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Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

"Their head aren't covered" Aki points out. " and I can never miss the problem is for me is getting the weapon I can't do hand-to-hand combat that well" Aki start to think. "We need a plan and map out that way Azlyn can get us out of here in the very end has your power is actually pretty helpful"
"You think they'll shoot to kill? I bet they must have gone through a lot and wasted a lot of money to take us in, don't you think?..." Adam asks Azlyn, staring at the guards. "I'll fight them alone, then... Just in case... You guys stay here and don't do anything that would otherwise make me feel this was a mistake..." He starts walking towards a guard, making a fist on his way.
"I uh...second that!"

Exclaimed Lucas worriedly.

"Besides...they've got guns, what are you gonna do, 'sneak by them without anyone noticing? Yeah right. I'd like to see someone try that!'

Exclaimed Lucas sarcastically with a shrug.
Azlyn gulped and reached out a hand, "Adam, no," she whispered, "they haven't even touched us yet i don't think we should attack them. Has anyone even tried going past them without touching them yet?" she asks the whole group, grabbing hold of Adams arm, keeping him from doing something stupid.
Adam sighs, stopping when Azlyn grabs a hold of his arm, he looks back at her and says, "Lucas is the only one that can do anything to remotely HELP us TRY get out of this situation... But he has forgotten how to control it. I have most of my memories intact, but some of us don't. There's hundreds of us in this room, but it seems that not all pods opened at the same time. We seem to be the first. So, I wanna know before it's too late, What's the plan?..." 
Azlyn looks around the room, thinking. "we could always just try walking past them..." Azlyn looks down and takes off her battered shoes, holding them out to Aki, "or you could always throw something at them, Aki," she laughs awkwardly, scratching the back of her head. 

"You know, I would've done some knives for you a while ago, but the material this room is made of is way out of my league..." says Adam looking at Aki, laughing awkwardly. "Either way, - He looks back at Azryn- I think we could try simply walking past them... I'll be back..." he softly makes Azlyn let go of him again and starts walking to the nearest door.
"Thing is, even if you managed to sneak by one, where onto next, do you even know which direction to go? Or is this a wild goose-chase until the next guard catches up to you."

Mumbled Lucas as he crossed his legs.

"Just saying, this could go two ways, either they're thick-skulled morons, or highly trained professionals ready to hand you your butt on a platter."
Mikuru groaned, "You are all to slow.." She complained, "Thanks for telling me though~" She thanked everyone. Then, just immediately just ran out of the room and to the right, a "Weeeee" could be her as she ran off. Mikuru hated waiting, and just be able to run out of the room was a blessing, she stopped and turned. "Wait.. Aren't they-" She sighed and got touched on the shoulder by one. She screamed and ran back to the room. "One of them saw me.." She pouted, and sat back down. "Aren't they suppose to.. Escort us or something..?" Mikuru asked looking around the room.
"Well, I'm already here, we'll see how this guy is, Miku..." says Adam, still walking towards the nearest door. He's then stopped by a guard, saying, "It's not time for you to leave, yet." "When Is the time to leave, then?" asks Adam, receiving no answer. "This is illogical... Why not study our powers when we're comfortable and all?" asks Adam, starting to heat up the area around the guard. "Student, you should stop..." The guard warns. "Student..." the guard continues as Adam keeps warming up the area. The guard quickly draws his weapon and shoots Adam with a tranquilizer dart. "Oh... wow... well, now we know what these guys have as weapons..." says Adam, passing out and falling face-first on the floor.
"Called it!....kinda?"

Said Lucas with a sheepish grin as he watched Adam fall face-first like a log.

"Atleast they're not bullets? Wasn't that something we were waiting to find out?"

Mumbled Lucas as he glanced around.
Aki wences "He's going to feel that in the morning" she mumbles "Now that I think about isn't this place supposed to be at school where are the classes where are the bloody teachers?!" Walks up to a guard Aki asks happily "Can I have knives back now?" Then she said in the most deadly tone. "If I were you I would choose my answers wisely"
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(I'll be the guard for ya)
The guard just looked at Aki, "Ask me that again, and you'll be on the floor with your friend here." He answered.

