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Fantasy Cirque du Curieux

Fiona was giddy with excitement about this new show. Her new act would wipe the floor with her other ones. "I can do this, Isezar. We can do this. You, me and Dresca." She pet her house cat sized male gargantula while admiring the female, who carefully nurtured the eggsack in the corner. It reminded Fiona of a large pillow. I know, M'lady. A gravelly voice spoke to her. This was Isezar's voice. I'll be with you every step of the way, like always. With this in mind, Fiona drank some more of the venom from these spiders, from the vials she kept in the trailer, and left the trailer. "Good evening, my precious family!" She greeted the cirque. "How are you all?"
Carmen kept smiling at the fact the man didn't notice her gun stolen he must of been a terrible solider before he came to the circus. She quickly went up to the chef and smiled at him "Hey can you make me something quick? I have to practice" she asked sweetly then raced away to put her costume on. She appeared into her trailer and found her dress. The dress was a fiery red colour and the ends of the skirt went all the mid thigh the top was a beautiful red corset sat tight in her body. Beautiful orange and red sparkles sparkles under the light. The make up started at the outside of her eyes, a large flame looked like it came from her eyes which complimented the look. Her long crimson hair was tied in a high ponytail. The shoes were a dark red satin with the ribbon going above her ankle only a few inches higher. Carmen checked in the mirror one more time before looking at the first note the grand wizard gave her when she first arrived here "Good morning darling, welcome to my Cirque and that makes you officially now my freak so, enjoy your new fire proof trailer! ~ G" Carmen sighed softly then headed towards the circus tent, practicing the moves in her mind she accidentally bumped into Lukas on the way and smiled at him innocently "Look, sorry for taking your gun. It was just a joke, apology accepted?" She asked seeing that he got his gun back @XDBuggyBatXD
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Lukas had been somewhat lost in thought when he heard the sound of footsteps behind him. Turning slowly around, a girl bumped into him. The man took the cigarette from his lips and, as usual, started to apologize to the young lady, as was his code of manners. "Oh, my bad!" he said before his eyes met hers, and he realized who it was. "You..." he growled distrustfully as his hands dropped to his pockets. He felt that his cigarettes, lighter, and the letter from Grandeur were all still in his pockets. Then, he moved his right hand to rest on his pistol to ensure the sly female couldn't steal it again. The man popped the cigarette back in his mouth and watched the girl with a disapproving expression. "You shouldn't play with guns," he lectured, "they're dangerous." He blew the smoke from his cigarette politely in a direction opposite the young girl. "Don't do it again and you're forgiven," he commented as he looked more casual now, less stern. He started walking toward the Big Top again. Looking back at Carmen, he offered another word, "Hey, and can you not tell the others...?" he said, lowering his voice though keeping his composed appearance.

@Geek with Me
Carmen smirked to Lukas. She stood on the pointe of her shoes so she could reach Lukas' ear and whispered softly "You secret is safe with me.." her voice was trusting. She got back down "We better get going solider" she smirked playfully and saluted then ran off like a five year old into the big top. She smirked at him one more time then disappeared without a flash into the Big Top. She saw the backstage crew race around the stage in order for it to be ready. Carmen sat down in one of the audience's chair and just sat there with a blank look on her face. Carmen wondered about alot of things for example, will she fail during the dance? or, will she ever find a friend or even a boyfriend at the circus? Carmen gave a sigh then started to play with fire on top of slender fingers. She wondered what was so important about Lukas. Carmen wondered what was so important about her? Big deal she can control fire! Carmen rolled her eyes then got up from her seat. She blinked then left to groupies to do their work in peace @XDBuggyBatXD
Sara was walking around trying to decide what her act was going to look like. In her opinion, her act wasn't as exciting by itself like the others. Her act was simply just falling into a tub of shallow water from high up in the air and not get hurt. The audience indeed finds her act exciting, she knows because she does get cheers from the audience when they find her unscathed from the act. However, her act was no longer getting cheers like it used to. Of course, it's because people are looking forward to other acts instead of her own. She hears it all the time from the humans when she's doing her job as ticket taker. Sara always wanted to spice up her act by using her powers over water but she backs out on that idea every time. Her act was to fall from great heights into shallow water, nothing more. If she were to show off her control of water, she doesn't know what kind of response the humans will have. The humans think we're just normal humans that can do tricks. If I show them something a normal human couldn't do, something that looks like a trick couldn't accomplish then they'll definitely think of us as monsters. she thought. Sara always thinks of this, every single time before she performs. She wants to use her powers but she doesn't want the humans forming a mob and possibly hurting her fellow carnies. Sara sighed, starting to get a headache from arguing with herself. She suddenly bumped into someone and blinked before looking up and seeing a familiar face. "Oh hey Carmen, sorry about bumping into you" she apologizes while smiling lightly.

