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Fandom CLASH - Multiverse RP (Open, Needs People. Reboot)

Yappi said:
"Alright so uhhh.... Where's the exit"
"the elevator stops and opens revealing a wheat field."you already took it."GLaDOS had the elevator form around the human and rise up to the field.
"Ok then I'll be off" i walk out into the field and I see a small city in the background. I try to raise Glados on my comms and see if she can hear me
Yappi said:
"Ok then I'll be off" i walk out into the field and I see a small city in the background. I try to raise Glados on my comms and see if she can hear me
"You already called?what happened?"GLaDOS asks through the comm.
"Just make sure this works, call me if ya need anything" I cut off the coms and walk to the city. "Hm humanity couldn't have lasted a minute by these guys. Not in this universe." I go to the checkpoint and see many guards over there. I duck and plan my assualt.
Yappi said:
"Just make sure this works, call me if ya need anything" I cut off the coms and walk to the city. "Hm humanity couldn't have lasted a minute by these guys. Not in this universe." I go to the checkpoint and see many guards over there. I duck and plan my assualt.
None of the combine noticed him,they were dealing with civilians and the higher ranks were either doing paper work or reporting to thier higher up.
Bill grabs the portal gun and smiles "Thanks GLaDOS, this is amazing, where did you get this thing," he said as he put the gun on and looked over at his friend.

After a few minutes of accessing there positions I decide to close my visor and move to a corner. I place a xn21 charge on the tower to hopefully kill some and divert there attention whilst I attack at a different checkpoint. After planting the charge I go to another nearby checkpoint and wait.
Yappi said:
After a few minutes of accessing there positions I decide to close my visor and move to a corner. I place a xn21 charge on the tower to hopefully kill some and divert there attention whilst I attack at a different checkpoint. After planting the charge I go to another nearby checkpoint and wait.
When the tower explodes the combine kill all nearby civilians and start searching buildings around the checkpoint.some of the combine soldiers stay and protect the elite,one of them was reporting on what just happened.and probably calling for some backup.
The charges go off in 3....2....1... And a big explosion brought down the tower hopefully diverting there attention from this checkpoint. I see a elite giving commands and I throw a flash bang to stun them I start to shoot at the guards/elite with my high power Guass rifle from cover. I toss a frag gernade at the other tower to prevent snipers from perching.
Yappi said:
The charges go off in 3....2....1... And a big explosion brought down the tower hopefully diverting there attention from this checkpoint. I see a elite giving commands and I throw a flash bang to stun them I start to shoot at the guards/elite with my high power Guass rifle from cover. I toss a frag gernade at the other tower to prevent snipers from perching.
The combine were blinded for a moment,then two combine soldiers dropped,before the now exposed elite could be shot they hid behind cover,the other tower exploded as another elite and thier guards were attempting to run into a nearby building,they were to slow and were crushed by rubble.the combine soldiers that were in the buildings nearby started shooting futuristic looking rifles at the new target.one of the threw a gerande and it started ticking.
"Ah shit" I leap behind a concrete blocker ad the grenade goes off, run to the rumble and get the elite out of there. I take a bullet to the shoulder but the armor took most of the damage. I get back behind the wall and use the bayonet to cut his head off and I retreat to a less zoney position
A geranade based off a lemon pops out one of the walls and lands on bills lap."this is a combustible lemon,it's like a gerande."

Gaster went back to the void after Ariel and chara ran away,he was coding more of himself back into undertale when a portal opened in front of him.gaster stopped coding and went through the portal carefully,he knew wha pt it's was,but did not know where he was going.

There was a flash then he was a a white room with a button and a box.there was also a door and a tube above the cube.

One of the cameras spotted him," new person is here."GLaDOS told bill.
Bill smiled "Hey wing ding remember me, it is Cipher. The guy who was stuck with you in the void and you never talked to," he said as he extended his arm to Gaster.


Prepareing to respond, Sauron suddenly spots a portal leading to Mordor forming besides him. Eager to begin his plans, Sauron goes through the portal
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Yappi said:
"Ah shit" I leap behind a concrete blocker ad the grenade goes off, run to the rumble and get the elite out of there. I take a bullet to the shoulder but the armor took most of the damage. I get back behind the wall and use the bayonet to cut his head off and I retreat to a less zoney position
As he was retreating he ran into rebels who were going to take the attack to thier advantage.the one the leader looks at him."whpcare you? And what is evreything you have?"the leader asked,surprised at the tech the non combine managed to get.

"Yes I remember you,what do you want?"he said looking around.
"Names Jimmy, I was retreating but with you help we can push deeper into here. This is my marine power armor,Gauss rifle and a few explosives. I'm not exactly from around here" i reload my gun
Yappi said:
"Names Jimmy, I was retreating but with you help we can push deeper into here. This is my marine power armor,Gauss rifle and a few explosives. I'm not exactly from around here" i reload my gun
"Alright jimmy,we won't ask anymore questions,we are just glad to have you on our side."he commands two rebels with rocket launchers,two with smgs,and one with a shotgun,to follow jimmy."these are the guys we can spare at the moment,the rest are still preparing,so you can move on ahead,we will catch up."the leader was doing a cleaning on a combine rifle.

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