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Fantasy Cirque du Curieux

"You sure are Misa." Aladdin returned to Misa's teasing with a deadpan tone hiding a tinge of embarrassment. He kicked his legs up to gather the momentum needed to kip up to his feet without aid of his arms in one fluid motion. "Let them bite, I'll bite harder, and who calling scaredy-" Aladdin's rebuttal Snake and Ravine were cut short as Rosemarie brought Ace is tow to participate in the preparation for today's performance. He stood forward beside Misa where Yuno had once stood. Having another body stand where she was might help in covering up the fact that Yuno was not present. He stood mostly quiet patiently waiting for Rosemarie to dispense the days agenda sparing a simple but enthusiastic "Morning."
Misa shrugged as Yuno wiped away a makeup smear from her face, smile growing bigger as she heard the girl call her 'Miso.' She waved slightly as Yuno left in a small hurry, wondering if Rosemarie would get mad at her for not being ready. She watched her go, turning back around quickly as Rose and Ace arrived, tilting her head, saying, "Morning~" in a friendly tone in response to the boy. She leaned against Aladdin as if he were a wall, crossing her arms and ready for instruction by the Announcer. She was, of course, doing her normal thing by leaning on any person who was beside her, and that person was usually Aladdin or Yuno, though Yuno would often be the one to lean on her. She noticed the odd skeleton of a... Bird? She quirked an eyebrow, shrugging it off, though taking note of it so she could work on her illusion anatomy.
Yuno peeked from the changing room and saw Rosemarie dragging Ace, Ah I better hurry or Rosy will pull my tail, Yuno hurried and finally found her costumes. She put it on, fixed her makeup and hair, and now she was more than ready.

Yuno ran to the crowd again, she saw Aladdin trying to cover her up. Yuno tried to whisper to the tall man, "Thank you." She wanted to say good morning but she was afraid that Rosemarie would know she was late, so Yuno just stayed silent and waited.

Lithônion continued through the camp, ignoring the large gathering of people, and getting straight down to work. He didn't know if the work he did was his assigned job or not, but much preffered to keep himself busy none the less. He walked into the back entrance of the big top, and started readying everything inside for the various acts, making sure it was clean enough that people could rush around between their acts.

He didn't need to prepare much, not wearing any costumes or makeup. All he needed was his companions, and a few special seeds for his act, and he could work wonders.

Yaezakura and Azalea went their seperate ways, Yaezakura following Lithônion, and Azalea wandering off to lay down by the trailer until the show started up.

He continued setting everything he could up, making sure all the carnie's props were in places they could find, and not touching props he wasn't sure about. He knew most of the acts by heart at this point, but not all of them, and didn't want to mess things up.

Yaezakura simply sat right in the middle of the small area at the back of the big top, watching Lithônion run around with slight interest. She didn't much enjoy the large crowds, but instead enjoyed the chance to perform with Lithônion.

Azalea on the other hand, was a little more against the acts. She just enjoyed spending time with Lithônion and Yaezakura. Both the act and the crowds were uninteresting, but she had no choice, and so tried her best for her friends.

Rosemarie Draffin

"Yep, saw that." Rosemarie said to Yuno, "Don't be late next time." Rosemarie glared at Aladdin, "And you, don't cover for her next time. You're both lucky I let you perform today. .... Actually I would of done exactly that, except we're short on members at this time of year." She sighed. She always hated when they didn't have many members. It forced everyone into working way to hard. Rosemarie turned to the group, "We have a few more minutes before we must leave, so let's discuss who's going first today. Tell me now, before I randomly call on someone."
Misa raised an arm, nearly smacking it into Aladdin's jaw, "I'll go, I haven't been first in a while." She chirped, glancing back to Yuno, "It'll get me used to on-the-spot performing, anyway." She added, looking back at Rosemarie. She brought her hand back down as she spoke, getting a bit nervous as she hadn't even come up with a new performance yet. "And hey, if it turns out my act flunks, Aladdin said he's gonna be trying six torches today, so that might spice it up," She elbowed the taller man as she spoke, smiling up at him. She knew she'd probably get too nervous during her show and drop out early, but didn't say anything of it. "Or we could do an act together to see what happens," She suggested, tilting her head.
Aladdin ducks back to avoid Misa's hand as it nearly crashed into his jaw, lightly sucking his teeth as he believe she almost did it on purpose. With crossed arms he listened to Misa continue with her suggestion. As soon as his name came up he let a small smirk come across his face, he wouldn't shy away now that Misa had made it absolute that he would attempt to perform his act in more extreme conditions. Her small elbow came against his abdomen as a silent dare. His nonsensical rambling from earlier today was now certain, he was going to do this.