@Geek with Me
Carmen, being a over protective girl set her hair on fire as a defensive tactic but she unlit her hair then smiled "Hey Sara. Sorry about my hair, you know being a fire witch and all..." she blabbered on then stopped "What are you up to now?" she asked walking with Sara. So what if they were different elements that doesn't mean they couldn't be friends! Does it? Carmen frowned saw Sara tense "Come with me, I'm going to relax you and do your make up" she ordered, not taking a no for an answer. She grabbed Sara's then mumbled something "Educet me in domum suam" she murmured then a circle of fire surrounded their vision of the area the turned into smoke, revealing Carmen's bedroom. "Sit" she ordered, pointing to her make up desk, the white oak table covered in blush, eye shadow, mascara etc. Carmen grabbed some rare water candles and lit them with her magic and placed them around the room. Carmen sat in front of Sara and picked up a bottle of foundation and a beauty blender "What's going on?" Carmen asked as she did Sara's makeup. Her nose tingled to the smell of the water candles @JenniPerson

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/h2o-water-candle-kit-1.jpg.578742d09247fe53877fbfe2800a0b42.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72988" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/h2o-water-candle-kit-1.jpg.578742d09247fe53877fbfe2800a0b42.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Sara complied with everything Carmen has been doing and tensed up a little when a circle of fire surrounded them. She sat down in front of the white makeup table and allowed Carmen to apply makeup on her. Although normally, she would tense up a lot being near fire, Sara was strangely more relax then she thought she would be. Maybe it's because the candles are made of water. she thought while closing her eyes. She always thought of Carmen as a friend, well to her anyone who's a part of the circus is her friend. She was always a little tense around Carmen because she was a fire witch, but that didn't stop her from trying to be friends with Carmen. In the six months Carmen has been with them, Sara has grown to like her and valued their friendship. Sara was really interested in how their friendship would turn out because they had different elements and so far, Sara felt lucky that it turned out the way it did. Carmen was her friend and she hoped nothing was going to change that. Sara sighed when Carmen asked her a question before reluctantly saying with a forced smile "Nothing really, just thinking about how my act is going to go without using too much of my water powers."

@Geek with Me
Carmen smirked at Sara, being a fire witch she could sense feelings "Sara, I will always treat you as a sister to me. I sense your tense, just tell me and I will understand so now about that act" she sighed then continued to do Sara's makeup "You just got to trust your gut. Remember my first time doing my act? I used my power and accidentally lit the pole for the next act?" she giggled "Just because that happened didn't mean I should never do it again, sure I was a little bit upset but I just got back onto my feet. Luckily the crew was ready and helped me burn out the fire' she smiled, then added some touched on Sara's make up "There" she smiled at her handy work "Look in the mirror" she said, as she cleared up her make up and lit some more water candles. "I'm sensing that water calms you down" she said, searching frantically through a cupboard filled with lotions, potions and other things she uses "Aha!" she murmured as she found a small sea blue box. She grabbed it and closed the cupboard door "Here take these and.." she handed the box to Sara and then raced back to the cupboard and grabbed a small blue velvet bag sack thing filled with calming herbs to put in drinks "And these at least once a day. Your too tense Sara, these will help you okay?" Carmen asked then gave her a nod. She placed on hand on Sara's shoulder "Your act is fabulous, don't listen to them" she smiled softly before cleaning up her ingredients cupboard "Let's go" she smiled at Sara then left her trailer, heading towards the Big Top with Sara

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/45c60d9263e82bd358a6a5d8c89d7a44.jpg.331cbe1f28ba676f975cdacc2e1ef678.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73184" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/45c60d9263e82bd358a6a5d8c89d7a44.jpg.331cbe1f28ba676f975cdacc2e1ef678.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> [.spoiler]



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Sonako hopped around the circus ground and practiced her act in the back of the tents as she twirled with her dragon like wings and flew up blowing out a flare of fire which spreaded out like water flowing back down from a fountain. She would spin around in different ways in the air as she did her dance blowing around her flames for show and not to much "this is getting me all tired out.." She flew back down as she let out a sigh and took a sip of her water "hm I wonder when my turn will be to perform.."

Hampton Lovett

"The Dollmaker"

"Hey can you make me something quick? I have to practice," rang a voice by Cook's side.

He wasn't sure when it had happened, how she gotten there, or how long she had been standing there for. All he knew was that she was a nuisance, and getting rid of her as soon as possible was in his best interest. However, she was so kind as to do this for him, for as suddenly as she had appeared she had removed herself to some other part of the circus grounds, likely having gone off to pester someone else for something. Honestly, how dare she have the audacity to not only ask, but actually want him to do his job. He did it badly enough without people asking for it. But if she wanted to keel over from food poisoning, then so be it.

He looked around the kitchen, for that's how one begins when they have been given something to do and are almost clueless as how to go about it. Not only had the girl, of whose name, like most, he did not know - or only partially knew so that it was still incorrect, asked for something to eat, but she wanted it
quickly. Hampton was far too uncoordinated a person to do anything quickly. In fact, it was amazing he could do anything at all. However, there is a time in every man's, or weird little grey person's, life in which he needs to do a thing. And for Hampton, today was that day - he would do a thing. It wouldn't be a spectacular thing, or even a remotely interesting thing; in fact, it be like most things he did every day, but this day, some one will have asked for it - and quite frankly, no one ever asked, or probably ever thought, of eating his food.

It had started out as a pot of boiling water, and yet, somehow devolved into something you would find hiding under your bed in your nightmares. However, it was hardly the worst thing he'd ever made; it wasn't even in the top ten, of things that could kill you. So, overall, it turned out well. It resembled soup, and although one might find the rat meat and small chunks of solidified grease to be rather tough, it was probably still edible. It's not like he had to meet any health standards or anything.

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