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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

Bianca rolls her eyes. "This is serious! There could be a war and millions of lives will be lost if we fail! This isn't funny Beta! Anyways I have to go because I have an immature asshole of a boyfriend!" She snapped and dispersed the Iris message.
Blue stops laughing. "She only calls me Beta when shes mad..... crap." Blue bites his bottom lip and shakes his head. He walks away thinking about what he had said. Catching up with Delta and Gamma again.

"Are you going to break up with him?" Courtney stands in Bianca's cabin. No sign of her previous breakdown.
Bianca sighs and shakes her head. "No... But I need a favor of you... Can you watch Diego when I'm gone?" She said as the large hell hound/three headed dog leapt onto her bed.

Soul OMU]Lia walking to her cabin said:



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(Who's characters are open?)

Kyle is sitting in a chair just outside his cabin, focusing and trying to collect water from the particles in the air and having no success.

Zane was at the arena, training himself by trying to manipulate his sword into a spear, to make it easier for throwing.
(@Dolphin of Lyfe I'm just going to pretend Evan went to sleep.)

Elizabeth grinned and waited for Evan to go to sleep. After about five minutes she crept to the hades cabin and focused all her energy to made plants of bright colors cover the cabin.
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Sebastian hurried up and wrapped Lia up in a hug, "Don't go........please. Any quest with more than tree people is just that much more dangerous...I can't lose you."

[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]

Valencia smiles a bit holding theta on her hip, "Nice to meet you my name's Valencia...I kinda wish mom told me about you sooner. And that we didn't have to meet with war around the corner."

Suzume became even more worried when she said she was sick, "What can I do to help....."

Omega nodded and turned his head forward, "Alright so you won't get burned by the queen B good I have enough problems without having to crush another scorned lover."

Solace rolled his eyes, "How is this supposed to be more bal....anced?." Solace had grabbed the spear and found dispute it's size it felt light to him and was near perfect for him. At his touch the metal glowed getting a flame colored aura he instantly lit up the flames merging with that of the spear. "Ok....I can work with this."

(Solace will soon become a badass......not like Sebastian but much better than he was. Oh and here's his spear the dormant form too.)

ActiveView attachment 90947

DormantView attachment 90948

Mid form View attachment 90949

Lia closes her eyes and sighs. "Sebastian... I have to go... You know what will happen if I don't... I'll be okay... I promise..." She said softly while leaning back against him.

Theta bites his lip. "I guess they just forget sometimes.."

Amanda closes her eyes. "Glass of water with a tylenol..."

Dylan stretches and puts his arms behind his head. "I ain't interested in any of them anyways they're pretty and all but not my kind of coffee."


Bianca steps out of her cabin with Courtney and growls. "What the fuck do you think your doing girly?" She said as she stalked towards Elizabeth.
Elizabeth turned towards the girl. "Playing a trick. Don't worry though, I'll take them down tomorrow tomorrow." She told the girl who was looking pissed.
Bianca growls. "You do realize this isn't just one person's cabin that it belongs to three of us? I suggest you take these monstrousities down before I do it myself." Her Hazey gold eyes focused towards her.
Elizabeth raised an eyebrow. "Okay, how about I just make Evans side covered in plants but leave everyone else's space alone?" She tried to make a deal.
"Okay." She told the girl and made the plants grow on Evan's side. Damn that girl is damn. She thought and walked away.

Lia closes her eyes and sighs. "Sebastian... I have to go... You know what will happen if I don't... I'll be okay... I promise..." She said softly while leaning back against him.

Theta bites his lip. "I guess they just forget sometimes.."

Amanda closes her eyes. "Glass of water with a tylenol..."

Dylan stretches and puts his arms behind his head. "I ain't interested in any of them anyways they're pretty and all but not my kind of coffee."


Bianca steps out of her cabin with Courtney and growls. "What the fuck do you think your doing girly?" She said as she stalked towards Elizabeth.

Sebastian turns her around and kisses her his arms firmly wrapped around her.

Valencia nodded, "True but seriously, I knew you were around I found have searched for you instead of dealing with those terribly monotonous days of guard duty."

Suzume nodded and quickly retrieved what was asked of her of course she could have just levitated everything but getting it herself was more her style. She sat down next to Amanda and offered the pill and water to her, a meek smile on her face.

Solace walks towards Nikki's cabin cooling off the flames and turning his spear into its dormant form mainly by chance since he had only been concerned about always having to carry the burning spear around and boom it became the staff. "Nikki."

Omega looks at the boy, "What exactly do you mean by that??" He eyed the boy suspiciously looking to see if he had a reason to punch him or not.
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Sebastian turns her around and kisses her his arms firmly wrapped around her.
Valencia nodded, "True but seriously, I knew you were around I found have searched for you instead of dealing with those terribly monotonous days of guard duty."

Suzume nodded and quickly retrieved what was asked of her of course she could have just levitated everything but getting it herself was more her style. She sat down next to Amanda and offered the pill and water to her, a meek smile on her face.