Aladdin's eyes sparked with life as inspiration had struck his mind as lightning would the earth. He placed a hand on Misa's hip and another cupped her hand as he pulled her close enough to attempt one stride of a waltz, whether she would allow him was up to her entirely. "I've got an idea for joint act, but trust me you're gonna wanna save it as a finale." He would speak as he would attempt to lead Misa in a small dance. "How good would a copy of you and me be?" Aladdin pressed Misa to answer.
Yuno smiled as Rosemarie said she knew, yeah no one can escape that eagle eyes of her. She watched and listened carefully the conversation between Misa and Aladdin. Without thinking, she clapped her hands and said, "You guys are a perfect couple!" Yuno smiled in awe, but suddenly she remembered her husband and shook her head, tried to brush off the sad feeling.

Yuno walked towards Rosemarie and volunteered to be the first. She had two act to do today, so it would be better if she had more spare time to take a rest before her second act, "I'll do it Rosy." Yuno smiled gently at Rosemarie, "Let's say that is my punishment for being late again today."
Misa was taken by surprise at Aladdin's sudden movement, though soon chuckled as she followed through. Had she been any normal girl, though, she'd be a blushing mess at the taller man's feet. But alas, she wasn't a normal girl as she had no interest in any relationship at all, yet she still grinned at Yuno's statement as a way to keep from laughing. She tilted her head, "A copy of us two?" She repeated to herself, thinking over it, "I'd need some blood or hair or somethin' to get your anatomy alright looking, but I'll try." She paused to let Yuno speak to Rosemarie, looking up at Aladdin, "They'd just have to mirror our actions, yeah? That's easy enough,," She shrugged, following through with the waltz-ish dance, not exactly dancing but more just moving in a half-circle.

The pale-skinned girl glanced around at the other carnies, stretching out her neck to look behind her at Yuno, holding onto Aladdin to keep her balance. "First act? Cool, Yuno!" She exclaimed, pulling herself back to a normal position and turning so Aladdin's arms crossed over her shoulders and she held his hands, "You should definitely start preparing yourself, though, people are starting to show up," She said, leaning her head on the tall man's arm. Misa knew she was probably acting too flirty for her status as a person but she didn't care, it was great being able to get so close to a person without wanting something from it. She let a small smile cross her features, the sound of a crowd growing louder within the Big Top.
Aladdin found himself laughing a bit at Yuno's brazen attempt to hook them up. He exchanged a looks with Misa tilting his head to point to Yuno, his gesture was combined with brow raised smirking expression that communicated, Can you believe this girl? "Oh, it's gonna be a lot harder than just copying our actions, I'm sure we could hack it, and like I said, if we screw up the audience still leaves with a story." His hand reaches to the base of her back so it arcs as Aladdin dips her, thankfully her hair was managed or it would have scrapped against the ground if it was loose. "The dance is gonna be a part of our act so if you've got two left feet better let me know."

He allowed her to maneuver herself so she'd have an easier time addressing the other carnies, Aladdin's moves were graceful allowing for her inclusion to not mess up the flow of the dance in the slightest. His arms flowed around her until her arms were crossed across her abdomen still held by Aladdin's hands. He'd moved closer having pressed his chest against her back then without missing a beat taking a light leap back to give her enough space to spin around to face him when he lightly pulled one of her arms. "Knock em dead Yuno, course not literally, bad for business."
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Sara thought about what her act for today should be, well if she can even make it in time for her to go. Being the ticket taker, she had to be at the entrance at all times at the beginning to take the tickets from the humans. There were times where she had to not go on stage all together and all those times she was disappointed. She loved performing her act. It was just simply diving into shallow water to normal people but when she was in the spotlight, she would make her act as if it was a water show. Using her ability to control water, she would use it to engage the audience, and make them feel as if they were in a magical underwater paradise. Well, that's what she hopes she is making them feel. 'I'll wear a black dress today' she thought.
Kira saw everyone getting dressed in their costume so he thought Nyaa what are they talking about so he walked on over and saw Yuno his partner for the trapeze so he said "hey Yuno how are you doing~" he said with a smile and halfy singing.

@Azula Cross

But heard she would volunteer to go first and he said to rosemary "I'll go first to *nyaa*" he said because he had a singing act later and wanted to get enough energy between the acts so he can sing one of his favorite songs with a smile.

