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Fantasy Cirque du Curieux


"Mmm. " Revin moaned as the taste of chili noodles and brains covered in hot sauce hit her tongue successfully crunching her hunger. She was so happy she had some left from the last harvest. Sighing happily Revin settled down on her sofa as music played over the radio. Maybe one of the others will like to hang out later.


Changing out of his performing outfit Snake watched Salish and his rattle snake Damen slither off to join the others lay out on his bed under the skylight. He had used them for the act and they we're all tired out. Chuckling Snake exited his trailer to find something to do.
Yuno just finished her performance. Her body was tired and weary, but nothing could beat the joy of children's laughter to her. She changed her clothes to her usual attire, kimono. After she finished, Yuno took a moment of silence in her trailer. Today was the day of the accident, the night where her peaceful life turned into nightmare. She held her family's photos close to her heart, picturing how life could be when they were still around, but she knew life must go on. She put the photos back and wiped her tears.

Yuno walked out of her trailer, wandering around and trying to find someone so she would stop thinking about her family and being sad. She then saw Snake from afar, "Snaky!" Yuno called Snake and waved to him happily. She loved to give people nickname so she would remember them better.
"Oh. Hey, Yuno. " Snake greeted smiling toward the girl, while his tongue flickered out involuntarily. He quickly disguised it as licking his lips. She smelt sad. I wonder what's wrong. "What's going on with you?"
Misa touched a bruise on her wrist as she walked away from the Big Top, looking dissapointed. "Sorry I fell," She said as a half-assed apology to Aladdin, turning her head and smiling up at him. She took off her scarf and let her hair down as she walked silently, bare feet making little noise on the terriain. She put a hand on the back of her head, tilting her head as she examined the path in front of her, "I thought we'd be getting a new member today. I mean, that's what Rose said, but she usually doesn't lie to make us get up." Misa stepped over a rock on the way to her trailer, folding her scarf around her hair pins and clps as she spoke, "Maybe I'm blind and jst didn't notice her or something, but I don't want to believe she just up and lied to us." She said, saying 'her' as she didn't know what the new carnie would be. She looked up to Aladdin again, awaiting his opinion on the matter. @Serpico

A young girl sat in the bleachers of the Big Top, wating for the sound of any lingering people to leave before she rose, eyes staring forward with a certain amount of intensity, though percieving nothing. She moved her hand below her seat, gripping what she was looking for and pulling it up before standing from her place. The girl tapped her cane to her right, stretching her arm slightly so it would find the sandy ground beneath the slightly raised platform. She cautiously set a foot forward, letting her weight fall with it. She blinked as her foot reached the ground, quickly taking another step forward to keep her balance. The girl turned her head and tapped her cane on the bleachers' support, listening to the echo it produced, quietly counting down from five until she reached three, taking a few paces towards the edge of the Big Top arena. She kept her cane in front of her, letting it brush against the barrier as she found the exit within a few minutes. She nodded to where she believed the ticket booth was, feeling a type of pain in her eyes as the late afternoon sun hit her face, making her blink until the irritation went away. Slowly and carefully, the girl walked the perimeter of the show tent until she heard numerous voices, stopping immediately and crouching to listen.
Yuno giggled hearing Snake's question, "I'm okay, instead I'm so happy you know, I love children ans there were a lot of children, right?" she smiled and brushed her hair from her eyes. Yuno looked around and tilted her head, "Do you know where everyone is? It's quieter than usual I guess. I haven't Rosy too since this morning."

