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Fantasy Cirque du Curieux

Ava blinked as a deeper voice said her name, though she felt much calmer as her weapon was placed in her hand. She gripped it tightly as Lukas shared a few words, making her relax. If anything, she'd rather be around this man for her entire stay here, though that was only because he returned her knife to her. As soon as he walked away, though, she was tense and frustrated again, letting out a growl as Aham and Sara spoke with each other, almost as if she wasn't there, "Hello! I'm not a two-year-old!" She said in a bratty tone, putting her knife in its place as the snake hissed in her ear. She moved closer to Sara, using her free hand to hold one of hers. Ava was interested in this woman and she wanted to know more of why that incident happened earlier.

Misa, upon seeing Hampton, grinned and started moving closer to the being. She knew he wasn't the friendliest person and that he generally hated others being around him, but she ended up right beside him anyway. She purposely got too close to Hampton than he would accept, slinging an arm over his shoulders, "Am I annoying yet?" She asked in a low tone, forming Tinker, the black and white mouse, in her hand. She let it scurry around until it sat atop the man's head, chattering endlessly as it had nowhere to go from there. She looked around at the rest of the group, stepping away from the chef as to not freak him out too much. Misa shoved her hands in the jacket's pockets as her stomach growled again, glancing to the open door of her trailer, contemplating whether or not to go get her uneaten lunch from earlier that day.

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*Sonako finished her training and glued back inside grabbing a bottle of water as she headed back to her trailer seeing all the commotion while walking* "hm..new comers that's nice.."

Hampton Lovett

"The Dollmaker"

He glanced back over his shoulder, taking a closer look at the group. There seemed to be some unfamiliar faces, well, more unfamiliar than usual, that is. He bit at the nail of his thumb in contemplation, for although there seemed to be some new faces about the grounds, it felt as though the group was smaller than it had been before. But there was little point in thinking of it for too long, it wasn't as though he often went out of his way to interact with them if he didn't have to in the first place; so his recollection of the overall troop's size was, as most things he thought of, pointless. Nine years didn't really seem to do much for the memory... or the social skills, for at that very moment, an unwanted body was coming in his direction - and fast. He hadn't promised to anything and forgotten about it, again, had he? What should he do? Maybe he could make a run for it back to his trailer, but no, she was advancing way too quickly for such a maneuver and such a slow person as he. Perhaps if he just pretended not to notice her, but she was right in front of him, and she'd simply pester him regardless. He sighed. There was only one thing to do now. This called for drastic measures! He'd just have to play dead until she left. However, before he could go limp and fall to the ground, she had already made her way by his side and had already thrown her arm about his shoulder. "Am I annoying yet" she asked with a grin.

I didn't think it was possible, but I think I hate her even more now.

He smiled nervously, as he most often did.
"I didn't realize there was a time in which you had stopped...," he replied, gaze shifting from her to the mouse that ran up her arm to the top of his head. "I'd eat you if I could...," he said to the mouse, not making an attempt to remove it as he had made that mistake before - and the results were not in his favor, as he tried to catch it; only to find that when he did it would simply disappear - or however it was her magic voodoo hoopla nonsense worked.

Having now seemed satisfied with the amount of grief she had caused him, she removed her arm, and stepped away, which was good on her part. She was also fortunate to have a lunch of her own, as there was no telling what would have happened to her food in the mess hall.

While waiting for the show to start, Winston overheard bickering happening near the trailers, where a group of characters, possibly Carnies, were culminating. Winston slowly approached the group, and when he was about twenty feet away from the crowd, hesitated and hid behind a tent.

What am I doing? He asked himself. I'm going into this without a plan against people who were probably more dangerous than they look, if that's even possible. What should I do? What should I do?

He peered behind the tent at the scene still occurring and continued to observe in the background.

Reconnaissance. That's what I need to do for now. I need to see what I'm up against. And what I can do about it.

