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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

"Well anyways I have to go." Alexandra runs off to the other side. Laying low. She finds places where sunlight hits the trees and sticks a dagger into them. To make them reflect the light and draw the archers attention away from herself to fool them. She keeps doing so until she spots a lightweight looking camper. She throws her dagger into his sword arm's joint. Continuing by running up and kicking the side of it, popping it out of the socket. Before he manages to comprehend what happened to him she covers his mouth and puts her dagger to his neck. "You will do as I say, when I tell you I'm done with you you'll go to sleep." She uses forcing charmspeak on him. He nods in agreement as she grabs him putting him infront of him and heads back to the border awaiting anyone who passes. Hiding.

Blue and Delta drive in a car they've just stolen. "Oh by the way. We have to go to California." Blue starts to use the cars GPS while Delta looks at him with wide eyes.
Bianca grits her teeth as pulls it out. "...of course it was the snake that bit me... Damn it..." She muttered and started making her way to the fridge to get a drink.
Blue glances over at Delta. Then back at the road, then at Delta again. He does this a couple times before asking. "So you sure Gamma and Epsilon still together?"

Delta sighs and nods his head.
Bianca grunts and collapses while leaning against the fridge. "Fuck... Diego!" She called as a large black mass flew from the shadows and opened the fridge for her.
"Well that sucks... I made a bet with Sigma. My part of the bet was predicting Gamma breaking up with Epsilon. We bet our life savings on it..." Blue chuckles. "He probably thinks I'm dead anyways."
Bianca grabs a vial of nectar and downs it before coughing and hissing in pain. "Fuck..." She said and slid down against the fridge. The beast looked at her and whined a bit.
(Bianca nnnoooo.)

"You know... now that I think about it couldn't we catch a ride from those taxi ladies? Much faster huh?" Blue starts to drive faster. "So.... who are you all working for now? I know Alpha didn't come to the camp for no reason."
Valencia saw the person standing near the opponents flag and though it would be simple to just overpower them she wanted to be sure, she made hand gesture to Artaith that signaled that she would sneak around to the rear and that Artaith should go to the other side. She looked back at Solace and whispered quietly in his ear. "Go in blazing." Solace looked confused then nodded before backtracking so he wouldn't shed light on Valencia when he turned the fire on, Valencia cloaked herself with shadows that mirrored those through the bushes so she looked like nothing more than just another shadow. She drew her bow back and scanned the area glancing up into the trees to make sure she kept their flag in sight. She paused in the middle a a cluster of bushes noting a girl in a tree about ten feet away. At that moment Solace went charging into their camp spewing flames everywhere.

"Mmm" was Sebastian's only reply, he looked down at Lia and just sighed a very sad look in his eyes. He turned his head forward and his arm snapped out grabbing an arrow that had been flying towards Lia, he pulled her towards him wrapping and arm around her shoulders and placed her head against his chest. His other hand rested on this hilt of his sword which generated shadows which he shot back the orbs that hit the archer was blunt but hit him like a wall knocking him over. He still held Lia as he took cover behind a tree, three more arrows flying past them. "Not a good time to talk."

Amilia let the lightning kick up now since the battle had progressed, she had zapped three boys, who had attempted to get into the camp, the ares kids were doing well at keeping the other team from getting in. Then another boy came in he looked brawny and wielded a war hammer which gave Amilia the thought that he was a Hephaestus kid. She held her ground and the boy laughed before rushing her, Amilia watched his steps, hips, and shoulders seeing his attack before he made it. She brought her sword up the flat of her blade meeting and redirecting his hammer strike to her left, a quick twist of her wrists and the tip of her sword was at his neck. She winked at him and blew a kiss before zapping him with lightning sending him flying back through the woods. "Too easy." She turned around and made sure the flag was still there before watching the perimeter again.
( Biaaaaannncccaa.)

Delta shrugs. "So you don't even know who you're currently working for?" Delta shakes his head.

"So even Alpha's in the dark on this?" Delta shrugs.
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Valencia saw the person standing near the opponents flag and though it would be simple to just overpower them she wanted to be sure, she made hand gesture to Artaith that signaled that she would sneak around to the rear and that Artaith should go to the other side. She looked back at Solace and whispered quietly in his ear. "Go in blazing." Solace looked confused then nodded before backtracking so he wouldn't shed light on Valencia when he turned the fire on, Valencia cloaked herself with shadows that mirrored those through the bushes so she looked like nothing more than just another shadow. She drew her bow back and scanned the area glancing up into the trees to make sure she kept their flag in sight. She paused in the middle a a cluster of bushes noting a girl in a tree about ten feet away. At that moment Solace went charging into their camp spewing flames everywhere.
"Mmm" was Sebastian's only reply, he looked down at Lia and just sighed a very sad look in his eyes. He turned his head forward and his arm snapped out grabbing an arrow that had been flying towards Lia, he pulled her towards him wrapping and arm around her shoulders and placed her head against his chest. His other hand rested on this hilt of his sword which generated shadows which he shot back the orbs that hit the archer was blunt but hit him like a wall knocking him over. He still held Lia as he took cover behind a tree, three more arrows flying past them. "Not a good time to talk."

