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Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

Aka took a deep breath, and, in answer, she opened her palm and held it up, a small but robust flame flickering. 
"Um, well, fire powers I guess. Don't be scared..." she said, blurting the last bit, because that was what she was most afraid of with her powers.

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A few pairs of eyes shifted to Tenueto.  He let his eyes fall shut, continuing to fiddle with his instrument blindly.  His head began to slowly rock back and forth, prompting a few more eyes to shift to him.  To his surprise, no one approached him.
Mikuru heard the music playing, it scared her, she went off trying to find its source, eventually finding someone playing a flute. She just watched, "What are you doing..?" She asked eventually.
He raised his head, slowly opening his eyes.  "Drawing attention, of course..." 

He pushed a valve back into the flute, crossing his arms and letting his elbows rest on the table.  "What fun is a place like this without compatriots to share it with?"

Something about the musician seemed... off.
"That's actually pretty...cool...if I may say so myself."

Admitted Lucas with a nod.

"As for myself...well it's kinda embarassing, since I don't have full control over my powers yet, but...."

Lucas cut himself off as he closed his eyes and focused, opening them a few seconds later to find nothing different.

"Oh...did it not work?" Asked Lucas with excitement, looking down at his body to find it still there.

 "Bummer...oh well maybe I'll show you later."

Mentioned Lucas calmly as he did not notice his whole head missing.

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"Well, your head's gone." Aka said, hiding a laugh.
"As for me...well, that's really all I have control over now. I think I know the main things I can do, but I'm sure there are others..." Aka said, daydreaming a bit as she remembered the first time she had discovered her powers.
"So, invisibility?" Aka asked, somehow feeling a little more comfortable then before and stammering less.

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"Your weird.. I like it." She said and sat down across from him. "You do play very nice though, I guess that's why your here..?" She asked. Mikuru smiled, "I'm Mikuru, call me Miku, or whatever you want to call me." She started picking up speed as she talked, then slapped herself.
"It's a pleasure."  He took his flute from the table, sliding it back through the sling across his back.  

"I am Tenuto." He chuckled to himself; "I am glad you have a taste for such things as my playing.

He raised an eyebrow at her slapping herself.  "If you don't mind my asking... What might have landed you in a place such as..."  He paused, glancing about the room.  "This."  
Feeling around his invisible face, Lucas put his hands back down and took a deep breath.

"I see..."

Not long after that Lucas noticed one of the girls from yesterday, a bell suddenly ringing in his head as he waved his hand to greet her, his head still invisible.

"Oh. Aki, right? From yesterday?"

Mumbled Lucas with an invisible expression of puzzle.


Aka glanced over at this girl Aki and felt nervous yet jealous at the same time. 'Just when she had been talking to someone...Now, I would be too nervous with another person around' Aka thought.

"I-I'm Aka." She said, unintentionally bringing the flame back into her hand. But this time, she couldn't control it's size. It grew so large it consumed Aka's hand, then pressed on the flame to try to extinguish it. 
It half worked. The flame grew smaller with lack of oxygen.


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Sitting at a table, having his food, he started to eat his food. He was sitting alone, looking at all the other students "They must all have have powers too..I must find out there strengths and weaknesses" he said quietly to himself. The food tasted better than it looked. When he was done he threw his trash away and sat back down with his head down still looking around the place. He loved how cold it was. The cold was better for his ice manipulation. He heard the music and it was a horrifying sound "Can someone please tell him to stop" he said loud enough for them to hear. @Anyone....
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Lucas watched on with amusement as Aka's hand was engulfed with fire.

"That's gonna leave a mark."

Lucas then watched the flame dissapear, all while the heat brought back visibility to his face.

"Or not...Either way, that's something else I noticed about my powers, they seem to be affected by heat, to a degree...oh...pun not intended..."

Mumbled Lucas awkwardly with a half-smile


Aka chuckled at Lucas joke. "That's interesting." she said. Heat had made Luca's face reappear, she noted, though she was not about to start a fight. 

"M-my fire doesn't seem to hurt me...but other fire does...lucky me." Aka said sarcastically, a half smile returning to her face. 


