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Fandom CLASH - Multiverse RP (Open, Needs People. Reboot)

Donder172 said:
Mizelia looks at the... whatever they are, feeling disturbed by the sight of it "We... should keep moving..."
The Memoryheads dissapear and you ecounter... this.



(That moment when you realize that the Eyes are living carrots.)
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Donder172 said:
Mizelia looks at the... whatever they are, feeling disturbed by the sight of it "We... should keep moving..."
A chill ran up Plague Knight's Spine at the sight of the.....what ever the hell that thing is, he drew out a bomb and was prepared to throw it if it proved to be hostile "Yes....that surly would be wise"
Birdsie said:
The Memoryheads dissapear and you ecounter... this.


(That moment when you realize that the Eyes are living carrots.)
Plague knight the amalgam's sudden appearance startled Plague Knight and he threw a bomb at it scaring and causing it to flee "What Kind Of Abominations are these?" @Donder172
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billthesomething said:
Thel's mind was wrecked with confusion and three question laid in the forefront of his mind, where was he? had he traveled back into earth's past? and why were the flood here? surly the human could answer some "Human Where are we?"
"I don't know anymore this place used to be what I protected but It has changed to drastically." Artorias said being mentally defeated still confused as to why all this happened
billthesomething said:
Plague knight the amalgam's sudden appearance startled Plague Knight and he threw a bomb at it scaring and causing it to flee "What Kind Of Abominations are these?" @Donder172
"I have no idea... I have never seen this kind of things."
Donder172 said:
"I have no idea... I have never seen this kind of things."
Next you ecounter... this.


Strangely... it behaves like a dog, it wants to play with you!.......


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Birdsie said:
Next you ecounter... this.

Strangely... it behaves like a dog, it wants to play with you!.......


"What... is... that?" Mizelia says as she looks at the claw-like thing with wide eyes.
Donder172 said:
"What... is... that?" Mizelia says as she looks at the claw-like thing with wide eyes.

The Monster gives out several distorted, but seemingly happy barks. It jumps around excitedly and sobber goes out of it's orifice. It walks up to you and sits down next to you, expecting to be pet.
Birdsie said:
The Monster gives out several distorted, but seemingly happy barks. It jumps around excitedly and sobber goes out of it's orifice. It walks up to you and sits down next to you, expecting to be pet.
Mizelia looks at the creature, blinking for a moment, slowly extending her hand towards it, untill her hand touches it.
Donder172 said:
Mizelia looks at the creature, blinking for a moment, slowly extending her hand towards it, untill her hand touches it.

The dog is excited, it barks at you excitedly.

billthesomething said:
Plague knight throws a bomb at the dog-creature however unbeknownst to him the bomb was unlit. He misses and it flys over the dog creature @Birdsie

The creature thinks you wanted to play catch, it goes over to the bomb and brings it to you in it's orifice.
Birdsie said:
The dog is excited, it barks at you excitedly.


The creature thinks you wanted to play catch, it goes over to the bomb and brings it to you in it's orifice.
"It doesn't seem to be hostile." Mizelia said as she looks at the creature
Birdsie said:
The creature thinks you wanted to play catch, it goes over to the bomb and brings it to you in it's orifice.
Plague Knight Retrieves the bomb "Uh?...Good Boy" He pets the dog then throws the bomb again

Donder172 said:
"It doesn't seem to be hostile." Mizelia said as she looks at the creature
"Yeah it would seem so"
billthesomething said:
Plague Knight Retrieves the bomb "Uh?...Good Boy" He pets the dog then throws the bomb again
"Yeah it would seem so"

The dog brings the bomb back again and barks excitedly. It jumps around.

Then you see Alphys exit a door. She says "Oh my god...

Dr. Alphys

"Uhm... I suppose you two deserve an explantation? H-Heh..." She scratches her neck and sweats.
Birdsie said:
The dog brings the bomb back again and barks excitedly. It jumps around.

Then you see Alphys exit a door. She says "Oh my god...

Dr. Alphys

"Uhm... I suppose you two deserve an explantation? H-Heh..." She scratches her neck and sweats.
"Eh... what were those things on the way here... and what is this for a creature? I've never seen it before."
Birdsie said:
The dog brings the bomb back again and barks excitedly. It jumps around.

Then you see Alphys exit a door. She says "Oh my god...

