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Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

"Erm...speaking for myself, I find it odd that noone yet has had a absolute meltdown by this point. Well, you'd expect that people taken away from their families would be bawling their eyes out right now, though personally I'm not at all affected, oddly enough..."

Resting a fist under his chin, Lucas continued.

"I mean...perhaps I should of asked that glorified weirdo back then if we get holidays off but I was too tired to care at that point, so really...meh."

With a puzzled expression, Lucas glanced at the girls and asked, 

"What about you two, how are you doing, being 'kidnapped' and all?"


Mikuru looked down, "i didn't have the best relationship with people, so being here is better than anything. I mean for once people will talk to me, I can actually run around! Kids thought I did drugs or something, in reality it was me just wanting to run. I'm just so happy actually!" Mikuru said and started spinning. "How are you doing Azlyn?" She asked, already having an idea of her answer, she didn't seem to remember anything, but she camera would help her. So until then, she just waited for Azlyn's answer, so she just kept on spinning. 

Azlyn scratched her head, she couldn't remember anything from before she woke up today, though that was normal for her. She looked down at her outfit, a black prison jumper. "I don't think i had anybody missing me or that i would be missing.. if i could remember anyone that is." she said, pointing to her shirt. "If i'd have to guess, i think i'd rather be here than wherever i was before this..." she laughed and stuck her hand in her pocket. Her hand touched a small camera and she picked it up. Turning it on she saw endless videos of her, all from different days. The last one dated back a year ago. She had an idea. Beginning to record, she looked into the camera. 

"Hi me, apparently you've been kidnapped by some maniac and now you are in some underwater school. Beats prison, i guess? Well i don't remember, but if i had to guess i'd say yeah. They have good muffins here." she turned the camera on Mikuru and Lucas, "This is Mikuru, and this is Lucas, you met them today, but i think i met Mikuru at another time also. They are nice and your friends. I guess that's all for now."

She clicked her camera and smiled at the two people in front of her. "Now if i watch this tomorrow i'll know who you guys are." She laughed.

@Bumblebee @Camilton
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"Prison? Oh boy~ Prison.." Mikuru shook her head at the thought, and just kept on spinning. She listened to Azlyn talk about her past, or at least what she remembered of it. Mikuru kept on spinning when Azlyn began to record, she kept on waving to the camera. "Bye Camera!!" She said just before she finished the recording. Mikuru stopped spinning and started to walk forward tripping the majority of the way, and always saying "I'm okay! I'm okay!" She didn't know what else to do, even if she was talking she was bored.  "Do you remember much Lucas?"

@Bumblebee @Kzadrin
"Hey bud, You wanna share a dorm with someone?" Mikuru asked, "We could probably get Aki or someone else to share with us too."

"Sounds like a plan."Aaron agreed. After the shenanigans with Aki's knives and Mikuru finding an empty room, Aaron swiped the keycard through the slot and slid open the door. 

"I'mma get some rest, I'll see you guys later." He exclaimed, slipping into the dorm and collapsing on the bed.

[Sorry for the short post but I'm running out of time right now lol]
Mikuru waved goodbye to both Lucas and Azlyn, she ran off and joined Aaron in the room. "I call this bed!" She said and sat down, "Night I guess.." She yawned and laid down before falling asleep right then and there. 
[I'mma start the time skip soon, if any of you haven't moved your characters to their dorms yet, now's the time to do it.

Also, you're now accepted, @Death Reaper, it'd be a good idea to start posting after the time skip.]



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Aki fell asleep in the corner of the dorm room that held Aaron, Mikuru and now herself. She didn't trust the guards so she couldn't fall asleep on the bed where they would look for her. Fall asleep in uncomfortable positions and ways was a technique Aki learned a while ago.
@Caffeine Freak I edited out my post on Aka so it follows the rules. Go take a look at it please. Sorry, I wasn't quite sure about if the white line of text was from this role-play or another one.)
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[@RavenTheWolf Sweet, you're accepted!

Time skip's taking place now, if you feel like you missed something, just add it into your next post]


6:00 AM

Aaron was sleeping quite well until he was blinded. The lights snapped on, glaring brighter than the sun, causing a stunned Aaron to roll off the bed and onto the floor.

"Yo, turn the lights off!" He moaned, squinting towards the light switch - but no one had touched it. Slowly, the lights faded until they just amply lit the room. Following this, an annoyingly familiar voice was emitted from a PA on the wall.

"Good morning, students!"

Aaron shifted from his position on the floor. "Seriously?"

"My science group informs me that high intensity light is more effective than alarms for innervation. Get used to it. Anyway, lessons start at 7:45, in roughly an hour and forty five minutes. Until then, you have a free period at the canteen situated right next to the dormitories. I trust you will be able to find it yourselves, rest assured my staff will be standing by to make sure no students get lost on the way there."