@LoveLures @Azula Cross

@Azula Cross
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"Your friendss are foolisssh. " Snake smirked as he heard Salish better known as the black mamba his. Shaking his head he tapped her on the nose Scoldingly as he spoke. "Can I go toward the end? Some of the snakes I use in my act are still asleep. They are grumpy if woken up to early. "

Revin giggled watching the others fool around as excitement built up in her stomach as the cheer of the crowd reached her ear. She loved to act though tried to add new things sometimes. Its her dream to add human limbs and organs to her act. Such a morbid thing she could hear the audience screams of horror now.
Yuno bowed to her friends who cheered her up. She could feel the nervous right on the tip of her fingers. It's almost 3 years she did this but the cheering sometimes brought her both excitement and jittery. Yuno then saw Kira walked to her, she hugged Kira as soon as Kira came to her, "My cutie lovely partner, there you go!" Yuno always saw Kira as her kid and spoiled him with a lot of affection.

"We will go first, I hope that's okay with you," she looked at Kira, worrying that he would feel uneasy being the first, but as soon as he said that he would go first too, Yuno felt relieved. Yuno then held Kira's hand and walked to the backstage, "When you are ready just tell me okay, when you're not, tell me too, I want you to feel comfortable," she smiled at Kira while holding Kira's shoulder. She knew that Kira was already here much longer before her, but she couldn't help to treat him like her own son. Yuno couldn't resist his cute face and attitude.

As Kira was coming over he was hugged by Yuno calling him cute he really didn't care if she called him that since she treated him kindly saying "yay hugs" he said circling a little. Kira loved being hugged and being affectionate towards people since he was part cat so as soon as he was hugged his tail started to swayback and forth.

When Yuno confirmed he was going first with her she held his hand and took him backstage but when he was token to backstage he was skipping the whole time, so when Yuno told him to tell her whenever he was uncomfortable tell her so he smiled saying "ok mam....Yuno I'll tell you whenever I'm not comfortable" then hugged her smiling. In his mind he was still a child and treated Yuno like a mom since he niece had one.

@Azula Cross
Misa smiled, "Just tell me what I need to do, then." She said, spinning around as he moved back, "For the illusions and such," She added, stepping towards Aladdin and to the side so they'd turn together, listening to Luna and Kira leave into the Big Top. She hummed to herself quietly as they danced near the group, "It's easy enough to improvise the dance if I forget, though." Misa stated, shrugging. She then giggled slightly, smiling her classic side-smile, saying "Your hands are sweaty. Do I make you nervous~" She dragged out the last word, quirking an eyebrow up at Aladdin, batting her eyes jokingly.
Aladdin was quietly persisting in their dance allowing her to continue explain her end of the show. Before he could begin to elaborate on what he required her to do she'd allowed a small flare of flirtatiousness to sink into her words as her shallow smile sealed the casual exchange. Aladdin chuckled at her attempt to rile him up with the line. With both his hands hooked onto her waist he hoisted her up with no visual effort. Aladdin was quite strong as evident by his youth, training and profession, not to mention his enhancements due to his arcane mutation but he suspects he wouldn't have needed any of that to lift Misa as she was not terribly heavy. He spun on his feet with graceful footwork allowing her to dance in weightlessness for a few moments before bringing her back down to eye level. "Nervous isn't the word I'd use" he said lunging his head forward slightly as he joking bites at the air towards her ear to exchange her playful flirting. While he was close enough to her ear he whispered to her what his idea for the act was, quietly so even the other carnies might get a kick out of what their big closer would be.

Aladdin set her down gently like a flower petal slowly descending to the earth after falling from a tree, he punctuated the end of their dance by giving her one last twirl. "I'm gonna speak to Sara, I'll meet you in a few minutes so we can rehearse." He spoke with a small wave making his way toward the ticket booth.

He banged against the side of the box that would hold the person accountable for ticket distribution as he rounded to the front where the glass would be. The swirling diagonal white and red design of the box had always made Aladdin reminisce on his first candy cane. "Yo Sara, you'd best be awake in there." he said now flicking against the front glass with his index finger.

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Misa grinned, putting her arms out and saying, "Wheee!" As she was hoisted into the air, feeling weightless. She turned her head as Aladding bit at the air, murmuring, "Oooh, feisty." She playfully winked and listened to what he had to say, standing on her toes as she was let down and pivoting every so often like a child. She nodded affirmatively as he moved back, "Okay~ Gotcha, we'll definitely have to rehearse," She said, voice breaking towards the end of her sentence as she put a hand behind her head, below her bun so she wouldn't mess it up. She gave him a thumbs up with her other hand and turned to another member, namingly Snake.

