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Fantasy Cirque du Curieux

(Sorry for the really late (and short) response!! (' :) ) )

Ava calmly followed the tug, shuffling her way with Sara to the trailer. As the door opened, the nice scent of tea and flowers hit her, making her relax. She stepped into the home after Sara, stopping just inside the door when she recognized the sound of running water. She turned her head from side to side, pinpointing where the noise came from. She had a worried look on her face, putting her cane down and releasing the woman's hand, "Um, where is the water in here?" She asked, unsure of where to step in case she fell and couldn't find the surface again. She tapped her cane a few times, hearing the familiar noise bounce around oddly, the sound warping multiple times until it faded into the water. "I really don't want to fall," She said, growing uneasy, even in the presence of the tension-releasing herbs.

(I won't roleplay Misa until it becomes morning in the roleplay or if someone disturbs her~ (OuO) )
She tossed and turn in her sleep. She woke up in a cold sweat, panting as if she was in a marathon. She got up and put her pointe shoes on "Maybe dancing will make me tired?" she say softly in her head and practiced her circus routine but without the flames. She made sure she was disturbing anyone as she danced. She stood on one point as her other leg weaved back and forth back and forth. She twirled and then did a trick in the air then finished, smiling as if there was an audience. She gave a yawned and slipped off her shoes then went to bed
((After this post then I'm ready unless Sara and Ava need more interaction))

Sara turned to face Ava and says "Be careful, the water is in a separate room but you're standing right in front of the opening to that room. One more step and you'll fall into the water." Sara didn't want to scare her but she needed to speak clearly and tell Ava exactly where the water is. She didn't want to Ava to fall in the water. It may have healing abilities but that doesn't mean you can survive in it without oxygen. Sara walked towards her left, taking her eyes off of Ava. She was sure that Ava would trust her words and not step any further in that direction. "This is where you'll sleep" she says patting the pillows and the blankets on the bed. Sara coughed as a little bit of dust filled the air. "It might be a little dusty but it's better than nothing. The blanket will keep you warm too. Now I'm going to get some rest and you should too" she says walking past Ava into the room that had the water.
Sonako fell asleep on top of a tall tree while she was flying around the circus. She enjoyed sleeping out like what she used to do with her parents but she couldn't remember much.
(I'm fine with the time skip...)

Aham, forgot about Hampton and walked back to his trailer. Better get some rest for tomorrow's show. He slipped into his oversized pajamas. I knew that deal was to good to be true. He petted his Scottish Fold Munchkin kitten, warm and fluffy, and try to get some rest. He dozed off for an hour or two to hear some inept noise coming from one of the other trailer; it was one of the dancers. Typical, he thought. He shuffled back to his bed to find that his kitten had made its home on his pillow. "I guess I'm sleeping the other way," he said aloud. He snuggled back in to his not-as-comfortable bed...
What she wears before the show: http://www.polyvore.com/horse_riding/set?id=172398371 ))

Time skip!))

Carmen woke up to the sun shining through her window "Oh get out sun!" she muttered and closed the curtains. She looked at the time on her cloak 'It's only six in the morning" she muttered lazily. Then woke up "It's six am and miss loud mouth isn't yelling?" she asked herself, having a blank look on her face. She got dressed and raced out of her trailer.There was dewdrops everywhere "It must have rain last night" she thought to herself, slipping her slender hand into her pockets and walked around the circus, she saw the brilliant tent. She entered inside and smiled "May as well practice..." she excused herself and slipped her shoe off and began to dance, fire danced in her hands as she twirled then did some flips in the air. The song she usually danced to played in her mind

Hampton Lovett

"The Dollmaker"


Oh joy, another unknown face in another unwanted situation - how fondly he would take it, when he realized yet another person was to impede upon his lackadaisy lifestyle. As if two annoying parties in one day hadn't been enough. However, for now, the other presence in his kitchen had gone unnoticed, or possibly - out of habit, ignored. But, as it was to be, it didn't seem the other remained for long, as before Hampton had the chance to be bombarded by the individual's unsightly presence, he had left, just as unnoticed, as when he had entered the cook's kitchen. In the end, it was a good move on his part, whether it was intentional or simply out of boredom, that he left, for the area was quick to turn into something hardly recognizable as a kitchen. The smell would imply roadkill with a dash of that delightful sewer stench, while the area, in itself, for which that stench occupied would suggest a violent struggle along with a mass homicide attempt. Whatever had been made in the kitchen that night was definitely something new to be added into the culinary list of things Hampton had created - and the list of things in which no one should ever eat, although it was unclear as to whether it was the smell of the dish that gave it this new ranking or the fact that the mass of something-or-other within the metal pot had gained sentience. Needless to say, the Food Hall was empty that night - then again, this was nothing new...