Dr. Alphys

"Uhm... I suppose you two deserve an explantation? H-Heh..." She scratches her neck and sweats.
Plague knight tries to keep Endogeny from pouncing on him, but he fails "Yes that would be nice hee hee. also get this beast of me!!"
Donder172 said:
"Eh... what were those things on the way here... and what is this for a creature? I've never seen it before."
billthesomething said:
Plague knight tries to keep Endogeny from pouncing on him, but he fails "Yes that would be nice hee hee. also get this beast of me!!"
Dr. Alphys

"These are the Amalgamates... You see... some time ago, I've started researching a magical compound, that I call 'Determination'. It has magic properties. It unallows it's user to die, in any way, shape, or form. This is why these are Immortal and you can't kill them. However... Monster bodies are mostly made of magic and not physical matter. Thus they can't hold in high quantities of Determination. I've tried... injecting it into monsters that were about to die, to make them live on... but my experiments... failed... and they... turned into these monsters... my god.... Now I keep all the remaining Determination locked up, so that no one that's as stupid as I was once can use it. Monsters... simply can't withstand it." Alphys explained, then sighing at herself.
Birdsie said:
Dr. Alphys
"These are the Amalgamates... You see... some time ago, I've started researching a magical compound, that I call 'Determination'. It has magic properties. It unallows it's user to die, in any way, shape, or form. This is why these are Immortal and you can't kill them. However... Monster bodies are mostly made of magic and not physical matter. Thus they can't hold in high quantities of Determination. I've tried... injecting it into monsters that were about to die, to make them live on... but my experiments... failed... and they... turned into these monsters... my god.... Now I keep all the remaining Determination locked up, so that no one that's as stupid as I was once can use it. Monsters... simply can't withstand it." Alphys explained, then sighing at herself.
"So... this 'Determination' grants them immortality?" Mizelia says, looking slightly disturbed by hearing it.
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[QUOTE="Knight Artorias]"I don't know anymore this place used to be what I protected but It has changed to drastically." Artorias said being mentally defeated still confused as to why all this happened

The Arbiter sighed as he nodded "What is the name of this land?" Thel found it would do him good to get himself as well informed if he were to stay here for long
Donder172 said:
"So... this 'Determination' grants them immortality?" Mizelia says, looking slightly disturbed by hearing it.
Dr. Alphys

"Well... not ORDINARY Immortality. Determination is a magic power, but it's... like... I don't know how to explain it, it's... you could say 'Intelligent'. It won't let it's user die. For example!" Alphys took out a laser pistol and shot it at Endogeny multiple times. Endogeny simply lied down on the floor and started scratching itself to it, dodging all the laser bolts, with seemingly only luck.

"S-see? No matter how much I shoot... I won't kill it, it will just dodge with pure luck. That's how Determination works... I've been researching it for long and I kinda know how it works. You see... we are all in what's called 'The final timeline' No one that's Determined will die in it. However there are many other timelines, in which Determined people have died already. After they died they have moved into this one, in which they have enough knowledge on how to avoid your attacks. To simply put it; People with determination know what you will do, before you even know it yourself." Alphys explained once again.
Endogeny had Plague Knight Pinned and was licking his mask "Someone get him off me!!" Plague Knight had done his best to listen while pinned and he found it all very fascinating however one thought came up in his head, how would it affect him @Birdsie @Donder172
Birdsie said:
Dr. Alphys
"Well... not ORDINARY Immortality. Determination is a magic power, but it's... like... I don't know how to explain it, it's... you could say 'Intelligent'. It won't let it's user die. For example!" Alphys took out a laser pistol and shot it at Endogeny multiple times. Endogeny simply lied down on the floor and started scratching itself to it, dodging all the laser bolts, with seemingly only luck.

"S-see? No matter how much I shoot... I won't kill it, it will just dodge with pure luck. That's how Determination works... I've been researching it for long and I kinda know how it works. You see... we are all in what's called 'The final timeline' No one that's Determined will die in it. However there are many other timelines, in which Determined people have died already. After they died they have moved into this one, in which they have enough knowledge on how to avoid your attacks. To simply put it; People with determination know what you will do, before you even know it yourself." Alphys explained once again.
"That last parts sounds like precognition. A Force ability that sense danger before it happened."
billthesomething said:
Endogeny had Plague Knight Pinned and was licking his mask "Someone get him off me!!" Plague Knight had done his best to listen while pinned and he found it all very fascinating however one thought came up in his head, how would it affect him @Birdsie @Donder172
Dr. Alphys

"Well, that's not the only thing Determination does. It has lots of uncovered powers and abilities. What I just said is an example. For another one, I've discovered that Determination in the slightest amounts can heal even the most severe injuries and wounds, in seconds." Alphys said, sweating slightly but also being slightly relieved that she finally shared her knowledge with someone.
billthesomething said:
The Arbiter sighed as he nodded "What is the name of this land?" Thel found it would do him good to get himself as well informed if he were to stay here for long
"Lordran this land is called Lordran it is my homeland I myself serve under Lord Gywn with three other knights, what land do you come from you must be new here and if so have these creatures been in your land?" Artorias answered and then asked Thel
Donder172 said:
"That last parts sounds like precognition. A Force ability that sense danger before it happened."
Dr. Alphys

"Well, that sounds pretty much like one of the things that Determination grants. Except that it's not that they see what will happen... it literally happened to them before, and they perfectly remember it."

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