As furious as he was, he reluctantly remained in the shadows, gripping his fists to prepare for anything that would happen.
She looked back at the others before entering her trailer. She shut the door and sat inside her best like bed covered with gold coins. She liked collecting coins because it's what dragons do they like shinny things. She covered herself with her wings and went back to her nap until the next performance starts
Lukas stood calmly taking in all of the commotion of his new home. There were a lot of new faces and names for him to remember. Misa was the carefree illusionist afraid of snakes. Ava was the high-strung little blind girl who also seemed to be new. Sara seemed to have the ability to control water, and Aham seemed like a gentlemanly guy. Lukas had yet to figure out the fanged girl or the dark, socially awkward fellow. And the soldier still hadn't said a word to Aham or Sara. Lukas glanced around curiously at his surroundings, and he thought he saw some one jump behind a tent. The paranoid soldier looked back to the other carnies to see if anyone else had been watching. There was a good chance the man completely imagined the form; he was always thinking somebody was following him. Lukas tightened his grasp on the pistol on his hip as he wanted to draw it and hunt down the stalker. It would make a terrible first impression if he stormed off after some imaginary person with his gun in hand, however. So the man stayed where he was and stared at the tent attentively, expecting to see somebody peek out any moment. He tried to use his heightened hearing to figure out if there was any commotion in that direction, but the noise around him was too distracting. It may just be another carny, anyhow. The man reluctantly released his holstered weapon and pulled his gaze from the tent in the distance to focus on his new neighbors. Straightening his hat, Lukas strode over to the socially awkward fellow. "Hello," he said with a friendly smile as he offered his hand for a shake. "My name is Lukas." This was the best he could do to keep his paranoia from getting the best of him...other than smoking a cigarette, but that would have to wait.

Hampton Lovett

"The Dollmaker"

It was awful. It was truly just god awful. No sooner had he rid himself of one painfully unwanted presence , before another one promptly stood in its place. Who was he? Hampton racked his brain in search of the answer, but could think of nothing substantially relevant other than the fact that the man in green reminded him of broccoli - or perhaps it was spinach; both equally terrible, mind you. So, to not have favor over one to the other, he was most likely just a hybrid of both. "Spinoccoli...?" Hm, perhaps not, it slid off the tongue in a rather unusual way.

Having gotten caught up in his own thoughts, he hadn't even realized he had been standing there silently staring at the newcomer before responding to his greeting with "spinoccoli" having been spoken under the breath. How silly of him, he had nearly forgotten how utterly horrid the situation at hand was that it nearly passed him by that he needed to... needed to... Damn, what was it again?
Well, it doesn't matter, thought he. The situation is still utterly horrid, he restated to himself, scratching the back of his head. He may have had fleas. He wasn't entirely sure, it could have been lice - but, it was more likely to have been fleas. He glanced down at the hand in front of him. How long had that been there? His gaze followed the hand back up to its owner of which it was still, for some reason, attached to. For the first time, in however long it had been that he was standing there in silence staring blankly ahead, he actually saw and processed the existence of the person in front of him, who was now intruding into his life. Why was he smiling? Did the man dressed in vegetable colored attire know something Hampton did not? How dare he. How dare he know things! If he weren't so tall, perhaps, he'd have the mind to slap the fellow or slit his throat. Slitting his throat would have been all the nicer, however, as it would have made the predominantly green man a predominantly red man - and who didn't like red? Oh wait... no, he was just introducing himself. So that's why he was smiling? Odd... people still went about the ritual of self introduction to another unknown party? Hampton looked down at the hand which was still out there for some reason.

"My name is Lukas," the other offered.

Lukas. Lukas... the color of mucus. A crooked smile formed over his face. Funny. And since this Lukas person had given him such a good laugh, it was only naturally for him to return the favor, afterall, what kind of tradesman would he be if he hadn't? "Speaking of funny, would you like to hear a joke?" he asked. Of course he did. "What's funnier than a dead baby?" --- "A dead baby in a clown costume!" He smiled, giving a hesitant laugh. Yes, that was a good one. It was one of his favorites.
Lukas stared at the odd man before him. He certainly didn't seem like the neatest of people. What was this mumbling of 'spinoccoli'? This guy mustn't be all there in the head, thought Lukas. Finding his offering of a handshake completely ignored, the soldier withdrew his hand slowly, his friendly expression fading. A confused smile formed on his face at the chef's next words. Nobody said anything about funniness...and what a gloomy joke. "Well...yah!" was all the man could say as he patted the circus freak on the shoulder. "Nice to meet you too! You gotta name?" he asked with a more laid back air about him than the formerly polite aura he had given off when introducing himself to the female carnies.