"Canteen? Ha! I'm spending the next two hours in bed." Aaron turned back to his bed, only to find that it was disappearing through a hole. The floor it was on had lowered into the ground, and a new floor was sliding over it.

"When not in use, bedding will be removed from your dormitories for sanitation. They will be returned when they are required. That is all." The Headmaster finished, his voice vanishing from the speaker.

"Great." Aaron grabbed his personal fresh clothes from the desk and slipped into the bathroom, emerging when he was finished. "Eating doesn't sound so bad." He admitted, leaning against the wall.

@Death Reaper





[@RavenTheWolf Sweet, you're accepted!

Time skip's taking place now, if you feel like you missed something, just add it into your next post]


6:00 AM

Aaron was sleeping quite well until he was blinded. The lights snapped on, glaring brighter than the sun, causing a stunned Aaron to roll off the bed and onto the floor.

"Yo, turn the lights off!" He moaned, squinting towards the light switch - but no one had touched it. Slowly, the lights faded until they just amply lit the room. Following this, an annoyingly familiar voice was emitted from a PA on the wall.

"Good morning, students!"

Aaron shifted from his position on the floor. "Seriously?"

"My science group informs me that high intensity light is more effective than alarms for innervation. Get used to it. Anyway, lessons start at 7:45, in roughly an hour and forty five minutes. Until then, you have a free period at the canteen situated right next to the dormitories. I trust you will be able to find it yourselves, rest assured my staff will be standing by to make sure no students get lost on the way there."

"Canteen? Ha! I'm spending the next two hours in bed." Aaron turned back to his bed, only to find that it was disappearing through a hole. The floor it was on had lowered into the ground, and a new floor was sliding over it.

"When not in use, bedding will be removed from your dormitories for sanitation. They will be returned when they are required. That is all." The Headmaster finished, his voice vanishing from the speaker.

"Great." Aaron grabbed his personal fresh clothes from the desk and slipped into the bathroom, emerging when he was finished. "Eating doesn't sound so bad." He admitted, leaning against the wall.

@Death Reaper





Aka groaned as the flash of light hit the back of her eyes.

"Good morning, students!"
 Everything yesterday had been a flash...the gas, the coughing, collapsing in bed. She had't noticed wether the dorm had others in it.

Blinded, she stumbled out of bed and noticed a small pack of toiletries...nothing special, just a toothbrush and paste as well as a hair brush. 

"My science group informs me that high intensity light is more effective than alarms for innervation. Get used to it. Anyway, lessons start at 7:45, in roughly an hour and forty five minutes. Until then, you have a free period at the canteen situated right next to the dormitories. I trust you will be able to find it yourselves, rest assured my staff will be standing by to make sure no students get lost on the way there."

Aka sighed and turned around, surprised to see her bed sinking into the floor.

"When not in use, bedding will be removed from your dormitories for sanitation. They will be returned when they are required. That is all." The Headmaster said, and Aka felt like bashing the speakers, just so she wouldn't hear The Headmaster's voice.

Instead, she groaned yet again, quickly brushing her teeth and hair.

Aka forced herself to the door, nervous about meeting everyone else for what she felt was the first time.

Then she realized she was wearing yesterday's clothes and snatched the new clothes off the desk and fled into the bathroom.
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Lucas was sleeping soundly by now, snoring away his troubles as he was sleeping like he always did, face-facing the floor, drool all over the pillow.

Oblivious to the bright light that filled the room, Lucas kept on sleeping with his face planted in the pillow, that is until a certain goofy sound started blaring through the walls casuing Lucas to almost choke on his own saliva as he jumped out of his bed in surprise, and hit his head on the floor.

"I'M AWAKE...ow..."

Yelled Lucas with his eyes wide open, glancing around as a familiar voice boomed through the area.

"Jeez....someone better tell this guy that his goof-squad has the wrong idea, only thing this system's gonna accomplish is early loss of vision..."

Grumbled Lucas as he listened to the rest of the headmasters pleasant announcement, wiping the remains of the drool on his face with his sleeve.

"First good thing we hear from this...nutcase..."

Mumbled Lucas with an annoyed smile as he got up and got ready to head out.

"It's been awhile since I've had something to eat, now that I recall..."

Whispered Lucas to himself as he stumbled out of the room, almost running into a wall.
Mikuru was sound asleep, not a care in the world, she was hugging her pillow as her head was on the bed itself. The light didn't wake her up it was the headmaster over the loud speaker. She put the pillow around her ears and groaned, "SHUT UP! WE WANNA SLEEP!" She screamed, and waited until the the announcements were over. She groaned and fell out of bed then sprang up, she looked around for her fresh pair of clothes and changed when no one was looking. She waited for Aaron, "Aaron?! Are you ready, I'm not walking alone!!" She said, and stood by the door, tapping her foot
...and sighed with relief as she saw a warm but empty hallway outside. 

