekinetic hold. He threw a grenade at Gaster trying to get him off guard. With Undyne now out in the open, he struck at her in a frenzy.
Lordvader59 said:
@Barbas (Use the commanders) Grievous rolled away from Gaster, breaking the telekinetic hold. He threw a grenade at Gaster trying to get him off guard. With Undyne now out in the open, he struck at her in a frenzy.
The gerande stopped mid air and started to fly back towards grievous,but it exploded before it could reach him.and the ultimate gaster blaster was almost done charging.
Lordvader59 said:
@Barbas (Use the commanders) Grievous rolled away from Gaster, breaking the telekinetic hold. He threw a grenade at Gaster trying to get him off guard. With Undyne now out in the open, he struck at her in a frenzy.

With Undyne being loaded with Bill Cipher's power, she could easily keep up. She knew exactly what she had to do. She aimed to try to cut off one of Grievous' hands. All while CONSTANTLY launching spears at him.
Barbas said:
Throwing his bow away, Lurtz equipes his massive sword before charging at Gaster.
The sword glows purple and starts becoming increasingly heavier.the closer he got the faster it became heavier.and while that was happening gaster spawned several bones which flew at lurtz.

Unaffected by the sword's increasing weight, Lurtz destroys the bones with his sword before swing it at Gaster's head.
Barbas said:
Unaffected by the sword's increasing weight, Lurtz destroys the bones with his sword before swing it at Gaster's head.
A black substance started wrapping itself around lurtz.it was thick and strong.as that was happening,he was surrounded with very sharp looking bones.there were rings around him,making a dome of sharp bones."Surrender and run while you still can.just say you surrender and you will live."
Birdsie said:
With Undyne being loaded with Bill Cipher's power, she could easily keep up. She knew exactly what she had to do. She aimed to try to cut off one of Grievous' hands. All while CONSTANTLY launching spears at him.
Grievous parries and stabs at Undyne with his free arm and keeps blocking with the other three.

Enraged by the fact that that he was trapped, Lurtz begins to struggle against the substance while shouting." I will tear you apart, you filthy maggot! You hear me! I will kill you!"
Lordvader59 said:
Grievous parries and stabs at Undyne with his free arm and keeps blocking with the other three.

Undyne easily blocked the attack, having no trouble keeping up with Grievous after what Cipher gave her.

She kept launching spears at him from every side, aiming at his hands, trying to cut through them.
Birdsie said:
Undyne easily blocked the attack, having no trouble keeping up with Grievous after what Cipher gave her.

She kept launching spears at him from every side, aiming at his hands, trying to cut through them.
Grievous kept blocking, but one spear got through. It hit him straight in the wrist, only to ping off as if it hit a lightsaber. "My wrists have been reinforced with cortosis, thank you very much. He tried stabbing again.
Barbas said:
Enraged by the fact that that he was trapped, Lurtz begins to struggle against the substance while shouting." I will tear you apart, you filthy maggot! You hear me! I will kill you!"
"We shall see."with that,he started slowly fpgeeting sucked in by the black mass,attempting to put lurtz into the void.
Lordvader59 said:
Grievous kept blocking, but one spear got through. It hit him straight in the wrist, only to ping off as if it hit a lightsaber. "My wrists have been reinforced with cortosis, thank you very much. He tried stabbing again.

Undyne knew she needed a new strategy... clearly using her spears would not be effective anymore, as it was just proven. She needed a new strategy and she thought of one. She quickly jumped up on a cliff above Grievous, leaving him with multiple spears being launched at him. She ensured he wouldn't follow by spawning multiple spears along the Cliffside, so that he couldn't just jump onto it. She left him alone there with her spears and then quickly came again, throwing a HUGE boulder at him, from the Cliff. It was almost as big as Undyne's house, but due to her strength and power she had no problems with throwing it off the cliff at Grievous.
Birdsie said:
Undyne knew she needed a new strategy... clearly using her spears would not be effective anymore, as it was just proven. She needed a new strategy and she thought of one. She quickly jumped up on a cliff above Grievous, leaving him with multiple spears being launched at him. She ensured he wouldn't follow by spawning multiple spears along the Cliffside, so that he couldn't just jump onto it. She left him alone there with her spears and then quickly came again, throwing a HUGE boulder at him, from the Cliff. It was almost as big as Undyne's house, but due to her strength and power she had no problems with throwing it off the cliff at Grievous.
Grievous saw the incoming rock and made a saber fan in front of him, leaving a fan shaped hole slightly larger then grievous.
Bill saw a portal as he finished looking through the rubble and went in, he was blinded for a second before looking around at a new place "Hello!" was all he said, his eye adjusting.

Lordvader59 said:
Grievous saw the incoming rock and made a saber fan in front of him, leaving a fan shaped hole slightly larger then grievous.

While the Boulder was falling... Grievous had nowhere to run, nowhere to move. She popped up spears from the ground hoping it would finish him off.

She was still battle-ready, prepared to fight him in case it SOMEHOW... wouldn't have worked, but surviving such a tactic was almost impossible even for Grievous... she held her spears tightly in anticipation, of seeing him impaled.
Lordvader59 said:
Grievous saw the incoming rock and made a saber fan in front of him, leaving a fan shaped hole slightly larger then grievous.
While he was dealing with lurtz,he made 'lightsabers'and tossed them to undyne,they were blue like her spears.

MTchaos1134 said:
While he was dealing with lurtz,he made 'lightsabers'and tossed them to undyne,they were blue like her spears.

Undyne caught them, but didn't need them for now.

She was watching where Grievous stood... or might stand.

Roaring in rage, Lurtz continues to struggle against the substance.


Thinking that the fish creature could pose a problem in the future, Sauron decides to distract her while she is fighting Grevious. Using his powers, Sauron causes a lightning bolt to strike Undyne.

@Birdsie @Lordvader59
Barbas said:
Roaring in rage, Lurtz continues to struggle against the substance.


Thinking that the fish creature could pose a problem in the future, Sauron decides to distract her while she is fighting Grevious. Using his powers, Sauron causes a lightning bolt to strike Undyne.

@Birdsie @Lordvader59

Undyne saw the Lightning Ball and used her spears to absorb most of it, some of it however passed through her body, causing minor damage to her.

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