Yuno's ear moved slightly when suddenly she heard something unfamiliar. Her ears was more sensitive than human since she used to be a fox. She looked around but couldn't find anyone in sight. Yuno had been hearing this, but she always brushed off the creepy feeling. Yuno leaned her body to snake and whispered, "Do you hear something? Or is it just me?" even she knew Snake might not be able to hear as much as her, she was quiet uneasy knowing this alone.
The child, Ava, gripped her cane, attempting to decipher what the voices were saying. She knew the two she was focusing on were male and female, though one had a certain tone that somehow reminded her of a snake. She brought her eyebrows together, frustrated at the fact she could't seem to make out anything they were saying. She stood quickly, pulling down the hem of her dress skirt and tapped her cane against her shoe, determining how close or far she was from the tent, making a face as she realized it was less then five inches away from her. She turned her head towards it, then away from it, pursing her lips as she tried to gain her bearings, using the noise from behind the tent and her distance from it to decide where exactly she should go, free hand traveling to her hip and feeling for the handle of her small dagger. Ava dropped her arm, taking a few, small steps forward to see if she could hear any better, only to find the two had stopped chatting. Unaware that she was now mostly visible to the curious carnies, she stopped again and crouched, pupils dialating as she attempted to hear something, specifically the motherly voice that made her almost happy, one she heard at the beginning of the show and the one that was talking to the reptilian voice just a moment ago.
"Who is that?" Snake asked nobody seeing a girl crouching nearby. One of his snakes that was slithering around her heard him and hissing sprung wrapping himself around her loosely poised to tighten if ordered. Quirking a brow Snake wandered closer. "Who are you girl?"
Sara yawned and stretched her arms while sitting in her booth. She didn't get to perform today but she was fine with that. The humans she met today were actually nice to her and some made small chit chat with her. Also, a lot of children had came today so she was happy to see the adorable small humans. Normally, she was ignored or mistreated by humans, especially male ones, but from time to time there are good humans that come to their circus. She was spacing out a little bit in her booth before the show started. She could barely remember someone talking to her. Who was talking to me earlier? I think it was Aladdin. I should apologize to him later she thought.

Sara was brought out of her thoughts when she heard something tapping onto her booth. Feeling a little curious, she got out of her booth and saw a girl heading towards the show tent. Instead of heading back to her trailer to change out of her black dress, she decided to follow the girl. Who is that? she thought drawing closer to the girl. Sara saw Snake walking towards the girl. "Snake do you know her?" she asked and had discreetly opened her bottle of water, ready to capture or attack the girl if necessary.

@kira blackthorn
"Nope." Snake popped the p shaking his head as he eyed the girl. "Don't hurt her Raman. Not until I give the word. "

"Of course. " Raman hissed baring his fangs at the girl. He was ready to strike.
Ava made a face as she felt something wrap around her, dropping her cane from the initial shock of something touching her. She looked up to where she believed the boy's voice was, her gaze a few inches off of Snake's face. She stood, putting her hands on her hips and aattempting to ignore the snake that was wrapping itself around her waist. "I'm Ava," She said proudly, feet shoulder-width apart as she stood as tall as she could. She tensed as the reptile tightened slightly, turning her head a bit to reply to the new girl, "And no, someone like him wouldn't have the pleasure of knowing me." She brought her hand down to the handle of her knife, frowning as she felt the strange skin of the snake's tail around it. She outstretched her other arm, moving it around in the air below her torso as she thought her cane had just fallen against the side of the tent within reaching distance, but she was wrong. Ava huffed and gripped her knife tighter, becoming uncomfortable as the snake began to move and tighten ever so slightly.

Misa glanced over to the tent, one foot in her trailer as she opened the door, "Hmmm? A harvest already?" She asked nobody in particular, watching her. She tilted her head, noting how odd her gaze was. "Strange," she commented and stepped into her 'room', walking past the kitchenette and dropping her scarf on the desk. She glanced to the open door, not really wanting to walk over and shut it but wanting to change. She sighed and created an illusion of a young, pink haired boy, making him close the door and sit on the small table in the kitchenette. "Thanks, Ten." She said to the illusion, picking up her pajamas from the floor and changing behind the room divider. "Ten, do you remember your name?" She asked it, sitting on the floor while she made a few adjustments to him, giving him paler skin and freckles on the bridge of his nose and shoulders, all while attempting to keep his personality there. She frowned as he didn't answer, reaching to her right and grabbing a thin journal from under her bed. She flipped through the pages, stopping on one of them and reading over it before putting her palm to her forehead, "Voice! Man, I forgot!" She exclaimed, looking back up the the illusion she calls Ten, "Okay, tell me now, do you remember your name?" Misa repeated, smiling as a boy's voice replied, "My name is..." The illusion paused, eyes staring at the floor, "Ten." Misa nodded, "Good! And... What color is your hair?" She interviewed him, watching as he put a hand on his head to make it so he could see his hair's color. Misa put a knuckle to her temple, getting a head ache, "Bye, Ten." She said, making him dissapear.
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Yuno watched as Snake and Sara walked closer the little girl. She followed the two and looked at Ava from Snake's back. Then, grit her teeth to approach the girl. She somehow could sense the loneliness in her eyes and her nature led her to help the girl.

