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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

Vanessa hated it, but she ignored her best friend's mood. Carly could get this way some times, when she had nothing else to do, when she felt isolated and alone. Vanessa knew that and sometimes felt the same, not being like the other kids in her own way. That's why the two stuck together. They were different.
"Okay then. Were you going to do anything about it or...?" She says.

Abigail smiled tilting her head to the side. "Yay!"
Alpha speaks up continuing the chant. "First comes love."

Blue bridges again. "Then comes marriage."

Upsilon stands up on the dragon and then switches up the words a bit. "Then comes a baby and I become Auntie Upsi-!" Delta runs at her and tackles her off the dragon. Screaming. "I'm gonna kill you!"

"Upsilon really took it too far.... think we should apologize once they're done fighting?" Alpha questions.

"Nah, just keep going." Beta says.
Vanessa knocks on the Erebus cabin door again. Carly burst out, having lost what little sanity she had left. Throwing her arms around the centauride, the demigod wept. "D-Did it hurt? W-When Chiron left your m-mother?"

Vanessa knew that this conversation would come up at least once in her life. "Well, I can't really say that. My mom was pregnant when he left. I never met him until I was...five, I think." She inhaled. "You aren't alone in your anger and sadness though. I am very angry at Chiron, just like you're angry at Erebus."

Carly looked up at her best friend, eyes red and puffy and her voice coming out hoarse and croaky. "I'm a real idiot, aren't I?" She questioned. Vanessa smiled softly. "Not really. You have a right to be angry. Erebus wasn't actually under Zeus' rule, so he has a right to see his kids, but we all have Daddy issues, I guess." She continued. "But, I do know that, if you keep building up that anger, like I did and still do at times, it'll be your real killer, because the only one it's hurting is you."

She stared out at the lake. "Thanks, Vannie." Carly smiled, wiping her cheeks and staring in that direction too. "So, what about that new Poseidon kid?" Vanessa asked, changing the subject. "What about him? All the 'Big Three' kids are selfish and entitled." Carly hated to think of them. "And, you like him." Vanessa teased. "Well, let's just say I'm glad that the gods have nothing better to do sometimes. The results come out favorable occasionally." Carly giggled.
Upsilon uses the winds to slow them down but not enough. They both land on a car. The windows shatter and the alarm goes off. They both groan in pain, feeling broken.

"I'm.... sorry man." Upsilon manages to cough out. "You know I love you bro." Upsilon lazily tries to reach over and hug him. While Delta puta his hand on her face to push her away while in pain. Like two turtles wrestling.
[QUOTE="Soul OMU](Aww okay.)
Mel bites her lip and shakes her head. "I don't know... Sometimes people do that..." She said softly while sighing.

Johnathan playing his guitar while some Apollo kids sing to the music, smiles a bit as he starts to sing as well.

Zane raises an eyebrow, "well, im not one of those people, as I told you when we first met, I dont say things like that to just anyone."
( I meant does someone who has something to do with the prophecy have to confront her for it to hit her? Or does it come at anytime?)
(It comes anytime but for quests they must confront her, Amanda is currently flying with Suzume, so she's not on the ground to tell the prophecy and who is going on the first quest. Also Bianca is going to be in mortal peril soon btw.)
(Wait what?)

Upsilon has the winds carry them back to the dragon. They flop back on and don't say a word. Since they're too tired. Everyone goes to sleep but Beta. Who is too busy thinking about Bianca. "I bet she misses her amazing boyfriend. She must be panicking thinking about my awesome well-being."
Beta can't stand it anymore so he sends Bianca an iris message. He thinks about camp and Chiron. Which makes the message accidentally reach Chiron. "Bianca! You don't have to worry. I'm just fine see! He points to him and everyone on the dragon. We took care of those cyclops too. I can't stop thinking about you though!" Blue finally looks up at the image and his jaw drops.
"Yeah Chiron... I uuhh... can't stop thinking about you! Did I say cyclops? I meant to say Chihuahua."
Blue looks back at the others whom are asleep. "Ooohh.... time to get some one on one time with, Bianca." Blue's eyebrows do an up and down movement with the mention of her name.
"Oh yeah! Tell Sömmer I got killed or something. I want to see the look of devastation on her face when she sees me walk through the camp borders alive. Cya!" The iris message cuts off and he makes another one to Bianca.

( @jacunliffe )
Chiron rolls his eyes and shakes his head before rubbing his temples.

Bianca getting ready to go to the campfire, changed into ripped skinny jeans, studded belt, black hoodie over a black tanktop.

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