Misa listened to the commotion around her, trying to keep and eye on Lukas and Sara, though that was ultimately impossible. She slightly nodded her head as the American male approached Hampton, stepping away from the two but keeping in earshot. She placed herself a few paces behind Lukas, clasping her hands together as she spotted a beautiful, pale woman. Her eyes were fixed on her lovely black dress, something she herself would love to try on. She looked up to the woman's face, an awed smile placing itself over her all-too-excited grin, "Jacqueline! Your dress is so pretty!" She said, brushing off the other two and joining the other woman, moving her hands apart and running her fingers down the vampire's shoulder. She hooked her arm under Jacqueline's, hugging it as if they'd been friends for a much longer time than they had been, "You always look so nice," Misa commented, referring to her own messy, not-so-attractive appearance. She glanced around, keeping herself next to the taller woman, leaning her head on Jacqueline's shoulder, "Doesn't it seem like the circus is so much... I don't know, but it has less of that friendly 'buzz', y'know?" Misa kept still as her stomach grumbled again, though not as loud as it had before.
Jacqueline stood quietly as the others talked to each other. Even if she wasn't saying anything, Jacqueline was just happy she was around her friends...well at least that's what she referred to them as. She smiled as Misa approached her. She was always one of Jacqueline's favorites. She leaned in toward the girl, "Oh Misa. Dear Mademoiselle!" She said dramatically; Jacqueline was always one to put on a show. "Stop it, your embarrassing me!" She said, pressing her hand to her cheek. "The circus has been wonderful lately, but I do wonder..who is the..oh, how do you say..military monsieur?"

"My name is Lukas.." Said the uniformed stranger from behind them. Timing is everything..Jacqueline thought. She smiled, "Lukas..quel spectacle .." She turned her head so that she was facing Misa, "Oh, do you think there is a chance an old woman like me could ever be with a young man like him?"

(Writers block is rough right now...sorry for lack of posts!)
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Misa grinned, "You have plenty of a chance!" She said in an excited whisper, glancing over Lukas, "To be honest, I don't know how old he is, but who knows? I saw him looking at you earlier," She stated happily, looking back at Jaqueline. From the looks of the two, she didn't doubt that something could start between them. She chuckled quietly, "It'd be great to have a couple here to observe, I could use that to improve Ten's emotions," She said normally, looking back at Hampton. She watched her mouse bounce down from his head to his shoulder, then slowly try to descend his torso will minimal luck. The rodent ended up falling from the chef's clothing and hitting the ground in a puff of grey smoke, though the creature appeared again as soon as the haze disappeared completely. Tinker bounded over to Misa, climbing her pants and shirt to rest on her own shoulder. "It's never occurred to me to ask, but how old is Hampton?" She queried, already knowing most of the carnies estimated ages, "I mean, I'd ask him myself but I'm pretty sure he'd kill me if I even get near him again," She joked, returning her gaze to the vampire.

@Lost Valentine
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Hampton Lovett

"The Dollmaker"

"Nice to meet you too! You gotta name?" asked Lukas of the uniform in green.

"Why, yes," he said, responding promptly and accurately for the first time in the entire conversation. "You can refer to me as 'the guy you don't touch with your dirty little mitts'," he said shooing the other's hand away - although one could hardly wonder what he meant by dirty as he was anything but clean.

I wonder if I put his hat in a pot of boiling water - if it'd taste like spinach and broccoli...?

"Hey...," he said, ushering towards him with his hand. "Want to hear another joke? It's a good one...," he added with a grin. "What's the difference between a dead baby and a watermelon?" He only really knew dead baby jokes and a few bad puns. "One's fun to hit with a sledge hammer, the other one's a watermelon!"

