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Fantasy Cirque du Curieux

"Well I think that it might be helpful, but I don't know..." Yuno leaned her head to Sara and whispered, "...she is quiet... unique," Yuno didn't want to hurt Ava's feeling. She then saw as Snakes's snake moved up and now on Ava's shoulder, Yuno sighed but she couldn't force Snake to remove his snake, he was right anyway. Ava suddenly reached out her hand, asking for water. She quickly nudged Sara's arm so she could give the poor girl some water.

Yuno then looked at another sound not far from her, she saw Misa was on her trailer with man who she never saw before. Yuno couldn't help herself but laughing, she put her hand in front of her mouth, trying to stop her giggling. Today was quiet unusual.
Flirting with the intruder really Misa? Snake thought slightly amused despite himself. "Talin wasn't going to hurt either of you. He was just acting as a guard dog until I got here. Keeping the intruder where he was. Though it seems Lithônions tiger was doing that very well. As for the snake around the girls shoulder, that's an insurance policy in case she tries something. "

"What girl?" Revin questioned before spotting the young girl. "Oh, that girl. She's adorable. "
"Oh of course you can have some water" Sara said in the most gentlest tone she could muster and smiled. She placed the opened bottle of water into Ava's hands. "My water has strong healing capabilities. It can help the body and the mind, but it's much more relaxing to soak in it then ingesting the water. If you want to soak in my freshwater pool, you can come by my trailer any time" she says with a friendly smile. Normally, Sara doesn't like letting other people soak in her pool. Heck, she barely lets any of her fellow carnies use it. But Sara has always had a soft spot for humans; especially human children. Turning towards Yuno, she whispered to her "I don't know what you mean by that, but come on, she's only a child. What can she do?". Turning back towards Ava she said "I'm going to sing. Most like my singing, but I'm sorry in advance if you don't like it or the lyrics". Taking a deep breath, she started to hear the background music playing in her head, and she started to sing.

Yuno bit her lips and replied Sara's whisper, "I know, I didn't mean to be rude, I love children, but somehow I can feel that she is unique either in a good way or not, my ears are tickling," Yuno rubbed her ears, she had strong feeling, but she can't interpret what does it mean.

Yuno moved her head slowly, listening to Sara's sweet voice, she used to sing her daughter a lullaby, but she knew her voice was not even close to Sara. She smiled at Ava, "Do you feel better, Ava?" she asked, her hand was still holding Ava's hand. It's been a long time since she held a girl's hand, a girl who was around Ava's age.
Kira came into where everyone else is he was tired and kind of cranky but he came anyways because like always he hated getting annoyed to much, so he came and saw everyone talking to someone, he didn't know who it was but he steeped on his tail and meowed "ow ow why did I do that" and grabbed his tail mumbling "stupid thing being so sensitive" but he brushed it off and kept trying to see when he saw Yuno.

"Yunoooo what's everyone here for" he said still grabbing his tail, he really forgot about the new person coming do to his drowsiness from the but hey he's a cat what are you going to do. He sees a person next to Yuno and says "hi I'm Kira the smallest one in the group" he said smiling a little.
"Kira, I just finished singing. You should have came earlier! We could have done a duet or something" Sara said while pouting. She was trying to sulk but it didn't last very long. Soon, a smile reappeared on her face. It has been a while since she last sang. Sara rarely sang during her act, but mostly sang to the children who got separated from their parents after the show. She didn't have any voice powers; her singing naturally had a calming effect on children. And since, there were some responsible parents that has been coming lately, not many kids got lost and so, she didn't have to sing.
"Sorry I fell asleep Sara" he said turning around to her smiling a little then said "mabye next time we can do a duet if that's good with you" Kira loved to do duets since it was a lot funner to be with people than do it alone. But Kira loved doing duets with Sara since they both had great voices but he especially liked singing to put smiles on everyone and everything's face even the most angriest people sometimes had a small smile on they're face when they heard him sing, but to him people smiling was like his job but he refocused to Sara and let go of his tail as it swayed saying "sorry I missed it though I wanted to hear you sing today to" he said smiling.
Yuno smiled happily as she saw Kira walking towards her, "Hello Kira~ still hugging your cute tail, aren't you?" Yuno loved how Kira could be so cute and innocent at the same time. She saw Kira introduced himself to Ava. Yuno thought that this might be good, maybe Ava would feel better meeting someone around her age instead of the adults.
Kira looked back at Yuno and pouted a little saying "of course I'm hugging my tail I don't want nobody stepping on it" he murmured a little as he was still pouting like a baby but his tail was still swaying so he was happy to be around people that liked him. So he looked back at Yuno since she was thinking about something so he ran over pulling on her shirt saying "what'cha thinking about Yuno" he said with a curious voice.
Ava carefully took the bottle of water, judging the size of it by it's weight and width. She hesitantly brought it up to her mouth, the open top tapping against her cheek. Slowly, she moved it so she could drink from it, feeling herself calm down greatly as Sara began to sing. She took a big gulp of water, jolting as a new voice sounded in front of her, "Ha... Hello." She muttered, squeezing Yuno's hand as she hung her cane on her arm. Her face was blank, eyes staring intently at what seemed to her like darkness, though to others she was staring at the ground by Kira's feet. Ava brought the water up to her mouth again and drank, letting a small smile paint her face as she listened to Sara's singing, "Your voice is really pretty," she commented, Sara's voice sounding an awful lot like her mother's voice, just a bit higher and more relaxing. For some reason, she felt comfortable around these people. She sighed quietly, blinking, "All of your acts sounded great.."

