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Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

Rue shooed Aaron's hands away from the terminal and started typing away. " That's good news on all ends, what we should do is disabled the alarm momentarily, cut the lights, Miku does her thing, Aaron either secure a ride or help take out the guards ,I'm gonna place a loopback frequency so it jams the radios the guards use, once we secure a ride I'll trigger the alarm the cameras won't be watching us so no footage , it's too dark to see and the on coming of police cars and other first responders will cover our escape once we start leaving for good, now if there are no questions, shall we start?" Rue asked 


@Caffeine Freak


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Elisa/Evelyn Darthwell

Evelyn let out an exaggerated sigh before she waked towards the vault door, her eyes flashing red, "We are allowed to use our powers: so just tell me to break down the door, simple." She said getting impationt with all there talking. She corssed her arms before she went over to the nearest wall, sliding down it and sitting. She pulled her legs up and rested her head against her knees, closing her eyes before opening shortly after, her eyes had returned to normal, but her right eye was still a dark red, "W-what did i miss?" She said unsure, Elisa had returned. @Camilton @Caffeine Freak @RunicFollower @LumaThePhoenix
"Why not use the alarm.. If we set it off, then open the fault, because people will leave, and I can run in and out with the money while you all wait." Mikuru smiled, proud her plan."

"As long as we can get outta here bullet-hole-free, I'm down with it." Aaron swiveled his chair back toward the terminal, aggressively tapping at the keys. He didn't actually need the keyboard to open the vault, but was pretty sure that it was what hackers did in movies, so he did it anyway. After he felt that they keys were sufficiently tapped, he just shifted the mouse over the 'EMERGENCY RELEASE' button.

"Huh.. I wonder if people will turn and run if it's just the alarm that goes off." He drifted the cursor down towards a browsing application, unwittingly bringing up a previously concealed window that displayed a somewhat questionable video hosting website. Aaron instantly opened up into a new tab, trying to blink the image he just saw out of his mind. The internet sure has changed since I last saw it. He shuddered, managing to type in the link for the website he'd found earlier while messing with his dorm's computer.

"Stock sound explosions. I'll just play it through the megaphones around the bank at full volume, I'm sure it'll do the trick."

He hit the play button, the bass of an unnervingly realistic explosion blasted through the building. Right after, Aaron hit the alarm.

"Alright, the door's unlocked, grab the cash!" He threw himself out of the chair, barraging out of the door and making his way toward the entrance.

As he careened down the stairs, he spotted Elisa.

"W-what did i miss?"

"The bullets won't be missing if we don't get a move on." Aaron prodded her on, eyeing the furious guards.

Secure a ride, that's what Rue had said- Ride, ride, ride...

Aaron scanned the exterior, shouting guards behind him.

A police car pulled up at the scene.





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"OH COME ON." Rue yelled as Aaron bolted out the door. Rue grabbed her headset and plugged it into the phone. " Alright everyone listen the alarms been pulled we have about 7 minutes MAX and 3 minutes MINIMUM, now I will watch the cameras and plan escape routes the automatic robot defense just got activated and I can't do anything to stop them, they are placing multiple firewalls that will take to long for me to get through so, be ready for them, Ano is getting dressed in a guard out fit and I have a visitor coming by shortly who will help us out in the short and long run, also I'm gonna throw my two cents and place my bet they will be here in about 4 minutes and 30 seconds, any takers." Rue asked through the headset the phones carrying her voice and playing it for the others to hear. She turned the chair as Ano finished putting on the guards outfit, the door swung open as the robot walked in. Ano took a defensive stance as the robot knelled infront of Rue. " Don't be silly, this is that robot that has been running he around he got caught when the lesson started, now it's my turn show this place how BlackSmith robotics does it's programing, right. " Rue said turning to the robot and smiling, " I know you want freedom, that's why you keep calling me, I'm going to place this AI in you but don't worry it won't erase who you are, it will help you get a control of yourself but since you'll have to AI I'll have to overclock you so you that both yours and the my AI program won't try to run over each others data." Rue said as she placed a small chip in the head of the robot, it then shot up and ran out of the room. " Ano follow him please , don't let him get hurt and grab up Elisa she kinda looks lost." Rue said

Ano followed the robot and saw Elisa he extended his hand out to help her up." Elisa come on we have to stop the banks auto robot system from hurting Aaron and Miku." Ano said 

@Caffeine Freak




"Alright, the door's unlocked,grab the cash!"

Mikuru smiled, "Doors open, I'll grab the cash! See ya!!" She said and ran off down to the vault, she stared at the door, she saw what she thought was Elisa and Ano and motioned them over, if she could get them to just help load the cash into some bags, all she have to do was run, she heard Rue "4 and half minutes, More than enough." She tapped her foot impatiently, "Come onnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!" She complained, and walked in, not seeing if anyone followed her. 

@Caffeine Freak



@anyone else 
"Hey, kid - Stop!"

Shouted a rather angry looking police officer as Aaron hit the gas and sent tyres screeching against the concrete. The police car was a blur of red and blue as it bolted up the steps and crashed through the double doors of the bank. Content that he wasn't missing any limbs, Aaron rolled down the window. "Yo, where's the cash at?" He leaned out and wrapped a knuckle against the side of the car door.

Supposedly in response to his question, an automated turret dropped from the ceiling and opened fire at the vehicle.

Aaron ducked as the bullets tore through the side door. "..Guess the whole 'stealth' thing kinda went out the window." He muttered, pressing himself low as a bullet whizzed through the metal an inch above his head.



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Ano turned around to Miku talking as one of the banks robots tried to hit her, a gold hand extended from Ano's back and grabbed it's arm pulling it forward and kicked the robot back into a pillar. " Miku take Elisa and move the money to the car Aaron has outside, I'll make sure no one gets hurt from the robots the bank has for security, stay safe until then please." Ano said as the robot pulled itself from the pillar and charged Ano.

Rue looked at the camera outside and saw Aaron pinned down by the turret. " Oh no he's stuck, where is he." Rue said, a police squad came down the road and a SWAT van from the other side, the swarmed out and drew their weapons out on the car Aaron was in. " No this is real bad." Rue said as she looked at the camera she heard a large crash as the giant vault door went flying and slammed into the SWAT van sending it flying and the robot Rue programmed waving at Aaron. " OK good news and bad news, bad news is I lost the bet and the police are here , good news is our overclocked robot friend is here to help, say hello to Blues." Rue said 

@Caffeine Freak


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