"Looks like everyone's already there..." Aka muttered under her breath.
(Apologies. Rough couple of days. I'll start from after because it's pointless me starting before)

A light flashed in front of Aida, shocking her into waking. Where am I? She asked herself, having no recollection of the previous day. Or was it two days?

"Good morning students." 

Aida groaned as she rolled out of the bed she was on. Landing on the floor with a thud, she hopped back onto her feet and swiftly dressed herself, paying no attention as to whether or not she shared a dorm with anyone. At least they provided me with the clothes I put into the boot of that car. Aida was not impressed by her new surroundings in the least. From what she could tell, there was only the necessities. I doubt we can customise. Instead she made her way over to where there was a sink, and set about cleaning her face and fixing her hair. She was only vaguely aware of the bed vanishing, shrugging it off. It wasn't too weird, considering her powers and no memory of the previous day.

Once she deemed herself presentable, Aida made her way out of the room. She headed towards the cafeteria the headmaster had spoken of, noticing the masses of others around her age. She kept to the side, figuring that her peers had probably introduced themselves to one another by now. Instead, she went to retrieve a small portion of the food that was available and found somewhere to sit alone, in a corner. With a small pain jabbing through her stomach, Aida wished she had applied her cream to her scars that morning. They were going to cause her problems.
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{Hey, guys, I'm sorry for not being online these past few hours. Been busy with school and such. Wont be able to RP tonight, neither. Please keep going, and act like I was tranquilized again and taken away or something. Again, sorry. Hope to be back tomorrow for more, though  :)  Have fun, guys}
Aki jolts jolts awake from the announcement still groggy. Slightly hungry since the day before she never got anything to eat. Aki stretches and heads to the room that you originally woke up in.
Aka nervously walked into the canteen, noticing many kids older then her. She was fourteen, but some kids look 17, maybe 18. It terrified her. She walked towards the area with the least people, which happened to be a fruit bar. Loading her plate with fruit and an egg, she glanced around, realizing how hard it would be here if she didn't make friends. She saw a boy around her age and taking a deep breath, walked over to his place in line.

"H-hey. I'm Aka...what's your name? Mind if I, uh, sit with you? I-I haven't really gotten to know anyone yet..."

she said, one corner of her mouth lifting in a shy half-smile.

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"Man...Adam must of ran into another guard and got himself tranquilized again..."

Thought Lucas to himself as he stared at the ground blankly.

Lucas' attention quickly shifted to an approaching girl, who happened to be introducing herself.

"Oh...not at all! Take a seat! Lucas by the way, pleasure meeting you!"

Answered Lucas with an awkward smile, not expecting that at all.

"I do suppose it's kind of intimidating as well when you're in the lower age tier...speaking for myself...of course..."

Spat out Lucas, trying to make small talk while he could, 'socializing' wasn't really his 'thing', but hey, he hadn't had any mistakes yet, hopefully he won't blow it this time around.

"Looks like you're in the same boat as well."

Said Lucas, more calmly around this time,  from what he could guess at least.

Tenueto sat at a table with only a few people scattered about it.  He glanced around, finding little interesting about his fellow table-mates.  He loosed his flute and began to tinker with it, checking the valves in a blatant attempt to draw the attention of someone.  He whistled as he did this, to further push towards more... unwanted attention.  He drew a snide smirk.
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His eyes snapped open at the sudden bright lights and intercom.  Zenaku pulled the cover over his face and continued to lay back down, Until the bed started to be lowered.  He jumped out of bed and immediately fell to the floor caused by the sudden blood rush. "ugh" Zenaku groaned.   "When not in use, bedding will be removed from your dormitories for sanitation. They will be returned when they are required. That is all." The Headmaster said. 'Jesus Christ' He thought but, in reality he just got up and started to brush his teeth. After brushing, he took  the clothes that were on the counter and looked around for a place to put them on. hearing the word breakfast, he dropped his clothes and stater walking toward the smell of food. and out of the room past a few students. @ anyone really
Aka nodded. "T-thanks...sorry about my stammer, I, uh don't exactly socialize much. But, nice to meet you Lucas." 
Aka said, taking a seat cautiously. 

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"Likewise, what do you know, that's something I would also use if I had to describe myself!"

Mentioned Lucas nervously, resting a hand behind his head.

"So," started Lucas,

"What's your 'special ability'?"

Asked Lucas with a curious look, fiddling around with a spork, the noisy chatter in the background being complimented with a whistling sound of sorts.


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