She tapped Snake's shoulder to let him relax, Yuno shook her head to him, "Let me talk to her," she now finally just an inch away from Ava. Yuno leaned her taller body to Ava, trying to be the same height with her. Her hands on her knees and she tilted her head, she smiled at the girl, "Hello, Ava, my name is Yuno. May I ask what are you doing here? Are you lost or something?" Yuno wanted to reached her hand and gave the girl a pat in the head, but she held herself since she was afraid that the girl would feel uncomfortable with her sudden move.
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Lukas had been sitting in a tree just outside the circus grounds for the past 20 minutes, carefully watching the goings-on. "Quiet place..." he murmured calmly to himself. Grandeur had invited him to check out the circus a few nights earlier, but the ex-soldier was suspicious of the secretive man. What if this was a trap? What if that man with the invitation was with the U.S. feds? Still, it was much too good of an offer to turn away from completely. So Lukas had finally decided to investigate the circus. He certainly was not going to just march into the open and be captured, should this whole thing be some kind of set-up. Twenty minutes had passed, and all the man had seen was a great herd of people leaving the grounds. "...guess that's the last of the guests..." he whispered as he dropped stealthily from his tree. The man quickly, but quietly, sprinted toward the nearest tent and paused with his back against it to listen for any commotion. He heard distant voices with his keen sense of hearing. Adjusting his camouflage hat, Lukas cautiously lifted a flap of the tent and slipped inside. Glancing quickly around, he realized he had found the prop room. Nothing suspicious here. The man ducked out of the tent again. Now he followed the voices, working his way quickly but quietly past each tent and trailer in his path. Finally, he was near enough to make out the words of their conversation. The ex-soldier dropped low to the ground behind a barrel and peeked around at the group of carnies. There were four people to be seen, a rather odd bunch. The man pulled his head back out of view quickly so as to avoid being seen, should one of them glance toward him. From their conversation, Lukas figured he was not the only intruder in the camp at the time. Good. She can keep them busy for me. Lukas quietly slipped away from the group, staying low to the ground until he had gotten an extra trailer between himself and the others. Then, he felt comfortable enough to stand up straight once more. The man made his way to the opposite side of the big top and curiously peeked inside. Looks like your usual circus ring, I guess. The soldier began walking back toward the trailers, sticking to the edge of the circus grounds where he thought there'd be less chance of him running into someone. This place is suspiciously quiet, but perhaps there just aren't many carnies. Those that I saw appeared awful young to be controlled by the government...seems like a legit circus. Lukas froze suddenly as he heard footsteps nearing his position. He quickly stepped behind a nearby trailer and listened closely to the noise. Whatever was making that noise was big. As the creature stepped out into the opening where Lukas had previously been standing, the soldier's eyes widened slightly. A freaking tiger, really? Why is there a tiger freely roaming!? The man hurriedly climbed onto a barrel as the feline neared the corner of the trailer. Then, just as the beast rounded the corner, Lukas grasped the top edge of the trailer and pulled himself up. Sitting on top of the trailer, the camo-dressed man stared down at the tiger which had no doubt spotted him. "Damn cat...get!" he hissed in irritation. He knew he'd be discovered if he hung around for much longer...but how was he supposed to escape with a huge carnivorous cat watching him. He could pull out his gun and shoot the beast, but that would be too loud. Wrestling the tiger would also cause much commotion, and he definitely couldn't outrun the animal. His only hope was that the creature would leave him before some human wandered upon the scene. What kind of tiger even is that? Weird cat. Realizing he would be immediately visible to anyone who walked by, Lukas lowered himself from a sitting position to laying on his belly. In doing so, the man who had previously been so cautious, accidentally allowed his boot to drop a bit heavily on the roof of the building on which he lay. "Shiiit," he whispered in agonizing disappointment at his idiotic slip-up. If anyone is inside this trailer, they certainly heard that. The man remained completely still now as he waited for the tiger to leave and hoped that nobody would come out of the trailer on which he lay. A final thought occurred to him, I wonder if that thing can jump up here......god, I hope not.
"Sstrange creaturess, never know what they will do. " Talin , a rattlesnake, hissed as he slithered under the trailers looking for food. Hearing a noise nearby his curiosity got the best of him and he slithered closer finding one of the tigers seemed to have caught something, or rather someone and not someone he knew either. Shaking his rattle he hissed at the man baring his fangs. "Who are you?"

