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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

((I've been doing that for years. Or if they don't log out go in and change the time settings. I have been doing it for years. if you need help pm me. My parens have NO IDEA))))


Z sighs softly and lifts up his chin. "Your not boring... Bringing yourself down doesnt make talking to you much better.

You can't be so down all the time... Think positive things..." (@TheGodSnake)
Kyle raises an eyebrow, "well, I'll try, but if I'm thinking positive things, then it's also possible for you to mend things with your brother," he steps back and cracks a smile, If there's one thing I'm good at its at least getting people to talk about their crap, I mean, I managed to make a bond with a sister I didn't know that I didn't actually know,"
TheGodSnake said:
Kyle raises an eyebrow, "well, I'll try, but if I'm thinking positive things, then it's also possible for you to mend things with your brother," he steps back and cracks a smile, If there's one thing I'm good at its at least getting people to talk about their crap, I mean, I managed to make a bond with a sister I didn't know that I didn't actually know,"
Z sighs softly and runs a hand through her hair. "I don't know... I don't think that's a good idea.." She said softly while lowering her head.

He smiled "Well let us be on are way then." He walked slowly as they made their way towards his cabin. His eyes glowed softly in the dark forest, he was happy at that moment with everything in his life but he knew as soon as he was called back into action he would have to leave her behind and that as something he wasn't so happy about. As they reached the cave he opened the door with his foot and took her inside. On one side of the cabin there was a full dining area and kitchen, along with a small fire pit with the pits of Tartarus i graved in greek on the side. " Home sweet home!" He said as he waled over toward the table and scooted out a chair. He set Newt in it gently and went to the kitchen to cook.

(@Soul OMU)
Courtney got up. Not having any injuries that could stop her from walking that Amanda didn't heal. Her head hurt though but she could manage. She couldn't hear a thing, gods she wished Scruffy was here. He'd probably be his only friend about now. She knew what she had technically done and say the way people looked at her. Especially Kurt. She choked back tears and walked to the door.
TheMadHatter44 said:
He smiled "Well let us be on are way then." He walked slowly as they made their way towards his cabin. His eyes glowed softly in the dark forest, he was happy at that moment with everything in his life but he knew as soon as he was called back into action he would have to leave her behind and that as something he wasn't so happy about. As they reached the cave he opened the door with his foot and took her inside. On one side of the cabin there was a full dining area and kitchen, along with a small fire pit with the pits of Tartarus i graved in greek on the side. " Home sweet home!" He said as he waled over toward the table and scooted out a chair. He set Newt in it gently and went to the kitchen to cook.
(@Soul OMU)
Newt smiles a bit and watches him in amusement before resting her chin on her hand. "I'm not completely useless you know..." She said while crossing her arms, is very slender and slim. "But I can't say I'm against this."



Diego nudges Courtney with his heads.
" Well this is my home, you are my guest so i do the cooking!" He said with a smile dancing on his lips. "So do you like bacon and eggs?" He asked opening his fridge. He had almost anything you could think of in there, food from all around the world and back. He had a good bit of money saved up from his adventures, he had acquired a good deal from his father as gifts as well. He was never boastful about how good he had it but infact he did because he wanted for not. "Or we have some ham and turkey or beef curry?" He said looking over his fridge.
TheMadHatter44 said:
" Well this is my home, you are my guest so i do the cooking!" He said with a smile dancing on his lips. "So do you like bacon and eggs?" He asked opening his fridge. He had almost anything you could think of in there, food from all around the world and back. He had a good bit of money saved up from his adventures, he had acquired a good deal from his father as gifts as well. He was never boastful about how good he had it but infact he did because he wanted for not. "Or we have some ham and turkey or beef curry?" He said looking over his fridge.
Newt smiles a bit and shakes her head. "You bloody git, still I wouldn't be a good guest if I didn't offer my help..." She said while getting up and making her way over.

Elizabeth walked back to her cabin after being rejected by the infirmary. I'm going to see if I can create a new potion. She thought as she grabbed out ingredients, potion making tools and a caldron. She ground up some ingredients and dumped them in. If anyone was walking past they could see smoke billowing out as a clue that potion making was at work. She ground up more ingredients and dumped them into the caldron. Elizabeth didn't notice that she accidentally knocked an ingredient in and a purplish green smoke flew out of the cabin. Elizabeth started coughing and waving the smoke from her face. She ran out of the cabin and the smoke followed forth. It spread over the camp. "Oh shit." She said out loud.
(I don't know man. :D )

Elizabeth ran into the camp freaking out because one, she was scared that she might have destroyed the Hecate cabin, and two, she had no idea what the potion would do.
He smiled at Newt as she stood. "Ok, well what would you like to do?" He aske now holding up a cutting board and a frying pan. He want to cook but he didn't want her to feel left out.

(@Soul OMU )
"Everyone watch out for the purpley green smoke! It might do something to you guys!" She ran around screaming.
He smiled and looked for his muffin pan. He took it out and went through the cabinets to find the flour and pulled the eggs out of the fridge. He was moving at high speeds and he also got the vanilla and sugar out. " Ok, lets make cupcakes!" He said with s grin.

(@Soul OMU )
Courtney sighs and walks out the cabin. Having her hand on the hellhound seeing that it barked in agreement. She keeps her head low unable to meet the glares and looks she's getting.
Soul OMU]Z sighs softly and runs a hand through her hair. "I don't know... I don't think that's a good idea.." She said softly while lowering her head. ([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/9888-thegodsnake/ said:
Kyle shoved his hands in his hoodie's pockets, "well, who's your brother then?"

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