Afterthought: was it considered animal abuse that he fed it to the creatures and beasts of the circus?


"Goodie goodie gumdrops. It's morning. My favorite time of day." This statement of course was said with a straight face and much sarcasm from it's owner, a disheveled, tired, and grumpy Hampton - though this was about as new as his cooking.

The grubby little fellow wasn't one to enjoy early mornings, although he got up far earlier than anyone else, simply to save himself from the dreaded encounter that was Conversation. He could have sworn that despite getting up early there had always been another nagging presence up and about at this time, but like most things he's sworn he could have remembered, he didn't, and the morning was quite silent.

Dragging himself out of bed, which was, anywhere he decided to fall and sleep, he got ready for the day - which was going out the door. There was no such thing as "prepping" in the "word of Hampton", such would be unheard of, after-all, the fool hadn't bathed in, -in, -in.... Um... Hm...

Well, anyway, moving on.

Having shuffled over to the kitchen, it was yet another day of cooking less than sub par gruel that no one would eat. This was life, and it was okay.
Actually, it sucks - but it was. Okay.
Ava uncomfortably lay in Sara's trailer, the dust from the old bed making her nose run and eyes ache. She hadn't slept easily the previous night, the sound of running water causing her to be uneasy and tired. She turned her head, moving her body so that her face was towards the ceiling, uncertain of what time it might be. The crickets weren't singing anymore, yet she could hear no other noise from outside of the shelter. Ava could even hear the gentle breathing of Sara in her separate room. She frowned, pulling her cane up from the side of the bed. The girl yawned as she leaned on her cane, stepping off of the bed and landing on top of her shoes. She slowly shoved her socked feet into each sneaker, bending down and using a finger to pull up the backs into her heels. Ava patted down her dress to rid it of the dust and tapped her cane as quietly as she could though was unable to hear the echo from the wood over the sound of water.

(Meh, I'll roleplay Misa later. (^.^) )
Sonako woke up with a yawn but because she was asleep on top of a tree she fell down but floated up with the help

Of her wings to balance her. She walked back to her trailer and washed her face, brushed her hair and fixed her dress before stepping out and looking around if others were awake "I wonder where everyone is ..."

Lukas had been up and about since just before sunrise. He always liked to watch the sun rise and turn the shadows into light. Morning was the best time of day, after all. The temperature was cool, the birds were lively as they sang their morning songs, and the lighting was comforting. The watchdog of a man wandered about the camp, patrolling the grounds on look out for any possible threats whilst he waited for the other carnies to awaken. Of course, he happily took this bit of alone time to enjoy himself several cigarettes. Humming a cheerful tune, Lukas walked casually into the big top. He immediately spotted a young girl dancing about with her hands seemingly on fire. The camouflage-clad male paused near the bleachers to watch the girl silently for a moment. He smiled, impressed and intrigued by her abilities. After a moment, he walked into the open where the girl might see him. "That was wonderful," he commented with a sincere smile and a few claps of his hands. His rough, southern accent was notable in his voice. "You're a good dancer. It would probably be better if you did it to some music though," he chuckled heartily as he casually placed one hand on his holstered pistol and the other on his hip.

@Carmen Vehemente
Carmen stopped in surprise by then man. She knew a few names but she was still a newbie. Her hands came back to normal as she rubbed them, she smiled at the sincere comment "Thanks uh.... Sorry I don't know your name" she said, her cheeks turning pink as she slipped her shoes back on "I'm Carmen" she introduced herself to the man, noticing his pistol. "You like guns then?" she smirked at him. Her dark red eyes gazed at the man, she was amazed at the man 'cause... Who wants to go up to an unknown girl with an amazing fire ability and probably kill you with a slow and painful death? Carmen twirled around the man, staying on her toes as her hair followed behind her, her hair burst into a flame but wasn't burning the man or herself