"That was a good meal. " Revin muttered happily as she hopped out of her trailer. She was about to head toward where she saw some others gathered but hearing hissing nearby decided to check that out instead. Better make sure none of Snakes friends are in trouble. Heading in that direction she found a rattlesnake and one of Lithônions tigers near trailer. The snake was hissing. Growing suspicious as she,knew Snakes pets wouldn't react like that normally Revin eyed the trailer wondering if anyone was inside. "Anyone here that wants to reveal themselves?"
Ava felt her throat get tight, sensing a new person in front of her. "I'm not lost," She said, voice breaking, "I just don't know where my momma is and I want a place to sleep." She said as confidently as she could, painfully aware of the possibly dangerous snake wrapped around her torso. Her face went red and her eyes welled up, hands bawling into fists as she became frustrated, unable to find her cane nor able to keep from crying in front of these strangers. "Can-Can you give me my cane, lady?"

Misa took a deep breath to see if her headache would go away, looking down at her open journal. She frowned and pushed it away, not wanting to think about her illusions for a while. She brought her hand down from her head, jolting and letting out a yelp-like sound as she heard a band on top of her trailer the same time her fingers brushed her floor. She stood, confused for a moment before giggling, "Oh, oh Misa, you scared yourself s badly!" She laughed quite loudly before putting a hand over her mouth to calm down, stepping towards her closet and moving aside some stuff, revealing the fire escape ladder to get onto the top. She shook her head at herself and stepped onto it, thinking it was just a large stick that landed on her roof or some kid thinking throwing rocks was funny. Misa slid open the make-shift door, staring at a man who was laying on her trailer's roof. "Who are you..?" She asked, a lop-sided, confused smile on her face.
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Yaezakura walked around the campsite, through the trailers and around various people. She quite enjoyed the company of the cirque, and absolutely adored it when said company would stroke her. She was very comfortable around them after the years she'd spent with them, and so felt the same urge to protect them as she did with Lithônion.

And so when she smelled the unfamiliar scent of someone around the campsite, she felt she must search them out.

Around the back of the trailers, one..two...there! Someone darted up atop one of the trailer's just as she came around the corner. But she'd seen them. A deep growl emanated from the back of her throat when the fool told her to 'get'. She pawed at the ground in front of her for a few seconds, then took a few steps forward and jumped up at the trailer. When she stood on her back legs like this, she almost reached the roof of the trailer, and even rocked it around a little.

The same growl as before slithered out of her throat as she stared at the man trying to hide away on top of the trailer.

"Talk to me like that again and I'll rip your head from your shoulders." She yelled, but of course to anyone but Lithônion it would sound like nothing more than a tigers roar.

Sara looks around the ground and noticed something that caught her eye. She walks over to pick it up, thinking it was what Ava was looking for. "Is this it?" she asked putting the cane in Ava's hand. Sara stares at Ava and thinks to herself Why does she need a cane? before realizing that the girl is probably blind. Old people use canes to walk too, but she looked too young to be needing help walking. Sara completely forgotten that she saw Ava walking not too long ago. Seeing Ava so tense and frustrated she thought about offering Ava her water. "Do you want some of my water? It'll help you calm down and relax" Sara said.
Lukas peered over the end of the trailer as a rattle snake slithered up and seemed to turn its attention right toward him to hiss. Whats up with that snake? It's not even scared of the tiger? The confused man carefully scooted back from the edge as he heard a new feminine voice, Revin. Perhaps, she'll go away if I remain quiet. Then, a door on top of the trailer popped open, and another girl peered out at the man who lay clad in an army uniform. Surprised, Lukas offered a guilty half-smirk when his eyes met Misa's. "Heh..."