Misa frowned, "Poor girl, what if she gets bit? Snakes are vicious, you know," She muttered the last part, taking her gaze away from the smaller group. She scooted forward and pushed herself off the trailer, landing softly on barefeet. She flashed a hesitant look at Snake before opening her trailer door and walking in, leaving it open as she went towards her closet. She chuckled quietly as all she could see was a pair of legs on the ladder. "You can come down through here, stranger." She said, tapping on the lowest ladder rung. She looked around her trailer room, having not had anyone in for a while. Clean kitchen, some clothes here and there... She rolled her eyes at herself, really? Fretting over how clean the place was? "Or of course, stay up there away from the oh-so-scary house cat." She smiled and took a few paces towards to door, pivoting swiftly and sitting up on her small table, looking at the others through the open door.
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She isn't wrong. Snake thought amused by Misa's muttering. Though that's usually only when they are hungry, irritated, or threatened. Shaking his head he turned on his heels and headed back to his trailer, he wanted to take a small nap, the intruders were being taken care of by the others and he was sure they were being watched by G.

It seems all the fun is ending. Revin thought sulkingly as she headed for her own trailer. I really wished I had finished eating sooner.
"Well Kira, we have new visitors today, this little girl and..." Yuno paused and pointed at Misa dan unknown man, "...a man? Well things has been hectic for awhile," she smiled and pat Kira's head.

Yuno felt glad as she saw Ava became more relax, at least she didn't look scared like earlier. Yuno smiled when Ava complimented about their act, "I'm glad you like it, Ava, now do you remember where mama is? I mean where do you get separated?" Yuno looked at Ava again. She knew that Ava couldn't be here for long time, she was just a member of the circus, she couldn't decide things like this.
Ava shook her head, "Momma started coughing and I think she fell down, but then I could see her when she got up and she smiled at me." She stated as if it were normal, "It was this morning and I don't know where because everything is always dark, but momma walked into a white place that lit up everything, but it went away, and everything is dark again." She sniffled once when she finished, sad but not about to cry again. She tapped the water bottle softly against her lips before taking another drink, bitting it slightly, "And then I heard a crowd cheering and found this big place and this nice person asked if I wanted to sit by them and they told me it was a circus, so I stayed here." She said in another run-on sentence. "Then everyone left and I wanted to know who you people were."

Misa crossed her legs on the table, spawning a black and white mouse on her shoulder, "Hey, Tinker," She cooed. letting the rodent jump down to her hand, "Ten isn't here to see you today, I haven't been feeling good," She spoke to it, though knew by the mindset she gave it that it wouldn't be able to understand anything she said. Misa looked to Lukas, "Did you just come here or did the Grandeur send you?" She asked in a hushed tone, the mouse jumping from her hand to the table, then from the table to the floor. It rushed towards the closet, leaping up and latching onto Lukas' pants, climbing up until it got to his shoulder. She waited until the man would get off her ladder so she could speak to him normally rather than picturing what he looked like while she spoke. The mouse sniffed Lukas before making a loud, 'chee!' sound and scurrying back down to Misa.
Lukas shifted his body slightly to better see the gathering crowd of carnies when Lithonion appeared. Again, some one answered this inquiring boy before Lukas had much chance to offer any kind of an explanation. He sighed lightly as he put his hat back on his head and straightened it perfectly. Lukas would continue to watch the other carnies curiously. This second man, Lithonion, didn't seem real friendly either, and he seemed to be the one in control of the big cat. Snake and Revin left the scene, and Misa leaped off of the trailer after making a flirtatious comment toward Lukas. The man smiled ever-so-slightly at the comment. She's cute. Next thing that he noticed, the lady was beneath him, inviting him into her trailer once more. Lukas put his boot on the top rung of the ladder but paused for a short moment, worrying it may not be proper for him to intrude on a lady's living place. However, at her comment about his fearing the house cat, the soldier chuckled proudly, "Ha! I ain't scared of that tiger. I could take him, no problem." Then, something seemed to tug on his pant leg, and a mouse climbed its way up his body to his shoulder. The man watched the creature, intrigued, until it ran back down his body and out of view. At hearing Misa's next question, Lukas finally began his descent down the ladder, politely closing the escape hatch behind him. His boots made a light 'thud thud' on the floor of the trailer as he turned to face the girl. "Yes, a guy by the name of Grandeur did invite me to come check out this circus. Honestly, I didn't trust the strange fellow at all...but this place seemed like too good of an offer to turn down without at least looking into it first." Lukas glanced casually about the trailer as he approached the girl until he was standing directly in front of her. Then, his eyes shifted toward the doorway, studying the remaining carnies and the tiger outside. Finally, he turned his gaze back to Misa, lowering his voice to a softer tone. "I think I would like to hang around for a while, Ms. Misa." The soldier smiled at the girl, giving off a somewhat flirtatious vibe of his own. Then, he smoothly stepped into the doorway, one foot outside the trailer, ready to see the rest of the camp as well as the other carnies. Pausing halfway in the trailer, halfway outside, his eyes darted toward the tiger. "Your cat is not going to try attacking me, is it?" he asked with a smile on his face as his eyes met Lithonion's.

