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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

"Bianca! Is that how you're gonna dress on our first long distance conversation?" Blue says jokingly as he grins.
Bianca isn't looking towards the message because she can't see or feel it. "...because something important is happening tonight... But Chiron will blow the horn when it happens.."
"Uuuughhhh stop following the rules and spend some far away time with me!" Beta starts to whine and complain.
(You realize every single one of your characters run their hand through their hair when they're a bit nervous?)

[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Mel running a hand through her hair, smiling a bit while looking down a bit.

"So, now that you know exactly what I'm feeling, why don't we enjoy this bonfire" zane said, trying to make Mel laugh a bit.
Light said:
"Uuuughhhh stop following the rules and spend some far away time with me!" Beta starts to whine and complain.
Bianca's eye twitches. "Your starting to sound like a baby.."


TheGodSnake said:
(You realize every single one of your characters run their hand through their hair when they're a bit nervous?)
"So, now that you know exactly what I'm feeling, why don't we enjoy this bonfire" zane said, trying to make Mel laugh a bit.
(That's cuz its what I do when I'm nervous, or I play with my sleeve.)

Mel smiles a bit. "Okay..." she said while looking towards the fire and listening to the Apollo kids sing some cheesy camp fire songs.

"Alright.... Bianca...." He sighs. "I love you stay safe." With that he made one goddess very unhappy.
Beta was the last to wake up. They had arrived in Alaska. Which was a place Omega would be, since the Gods can't govern you on what you kill if they can't reach you. A wonderland for Omega.

Delta had already cast a heating spell on the dragon to make sure it doesn't freeze to death.

"Where do we look first?" Upsilon looked towards Delta.

"I can feel him close by but... I have the feeling he wont show himself until we play his little game of cat and mouse... my guess is. We're the mice." Delta gulped.

"Well.... I think somebody should watch the dragon while the do that uhh.... hunting thing." Upsilon suggests. "Dibs."

"Dibs on what?" Beta tilts his head.

"Dibs on watching the dragon you stupid ass!" Upsilon shakes her head. The rest agree and run off.
(Mostly on me, I can't post ever usually after three on weekdays and rarely on weekends)
Carly sighs. "I think we're missing the campfire." Vanessa laughs. "Nobody will miss us. I could walk out of this camp right now and not a single person would notice." They both burst out laughing.
(Blake is on his date. The mercenaries got a ride on Sömmers dragon. They picked up Upsilon. Delta has a crush on Sömmer. People are singing by the campfire. Suzume and Amanda are flying. Poseidon children are meeting eachother. Mercenaries destroy a factory filled with armored cyclops making weapons.)

"Who's a good dragon? You are! You are!" Upsilon rubs the dragons large jaw. The dragon opens its jaw and Upsilon jumps in its mouth. "Where's Upsilon?" She jumps back out. "Here I am!" She jumps back in. "Where's Upsilon?" She jumps back out. "Here I am!" She jumps back in and the dragon closes its jaw. "Ooookay. We're done with this game." The dragon opens its jaw and she jumps out. She hears a sound. "Shit! Is that Omega?!" She jumps back in the dragons mouth. "Close it close it! The dragon closes its mouth.

( @jacunliffe )

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