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Fandom CLASH - Multiverse RP (Open, Needs People. Reboot)

"Are you going to do somthing or just watch?"

Lordvader59 said:
Grievous ducked under the bolder, allowing it to be destroyed by the blasters and bones, blocking it. "Enough games!" He let out a snarl, drawing a second saber and beginning to launch 3 strikes per second with near blinding speed.
Birdsie said:
Undyne did a similar thing. She knew she wouldn't keep up with Grievous using one spear. She spawned another one in her hand. Then she realized she should aim for his arms. She tried cutting one of them off.

(If that'd really be how Grievous worked, I'm still wondering how Obi Wan beat him so easily.)
Gaster teleported back and summoned four gaster blaster,they fired at grievous.gaster the tore up two trees from the ground with telekinetic is and tried smacking grievous with them.
Bill shrugged "Can't unless he hurts me....or if I make a deal with someone. That is my code that can't be broken," he said as he followed Gaster's blast and smiled at the battle.

Lordvader59 said:
(2 words my friend, 2 words which answer all PT questions like this. Plot, and armor.)
Grievous easily worked parries into his routine, not letting her spear past a certain point.

Undyne decided to try something new. She jumped away, then she stabbed her spear into the Earth, causing an eruption of multiple spears popping up from the ground at Grievous, where he was standing. She smiled thinking that it's unlikely he'll dodge this.
Birdsie said:
Undyne decided to try something new. She jumped away, then she stabbed her spear into the Earth, causing an eruption of multiple spears popping up from the ground at Grievous, where he was standing. She smiled thinking that it's unlikely he'll dodge this.
Grievous was very nearly caught off guard, but instead sprung up and reared down on undyne, sabers first.
Lordvader59 said:
Grievous was very nearly caught off guard, but instead sprung up and reared down on undyne, sabers first.

Undyne was expecting this. She rolled out of his way and when he was close to the ground... spears popped out from it, impalement on them was nearly unavoidable.

(Get dunked on.)
Birdsie said:
Undyne was expecting this. She rolled out of his way and when he was close to the ground... spears popped out from it, impalement on them was nearly unavoidable.

(Get dunked on.)
As aforementioned, Grievous went in Sabers first, so the sabers just parried the spears, he backflipped after a few seconds of saberlock and spun towards Undyne.

(You underestimate me)
Lordvader59 said:
As aforementioned, Grievous went in Sabers first, so the sabers just parried the spears, he backflipped after a few seconds of saberlock and spun towards Undyne.
(You underestimate me)

Undyne felt slightly overwhelmed. Finally someone that meant a real threat to her. She took her two spears and tried to enter a lock with him, in an attempt to see how strong he is.
Bill heard this and whispered back "After the battle," he looked at Gaster "Deal," he said extending his flaming hand. "Ya want me to fight, or give you a boost to your powers," he said as his eye switched to a hand.

Birdsie said:
Undyne felt slightly overwhelmed. Finally someone that meant a real threat to her. She took her two spears and tried to enter a lock with him, in an attempt to see how strong he is.
Grievous' cybernetics clicked into overdrive and he quickly began to gain on her.
[QUOTE="White Shamrock]
Bill heard this and whispered back "After the battle," he looked at Gaster "Deal," he said extending his flaming hand. "Ya want me to fight, or give you a boost to your powers," he said as his eye switched to a hand.
@White Shamrock

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Lordvader59 said:
Grievous' cybernetics clicked into overdrive and he quickly began to gain on her.

Undyne smiled, he fell into her trap. She attempted exactly the same as before. Whilst they were in a saber lock, Undyne popped out Spears from the ground, towards Grievous. She also did her best to make sure he'd remain on ground. To ensure he doesn't jump away, she spawned a few spears just above him, making sure he won't just jump away like that.

(Now. Get dunked on. *Huff* *Puff* *Huff* *Puff*)
Bill thought for a second before excepting the hand "DEAL!" He heard about the deal and grabbed himself splitting himself into a bot and normal version of himself. The normal Bill went to the true lab, while the bot bill stayed and decided to fight. Gaster felt power surge, as the bot Bill went to tackle Grevious.

@Birdsie @Lordvader59 @MTchaos1134
Birdsie said:
Undyne smiled, he fell into her trap. She attempted exactly the same as before. Whilst they were in a saber lock, Undyne popped out Spears from the ground, towards Grievous. She also did her best to make sure he'd remain on ground. To ensure he doesn't jump away, she spawned a few spears just above him, making sure he won't just jump away like that.