Amilia let the lightning kick up now since the battle had progressed, she had zapped three boys, who had attempted to get into the camp, the ares kids were doing well at keeping the other team from getting in. Then another boy came in he looked brawny and wielded a war hammer which gave Amilia the thought that he was a Hephaestus kid. She held her ground and the boy laughed before rushing her, Amilia watched his steps, hips, and shoulders seeing his attack before he made it. She brought her sword up the flat of her blade meeting and redirecting his hammer strike to her left, a quick twist of her wrists and the tip of her sword was at his neck. She winked at him and blew a kiss before zapping him with lightning sending him flying back through the woods. "Too easy." She turned around and made sure the flag was still there before watching the perimeter again.

Light said:
( Biaaaaannncccaa.)
Delta shrugs. "So you don't even know who you're currently working for?" Delta shakes his head.

"So even Alpha's in the dark on this?" Delta shrugs.
Lia blinks in surprise at all the sudden events that happen that she can't help the blush creeping along her cheeks and shakes her head. "Probably isn't..." She said as her eyes glowed and the hands stopped at 12 before stopping everyone within 20 to 30 feet around them in time.

Nikki's eyes widen as she sees the fire and her eyes start to glow as she gets lost in a memory and starts freezing everything around her at a quick pace, shaking hard as blizzard strikes around her.

Blake squawks in terror as he tries to keep grounded, shaking.


Bianca unconscious, letting her body along with the help of the earth fight the poison in her body. Diego curls around her.
"So you're telling me... you don't know who you're currently working for but you still take the job? Delta if there's one thing I've told you guys it's never take a job from someone you can't see, kill, betray, or take advantage of. No matter how much pay they offer!" Blue yells and Delta flinches. Making him accidentaly use magic to send them to Bianca's house. The car smashing through the wall.
Bianca snaps awake and quickly jumps to her feet as Diego snarls and growls, his three heads snapping and growling. Bianca narrows her eyes, "God fucking damn it..."
Sebastian blinked he noticed that there was no sound, no wind, everything was still. He looked around the tree and and jerked his head back, two arrows were frozen in midair, he looked all around and saw campers frozen in place. "You did this?" He said turning his face towards Lia's and saw a slight pinkness in her cheeks. "I guess we may talk now."

Valencia dashed out of the bushes as Solace ran towards the flag so far unopposed, and then the klutz fell, slipping on some thick half melted ice which he saw coming from...Nikki? "Oh Crap my fire!" He out himself out and slid towards Nikki fierce cold winds sending bits of ice at him Valencia swerved around the mess using an arrow with a blunt tip, she took aim ad Nikki's gut wanting only to knock the wind out of her...possibly knocking her back to her senses. She fired the arrow and had another ready shooting up into the tree at the flag knocking it out of the tree. Valencia reached up waiting to catch it. Solace kept attempting to walk towards Nikki genuinely concerned, "Nikki!!! It's alright the fires gone...it's just me now..it's Solace!!"

Amilia sensed the shift in the wind a blast of cold washing through the woods, Suzume sensed this too and tensed, "Something is wrong."
They still scream and hug onto each other until they notice it's over. They try to unlock the door but they fail to open. They put down the windows and crawl out of them proceeding to take a pose. "Mercenaries Beta and Delta at your service. Well ex mercenary for me."
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Sebastian blinked he noticed that there was no sound, no wind, everything was still. He looked around the tree and and jerked his head back, two arrows were frozen in midair, he looked all around and saw campers frozen in place. "You did this?" He said turning his face towards Lia's and saw a slight pinkness in her cheeks. "I guess we may talk now."
Valencia dashed out of the bushes as Solace ran towards the flag so far unopposed, and then the klutz fell, slipping on some thick half melted ice which he saw coming from...Nikki? "Oh Crap my fire!" He out himself out and slid towards Nikki fierce cold winds sending bits of ice at him Valencia swerved around the mess using an arrow with a blunt tip, she took aim ad Nikki's gut wanting only to knock the wind out of her...possibly knocking her back to her senses. She fired the arrow and had another ready shooting up into the tree at the flag knocking it out of the tree. Valencia reached up waiting to catch it. Solace kept attempting to walk towards Nikki genuinely concerned, "Nikki!!! It's alright the fires gone...it's just me now..it's Solace!!"

Amilia sensed the shift in the wind a blast of cold washing through the woods, Suzume sensed this too and tensed, "Something is wrong."

Lia takes a deep breath, a large clock appears behind her and is glowing and starts counting down the time she has to hold this. "I suppose we do..."

Blake got caught in the storm and is squawking up a storm because he can't control his wings since they are covered in ice as he slams smack into Valencia's face.

Nikki shaking, creating a massive snow storm as a ice pillar shoots up to protect her from the arrow, eyes glowing brightly, can't hear Solace or anyone, lost in a vision of fire and death.

Amanda blinks and looks at her while bandaging a Hephaestus kid. "...Huh?"


Bianca raises a brow, unimpressed. "What are you doing in my apartment, and second how the hell did you manage to crash it into my wall?" She said as Diego looked like a normal Rottweiler.
"Yeah Delta. How did we manage to crash into her wall?" Delta backed up a bit looking guilty. "Anyways we came for you. Well I did but I'm just forcing him to come with me."
Bianca raises a brow. "Excuse me? Came for me? honestly... I left for a reason Blue so don't think you can come here and order me around." She growled as she stalked up towards him, each step the earth cracking under her tiny feet. Diego started to growl as his mistress got angry.
Bianca growls even more as the dye vanishes from her roots and starts melting back to her original black locks as she stalks towards them. "Because of you and that bitch!" She snarled and smashed her fist against the wall, completely cracking the wall and causing it to rumble and fall into dust.

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