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Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

[Crap, hope I'm not too late to the party...]

Lucas' form was still invisible, to say the least, heat busted his disguise rather rapidly, so the cold must've somehow extended it.

Abruptly being woken up by some muffled noises, instantly a sharp pain struck his head as he rested a hand on his forehead.

It only took seconds until his powers started flickering uncontrollably like a light bulb.

"where...am...I?" Muttered Lucas to himself as he lifted himself up from the ground with a cough, looking around as his vision steadied.

@anyone really....
"I made it worse didn't I?" Aki mumbles. "Maybe we can chat with someone who can get a replacement... or maybe the film still okay..." pouts again mumbles "I want my knives" Aki hears "where...am... I....?" Right behind her, turns and shouts "What the hell?!" Grabbing the person's arm the way around.
Azlyn sniffed, and smiled slightly at Mikuru's gesture, she guessed there was nothing she could do about her camera. That part of her life was now gone. She sighed, her life starts at this point now, and she had to accept it. Mikuru mentioned powers, Azlyn wondered what she could mean. She didn't have any powers that she knew of, but then again her whole memory of life started about an hour ago. Azlyn sighed and walked over to the group, placing the dripping camera into her pocket. She stood close to mikuru and whispered, "thanks for that..." she smiled shyly. She turned to the group, "i don't know if i have powers, but i might, i don't remember anything prior to an hour ago.." she turned to Adam, "you said we were kidnapped? does that mean no one here actually knows where we are?" she was beginning to get a little worried.
Mikuru sat down and yawned, she looked over at he guards. "Hey! I thought we would have dorms!! I want partners!" She demanded and glared. She really didn't want to be alone, she wanted to do something, so out of boredom she got up and started running from door to door staying in the room at superhuman speed. Everytime she stop at a door, she say a word which formed this sentence. "Hey. What. Can. You. Guys. All. Do. Aki. Leave. Him. Alone." She said, and continued to run. Not growing tired or anything, she was laughing as she ran. Once she stopped she was pretty much dry and smiled. 
Aki was a bit started and shouts "find my knives while you your at it please" drops the boy. "Sorry about that, you started me" Aki said with a smile. "Where are you anyway?"
Adam turned to Azlyn and says, "My memory is pretty much messed up, like everyone else's, but seeing our position, I could guess we've been kidnapped, and no one else knows where we are... Probably not even the guards..." he then got on one knee and smiled, looking up at Azlyn. "Your camera... You found it... May I take a look at it?" He extends his hand to the camera, waiting.
Being lifted and dropped while still dizzy, Lucas kept on flickering through visibility, until he settled a couple of seconds later alongside his fading nausea.

"Here I suppose..?"

Murmured Lucas as he glanced around. "rather, where are we?"

This was a new scene for Lucas, he never recalled ever coming here out of will, stumbling down here was also highly unlikely.

With a cough, Lucas lifted himself and glanced around once more with a confused expression.
Adam notices the new person waking up and waved at him. "Hey, you! Over here, come over here." he says, still awaiting Azlyn's camera. 
Mikuru started running around the room, she stopped when she was on Aki's right side. "Couldn't find your knifes, I'm over here!" She ran over to the left corner of the room. "Now I'm here!" Then behind Azlyn, "Now I'm here!!" Then finally ran over to Lucas and stopped. "Um.. We're at Starlight Academy.. and we all think we've been kidnapped." She answered Lucas question. Mikuru sighed, "I'm bored again." She started running again, not really caring about showing her power it gave her something to do. Again, she ran from wall to wall making a message. "So. How. Is. Everyone." She asked, and continued to run. 
"hmm, that's really weird... who would want to kidnap this many people? And for what reason?" Azlyn tilts her head when Adam gets on one knee and she reaches into her pocket and places the dripping object into his outstretched hand. "I don't think there's any saving it, im pretty sure the batteries are drowned by now, i almost made a new Lake Superior with the water that came out of it. Did you know Lake Superior is 82,103 square kilometers? It's the largest freshwater lake in the world." Azlyn pauses and coughs... "uh, i don't know how i know that to be perfectly honest..." she lets go of the camera and takes a step back, watching for Adams next move. 

Adam takes the camera and looks at it from all angles. "This is a really good camera..." he murmurs to himself. He takes the SD card out and puts it in his pocket. The camera then breaks into a thousand pieces that all land perfectly aligned as a circle on the ground. "Well... that's step one." Adam says, crackling his knuckles and yawning. 
About ready to cry Aki mumbles to herself "Keep a stiff lip Aki, you can last till there found" takes a deep breath and turns to the boy (Lucas) "sorry for picking you up like that, you ok?" Stretchesout a hand.
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Azlyn's eyes widen, "um, i think you may have made it worse..." she cringes at the circle of camera parts. She moves to sit in front of Adam, eager to see what he does next. She notices that the room seems to be warming up and she slides off her jacket. Her eyes widen at her shirt underneath. 'Greenwater Correctional Facility'. 'what did i get myself into??' she wonders to herself. She shifts her body and places her jacket in front of her to attempt to hide the letters. She clears her throat, "so.. step two?" she asks Adam.
"Step two?... " the area around the pieces starts losing humidity and so do the pieces. They're now dry. "Step three?..." Adam now grabs all the pieces in a circular motion and claps his hands then suddenly, a new camera appears in his right hand. "It may not be the same model, but the parts were good enough to make this camera. It should be able to read your SD card..." he says looking at Azlyn. 

