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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

Delta turned away and sighed. Wondering where Beta and Gamma are now. A clattering sound is heard behind him. Delta turns and sees a skeleton in armor. With a shield and a sword in hand.
TheGodSnake said:
"No need to be so hostile," Kyle said as he opened the bottle and the water tower out, forming an orb that floated in midair, "fair warning, this may hurt a bit," he said as he moved closer, he kneeled down next to her and the water spread over the wound, barely touching it, "ready?" He asked before he started.
Z sighs a bit and nods. "Yeah I'm ready you tosser... And I'm only being hostile because I don't bloody well know you that well... All I know is that your a son of Poseidon... A lonely one who has lost mostly everything and even has fake memories of his sister..."

"Alright," Kyle said as the water plungers onto the wound, forcing itself into the small crevices of the bloodied flesh, extracting dirt, traces of metal, and blood, leaving the wound completely sterilized, "so how do you know that stuff about me?" E asked as the water pulled away and formed into a red orb with its other contents floating around in it.
Delta is currently having the skeleton's shadow fight it while he fights it as well. The skeleton shield bashes Delta and parries its shadows strike. Delta gets up while its distracted and brings his sword down on its head. The shadow also takes its sword and hacks from the bottom up. Slicing upward through it. While Delta slices downward. Their blades connect at the chest and bounce off each other. One going to the left and one going to the right. Exiting the skeletons body. Cutting it into fours. Both the shadow and the skeleton turn to dust. Delta makes his way out. Frantically trying to find Gamma and Beta.
Soul OMU]Z sighs softly as she runs her hand along her leg. "...just call me Z. I don't remember my full name..." ([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/9888-thegodsnake/ said:
"Well then, nice to meet you Z," he then stops for a moment, focusing before the orb of bloodied water does the same, after a moment all of the blood, and other contaminants pulled from Z's leg fall to the ground, leaving the orb clear and clean. "Neat trick Huh?" He smiles at Z as he guides the water back into the bottle.
Courtney ventures out the camp borders thinking she heard Scruffy. When she exits she suddenly feels funny.
Soul OMU]Z watching him for a moment before turning her head. "Hn... I suppose so..." She said as she watched her wisps. ([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/9888-thegodsnake/ said:
@TheGodSnake[/URL] )
Kyle sits down on a rock across from her, "so tell me what you can about yourself, let's see if your a threat,"
Both Vanessa and Carly walk around the edge of camp, just talking to each other. When they got to the lake, Carly made sure Vanessa was on the outside. If they slipped, Vanessa would catch her.
Courtney walked up to a random cabin when a ringing sound erupted in her ears. Her eyes turned gold and her voice seemed cold and rasp. "Kill." She turned away and started walking to the big house with her hands glowing in light.
James was walking around camp, not at the campfire. He preferred not to be with anybody. As he walked out of the forest, he passed the lake and noticed two people. He continued to watch them from the shadows, his eyes darting from one to another.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
Courtney stood infront of the big house. "Kill... Chiron." Courtney stomped her foot on the ground and a surge of large spikes made out of light erupted out of the ground in a wave. Hitting the Big house and shredding it.

( @Melody Frazier @Soul OMU @Kai&\#039;zen Makaira @Wings )
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A sudden ripping/grouning sound filled the air. Elizabeth wirlled around yo face the sound. The big house was being shredded by large spikes of light. She gasped and ran to the house.
Sömmer snapped out of sleep, the tearing of wood jolting her out of sleep. She grabbed the dagger off of a counter and tore out of the cabin. She tore off in the direction of the big house. When she arrived, her jaw dropped, her eyes darting between people. Her eyes landing on Courtney and the light spikes. She looked around and then spoke low to her. "Courtney.... why would you do that?" She wasn't panicking like a few but she was intent on neutralizing the situation.
A blur of light trails behind Courtney and she's suddenly infront of Sömmer. Giving her a cruel smile. She pokes the air infront of Sömmer's face. "Boop." The light from her finger ripples like a drop of water hitting more water. Then the force comes in like a blast of wind spirits hitting Sömmer.

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