Solace walks towards Nikki's cabin cooling off the flames and turning his spear into its dormant form mainly by chance since he had only been concerned about always having to carry the burning spear around and boom it became the staff. "Nikki."

Omega looks at the boy, "What exactly do you mean by that??" He eyed the boy suspiciously looking to see if he had a reason to punch him or not.

Lia blushes in surprise as her eyes widen a bit at the sudden kiss, slowly wrapping her arms around his neck.

Eric smiles a bit. "I guess she thought she was doing what she thought was best... I was with my dad and some of my other siblings, dad liked to help orphans..."

Amanda smiles tiredly and takes the pill while glupping down some water.

Nikki packing some of her few stuff. "Hm? Vhat iz it Zolace?" She asked while turning around.

Dylan grins a bit. "I'm not into girls dude. Never have, im gay."
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Lia blushes in surprise as her eyes widen a bit at the sudden kiss, slowly wrapping her arms around his neck.
Eric smiles a bit. "I guess she thought she was doing what she thought was best... I was with my dad and some of my other siblings, dad liked to help orphans..."

Amanda smiles tiredly and takes the pill while glupping down some water.

Nikki packing some of her few stuff. "Hm? Vhat iz it Zolace?" She asked while turning around.

Dylan grins a bit. "I'm not into girls dude. Never have, im gay."

Sebastian pulled away slowly, "You better come back to me."

"Hmm your dad? Were your siblings demigods too?" Valencia asked looking at her little brother curiously.

Suzume sat close and watched Amanda, "Will you be okay, can I get you anything else?"

Solace wrapped her in a hug keeping his new staff in his hands, "Tek care of yourself alright, no overheating, and no freak blizzards, I won't be there to calm you down." He smiled.

Omega grunts in response, "Huh."
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Sebastian pulled away slowly, "You better come back to me."
"Hmm your dad? Were your siblings demigods too?" Valencia asked looking at her little brother curiously.

Suzume sat close and watched Amanda, "Will you be okay, can I get you anything else?"

Solace wrapped her in a hug keeping his new staff in his hands, "Tek care of yourself alright, no overheating, and no freak blizzards, I won't be there to calm you down." He smiled.

Omega grunts in response, "Huh."

Lia bites her lip and grabs his collar and kisses him. "I will... Promise." She said softly while looking at him.

Eric nods. "Mhm. They were... Their mortal parents didn't want them...." He said softly while looking at her.

Amanda nods. "I'll be okay... Thanks" she said while kissing her cheek and settling down.

Nikki hugs back shyly. "I will... And I'll try..." She said softly while stepping back to look at him.

Dylan looks towards him. "What about you? Your probably great with the ladies, Hm?" He said while raising a brow.

Alice lay in her bed in the Apollo cabin, snoring rather loudly.

She had been patrolling the camp the entire day, or was it night?

Alice had a habit of losing track of time, no matter how obvious it is.

Alice opened her eyes slowly, she had big bags underneath them, she hadn't gotten much sleep.

She stood up out of bed slowly, she had slept in a light Crimson red plate of armour with her two swords strapped to her waist.

She hadn't even noticed, she must of been really tired, but this made things easier for Alice, she wouldn't have to spend time getting ready.

So Alice rushed out the door.
Kyle gives up and goes to take a walk, Having gotten used to being alone. For some reason people didnt seem to want to be around him, which was fine by him, he had other things to occupy his time. He walked over to the beach and set to work on a new project, creating a large sculpture out of ice, he didnt have any idea of what he wanted it to look like so he just froze water in whatever shape it took. A small part of him denying what he told himself about being alone. From the beach he could see the cabins and saw the apollo girl leave her cabin, 'thats odd' he thought to himself as he worked, 'havent seen her in awhile,'

zane had finished training and was walking through the middle of the cabins, currently wondering where the hell his siblings that he heard about were. his hands were in his jacket pockets but he was still ready to fight if the need arose. he was headed for the rec room.
Z floating around camp, in the shadows, watching everyone and raises a brow. "Hmm... Interesting..." She said before fading. "...so the son of Poseidon is lonely..."


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Alice saw Kyle standing at the beach

it had actually been a while since Alice had seen anyone actually, Alice spent most of her time at the entrance of Camp Half Blood or hanged around outside of it.

Well that's what she used to do, but one day she blacked out, only recently she had woken up, but since then she has felt different.

Alice started to wander over to the beach where Kyle was.

She stopped reasonably far away from him and said.

She had no idea what to say, so she just said.

"That ice is pretty."

Kyle had seen Z for a moment before she faded, "what the hell," he muttered to himself right before Alice showed up, "thanks, I really have no idea what is going to become, but I'm bored so what the hell." He stopped for a moment and looked at her, "I see you every once in awhile but not for very long and you never talk to anyone, who are you?" He asked hoping it didn't sound rude.

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