Suddenly, a huge tiger paw landed just in front of his face as the whole trailer rocked. The man threw himself back from the edge, landing on his bottom right next to the hatch Misa occupied. "Gah!" he exclaimed in a mixture of surprise and frustration. The tiger let out a ferocious roar that would likely alert the entire camp to his presence. The jig was most definitely up. Lukas was now clearly visible to Revin, and he cast a glance toward her before looking back to Misa. "I, uh...my name is Lukas?" he offered the lady his hand for a friendly shake, uncertain whether or not he would be in trouble for sneaking about the circus grounds.
Misa blinked and instinctively took his hand, "I.. Wh.. I'm Misa," she said hesitantly, a mixture of confusion and shock passing over her features before she let go and pulled herself onto the top of her home. She looked down at the American, tilting her head to the hatch, "Get in there or she'll probably kill you." She stated, walking forward and shouting, "Lithônion! Your housecat is trying to destroy my trailor!" She got onto her belly, peering over the edge, "Which one are you? Yae-kitty?" She joked with the tiger, aware of the fact she could have her face ripped off at any moment. She kept her hands on the trailer, ready to push herself back if the predator lunged up again. She made a ticking noise with her tongue, "Shoo! Shoo!" She waved one of her arms at it, getting nervous as the cat kept it's place. Misa glanced to the side of the tiger, spawning a yellow butterfly that fluttered in front of it's muzzle as a possible distraction. It was only then she noticed the snake and let out a short, high-pitched scream, flinging herself into the middle of the surface, "Snake! Snake, your pet is going to kill me! Snake!" She said frantically, unaware that she was really over-reacting.

Ava practically hugged her cane, holding it close to her as she listened to the noises around her. "I don't want any of your weird water!" She fussed, actually wanting some of the liquid but knowing she wouldn't be able to grab it if she tried. She wiped off her face, not knowing if there was a way away from these people, "My momma's gone without me," She wimpered, sobbing and sniffling like a girl much younger than her would do. Ava was afraid of the snake, wary of the people, and confused about why she even put herself in this position. Coming to this conclusion, she began to cry some more, moving forward and leaning against Yuno, unsure of what exactly a girl like her should be doing.
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Yuno saw as Sara tried to help Ava, but the girl seemed like a little bit defensive. She looked at Ava's waist and saw how Snakes's snake still there, wraping Ava's little body. She glanced at Snake and half whispered, "Do you mind take your snake away? She looked scared."

Yuno then looked at Ava again. She smiled gently, trying to calm the girl with her smile, she always did this to her late daughter and it was effective to calm her. Yuno grabbed Ava by her shoulder and rubbed it softly, "Hey, it's okay... We're going to find your momma, okay? No need to be afraid."

Yuno wiped Ava's tears with her sleeve and pat her head, "Now, now, good girl shouldn't be crying, you will ruin your pretty smile," she held Ava's hand and looked at Sara, "I think we need to find Rosy since we can't go outside freely and ask her what to di. We can't leave this girl alone, right?" Yuno quiet confused what to do, this was the first time someone outside the circus came to their tent, willingly...
"I'm not taking him away. " Snake declared eyeing the girl warily something was wrong about her. Flicking his tongue out he tasted the air around the girl. She smelt afraid, wary, and confused. "Think of It as your new companion until we know if you are trustworthy. He won't bite unless you intend to harm one of us. "

Hearing him Ramen stopped his hissing and curled himself around the girl until he was hanging loosely around her shoulders. Like a tie.

A scream distracted Snake and he shot the girl a wary look before heading in it's direction. He was secure in the knowledge Ramen would deal With her if it came to that. Luckily for the girl his venom would only paralyze her. At most. Finding Revin, Misa, one of Lithônions tigers, Talin, and an unknown man he scowled. Two intruders in one day, they seriously needed to upgrade their security. Whistling he nodded to Talin telling him to go which he did with a few choice words. Then he turned his attention to the man. "Who are you and what's your business here?"