"Lukas," he said in a friendly yet relaxed manner in response to Carmen's first comment. "I just arrived here last night. It's nice to meet you, Ms. Carmen." The soldier watched curiously as the female circled him. "Yeah, I like guns," he replied as he glanced down at his own pistol attached to his hip. "I'm well-trained in the usage of firearms. They make for efficient weapons." The man adjusted his army hat as he watched the girl twirl like a ballerina, her hair turning to flames. "That's a really cool trick," he commented, referring to her fiery locks. Lukas would have a rather laidback, carefree aura about him the whole time he mingled, as he seemed to find the girl incapable of being any kind of a threat to him.
Carmen smirked at him calling Carmen 'Ms' "Sorry darling but it's a miss" she said, distracting him as she took the pistol silently away from him, her soft hands made sure he didn't feel it "It's nice to meet you Lukas. I see you were in the army then" she smiled at his hat then took it off him and placed it on her head, posing at Lukas doing fish faces and funny faces before handing it back to him

"So.. Are you part of the circus?" she asked, her mind and heart was curious about this man, She stood in front of him and smirked as she hid his gun from him "Might want to check ya pockets Lukas" she smiled at him before turning into a flame then disappearing into smoke back to her trailer "Easy steal" she smiled to herself as she flopped onto her messy bed

Lukas allowed the young girl to steal his hat away, completely oblivious to the fact that she also stole his gun. He would watch her make childish faces at him with his hat on her head. He couldn't help but smirk at what he thought was her innocence. The man took his hat from her hand gently and placed it back on his own head, straightening it just right. "Yes ma'am. The U.S. Army," he commented with a proud smile. "I guess I am a part of this circus now...never imagined myself joining a circus," he chuckled as he now realized how odd the idea of him joining a carnival really was. Lukas' expression became one of slight confusion at the female's next words. He looked down quickly and immediately noticed his pistol was missing. "Hm!?" The woman was gone before the man could even look back up. "Tch!" He hissed angrily now as he stood alone in the large performance tent. Feeling completely stupid for allowing a young girl to steal his pistol off his own body, Lukas facepalmed. Then, he strode out of the big top with cheeks flushed with embarrassment and anger. "Damn girl!" he growled to himself as he marched onward in search of another carny that might direct him to the thief's living quarters.
Carmen placed little flame balls around the camp so she could keep up with the events happening but in her trailer was a large orange glowing orb that floated on her make up desk. She watched, smiling as the man got angry about her stealing the gun "Hahah!" she chuckled, smiling at the ball "Hm... May as well give it back to him" she tapped her lip then smirk

"Soon..." she told herself the smirked. She blew a kiss at the orb and it disappeared. She looked at the gold watch she stole on her wrist "Better get ready for the show tonight" she said, relising that it will take a few hours to get ready. She first made sure that her dress was perfect for the show then she got her make up ready, layers upon layers of makeup then she made sure her fire magic was safe then, she dusted her pointe shoes with talcum powder then went to the circus tent, leaving Lukas' gun at his trailer

As the morning light illuminated the pool of water in her trailer, the water that was once dark as the night sky became clear as day. So clear, that one could see the very bottom of the pool. Slowly a body of a young girl began to become visible; that young looking girl was Sara. If one didn't know any better, they would think that she was drowning, but that wasn't the case. Every night, while she is sleeping, she has to soak, or more like fuse herself with freshwater so she could continue to live and to keep her humanoid form. Without it, and in extreme circumstances, she'll be nothing but a puddle of water on dry land. After fully waking up, Sara emerges from the depths her pool, climbs out, and looks at herself, making sure her physical form was perfect. Feeling satisfied, Sara controlled all the drops of water on her body to go back into the pool, leaving her body dry. She wrapped a towel around herself, before walking into the main room so she could get dressed and ready for the show that will be held in a couple hours. Seeing that Ava was already out of bed, she says "Oh, I see you're already up. I'm sorry that you didn't get a good sleep," while walking over to her wardrobe. Sara noticed how tired Ava looked and started to feel a little bad. "I should have cleaned the bed a bit more"
sonako walked around flapping her wings back as her tail swinging to her sides looking around as she let out a slight yawn "hm...where is everyone ...I hope I don't get to go up first I hate performing at times" she rubbed her head then looked around to see if anyone was near. "It wouldn't hurt if I went on a trip to the city would it hm..."
Ava listened to Sara's apology, replying with a sharp, "Yeah. You should've." She tapped her cane again, yawning as she listened to the noise sink into the water, "Ugh, where's the door?" She asked, hungry and cranky from not getting a good sleep. She turned in a circle around her cane, using it as a center point before stopping and sliding the end in a circle around her, "This place is so weird," She commented, unable to hear the cane scratching against the wood over the rushing water. She sniffled, still feeling the effects of sleeping in a bed of dust and old fabric.

