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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

When Elizabeth gets to the big house she sees Courtney attack another Demigod. "Courtney, what is wrong with you?" She asked her tying to help Sömmer.
Courtney laughs. It seems two voices come out. Hers and anothers. "Oh shut up." Two guns made out of light cover her arms as she starts firing heated light bullets. A bit bigger than usual bullets. She doesn't fire at Elizabeth exactly but she fires in her direction and at other things.
Sömmer gets knocked back and watches for a moment then she draws her dagger and narrows her eyes. She sends a massive wave of white noise into her head hoping to cripple her powers for a moment.
Elizabeth stood for a moment squinting her eyes and her mouth partially open. Wait, why does Courtney have two voices? She wondered. Then Courtney fired the light bullets in her direction. Elizabeth, being a daughter of Hecate, was able to make a full body shield covering. "Courtney stop this!" She yelled.
The guns disappear and Courtney grabs her head. Screaming. Now it seems like more than two voices screaming, as if it were several monsters. It was a horrid sound. Courtney looks over at Sömmer and a burst of light exits Courtney. Reaching out in all directions.
TheGodSnake said:
Kyle sits down on a rock across from her, "so tell me what you can about yourself, let's see if your a threat,"
(I told you guys I was getting on a plane! What the hell!?)

Z sighs softly. "I'm a daughter of Thanatos and im a seer. I have these markings I get from every kill i make"

Lia, Bianca, Artaith, Mel and Nikki make there way to the big house. Amanda currently unconscious, Chiron quickly gets her and Suzume out of the area of the big house.
Brayden heard everything. The rumbling, and the shouting. So he got up and ran over. Seeing a couple of others battling, he drew his sword and flanked the person attacking. The attacker looked familiar, like a camper, so he wouldn't skewer her.

(I guess ignore this since she left.)

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
The not-so Courtney part of Courtney decides to do one thing it thinks will help get rid of the mind attacking. She puts her hands up to her ears and blows out her ear drums with light. Courtney looks over at Sömmer who currently has her eyes shut. Blasting a beam of light over at her.
Sömmer gets hit with the light blast, grits her teeth and braces herself, tightening her muscles trying to absorb it unsucessfully. She opens her eyes and looks around at them. "Hows the leg?" She growls her eyes darkening. She threw the knife aiming for the stomach but the light threw her off balance so she had no idea where it would hit her. If at all.
Courtney looks at the 5 questers as her ears start to bleed. She growls at them, a bit too loudly as if she can't hear herself growling.

The knife hits Courtney in the arm.
Sömmer takes a few steps back, her red hair whipping in her face, hiding the nosebleed that had started from both the telepathy and the trauma. She watches the knife hit her in the arm and the growling is loud. She can see spots from the constant light blinding. Sömmer takes the opportunity to walk over to the 5 questers.
Elizabeth became frantic. She took down the shield and thought about ways to hurt not- Courtney but not hurt the real Courtney herself. What about a soul blast? It requires a great amount of energy but it might be the trick to getting the thing out of her. "Forgive me Courtney if this hurts." She yelled and focused all of her energy into a sharp single lance designed to puncture the soul. Once Elizabeth had focused she left it go and fell to her knees with a headache.
Lia narrows her eyes as her eyes glow. Bianca growls herself and shakes the earth. Artaith brings in storm clouds as she glares. Mel and Nikki summon in their elements.
Soul OMU](I told you guys I was getting on a plane! What the hell!?) Z sighs softly. "I'm a daughter of Thanatos and im a seer. I have these markings I get from every kill i make" ([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/9888-thegodsnake/ said:
Kyle nods, sensing that she was still really cautious and tense, "Y'know, if you know so much about me, you should know that I'm pretty trusting and don't attack unless provoked, you don't have to constantly be ready to run," he couldn't tell exactly what it was, but something was different about her, and he liked it.

(Don't you just LOVE flying?)
Courtney pulls out the knife in her arm uses it to slightly move the soul lance away from her. Barely missing her torso. She looks over at the five questers. A crocodile's head made out of light appears on her left arm and a dragons head on the right. She runs at the questers.
TheGodSnake said:
Kyle nods, sensing that she was still really cautious and tense, "Y'know, if you know so much about me, you should know that I'm pretty trusting and don't attack unless provoked, you don't have to constantly be ready to run," he couldn't tell exactly what it was, but something was different about her, and he liked it.
(Don't you just LOVE flying?)
Z looks down and sighs. "...well I don't remember much about my childhood... I was an orphan for my life and often stole and ran..." She said softly.




Light said:
Courtney pulls out the knife in her arm uses it to slightly move the soul lance away from her. Barely missing her torso. She looks over at the five questers. A crocodile's head made out of light appears on her left arm and a dragons head on the right. She runs at the questers.
Bianca growls and summons skeleton warriors, rushes at her as Lia, Artaith, Mel and Nikki do as well.

Newt painting when he asks that and blinks when he kisses her cheek but shakes her head. "I don't think so, I'm particularly useful on quests... Plus I'm sure if you ask Amanda she'll give you something to do... Besides its not that horrible sticking around camp.... Your always jumping from one thing to another... Never stopping to appreciate the beauty in things..."

Sömmer moves out of the way and lets the girls deal with her. She wiped her nose and just watched since her knife was now held hostage and her sword was back in the cabin.
Courtney runs up to a skeleton and punches it. The dragon head violently bites onto the head and fires flames out of its mouth. Destroying it. Courtney swings her left arm at another one and it chomps down with so much force it crushes the skeletons skull. Courtney starts shooting flames out the dragons mouth at Lia Artaith Mel and Nikki.
"I don't know if I'll ever be able to settle down with somebody. Okay?" Upsilon sighs bitterly. "I just don't make the right choices you know? I don't think anyone will ever love me."

Courtney tilts her head, unable to hear her since the spirit literally blew out her ear drums to make her deaf so her body couldn't hear someone expelling the spirit inside her.
Light said:
"I don't know if I'll ever be able to settle down with somebody. Okay?" Upsilon sighs bitterly. "I just don't make the right choices you know? I don't think anyone will ever love me."
Dylan sighs and stops her. "Hey.. That's not true... I believe you'll find someone... Besides I love ya sis." He said as he hugged her tight.

Bianca narrows her eyes since Lia froze her in time and slowly makes her way towards Courtney and jabs her arm down her throat to rip out the spirit.
Upsilon nods her head and hugs him back.

The dragon and crocodile disappear as the spirit tries to make a final attack but fails. The spirit it ripped out and Courtney goes limp. Ears and arm bleeding.

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