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Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

[@Angel_Mukti I understand, tablets can be frustrating to work with, and the site has abolished BB code, but now spoilers can be created via the 'eye' button. Anyway, you're accepted! Get posting whenever you feel like it.]

Aaron heard the person to his right mutter something, but whatever they said was cut off by a sudden mechanical whirring. Either side, at each end of the row of cryotubes, he could spot massive metal doors shifting open, groups of goons in military get-ups began pouring into the chamber.

"Guess that's the aforementioned staff." Aaron muttered under his breath - mist curling from his mouth as he spoke - watching one of the goons who had stopped outside the aisle. He turned his head, and sure enough there was another one standing guard on the other end.

Squinting and leaning outward, he could make out someone shouting at the guard, who stood stone still, impervious to the threatening.

Aaron leaned back in. "Arguing doesn't work on these guys, apparently." He declared with a slight roll of the eyes, wrapping his arms around himself in an attempt to keep warm.

"Needed a helping hand?"

He overheard the question, turning to see a white haired girl donning a cap outstretching her hand to the girl he heard muttering just a minute earlier. Perhaps meeting new people hear could help him escape later.

He considered this.

"Uh, yo," He started, inwardly cringing. He despised the word 'yo'.

"I don't suppose either of you know what's going on?"


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Mikuru grabbed the girl's hand and got herself up. "Thanks.." She said, then she saw the doors open, she gulped. She started hugged herself attempting to warm herself up. She looked at the boy next to her. "Um.. Hell..?" She joked, trying to cheer herself up. Her teeth were chattering. She tried moved her hair back so it wasn't sticking on her shoulders. "Why did you say "Yo".. Seriously.. Who says that?" Mikuru said with a smile, she looked back at the girl. "Do you know what's going on..?" she tilted her head. Completely ignoring the guards, thinking that they wouldn't back up what they were saying, that's how most people were. She could run, she wanted to run, but she didn't know where she was, or where she would go.


@Caffeine Freak
Barely awake and feeling as if he was stabbed by a thousand knives, Adamu is on his knees, waiting to grasp a hold of himself. He tries using his powers to warm himself up, but he's too weak to do anything right now. He had not opened his eyes after being awoken, so everything that Headmaster Mason said was only heard by him. Adamu hadn't seen anything throughout that time.

Now that he regains visibility, he looks around at the rows of students and guards around them.  "I guess we're not in Kansas anymore, eh?" he says, grinning to himself and standing up slowly. Analyzing his surroundings and the weaponry of the guards, he decides not to do anything out of place since his powers were weakened. "This is gonna be one bumpy ride..." 
"Some sort of mandatory transfer, I think" Aki replied with a frown. She was cold but hid it well since she remembered at least she had on a tank top and a t-shirt and not everyone has that luxury. Looking for a new opening when the guards end shifts to familiarize the area and look for her missing knifes that's usually in her boots and belt. "I have two questions, one, who are you two? And two why is it so bloody cold?!" 

@Caffeine Freak

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Mikuru frowned, "Well screw this transfer.." She mumbled. Mikuru lit up after awhile, "Mikuru Kelly! You can call me Miku." She answered her first question and reached out her hand to the girl. "Um.. I think it's because of the pods." Mikuru guessed. "Okay, now you know my name, so what are yours?" She asked, looking back at the two. She started taking both their features, just so she could remember them. Then she looked back at the guards, at this point they just seemed to stand there, and it creeped her out. "Hey.. Why are they just standing there..?" She asked, "They look like they have a grudge or something."


@Caffeine Freak 
"Pleasure to meet you Mikuru. My full name is Aki Lily Rose but you can call me Aki or AL Rose" Aki said with a smirk. "As for them I have no idea, but their getting on my nerves since their the ones who have my throwing knives" her thumb pointed out to the guards behind her with slight distaste in her voice. Aki then felt the air pressure change a chill go down her spine and hoped that it was the heat turning on. "I have a bad feeling..." 

@Caffeine Freak

Feeling better than just a few seconds ago, Adamu starts to warm himself up, and those around him just a bit. Feeling that he could at least defend himself just a little bit, he decides to act up and test the soldiers' abilities. 

"Hey, guards! How long are you gonna make us wait, eh?! I got better things to do!" he shouts out, stepping forward a little. 