Mikuru giggled and sat on the floor and just looked at Lucas. "So how are you? You got your legs now!" She said and smiled. She brought her legs up to her chest, "Sorry.. I just like being happy, so.. If I'm overwhelming you, I'm sorry." Mikuru said embarrassingly. "I guess my superspeed is in my mind too!" She joked.   
"Uh...not really, erm...fine I guess? And yes...though I think they were always here, just not...visible...if that makes any sense."

Raising his left hand in the air, Lucas gently closed his eyes and somehow got his hand slightly transparent.

"Kinda new to this, but I'd like to think I'm getting the hang of it!"

Exclaimed Lucas with a smile, which shortly turned into a frown as his hand returned to normal.
Mikuru smiled, she liked watching Lucas play with his ability, for once she felt normal. She always felt alone that she had no one that could do what she could, and seeing Lucas be able to do something, made the difference. "That seems fun. Wait can you turn others invisible!?" She asked and lit up with excitement, "That would be soo cool!!!" Mikuru got up and started jumping around, the guards just sighed and did nothing
"Er...I've yet to understand it and how it works on my own body in the first place...not to burst your bubble-"

Lucas paused for a second to yawn,

"If you ask me I'd have to say it's highly unlikely...sorry...I mean why shouldn't we try once I've got the hang of it?"

Said Lucas laying down on the cold ground, crossing his arms behind his head.

"As for now, may hit the hay like our friend over there."

Smirked Lucas, pointing over to Adam.

[See y'all later, it's getting very late over here. May take a nap and be back later, bye for now!]
"Night~" She walked over to Aki. "So.. No knifes..?" She asked her. "Don't feel upset, but hey. At least you got friends." She said, trying to lighten the mood. Mikuru yawned and walked over to the pod she fell out of, she sat down. "Night.." She yawned and fell asleep. 
Pouting slightly Aki says "night everyone" Aki then looked a the three sheaves she made for theach knives "Night Mother, Father, Mai." Aki then fell a sleep. [Just Wright when you want to continue I'm not going anywhere]
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Full Name:

Zenaku Hiyra





(When neutral)


(When in stealth mode)

Power/Skill: Advanced Military Combat/Skill:

- Highly Trained in Marksmanship ( Stealth Mode not needed)

- Highly Trained In Combat (Stealth Mode not needed)

- Military War Tactics (Stealth mode not needed)

-  Enhanced Reflexes (Stealth mode not needed)

-Power: Ice Manipulation (Stealth Mode Needed...Cant really Control yet)

- Power: Nightmare Control (Can make a real life figure/scene of his attackers Worst Nightmare....Stealth Mode needed.....Cant really control yet.)

Bio: From sixth grade to eleventh, Zenaku had been in Military school learning the basic of military science and going through the intense Combat Training of the schools PT.  Through the years something made Zenaku rise above all the others.  He was gifted with the ability of Ice manipulation and a power no one knew, but made everyone fear him.  Nightmare Control, He called after doing it to a few of his friends, through peer pressure.  His friends ran and screamed and so did the other kids jut because of Nightmare Control.  No one would sit with him or even want to be by him.  The rest of his senior year he spent alone in the corner of the classroom or sitting by himself at lunch.

Theme Song:

"Always Running"


Misc details:

-Has a bad self esteem


(Sorry I have No idea how to put in a spoiler since the update)

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]May the force be with you[/SIZE]
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Tenueto sat against his pod, unsheathing his flute.  Even in a place so full of oddities, it was a boring day.  As those around him began to sleep, he started a slow, flowing melody.

He let his eyes fall shut as he continued on, softly rocking back and forth in time to the song.  Those around him would feel more tired than they normally would.  Tenueto wanted to see wither or not his instrument still worked, though he did not yet want to give away its secret.
Aaron awoke sharply thanks to a jab in the ribs by a security guard. "This ain't nap time, kiddo. Move it."

