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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

Z smiles a bit in amusement as she shadow travels and stops in the forest around the camp, thinking to herself. "Hmm... Interesting guy... Maybe I will stick around..." She mused to herself while walking the forest grounds.

Shadow wisps float around Kyle before heading to the woods.

'What the hell' Kyle thinks as shadows float around him before floating into the woods, "if you'll excuse me I should be right back," he said to the Apollo girl before following the shadows into the trees.
Z wandering the forest, limping a bit, thinking as she does. "I wonder what's taking my wisps so long... I hope they aren't up... To something..." She muttered as one out of her three wisps appeared. "...what are you planning?" She said as the one wisp hummed and nuzzled her bloodied hand.


Alice watched Kyle walk into the woods.

Alice picked up a few pebbles and stones from around the beach and begun to throw them into the water, Alice still had no memory of where she had been or what she had been doing for the past few days? Months?

There was no way of telling.

Alice made a ball of fire in the palm of her hand she started to play around with it as she waited.
Upsilon ends up punching the guy in the jaw. Dropping him. She walks over to him and picks him up by his collar. "You may be cute. You may know a thing a to about Greek mythology as well but that doesn't mean you ever talk about Zeus in that manner. Ever again! Here me?" The man nods his head frantically as she throws him down in disgust. "Dylan! I'm going." Upsilon walks down the street.
Dylan blinks and looks over to where Upsilon is walking away, standing beside Omega. "Hey! Wait up!" He said and quickly jogged after her, not before flashing Omega a wink and vanishing after Upsilon around the corner.
Light said:
"We need to find something to do." Upsilon runs her hand through her hair.
TheGodSnake said:
Kyle walked into the clearing and saw Z, and her hurt leg, although he didnt recognize her, he was instantly worried for her, "Oh my gods, are you okay?"
Dylan keeping up with her. "Gay bar?"


Z grunts and sits down. "It's nothing, don't worry about it.." She muttered as she spotted the other two wisps and glared at them. "Bloody trouble makers..." She said as the two wisps floated around Kyle's head.

Sömmer massages her temples, sitting on her bed.

Kurt heads to he infirmary to turn off lights and put away supplies before he goes to bed.
"Yeah why not." She starts walking in the direction of the gay bar.

Delta decides to also take a break and iris message Sömmer.
Sömmer sighs and looks up at the iris message. She lowers her hands and forms a small smile. "Umm hi... again."

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