@StoneyJr @Contented Calamity
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Kira was a little impatient and wanted answers now so he started to climb Yuno with his small body saying "Yuno I want a answer give it give it" he said pouting as he climbed thinking "what's up with everyone today it's like they're obsessed with something....and dang I missed my singing act thats no fun fu~...but I made a new song to so gosh I'm a loser" he thought with a sour face nowa little annoyed. @Azula Cross
Yuno giggled as Kira climbed onto her, "Hey, Kira, stop it~" Yuno put Kira back and smiled, "I told you we have two visitors today, I guess the circus have became more popular these days," she said as she looked back to Ava.

Yuno put her hand under her chin, she was thinking, quiet not understand what Ava was talking about, was her mother dead or gone, she just didn't know. Yuno took a deep breath and held Ava's shoulder, "Now, you know who we are, right? Well, not every one of us, maybe I can give you a private tour and then I will take you home, is that okay? Yuno smiled again, she always loved giving tour to children. Yuno looked at Kira, "Maybe Kira want to join the tour too?"
Ava nodded at the question, eyes staring at where she knew the voices were coming from, though not at the speakers' faces. She kept her straight-faced look and squeezed the bottle slightly, "Yeah, that sounds great," She commented, reaching a hand up to Yuno's cheek and brushing her fingers along the woman's skin until they reached the collar bone. She smiled slightly, viewing a very faint, flickering light in the darkness, though a clear image of what Yuno's face looked like. Ava's face became neutral again as the light she saw vanished, "Sorry, I just needed to know what you looked like," She said in her most innocent voice possible, putting both hands on the bottle and drinking until the calming water was gone. She wiped her mouth with the back of her wrist and held out the bottle, "I'm done, I don't want this anymore." She stated blatantly, hoping someone would take it from her.

Misa sighed happily as Lukas managed to get by without being attacked. "New people are always fun," She murmured, looking down at the domestic mouse on her thigh, "Aren't they?" She kept silent while she admired the small creature she made, soon standing and making it dissapear while she walked to her closet. She pulled the small amount of clothes she had hanging there over the ladder after she closed the cieling hatch, sliding the closet door closed. She looked around her trailor, wondering if the new man would sleep there rather than just wait outside for one to arrive, just as Misa had done. She sighed, hitting herself on the side of the head with her palm, "Honestly, you're too kind, Amiri." Misa ran that same hand through her hair before letting it fall back by her side, her body turning towards her bed and falling onto it, face buried in the fluffy gray comforter.
Lukas stepped out of Misa's trailer, and the sound of a trumpet would be heard as another red envelope appeared on the ground just in front of him in a puff of white smoke. Lukas stood staring at it for a moment before glancing back toward the trailer. "Ms. Misa?" he'd call out with slight confusion in his voice as he stooped to pick up the envelope. "This just popped up here...?" he said as he turned toward her trailer and raised the envelope up where she would see it. Then, he noticed the letter was addressed to 'My lovely freaks', and Lukas raised a confused eyebrow before approaching Misa and giving her the letter. He felt it would be rude for him to read mail which was not his.
Misa turned her head as she heard her name, sitting up as she viewed a red envelope. She smiled and took it from him, opening it with ease and taking out the silver lined red paper. She skimmed it to see if her name was mentioned before getting off her bed and walking past Lukas to her trailer door. She began to read it aloud so everyone could hear her words:

"Hello, my beautiful creatures! Are you enjoying our new addition? He will perform at our next show.

In the meantime, a home for this new pet will be implemented tomorrow at 11 o'clock. For now,

take care of him, I don't need him dying on his first day. Treat him kindly, my freaks.

I will oversee all that you do, so do take care not to mess up."