"He says his name is Luka's. " Revin chirped in. "He was hiding from Lithônions tiger and your snake when I came. "
"Oh dear" Sara says as Ava rejected her offer and started crying more. She crossed her arms and felt more worried for Ava by the second. She was a creature who was once taken for granted by humanity, but she still did not feel any hatred towards them. She wanted to help Ava feel better, but she realized she may not be the best role to play as a motherly figure. "Of course," she said looking at Yuno "but we should really calm her down first. Should I sing? The children who come to the circus normally love my singing". Sara looked at Yuno with hopeful eyes. She was itching to sing but she was also afraid that Ava would reject her again.
Lukas was relieved when the girl introduced herself as well, instead of screaming or hitting him. He watched curiously as the lady climbed up onto the trailer and stood looking down at him. With her advice, the man chuckled lightly. "I suppose that's a wise idea, Ms. Misa." He swung his legs around and let them dangle in the hole. For a moment, he looked down into the trailer, hesitant to enter. Then, he looked back toward Misa who lay on her belly speaking to the tiger. "Be careful!" he said with concern in his voice as he reached his hand out to pull her back from the edge. He paused though, retracting his arm before he touched her so as to avoid offending her. "That beast is vicious..." he commented simply as he removed his hat and fluffed his blonde hair by running one of his hands through it, his eyes still resting on Misa. But then a male's voice pulled his gaze back toward the female on the ground. This man seemed about at friendly as the snake and tiger. Lukas let out a sigh and was about to introduce himself when the other female did it for him. He smiled slightly at hearing her describe the situation as him 'hiding from a snake and a tiger'. It was true...but Lukas wasn't exactly pleased with the thought being put into words. It sounded quite ridiculous. When she'd finished, Lukas could only smile sheepishly. He was starting to wish he had just walked in the front entrance instead of sneaking about and finding himself in an awkward situation like this one. "Heh...what she said," he commented, jokingly ignoring the second half of Snake's question.

Yaezakura's head cocked to the side when Misa came out. If she was defending the man, he couldn't have been that bad. She pushed herself back down to the ground and stared up at Misa calmly, her tail swishing around beside her, breathing ever so softly.

Hopefully she'd get the chance to meet up with the stranger again, but for now, she didn't want to cause any trouble.


Lithônion hear someone call out about one of his companions, and decided to investigate. It didn't take him more than a few seconds to work his way through the campsite to where Yaezakura was stretched up against one of the trailer's, with a stranger on top and Misa in between. Luckily Misa calmed Yaezakura down before anything happened, and he watched with interest as his companion listened to the girl.

He whisteled twice to get Yaezakura's attention, and made a motion with his hand to draw her closer. She listened obediently and walked over to sit near her master as he looked up at the stranger that'd got herso riled up. He already didn't like him.

"What exactly is going on here?" He asked simply with a slightly stern voice.
Misa sat with her arms crossed, face red with embarassment as she watched the snake make it's leave. She looked to Lithônion, "A person got on my trailer, calls himself Lukas. Your cat tried to kill him and Snake's pet wanted to kill me, too." She said, her fear of snakes making the situation seem bad to her own mind, "And Yae-Kitty was messing up the sides of this thing." She tapped the trailer with her heel, a hollow metalic sound bouncing from it. Her face cooled down and she looked back to the American man, examining the half she could see of him. "Wouldn't be a shabby piece of meat for that tiger, though," She stated, taking the opportunity to harmlessly flirt as she wore a smile, sitting and dangling her feet over the edge. She glanced over to the other group, "Any news on what they're..." She stopped as she saw the snake slung over Ava's shoulders, moving her shoulders in a shiver as she continued, "What are they doing? Why does she have a snake with her?"

Ava sobbed as the snake moved up and lay itself across her shoulders and behind her neck, turning to see if she could listen to Sara's movements, eyes staring into nowhere. She thought about what could happen if she asked for water or a song, as her mother would always bring her tea or sing a lullaby to calm her down. She reached out towards the place she though Sara was, asking, "C-Can I have some water?" Ava's hand wasn't stretched in the direction of Sara, rather a few feet to her side. Ava sniffled as Yuno said calming words to sooth her, arm that held her cane shaking as to not let go of it. "... Please, my mom always used to give me something whenever I did th-this." She hiccuped, another tear rolling down a soft, pink cheek.

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