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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

He looked at Newt with a curved lip. "I can't stand still because i am restless, thats all!" He said standing to his feet. He held out his left and right arms toward her. "I am going, they might need my help, i can't let them fall in combat." His eyes shifted as his Glamour kicked in. His true form was covered by it and he stood there with his eyes focused on Newt. " I want you to stay safe ok, i am going there isn't much choice for me but you can stay here. I wouldn't know what to do if you got hurt." He was sincere in his words as he turned away from her to head over to his cabin.

A moment passed and he was standing in a wooded area, the trees swayed in the wind and the sound of animals could be heard moving through the brush as he came to a cave. The opening was a wooden frame made of black oak wood, the door was an off set of white oak and cotton wood. It looked like a patchwork of other woods had been thrown in for filler in the mid between the door and the frame. As he opened the door, cold air rushed out and a low humming could be heard. The room he now stood in was dark and morbid but was also cozy and homely in it's on little way. His bed was the only one in the cabin, a large king size bed made of different bits of wood and bone. Jimmy smiled as he moved across the floor in search of the small groove that opened the wall. His foot hit the groove and the wall on the left side of his bed opened and there was his whip Backlash glimmered in the dim light of the cabin.

He gathered his equipment and readied himself for the trip by looking for this map his father gave him. It was a world map that could send him to a location of his choosing but it was a one way trip so he needed the proper location. He went to find someone who wold have the information he sought.
Upsilon looks at the stores. "Okay, tell me what store you want to check out and we can find where it is with the map." Upsilon smiles.

( Name any store you know. Trust me they have it. )
Abigail walked towards Courtney hoping she wasn't going to attack her randomly. But she still knelt and checked her pulse. It was steady but she was loosing blood. Kurt watched her still motionless.

Sömmer gave him a look. " I should but I didn't and wasn't going to either." She said and then looked away.
Newt blinks. "But Jimmy!" She said as he left and sighed before shaking her head and runs her fingers while ruining her painting. "..." She lowered her head and headed off deeper into the forest.



Dylan goes off with her to Hot Topic.


Chiron sighs and runs his temples. "You should have told me, keeping this was a bad idea."
Sömmer just looks at him. "Bad idea? With the prophecy coming out I was in no hurry since the Titans are even less popular. I like blood in my body thanks." She says though it was a bad time to be sarcastic.
Abigail looked around and her eyes rested on Kurt and she gave him a look that said he was going to be killed rainbow style if he didn't help. He walked over and knealed. He pulled a bottle of ambrosia from a bag and poured it down her throat and silently hoped Amanda would take over.
Courtneys eyes opened for a bit. "Kurt? Abigail? What happened? Whats wrong?" Courtney starts to panic since she can't hear herself talking but she knows she is.
Amanda looks at her. "A spirit possessed you. Lia and Bianca saved you and stood up for you... Chiron sided with you as well... Anyways... Kurt hun, I'll help heal her."
He headed out of the forest but before he reached the edge he saw Newt. "Hey, so listen. I need to get the last known location of the other demigods, Know anyone who might have that info?" He asked as he placed his hand on her shoulder. "You gotta understand i have to find them!" His eyes were intense with fury, he couldn't help it. He needed to do this to prove him self a true hero.
Courtney just sees their lips moving but she doesn't hear a word. She touches her ears lightly and feels the blood. She did read their lips and put two and two together. Courtney starts hyperventilating.
He nodded and backed up, still feeling uneasy.

Abigail looked at Courtney with complete sympathy and compassion.

Sömmer just looks at him. "Bad idea? With the prophecy coming out I was in no hurry since the Titans are even less popular. I like blood in my body thanks." She says though it was a bad time to be sarcastic.
Newt sighs softly and throws her painting down. "You can't sit still for one second can you... You've only been here for what like 13 seconds and are already bugging leaving!" She snapped and looked at him.



Amanda sighs and starts cleaning her wounds.
Courtneys eyes start to tear up as she watches Kurt back away from her. She sees the destruction she had caused and starts having a panic attack.
Abigail looked at Amanda and then smiled at Courtney. She formed a rainbow that sprouted from he tip of her finger and dragged in through the air, sitting between her and the destruction. She just was trying to calm her down in any way she could.
Kurt watches, his skin pale, eyes sad. He liked her but what had just happened had scared him. He didn't not feel safe around but he wasn't comfortable. He wiped the nervous sweat off his hands onto his pants.
Abigail stood ad walked to Kurt. "Hey... are you okay?" She says. Kurt looked up at her and shook his head slowly. "I... never thought she was even capable of that...." He says shakily. Abigail pulled an arm around him and squeezed. "It's okay..." She says softly. He slowly steadies his breathing, his eyes shifting back to Courtney.

Peyton groaned and rolled over in bed, having had headed back to her cabin and pulled a pillow over her head.
Alpha sighs in annoyance when Epsilon doesn't pick up. "It's either they're all dead or they don't care. I hope its the first one."
Kurt just shakes his head. "I know it wasn't... its just... unexpected." He looks at Amanda then "Your my sister... I wouldn't judge you. I don't judge her... I care about her.." He says softly.
Newt sighs softly and throws her painting down. "You can't sit still for one second can you... You've only been here for what like 13 seconds and are already bugging leaving!" She snapped and looked at him, looks frustrated and upset.


Chiron looks at her. "Right... But you must know that I might question your loyalty... But I know you'll prove it..."

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