The letter was signed with the all-to-predictable cursive 'G', though the letters soon faded, along with the letter and envelope in a red, smokey haze. She put her hands on her hips and looked around at everyone, "Okay, soo? That's that." She looked back at Lukas and smiled, "Welcome home," She said kindly.


Aham had just finished backing in his trailer when he heard the message being read aloud. Soon after the announcement, he slugged back to his trailer to unravel the huge mess. All his life's necessities... bought at a convenience store, RV park, and furniture store. Nothing of value, but it proved its worth in this new life of the circus. Might as well take a look around...
Lukas smiled warmly at Misa's welcoming him to the circus. "Thank you, Ms. Misa." Then, he would say in a sarcastic-sounding tone, "I don't think I'll need to worry about dying though." The man pulled a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from his pocket, and he stuck a cigarette between his teeth before lighting it. He slowly let out a puff of smoke before sighing and looking back to Misa with a slightly confused expression. "Wait, I'll be performing?" he asked with a doubtful chuckle as he knew not what circus act he could pull off.
Yuno was quiet shock when Ava touched her face, she didn't realize that she was blind which means every time Yuno smiled, that little girl couldn't see it. Yuno smiled again even though she knew Ava couldn't see her, "That's okay, you can do that again if you want, I really wanna show you how much I smile just to make her smile too," she giggled and patted her head. Since Ava looked much calmer than before, Yuno tried to interract with her physically since Ava couldn't know how Yuno's expression was.

Yuno took the bottle from Ava and gave it to Sara. She then took Ava's hand and began to give her a tour. The first thing she did was taking Ava to meet Misa and the unknown man who was the closest to them. She then saw the unknown man light a cigarette. Yuno quickly took the cigarette and threw it away, she made sure that the cigarette was off by stepping on it, "Seriously, Sir? You just got here out of no where and now you smoke?" Yuno's motherly personality came out, "It will make you sick and also people around you. Can you see that there is a child here? Oh! For God's sake!" she grumbled with Ava still with her.

She then remembered that she just yelled in front of a child, Yuno quickly looked at Ava and touched her shoulder, "I'm sorry if I somehow scared you," she was afraid that Ava would be afraid of her yelling.
Lukas looked surprised when his cigarette was snatched from his hand by a woman whom he had yet to meet. As she immediately began lecturing him, the man quickly adopted a sorry expression. He shoved the box of cigarettes and the lighter back into his pocket and frantically stepped closer to the two females. "Ah! I'm so sorry, Miss! I didn't mean to offend you!" he said very apologetically. "Its just a habit of mine," he frowned sheepishly. Then, he'd reach out to very lightly touch the younger girl's shoulder, "I apologize to you too, Miss." His worried expression would prove the sincerity of his guilt.
Misa laughed quietly as she watched Yuno fuss over Lukas' habit. "Oh, he's fine over here. Remember when I did that, Yuno? I really don't mind if he smokes near me. Nostalgia, I guess," She shrugged, sitting down on the dirt by her trailor entrance. She quirked an eyebrow as the little girl jolted and immediatley pulled away from the man's soft touch, as if she didn't expect it. She looked slightly higher at Lukas' face to see that he had really meant his apology, making her smile. "Hello, young miss, what would your name be?" Misa asked, crossing her legs as she noticed the girl's odd, never faltering stare. She tried her best not to run away from the snake around Ava's neck, though she still scooted away from her.

Ava sheered away from a new person's touch, hand immediatley reaching down to her knife, "Don't touch me," She huffed, feeling almost protected as the mamba hissed. She shook her head at Lukas' apology, "My momma smokes too," She stated, releasing the handle of her blade and crossing her arms. She frowned at a new woman's voice asking for her name and retorted, "I already said so! I'm Ava Colchester, are you deaf?" She asked rhetorically, sighing and leaning on Yuno. "You guys are really stupid for a group of circus freaks." Ava muttered, not giving a reaction to Misa's stuttering; "But.. Wha- No? We're not.. How..? No- Nevermind."
Yuno glared at Misa, "Yes, I remember and I also remember how many times I snatched that deadly things from you," and looked at the unknown man again, "That's okay, just don't do it again, okay? Ah what's your name? Wanna tell me how you got here?" she asked, curiosity overhelmed her since it's been awhile having this kind of events like this.

Yuno gasped when Ava suddenly changed her attitude. She looked at the little girl who yelled at Misa and the man. Hearing how Ava's mother smoked too, she frowned and felt sad for Ava. If Ava were her daughter, she would extra take care of her. Yuno stroke Ava's hair, "Ava my dear, you can't talk like that, people will feel sad hearing you like that," she said as she leaned her face closer, "Now, do you wanna stay here or meet another circus member?" Yuno knew Ava was unique in some way. Wrong move might upset her. Yuno looked at Misa and the man, giving them a look to forgive what Ava just did.

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