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"That's interesting...."

Nodded Lucas.

"You wouldn't normally think of that at first glance...that's cool I guess..."

Mentioned Lucas as he looked around.

"Shouldn't we be heading somewherw soon? Now that I bring that up...I do recall forgetting something in my room...Crap, also need to check on my roommate, see y'all later!"

Exclaimed Lucas with panic in his eyes, as he clumsily fot up, almost falling over, and rushed away as he waved them goodbye.

[Last post for the day, as I gotta go hit the hay. Bye~]


Aka sighed and finished the last of her food, then threw it away and headed back to her room. No roommates, she sighed. 'I guess I could ask Lucas to be my roommate...he seems nice' she muttered to herself.
Aki fell asleep on the table. Hearing a slight tune of music that made her relax. She dozed peacefully for the first time she was there.

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(Sorry @11254man for late reply)

"Because I have superspeed. Sometimes, it just makes me talk to fast, so I slap myself to stop. AKA, my break." She answered. "Nice to meet you too.. I'd always like music, and you play great by the way." Mikuru smiled. "I always thought this was like hell, but not fire, just water, and metal.. And powers and abilities.." Mikuru trailed off. Then started talking inaudibly, cause you know, superspeed talking. She slapped herself again. "Heh.. Sorry.." Mikuru said, and tapped the table. "Can I hear you play some more?" She asked with child like excitement in her eyes. 
(Last post before bed)::

Aka felt the usual emotions of social situations flow through her.

So far, not going well.

She sighed and went back to the empty dorm room. Aka reached into her pocket for the pen and pencil she carried with her and found them. But there wasn't anything too write or draw on...unless...

Aka smiled at where the bed had been. It didn't seem there was anything there.

"Great." she muttered, probably for the billionth time in her life.

So Aka tided thing up, looked for her old clothes (they were gone, surprise, surprise) and then began to daydream.

That was what she did when she couldn't read or write or draw and it sort of worked.

She quietly started crying to herself, not uncommon due to her social anxiety, not knowing her room was flanked by Mikuru, Aaron, Aki's dorm room, as well as Luca's and Azlyn's.

But in the end, Aka knew she'd have to dry her eyes and go to class. She tried to sigh, but it ended up more of a sobby-gasp.



@Caffeine Freak


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(Whelp... my response was late too.)

He loosed his flute once more, drawing a warm smile.  "Of course, anything for a friend."

He began to play a rather quick tune, and everyone in earshot would feel some degree happier than they had prior to hearing it.

The music came to an abrupt end, and with it, the strange sense of glee.  He had a good few more eyes on him now, and he seemed content with it.

"Do you have a request?"  He asked, letting his flute rest in his hands.
Mikuru swayed as she heard Tentuo playing, she smiled. "That was great!" Mikuru said and started clapping. She was unnormally happy, even for her standards, she didn't think much into it. "Um.. I don't have any, but I mean anything you play has to sound great!" She said and stood up and started spinning before sitting back down. "Play something else!" She begged and put her hands together just for good measure. 
"Very well." He replied, working to contain his own excitement.  "I am quite glad you like it."

He raised his flute once more and, this time, began to play a bit of a slower melody.  

This one would not incite an abnormal reaction, but sounded wonderful none- the less.  He would continue to play until he was stopped.
Mikuru again swayed to the music, she hated going slow, but this was music, so it was worth it! Once the song was over she clapped again, "How long have you been playing? Do you play anything else besides the flute? Who-" she cut herself off, and slapped herself. "Sorry.. I was going to fast.. Heh.." Mikuru smiled awkwardly. 
He slowed down, lowering the flute once more.  "l'm sorry, I don't suppose you could start from your first question again."

He slung his flute over his back once more.  "I needed a break, I was getting rather winded in my playing anyways."

He again wore a smile, clasping his hands about each other on the table, letting his forearms rest with them.
Mikuru continued to smile awkwardly,

"Y-Yea.. Really sorry about speeding up.." She said and cleared her throat. "How long have you been playing flute?" She asked, putting her arm on the table and her head on her hand, then waited for the answer.

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