(Sorry for making it short, I'm really busy with high school stuff and work - I'm still alive, I promise!)
"Hold on, I'll show you the way out after I finished changing" Sara says after opening her wardrobe. She took out a white dress with black frills underneath and put it on. After that she grabbed black thigh high stockings and put that on too. Sara wanted to wear a more frilly and eye-catching dress but she choose to wear something more simple in case she wasn't going to perform. Plus, it was easier to move around in the simple dress rather than her grand performance dresses. There is a still a while before the performance were to take place after all. If she were to perform, she'll quickly come back to change. Moving over to her vanity table, she puts her hair into signature pigtails and tied them with ribbons. She put on matching accessories and her shoes and then gently grabbed Ava's free hand. "Okay let's go" she says while smiling and lead Ava out of her trailer. She let go of Ava's hand when they got outside.

Lukas wandered around for a while, searching for the young girl who stole his gun. Seeing a new trailer had appeared on the circus grounds, the man decided to investigate...its not like he was making any progress in the search for his stolen pistol anyways. Seeing his own name written on a letter attached to the trailer door, Lukas pulled the folded paper from the door, unfolded it and began to read the words inside. Written in fancy cursive were these words: "Good morning, dear pet! You are officially a freak in my lovely Cirque, so enjoy your new trailer! I look forward to seeing my newest addition perform in today's show. I did tell you that you're our strong man right? You probably haven't prepared an act, so I don't expect too much this time. Just try doing something to dazzle the audience. Oh, by the way, I took it upon myself to decorate your chambers, and I do believe you'll find the decor pleasing...Have a lovely day, Lukas~"

Of course, the old sorcerer signed the bottom of the letter with his usual fancy cursive 'G'. Lukas frowned as he read the man's writing. Why did that creep insist on referring to the soldier as his pet? And Lukas certainly did not look forward to performing in the big top. He was not a performer. He was a soldier, trained to kill and defend, not to entertain. But hey, that was the deal...to stay on the circus grounds, Grandeur said he would have to perform. Lukas sighed and slipped the letter into his pocket before opening the trailer door and stepping inside. He'd glance around the room casually until his eyes landed on a rather large object covered by a sheet in the corner of the room. The man walked over to it and ripped the cover off to reveal a cage, human-sized. Another note was stuck to one of the metal bars. This one simply read:
"Especially for your needs~"

"Tch!" hissed Lukas as he ripped the note from the metal bar and crumpled it into a ball. "Shitty move, old man! I will not lock myself in a cage! I am not some pet," he growled in annoyance. "And how am I to hide something so huge!?" he complained more to himself than to the grand wizard. The mannerly soldier did not particularly want the other carnies to know all about his darker side. Berserk was disgusting, crude, and just horrible all around. Of course, Lukas preferred that nobody ever saw him on feeding day! The man removed his hat to rub his forehead in aggravation. Then, he would groan in annoyance as he decided to turn his attention from the hideous cage to check out the rest of the trailer. The rest of the trailer was actually quite nice, not too dreary yet not too extravagant. Walking into the kitchen, Lukas' eyes quickly found a gun resting on the wooden dining table. He walked quickly over to pick up the weapon and confirm that it was indeed his stolen pistol. Now he emitted a sigh of relief as he ran his fingers over the firearm and slid it back into its holster on his hip. "Damn girl..." he would mutter again as he once more felt stupid for having allowed her to take the weapon from his own body in the first place. Lukas shook his head as he walked back toward the front door with his hand resting comfortably on his holstered gun. Casting another glance toward the horrible steel cage, the man approached it to place one hand on a bar and push as hard as he could. Nothing budged, and the immortal stepped back to gaze at the device thoughtfully. He said nothing but released a tired sigh before turning again to leave his trailer. He stepped out the front door and quickly closed the door behind him, locking it. Then, he started off in the direction of the big top with the intent of quickly putting together some kind of an act for the show to take place in just another half hour. He lit up another cigarette as he walked, and the smoke began calming him almost immediately.

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