Annoyed, Aaron shot him a look before shuffling to his feet. The guard proceeded to prod the rest of the people Aaron vaguely remembered meeting. "Move.. where?" He muttered, looking around. Where a line of confused teenagers stood before, there was now empty space.

"The Headmaster wants all students in the assembly room before they are assigned dorms." The security guard spoke over his shoulder while nudging the girl Aaron met earlier.

Mikuru.. wasn't that her name? Once the security guard was done tormenting the sleeping students, he shoved past Aaron and began walking. After a brief moment, he stopped.

"You all coming, or do I have to use the cattle prod?" Aaron quickly paced after the guard, who turned and began leading the group through the giant doors crafted into the walls.

It was when they went through the doors that Aaron's heart stopped.

The corridor that lead to another chamber was a glass tube with a single steel walkway across it.

Through that glass, was ocean. A vast expanse of nothing but rocks and coral and predatorious fish. Well, that and the spiraling facility built out of steel.

Escaping might not be as easy as I thought..

It felt like an eternity before he walked ten meters and was instead staring at a room filled with hundreds of chatting students. The assembly hall wasn't nearly as big as the cryogenics room, but it was still huge. Aaron couldn't see particularly well through the students, but he soon saw why the room was filled with quiet chatter instead of protesting and outrage: the various guards standing on platforms with tranquilizers. 

"Hello, students!"

Aaron cringed yet again as microphone feedback filled the hall.

Sure enough, the figure from earlier was now standing on a central platform in the middle of the room.

"Allow me to formally introduce myself, I am Headmaster Mason, and I will be assigned you all dorm rooms and schedules - but first - answers to the many questions you undoubtedly have!"

"When are you going to get quieter stereos?" Aaron grumbled under his breath, still holding his ears.

"Good question, Mr Wright!"

Aaron blinked.

"You'll be happy to know the stereos I am currently using is the same in the PA system, so they won't be changing anytime soon!"


"Feel free to ask any other questions! No matter how sarcastic they may be." The Headmaster gave a pointed look in Aaron's direction.







[Sorry if I missed anyone]
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Mikuru woke up by seeing a guard nudging her, she yawned, backed up. "Hiya.. 5 more minutes." She said, and started to fall back asleep, then was nudged with more force. She woke up again, "Okay.. Okay.." She said and got up. She looked over and saw Aaron. "Why are they waking us up..? Are we going somewhere..?" She asked. 

Once they started moving, she remembered yesterday, running through the hall and getting stopped,  then having to run back. She sighed, knowing that escape wouldn't work anyway.. So it was just to follow at the moment for now. Mikuru covered her ears hearing the feedback. She took them off to listen to Aaron and started to laugh. "I got a question for ya!" She said and waved her hand in the air. "Why the hell did you take us!?" She asked. "Thanks for waking us up too!" Mikuru said that last part sarcastically. 





Headmaster Mason smiled. "Good question, Miss Kelly - the first question, that is." He added with a barely perceptible roll of the eyes.

"You are all very important resources. Important resources, in my plan to-" A very brief pause. "teach gifted children how to hone their skills. We live in a world where society sees you as monsters. As threats. Here, we will nurture you with the care you deserve." A guard in the corner of the room slowly swung the end of his baton into his other hand repeatedly. "We will keep you safe from the cold hands of the public. Once you can control your abilities and use them for the greater good, we will send you back to the surface with a brand new life!"

A few cheers rang out, some clapped, others began chatting again. Aaron wasn't convinced 'Headmaster Mason' was giving the full story, but it didn't sound like he wasn't telling the truth either.

"To answer your other question, I'd say get used to it. I'm sure none of you want to know the punishment of being late to classes."
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Adam is dragged to the other room by another guard. They wake him up using another syringe, that effectively, woke him up in an instant. Gasping for air, Adam looks around at everyone. "Wow... I need that some other time..." he murmurs to himself. Hearing Headmaster Mason's answers to peoples' questions, Adam decides to ask his own. Raising his hand, he looks straight into Headmaster Mason's eyes and asks, "What is the date, Headmaster?..."

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