"Where are we, and what's going on here?! Those are my two questions for all of you!"

He then falls silent and steps back. Looking around at everyone he says, "At least some dry clothes, eh?..."
Aki snapped her head to the boy shouting not expecting shouting this early. She smirked as she thought 'this will be interesting'. She noticed that the room was getting hotter and hotter. Aki then decided to sit back and enjoy, heat and the show. Knowing that he just earned a bit of respect from most of the people in the room. And if this plays out right then she be able to sneak out and get her knives or better yet, some weapons.

@Caffeine Freak


Azlyn continued to look around, her chest burning from her earlier coughing fits. Her head was spinning, 'Starlight academy? Students? I'm a student?' She thought to herself. She reached in her pocket to fish out her camera, the device she used before going to sleep every night so she can try to remember what happened the previous day. Her heart picked up when she couldn't find it. "No no no!" she yelled out loud, not paying attention to any of the people around her. This couldn't be happening, she lost her only way of knowing her life. Her whole life was on that camera, it was the only thing she could remember to check each morning, it was the only thing that told her who she was. In a panic she ran to a small group of people talking, close to tears she quickly asks, "Have any of you seen my camera??". 

@Caffeine Freak



Adamu looks at Azlyn, seeing that she was panicking. Quickly wondering about what the guards would do if they found out she was moving from her spot, he wasn't ready to take any chances, so he uses his powers to raise up Azlyn's dopamine levels in her body, bringing her into a high-like state, making her calmer. Adamu goes up to her slowly, "Look... We don't know where your camera is right now... Calm down, and why don't we go look for it, eh?" He says with a smile. "I'm Adamu, but, just call me Adam, okay?"  


@Caffeine Freak


Azlyn stops and her heart slows, she looks down at the ground confused as to why she was no longer worried about her camera. She looks up at the boy talking to her. He tells her they can look for it and she smiles and nods. "Hi Adam, my name's Azlyn. Are you another student here?" She asks, smiling and staring at Adam. 

Aka Smith


Height: 5'4 

Age: 14 1/2

Bio: Aka (it means 'red' in Japanese) was a relativly normal child who grew up with quirky but oblivious parents (hence her strange name). She has ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) so it's hard for her to focus. She has trouble socializing and seem cold and faraway to her fellow schoolmates. Aka spends her time at school daydreaming, mostly. She was always very imaginative and it is her escape. She feels like an oddball and is about half intro-vert, half extra-vert. Aka wants to share her ideas, but doesn't know how. She desperately wants a friend group she can fit into. Aka is stubborn, and unknowingly, a bit oblivious, never really paying much attention to her surroundings. She discovered her powers at twelve, summoning a ball of fire in her room. Since then, she has kept it a secret. Having missed the bus one day, Aka was walking home when a car drove by. She ignored it, but as it came closer, it stopped. Gas sprayed out the window and Aka knew nothing more.

Powers: Fire powers: the powers to set plants or clothes (it takes more work, however) on fire, the power to hold fire, and the power to set herself on fire and not be harmed. However, she can still be burned by other fire not her own, perhaps more badly then anyone else. 

Appearance: pale, short, bushy, curly red hair, freckles. Aka prefers pastels and it is most of her wardrobe. She has strange purple eyes that appear pale blue to most people. She has a long torso and medium-length legs.

And yes, I've read the rules. 
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(Sorry I was out for abit) 

"Is it me.. Or is it getting really warm..?" She asked, trying to fan herself. "Atleast we won't be cold.. Didn't he say something about dorms." She asked. Mikuru started to spin, water from her hair went everywhere, then stopped. "Sorry.." She trailed off. "Hi everyone!" She screamed. 



@Caffeine Freak

"I guess we're all meant to be students here... So I guess yeah?" he laughs softly. Lowering her dopamine levels back to normal, he says, "Sorry for drugging you, by the way..." He looks around at the guards. "You've been here too long, and they haven't said anything. Maybe we have complete freedom in what we do in THIS room. So lets go walk around looking for your camera and get everyone together." 