Lucas takes the strange girl's hand, still puzzled as a flash ran by answering his questions.

Lucas' mind may have been fried at this point with the amount of stuff to comprehend, as he glanced at the boy calling out for him, as he fiddled around with a gadget of sorts.

"This is too much to take in all of a sudden..." 

Thought Lucas to himself as he drifted off with a blank stare.
Azlyn squeals with joy and drops her jacket, reaching her hands out for the camera. "how did you do that?? no wait never mind, i don't care how, thank you so much!" she smiles excitedly, "you are a life saver, truly, now i can finally know who i am, yee," Azlyn's camera holds short clips of her everyday life, so she can remember what she's done. 'maybe i'll know if i have a power or not.' she thinks to herself.
Adam stands up and hands the SD card to Azlyn. "I didn't really have to do all of that, hah, it was just for show. There you go." he says with a smile. He then turns to Lucas. "Hey, man, listen. You remember anything about how you got here? Remember anything at all about your life?" he asks, looking around at the room, still analyzing it. 


Rubbing his head, he faced the odd guy from earlier, as he walked up to him.

"Uh...no, not really...last thing I remember, is that I could have swore I used to have a pair of legs.."

Said Lucas with uncertainty, glancing at his invisible lower half, as it struck him.

"Actually nevermind that now...where we are and how we got here...now that's something I would like to know..."

Paused Lucas, pondering to himself.

"Sorry...that's nothing I can really recall."

Finished Lucas with a frown, glaring at his missing legs.

"Stupid thing..."

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Azlyn laughs at Adam and crosses her legs. Placing in the SD card, she smiles with joy when it brings up recent videos. She clicks the latest one and listens to it. "hey me! so, according to the last video, you have horrible memory, duh, and oh! you're in jail. Your stupid face made a bomb and of course got arrested for it." Azlyn pauses the video, "a bomb??!" she shouts at her camera. She closes her mouth when she realizes she yelled that out loud and casually goes back to watching her video. "You get out in.. let's see, oh! you get out in 3 years, good job me. Anyway, beware of these people today, you're not very good at making friends," the camera goes to show pictures of people that Azlyn can only assume to be other prisoners. "They say i'm being transferred so hopefully they let me take the camera, that would suck otherwise... anywho, search up perfect recall at the computer station and don't forget to record about what happens today and make sure to put it somewhere you'll see!" The video ends and Azlyn stares into the camera screen. So she built a bomb and needs to remember something about perfect recall... 'it that my power?' She wonders.

Azlyn looks back up at Adam and the new boy screaming when she notices his legs missing.  
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Aki goes to find her knives  trying to keep it together. "I can never miss that's one of my abilitys" Aki says to the group, her  body language guarded and tense. "So far no one knows how, when or where we are. So we are in the same boat withouta oar... Anyway suggestions?"
"I suggest we fight. For some reason, they haven't moved from their spots. They might be waiting for us to act. So it may be a trap... Either way, it seems they don't mind being there forever, sooo..." Adam stands up with a slight grin on his face and starts walking towards one of the walls. "Hey, ugly-ass wall!!" he makes a fist and it turns into solar plasma as he punches the wall. Nothing happens to it. Adam's hand goes back to normal. "So that's it, is it not?..." he says softly.
Mikuru stopped, "Okay. So Aki can never miss!" She pointed to Lucas, "You can go invisible!" Then pointed at both Azlyn and Adam, "Not sure what you can do.." Finally pointed at herself, "and I can run at superhuman speeds~" Then she heard Azlyn scream, she fell over out of fear. Mikuru walked over to Lucas, tilted her head. "Can't you get them back, you know if you think hard enough?" She guessed, she didn't sound serious but she meant it, she thought he could trigger his powers so just thought he could get them back. Then she heard Adam punch the wall, her eyes widened, "You can do that.." She trailed off. "Hey! What's you two's name?!" She asked, pointing at Adam and Lucas. 
"Adam Kaelyn Mukti at your service." he says jokingly, sitting down and thinking about the situation more thoroughly. "If the wall is a Super-insulator, then how'd they build this place?... And if that's the case, then the only way we can get out of this room is if Lucas turns invisible and goes past the guards, letting us out..." Adam thinks to himself.
"It's like your body has a mind of it's own. Kinda trippy, but I'm not always in charge of...uh...this"

Explained Lucas as he pointed at his still missing legs.

"Lucas by the way, don't think they're gonna disappear forever....right?"

Answered Lucas with a nervous grin, just as a pale outline of his legs became possible, gaining a sigh of relief from the boy.
Azlyn turns to Mikuru, still glancing at Lucas's legs. "I think i have something called perfect recall, my video told me so," she says, waving her camera slightly. She stands up and wraps her jacket around her waist. "I don't think we should fight those guys, we don't even know if they have any powers or not," Azlyn stares down a guard but he doesn't even twitch. "Plus, they have guns.." she says, worried.

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