Why hadn't he left yet? How many more dead baby jokes did he need to tell to get this guy to- Oh, but, wait. He had two perfectly decent legs. Perhaps he could... now it was a bit of a stretch, but... perhaps, he could just - walk away! He swiveled around, ready to head off in the opposite direction, however, his venture was cut short as he tripped over the rodent and fell flat on his face. The creature disappearing and reappearing for a second time. What did it come back to mock him now! It scurried back to its creator. He had forgotten the little wretched creature had been on him; so when it had scurried off, he hadn't even noticed. He stood up, not even bothering to brush himself off, as he glanced back with a bloody nose at Misa. See, this is what happens when you're around people. There's always that lingering 1% chance that they'll create a creature of habitual ineptitude that it causes you to trip, when all you really wanted was to get away from it all. Yes, this was the plain and simple truth. Maybe a lie in there somewhere, but mainly - the truth. People were just outliers sent from the specifically named 'gods that hated Hampton' to ruin his day.
Sonako crawled to the window of the trailer and peeked out watching the newcomers and there conversation. Her Sharp green eyes looked out just watching while swinging her tail around and flapping her wings lightly. She gripped tightly into some blankets with her sharp claws "newcomers... I'm not good with new people"
Lukas retracted his hand slowly from the rude character's shoulder. An irked expression would be notable on the male's face when he heard the smaller fellow's comment. "Man, you're a funny lil fella, aintcha?" he'd mutter with a not-so-friendly grin. This time, Lukas didn't bother with a sympathetic chuckle at the man's joke of poor taste. He just watched silently as the freak tried to make a quick escape and landed on his face. Then, Lukas cracked a grin as the lover of dead babies had finally done something that he found funny. The freak climbed back to his feet, and Lukas took one casual stride after him just to give him a hard 'playful' smack on the back. "Good recovery, pal," he said sarcastically, flashing the clumsy male a challenging grin. Then, he'd turn his back to the man, seemingly deciding the unsocial fellow was no threat. His eyes would find their way back to the vampiric female who was now telling secrets with Misa.


Winston's heart began to race when he noticed that someone had almost pulled out a weapon after glancing over at his direction. When Winston realized that he wasn't being approached, he began to loop around the other side of the tents away from the crowd, so that he could observe the trailers, thinking that most of them should be empty.

There's too many people here for them to notice me. He reassured himself. Just act calm and collected.

Winston shook his arms. I can freeze them if they find me out and get the heck out of there. My mojo hasn't failed me yet. He picked up the pace as he arrived to his first set of trailers, and began to look around.
Sonako stared at everyone even the boy who was looking at the trailers. She kept a watch on everyone as a dragon she was kind of territorial of her trailer and around people she hasn't gotten to meet or get used to "I if I go out...no they might see me and just ignore me.."
Sara chuckled at Ava's sudden bratty outburst and then smiled brightly as Ava held her hand. "I was just offering my trailer if you plan on staying here" she says, still feeling amused. "Of course, it's up to you whether or not you want to live with me. Maybe someone else will let you stay in their trailer." This is the first time Sara has felt happy in a while. Since Harvest happens every two weeks, to Sara, it feels like her guilt is never ending. She has nothing to distract herself from the guilt plus the time span between each harvest was too short for her to try and forget the pain. Although, she would force a smile, her real emotions could be felt by the atmosphere around her. Sara still feels guilty but for now, she could lessen the pain by focusing on Ava. I hope she can stay here. I'm sure things will get more interesting with her around she thought. Just then she realized that there was probably a big obstacle in the way if Ava wanted to live with them. "I almost forgot about Grandeur" she says not realizing that she said it aloud. Maybe Grandeur will let her stay. I don't think Ava is fully human.
Jacqueline grinned and let out a small squeal of delight, "I feel like I'm in high school again.." She whispered, her cheeks glowing a faint pink. It was surprising that there was any color in her face at all, with being dead for 40 years, give or take.

Jacqueline turned her attention back to Misa's question about Hampton. "Oh, the chef?" She raised her eyebrow and turned her head slightly to look at the not so unsettling person, but couldn't help but notice Lukas's eyes watching her. She smiled a little as she turned her head back to Misa, "I wouldn't say he's too ancient. I believe he isn't much older than me." She said, furrowing her brow in thought. She let out a soft chuckle as she patted Misa's arm.

@Contented Calamity
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She shrugged, bouncing a little due to the cold, "Maybe I'll just casually ask him one day. In a full-body protection suit," She chuckled, turning towards her trailer. "Ah, I'm getting chilly," She said, making the jacket she was wearing disappear. She briefly hugged Jacqueline, whispering, "You should try flirting, I'm sure it'd work on him!" She nodded to the woman and bounced to her open trailer door, shutting it swiftly and leaping to her bed. Misa grabbed one end of the large blanket and rolled over, wrapping herself in warmth, "Still cold," She muttered, setting her head on her pillow. She had forgotten about Tinker a while ago, therefore she forgot to make the mouse fade away before she fell asleep. The rodent was currently scurrying around outside, leaving Misa to dream she was a mouse. Who knew she could see through her illusion's eyes when she slept?

