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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

(Hmm well seems everyone is doing guard duty. Then)

Suzume was assisting Amanda as best she could fumbling a little worry and stress taking their toll.

Amilia was was Valencia and Solace doing a lap around camp keeping an eye out for monsters that may attempt to attack the camp while they were in disarray. Solace's Lance was a wonderful torche that shed light in whatever direction he willed it too blazing like the sun itself. Valencia's hair still shone with celestial bodies but they were fading gradually as the morning approached. Her bow was taut and her eyes keen while Amilia's hands crackled with lightning.
( It happens man. Let me guide you. Mel Nikki Bianca Artaith and Lia are gone. Sömmer is talking to Chiron.)

Alpha and Delta find Omega. "We need to find the others. The monsters are finding us."

( @Kai&\#039;zen Makaira )
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Elizabeth's head was still pounding when she reached her cabin. She placed a hand on the surface of the door because there was no handle. The two hellfire torches flickered and the door swung open. If a child not of Hecate tried to open the door, they would become insoluble. Tons of books lined the walls of the cabin containing lots of information on spells an potions. The only source of light were glowing magical orbs that emitted subtle light. Across the door is a magical metal wall, decorated with images of a dog, a polecat and a cat, which when activated by a child of Hecate, temporarily fades away, revealing a hallway leading to the bedrooms. Along the left wall, in between two bookshelves is a main closet, filled with cauldrons and many potion ingredients. Elizabeth's bed was one side of the wall and she climbed in placing a pillow over her face to block the subtle light.
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(Yeah. Bianca got mad at her for making them grow all over the cabin so she just grew them there.)

Evan got up, or, fell in this case. He rolled off his bunk to be exact. When he hit the ground, he bolted up and stood. Slipping on an orange shirt and his hoodie, he walked out the door and put on his sunglasses. He then turned back to look at the cabin and underneath his sunglasses, his look was angry. "Crap," he muttered, walking away. Whoever did that is gonna get punished. I'll make their life a literal living hell, he thought, walking into the forest.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
I hope Evan enjoys his surprise. Elizabeth thought with a smile on her lips in her bed.

(Btw, I edited my last post to involve information on the hecate cabin.)
TheGodSnake said:
"Wow," Kyle said as one of them flew around him, "that's really amazing, but maybe you don't have to be so lonely anymore, it seems we have quite a bit in common," he gave her a reassuring smile.
Z blinks and looks at him. "...maybe... But I better get going back to Hollywood... My brother didn't seem happy to see me the first time here..." She said as shadows gathered around her, the wisps lightly tugging at Kyle's clothes gently.

(@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira, @Light, @Wings, @jacunliffe, @TheMadHatter44, @Dolphan of Lyfe)
(Uh no because I had a few pages to read since I finally got internet at my resort)

Newt sighs softly and throws her painting down. "You can't sit still for one second can you... You've only been here for what like 13 seconds and are already bugging leaving!" She snapped and looked at him, looks frustrated and upset.



Amanda goes to find Sömmer to heal her since se knows she got hurt.


Chiron pats her shoulder. "I have faith in you..."
Sömmer didn't say anything. She just nodded a bit and headed back the way she came, moving slower than usual still aching from the force of being blown back. She saw Amanda heading her way and sighed.
Amanda walks over and starts healing her wounds. "...you good?" She said softly while looking at her after wrapping them, has her own wounds but hasn't dealt with them yet.




[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Sebastian smiles, "Good, I'll be waiting....if you ever need me just call, a concentrated thought should be enough."
Valencia got a curious look on her face, "Where are they....do they know about this camp? It should be safe for they."

Suzume smiled, "Ok.....I will get us some food, it should be about time for dinner...correct?"

Solace released Nikki and remembered his staff, "oh check this out.....I won't release it, but this staff turns into a lance and it's perfectly balanced..which is good since I'll be able to fight better....I still need a lot of training though."

Amilia stood watching Caleb "Are you okay......?"

Omega laughed, "Oh yeah just brilliant until they realize I'm straight as a rainbow,"

Dylan shopping with Upsilon, didn't hear Omega's last comment about him being gay, trying to cheer himself and Upsilon up, feels someone touch his butt and jumps a bit in surprise and narrows his eyes before smacking the guy. (@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira )
Sebastian felt that prescence again but it had begun to slip away, his instinct made him reach forward his hand disappearing in a pool of shadow, his fingers feeling someone's collar, he gripped and pulled back with considerable strength looking at the person a bored look in his golden eyes. "You and I need to talk."

(@Soul OMU)

Amilia and the others went back to the camp fire in the center of the cabins talking amongst themselves about the defense of the camp.

Suzume just watched Amanda head out to help another camper and decided to tends to the injured campers that had been moved to a tent that Valencia provided as a makeshift field hospital since the infirmary was destroyed as well.

Omega poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue his cheek itself stinging "Well hello to you too."

Adira strode through the gateway to camp and gasped seeing the wreckage of the big house, "I leave the camp for six months and THIS is what I come back to."
He felt horrible for making Newt mad but this was often the case. He never took more than a few hours or days out of doing anything. He was always on the move and never thinking about taking time to be at camp at all. The reason was he didn't want to be here, not because of the other kids but because he wanted to fight, he wanted to prove the son of Tartarus was willing to defend the other demigods and not be selfish. He wanted to give his father a better name amongst the gods, he wanted only for there to be peace for his father rather than him being known as just a place for the worst of the worst. His father was a truly kind being, he just had the power to contain the wicked and the cursed.

Jim looked at Newt and set down his whip. He had like Newt more then most girls, she was an artist and she was kind. As he moved toward her he moved his left arm behind her and pulled her close."Look, i understand you are worried about me, i understand you want me to take it easy but i can't. I have to do this, they need me and i need them to know no matter how bad things get, i'll be there but i want you to know the same thing so for now i will stay." He said as he placed his left hand on her cheek. "But only for a few hours, then i am gone." He let down his Glamour again and leaned in to kiss her. He didn't know how else to show her he cared for her.

For the last two years, he had gotten to know Newt, he had fallen for her a few days before he went out on his quest. He didn't tell her but he meant to.

Alice had been waiting for Kyle quite a bit now, she was starting to get impatient as she paced up and down a small section of the beach.

She gritted her teeth as the weight of her armour was starting to take a role on her, cold and sleep deprived she started to write a note in the sand.

The note said "Sorry, I went back to my cabin, I hope to speak another time.

Alice began to make her way back to the Apollo cabin, she slowly walked over to it as if at any moment she could of fell over.

She opened the door of the cabin and instantly made her way to her bed.

Not bothering to change she once again collapsed on her bed and slept in her armour.

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