She tilted her head and brought her hands down, clasping them together behind her back as she became bored nearly the second Aladdin left the group, eyeing the snake with curiosity, though made no move to get closer. "Does it have a name?" She drawled out, looking up at the male's face, though quickly looking back to the black reptile as it moved it's head. She sighed quietly, showing great apprehension towards the thing. She fidgeted, taking a slow step away from it as it raised it's head a bit higher, probably enjoying the fact that Misa was afraid of it, though she didn't really know what it was thinking, that was just an assumption made by her own mind.

@kira blackthorn
"Ssshe'ss sscared of me." Salish hissed in amusement making Snake smirk. He knew how most was wary of his snakes and it amused him. He never feared them and didn't really fully understand how others could. Then again most don't grow up surrounded by them. Nodding at Misa he answered. "Her name is Salish. Don't be so wary Misa. She is tame to anyone I don't deem a threat. "
Misa looked to the side as Snake smirked at her, though nodded as he told her the snake's name. She shifted her weight, "That you don't deem a threat.." She repeated quietly, soon chuckling afterwards. "I've been around you for a while yet I'm still not used to them," She stated, examining the boy's reptile before creating an illusion of an albino snake with the same body structure as the black mamba. She had her illusion in the same spot as Snake held his friend, grinning at her illusion as it had been one of the best ones she's made. "But my own illusions don't scare me... Oh!" She paused, touching the body of her snake. Though it looked realistic, it felt velvety and nothing at all like she expected a real snake to feel like. "Umm, do you think I could feel Salish?" She asked, attempting to look up at Snake's face and not at the possible danger.
Snake chuckled as Salish hissed in indignation at being talked about as though she wasn't there. Glancing at her he politely asked her permission. If he didn't and she did not want to be petted someone would be bit. "Do you mind if Misa pets you?"

"Dependsss, " Salish hissed eyeing the girl. "Will I get an extra rat for dinner tonight?" Arching a brow Snake nodded resisting the urge to smile wider. "That can be arranged. "

"Then sshe may touch my sscalesss. " Salish hissed arrogantly looking away from them. Cracking an amused smirk Snake nodded toward Misa. "She says go ahead. "
Misa made a small noise as Salish hissed, eyes glancing between the snake and Snake as the boy sort of... Whispered? Whatever it was, it wasn't something Misa could understand, but she thought it was pretty cool. She sucked lightly on her teeth as she reached towards Salish's bod, lightly touching the scales. She blinked a few times, "That's... Woah." She wasn't expecting it's skin to feel like that. "That's so cool- Eeeh!" She quickly brought her hand down as Salish moved her head towards Misa's arm. She held her forearm with her other hand, "It moved!" She whined like a child, her illusion's skin now feeling like an actual snake's skin. She frowned as the scales rubbed over her own skin, making it dissapear as she felt it was uncomfortable.
"Did sshe just call me an it. Well, I aught uh, " Snake snorted rolling his eyes as Salish began to hiss out all the painful ideas she could end Misa with. Ignoring her he smirked at Misa. "She does that. "

Revin giggled covering her mouth to hide her large smile. She couldn't understand Salish but knew she was probably saying some pretty entertaining things. Maybe I can get snake to tell me what she said later.
Misa nodded, eyes widening as Salish began hissing a bunch. She glanced to the Big Top, wondering if Luna and Kira had started their act yet. The tent was quiet for a normal show, though that probably meant someone was talking to them or people were still showing up. She sighed quietly and took a few steps away from the group so she could practice her illusions, thinking aloud as she did so to get the other's opinions of what she should do for her and Aladdin's act, "Maybe if I create a splash of light around the edge of the ring so it looks like we just appeared there? Maybe I'll make it seem like water," She said, demonstrating what she meant. "Or something else, like red or gold," She suggested mostly to herself, creating a curtain-like sheen of red and gold, keeping it up for a few moments before letting it fall to the ground like it were liquid.

Suddenly, in the midst of the gathered carnies: a puff of smoke accompanied by the sound of your classic obnoxious alarm clock. The smoke settled to reveal a ringing alarm clock and a letter. The letter was in a red envelope and had fancy inscriptions. If one should pick up the note, they'd see that it said:

"Go on now, my freaks, get to your positions! The show is about to begin!"

The letter, written in black ink, was signed at the bottom with only a fancy cursive "G".

@Aqua @StoneyJr @Azula Cross


~TIME SKIP: A few hours have passed. The carnies performed, the show was great, and the customers left happy. Now, the circus is closed for the day, but there are still hours to waste until bed time. Time for everyone to clean up, eat, relax, and do whatever it is that they do during their off-time!~


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