Ava kept Sara's hand in her's, nodding, "No, I'll stay with you. Everyone else is weird," She commented, moving her cane slightly. Though Aham's cloak helped for a short amount of time, the girl wasn't as warm as she'd like to be. She attempted to keep the cloak over her shoulders with no hands, but the nice fabric inevitably fell from her shoulders, the cold air hitting her skin and making her shiver. She took her hand back from Sara and put it across her chest, attempting to keep some body heat within her. "Can we go inside now?" Ava asked, really starting to get cold.

Hampton Lovett

"The Dollmaker"

"A funny lil fella." That's how he had gone about describing him. "lil". Really? Did he enjoy making that pun or was he just entirely unaware of his blatant asshole-ery? Well, whatever the case, the other seemed to be quite amused with himself; reproaching him with a, what Hampton would hardly consider "playful", slap on the back. "Good recovery, pal," replied Mr. Green, unknowingly almost sending the already crippled Hampton back to the ground. He rolled his eyes, hardly able to put up with this tomfoolery any longer than he already had. He had definitely exceeded his weekly quota of energy output to be wasted on others, in the few minutes that he had chosen to make the grave mistake of exiting his trailer.

The man flashed him a challenging grin, which Hampton would undoubtedly decline - and of which the other appeared to already assume as he turned his back on the "lil fella".

Tch. I hope you like poison in your food... you cocky son of a bitch...

He shuffled off in the direction he had been attempting to go prior to falling - only to have to pass by the group again, because... he had been going in the wrong direction. However, once he was set on the right path, the dreary cook made his way into the kitchen - and from there he began to create. To create
what, exactly, was unclear, but it certainly wasn't food.
Lukas had once again been taking in the scene, studying his new neighbors quietly. He would turn his head quickly when the fanged female's eyes met his. How long had he been staring at her? How rude of him! Lukas let out a guilty sigh as he turned away, scratching the back of his head. His hand would fall to his pocket and come out with a box of cigarettes. Then, he'd immediately shove the box back into his pocket, remembering how his smoking had offended Sara. "A little longer..." he would mutter to himself as he looked up at the sky. The sun was down now. It was growing late, and the man was growing tired. He was a morning person after all, awake since five that morning. Where would he sleep, he began to wonder. And didn't Misa say something about him having to perform tomorrow? What was he supposed to do? He didn't really know any circus tricks that he could do.
Aham was delighted that Ava had taken Sara as her new caretaker. "Good luck," he said to Sara. He picked up his over coat and put it back over his shoulders. Aham walked back towards his trailer to continue unpacking the mess, maybe practice his fortune telling. After all, he had to learn a few tricks quickly due to the short notice. He liked the job and he figured he'd do a little research on it. He passed by the kitchen, seeing Hampton walk in. He looked at him briefly. I wonder what he is doing? He then walked toward the kitchen...
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Sonako jumped out of her trailer and spread her wings as she flies in circles around the curcus with her dragon tail swaying around she looked down observing every single life form that walked around "hm ...strange people"
Sara watches as Aham walked away before taking notice that Ava was cold. "Oh you're cold? Let's go inside my trailer then. I'm sure it won't be a problem if you stay the night" she said while smiling. Well, I hope so... she thought and gently took Ava's hand. "It'll be much better if I lead you there like this. It's not the best idea if you got lost here, especially since it's getting dark now" Sara says. She tried to word herself in a way so that Ava would let her help. She thought of leading Sara with her voice but there would be risks of Ava bumping into something or worse, getting lost. Sara didn't believe Ava would get lost so easily but it's better to be safe then sorry. Sara slowly started walking and pulled on Ava's hand a little, hoping she would follow.

.: Carmen Vehemente :.

Carmen yawned, being too lazy to smile at people "Night people" she loudly said it and went to her trailer, her ankles and basically her entire body ached and her hand slightly burned from using her powers. She shuffled to her makeup desk and chair and rubbed off the thick make up and untying her hair. She saw what she really looked like and stared at herself "God is that what I really look like?" she asked herself then got changed into her PJs, lighting a cigarette and started to read Paper Towns in her bed, reading by her lamp, she fiddled with her side braid every now and then. Mumbling could be heard outside by the other performers. She stopped and burnt the cigarette then blinked a few times "Who were my parents?" she asked, she couldn't remember her parents names because it's been so long

Sorry for late post))

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