Aki then says "Does that mean I can get my knives back?!" With a confused look on her face not expecting that. "And why were we forced here for that matter?" Aki said trying to get some more information 
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Azlyn's head seems to clear and she blinks, ''sorry for drugging you?' what is that supposed to mean?' She looks over and goes to open her mouth but Adam continues talking. She smiles widely when he mentions her camera, "yes please! it's really important that we find it" She turns and looks around just in time to get water splashed into her eyes. She gasps and wipes her eyes, she hears a small 'sorry' from some girl. Azlyn jumps and lets out a little squeak as the girl's voice booms through the silent room, 'what a crazy girl' Azlyn thinks to herself. Azlyn turns around when another student shouts something about knives. What kind of school is this? She thinks to herself. 
"I don't think they're going to reply.." Mikuru said and looked at Aki. "Are they just watching us?" She asked, and turned to see Azlyn, she waved. "Hi person!! Sorry if I got you wet.." She said and kept on waving.


Azlyn raised an eyebrow as the girl continues waving at her. She smiles awkwardly and waves back slowly. "Um, hi, my name's Azlyn, hopefully we haven't met before, that's always awkward," she laughs but stops and thinks for a moment. "Wait, how long has everyone been here? Does no one know who those people are?" She asks out loud, pointing towards the guards. 
Pouting slightly since no one says that they seen Aki's knives she turns to find out who Mikuru was taking to. See the Adam and Azlyn coming towards are little group. "Hi" still upset but now a bit confused from Azlyn comment
Mikuru giggled, and started spinning again, not really caring about the water. "Nice to meet you Azlyn! I'm Mikuru, you can call me Miku~" She said, and continued to spin, not really caring about the awkward glances she got from the guards. She eventually stopped, and started to walk and then tripped, she got herself back up and fell again. "Who's that next to you..? Your boyfriend..? And why are there so many of him..?" She asked, seeing multiples of everyone. Mikuru slowly got back up and regained her balance. She gave a thumbs up to signal that she was okay. 


Adam stands still thinking about the whole situation, "Why have we all been kidnapped? Why US? Why right now? Where are we? WHEN are we?" he then looks at the stasis pods and thinks to himself, "We're not necessarily a day after we've been kidnapped... We could be years into the future, decades, centuries... I don't know how long I've been here, neither does anyone..." he says to himself, slowly looking around at everyone.  
Azlyn looks at Aki as she says hi, "Hey, do we know eachother? You're a student here right? Do you live here?" She bombards the girl with questions. Since she lost her camera she can't remember if she was always here or not. She knows that she slept here overnight in whatever she fell out of, but since she can't remember anything after she falls asleep, she just assumed she lived here. Azlyn takes a quick glance around and notices even more confused kids looking around, some angry and some crying. Maybe she really didn't belong here... Miku points out Adam and Azlyn remembers what Adam said, he said he guessed they were students here. Shouldn't someone know if they are a student or not? Well.. Azlyn guessed she couldn't be the one to lecture someone else on memory. Azlyn almost chokes when Miku asks her if Adam was her boyfriend, "haha, n-" she begins to deny the accusation but then stops and her eyes widen, "actually i don't know, i don't think so though..." she looks sheepishly at Miku. Telling that Adam introduced himself to her she doubted they knew eachother before she woke up. "i don't have the best memory.." she admits to Miku and Aki, shifting her feet awkwardly.
Aki asks still upset "have you seen my knives? I don't mean to startle you but they have sentimental value plus I don't like being an armed for this long... Oh and before I forget when I was getting up I saw the camera I buy the corner so is that it it?" Pointing a a camera on its side 
Azlyn gasps and runs in the direction that Aki pointed in, she picked up the small black camera. As she lifted it in the air water gushed out of it, making a small pool on the floor by her feet. She frantically pushed the power button but it did nothing. Azlyn dropped to her knees and began crying, "my life is ruined!" she wailed, ignoring Aki's previous question. She stopped crying and placed her head against the wall, staring into the pool of water silently. 
"So if we're all students..? Do you guys have powers too..?" She asked, looking at the three. She ran over to Azlyn, and kneeled next to her, "I'm sorry about that.." She said, and frowned. She hugged her, Mikuru had a friend that had siblings, so this was what they did, so she tried doing it too. "Um.. If it helps,.. Why not write it down..?" Mikuru offered. She moved back and walked back to the three. "Sorry.. But do you..?" She asked again. "No.. Knifes.." 




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