(Now. Get dunked on. *Huff* *Puff* *Huff* *Puff*)
Grievous heard the spears a split second before they popped up and pushed up with his legs, barely avoiding them once again and barreling Undyne over, leaving Bot Bill to run into the spears intended for him.
Lordvader59 said:
Grievous heard the spears a split second before they popped up and pushed up with his legs, barely avoiding them once again and barreling Undyne over, leaving Bot Bill to run into the spears intended for him.

As Undyne saw that Bill was on her side, she made the spears dissapear before he could get into them.

She was getting more impressed with Grievous. As he was in the air, she started throwing spears at him, as well as making more spears pop out from the ground wherever he was to land. She was getting enraged, but excited.

@White Shamrock
Birdsie said:
As Undyne saw that Bill was on her side, she made the spears dissapear before he could get into them.

She was getting more impressed with Grievous. As he was in the air, she started throwing spears at him, as well as making more spears pop out from the ground wherever he was to land. She was getting enraged, but excited.

@White Shamrock
Grievous rolled in midair several times, adding a degree of unpredictability. Every chance he got to launch a strike, he took.
Lordvader59 said:
Grievous rolled in midair several times, adding a degree of unpredictability. Every chance he got to launch a strike, he took.

Undyne became ENRAGED. She spawned several spears floating around her, to help her deflect attacks of Grievous. She took off her helmet to get some air and a cleaner vision of her enemy. She took two spears in her hands, in case Grievous got close. She was constantly popping up spears from the ground wherever Grievous was and she was launching spears at him from practically every side, each time from a different one in order to confuse him. There were about 6 spears launched at Grievous per second. This was the absolute, she was giving it her all, it was on. She took a short glance at the Royal Guardsmen battling the Uruk Hai, it filled her with determination.
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While his Uruk Hai were fighting the royal guards, Lurtz spots Grevious and Undyne. Sensing an opportunity, Lurtz waits until Undyne was distracted before firing an arrow at her back.

Birdsie said:
Undyne became ENRAGED. She spawned several spears floating around her, to help her deflect attacks of Grievous. She took off her helmet to get some air and a cleaner vision of her enemy. She took two spears in her hands, in case Grievous got close. She was constantly popping up spears from the ground wherever Grievous was and she was launching spears at him from practically every side, each time from a different one in order to confuse him. There were about 6 spears launched at Grievous per second. This was the absolute, she was giving it her all, it was on. She took a short glance at the Royal Guardsmen battling the Uruk Hai, it filled her with determination.
Greivous as taken aback. He flipped back. Realizing what he had to do, he decided he had underestimated her. Suddenly, his arms began to shake, and then they split into 4 arms, each of the new ones quickly drawing a lightsaber. Grievous took his strike speed up to 8 per second, allowing him to block each spear and still have a possibility of landing a hit. Grievous added in blocks to Bill's attacks when neccecary.
Barbas said:
While his Uruk Hai were fighting the royal guards, Lurtz spots Grevious and Undyne. Sensing an opportunity, Lurtz waits until Undyne was distracted before firing an arrow at her back.


Undyne had floating spears around her, the arrow hit one of the spears. The clank was very noticable to her. She tilted her head backwards to see Lurtz.

She took a few jumps back, with her spears still rotating around her. She moved to a more tactical position, in which she could more easily defend herself.
Lordvader59 said:
Grievous rolled in midair several times, adding a degree of unpredictability. Every chance he got to launch a strike, he took.
Lordvader59 said:
Grievous rolled in midair several times, adding a degree of unpredictability. Every chance he got to launch a strike, he took.
Lordvader59 said:
Grievous rolled in midair several times, adding a degree of unpredictability. Every chance he got to launch a strike, he took.
as he was in the air,powerful gaster blasters appear(six)and they all fire at grievous,gasters purple eye was brighter.and grevious was stuck in the air to take the hits,after he did the telekinetics stopped and grievous was able to fall down if they were going to again.
Lordvader59 said:
Greivous as taken aback. He flipped back. Realizing what he had to do, he decided he had underestimated her. Suddenly, his arms began to shake, and then they split into 4 arms, each of the new ones quickly drawing a lightsaber. Grievous took his strike speed up to 8 per second, allowing him to block each spear and still have a possibility of landing a hit. Grievous added in blocks to Bill's attacks when neccecary.

Undyne was greatly surprised. She had a new idea. In addition to her protective spears, she had also prepared spears to pop up from the ground if Grievous was to get near her. She continued popping them up at him and throwing spears at him. She took a defensive positon on a small choke passage in Waterfall. It was the perfect position.

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