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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

"I don't know either actually" She says with a grin. "Maybe my mom likes skittles." She looks over at the fire.

(Aww now I want skittles)
(I have a couple packs of skittles with me.)

"Maybe. She should market rainbow snacks," Brayden replied, grinning. He chuckled at the thought. Made with real rainbows! he thought, grinning again.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
Carly didn't want to leave Vanessa in case her only friend left. Still, she did want to meet the new guy. She had heard that he was pretty cute. "I'm gonna go find him. If you leave this camp, you might as well go to the Underworld because you are going to meet Hades soon." She spat, searching the lakeside for Brayden, knowing that's where Poseidon kids hung out. "Brayden?"
"Yeah. I could imagine that it wouldn't market very well," Brayden replied, laughing a bit. He then got up and stretched, yawning. He was tired from sitting on his ass pretty much all day.

(Can we leave the campfire?)

(Ignore this post please.)

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
Vanessa laughed her head off. "Carly, you're going the wrong way. All the kids are at the campfire." She chuckled, coming up behind her friend and lifting her up and over her shoulder until Carly was secure on her back. A few minutes later, they made it to the fire. "What did we miss, guys?" She addressed everyone.
Mel looks up from where she is, has Zane's around her shoulders. "Oh hey! We're just waiting for Chiron and Mr. D to tell us what's up... Chiron said it was important... But since Amanda isn't here at the moment we can't start..."
Ryan and Brayden replied in unison, "Nothing really." They both stood up and raised an eyebrow. He chuckled as Ryan came to sit next to him. "You freaking read my mind sea spawn."

"The name's Brayden," he introduced himself to Ryan as he grinned.

(Meh. Dolphception. I felt like they should meet.)

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
Vanessa smiled at them. "Thank you, boys. I don't think I've met you yet though. I'm Vanessa, sorta like a junior camp director here. Chiron is my father." She hated introducing herself like this.

"And, my name is Charlotte, but you can call me Carly." Carly introduced herself. "Actually, call me Carly or I swear you'll regret it." She climbed down off of her centaur friend. "I'm Erebus' daughter. One of two here."
"Ryan, son of Asclepius," he introduced himself, sticking out his hand. "I'm a medic. That's why you may not see me a lot." He usually introduced himself that way, since he was usually in the infirmary.

"Brayden. Call me anything else and I swear you'll end up in a damn river," he told them, grinning. He didn't know why he said that, but he did. Eh, he was odd most of the time.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
Vanessa quickly smirked at Ryan. "What a coincidence. Tell me, Ryan, what are my kind known for? Or are you a demigod that knows nothing of us?" She loved teasing.

Carly liked this guy already. He had the same attitude she did. "Put me in a river and Tarturus will be waiting for you, as will Erebus." She grinned like a Chesire cat.

@Dolphan of Lyfe
"Most are wild and savage. They're known for drunkenness. And Chiron was my father's mentor," Ryan replied, looking like a deadpan. He laughed a bit as she smirked at him and thought he wouldn't know.

"Nice. But I can handle that, possibly," Brayden replied, grinning oddly and scratching his head. He chuckled at her telling him that and also grinned.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
Elizabeth was sitting at the magic campfire enjoying the heat and light the magical flames were giving off. Even though she had been at camp for a while, she had still never gotten over the fact that the flames changed color and height with more people singing and being happy.
Vanessa didn't like that answer. "Try again, kid. This time, be careful. I do not appreciate skinny little brats like you that still need babysitters talking about my people like that." She wanted to keep joking and make friends, but that was just something that kept bothering her. "My people also heal, boy!" She hissed.

Carly had to hold her friend back. "Well, that's good, Brayden." She was starting to get nervous. "Gods, help me." She pleaded, knowing that Vanessa was much stronger. "Apologize, Ryan!"
Upsilon gets on the dragon and flies off to where Delta had said Epsilon and Gamma would be at. They were close by and this dragon travels swiftly. It would take the others a while to subdue Omega anyways.

Courtney left the camp borders and approached the new girl at the campfire.

( @Wings )
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"Why? It's true," Ryan replied, turning around and walking away to a different seat while looking through his enchanted medical bag. He chuckled a bit at her reply, as it didn't faze him. "Skinny? Hell naw."

Brayden chuckled. "That medic can be an annoyance, and he also tells the truth a lot," he replied. He yawned and closed his eyes for a minute as he rested them. As he opened them, he looked around and looked at the magical fire.

Sydney, or Gamma to her friends, was playing her guitar. "Shit," she muttered, looking up and seeing a dragon. She didn't draw her dagger just yet knowing that it could be friendly, but she could be wrong.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
Emily or as few knew her as Epsilon was currently get herself a mocha pumpkin latte, humming softly as she winked at the cashier before making her way out of Starbucks.
Long before the dragom lands Upsilon sends Father an iris message. Telling him about whats happening. Also getting him to make sure Theta is ready for an accurate shadow travel.
Elizabeth gazed up from the flames and saw a girl approaching her. "Hello!" She waved to the girl.
Courtney smiled. "Hey you new here?"

The dragon lands infront of Gamma. Upsilon jumps off and immediately flies over to her. Tackling her in a hug.

( @Wings )

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