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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

[QUOTE="Soul OMU](A child of Aphrodite can only charm speak males... If they are female, it's all on there sexuality.)
(Also GS, the archers? Lia's team doesn't have them...)

( Alright.)
Kurt pulled a bag off of a shelf and pulled out a piece of ambrosia. "Here, according to the bag its chocolate flavoured but I can't guarantee" He says , his gaze not wavering from the girl. He held it out to Courtney.
"Capture the flag. You scared or something?" She chuckles and looks at her hand.

Courtney takes the ambrosia and eats it. Calming down. "Thank you."
"No problem." He looked to where she was holding her leg. "Nasty wound there.." He says "You want my sister to take a look? She's ten times better at this than I am." Kurt says looking slightly concerned.
"If you say so..." He says still a bit unsure about the wound in her leg. Having seen the damage Sömmer did and the strain Courtney had been under firsthand, even with rest he worried she would feel it for a while. But never the less, he smiled a bit back and launched into conversation. "So whos your godly parent?"
"Well that's very sweet of you. Also odd, not many would volunteer to hang out with me infirmary or not." She looks at the ceiling.
She thinks back to the minotaur and the manticore. "Lets just say my decisions have affected others." She turns her head to Kurt. "What weapon do you use?"
"Alright. Sorry if I'm seeming awkward. You probably have better conversation with Amanda. You can talk to her if you like." Courtney looks him in the eyes.
Kurt laughs a little. "Yah. When I forget super personal information and sound like an idiot. Highlight of my day" he says and smiles a bit. "But for the record your not that awkward."
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Bianca watching him before grabbing onto him lightly and shadow travels them there before leaving. "Your welcome..."she said before heading back to her hide out. (She dropped him off in the middle of the capture the flag game. @Johnomono)

Artaith nods and summons her sword before jogging towards the border line.

Mel nods as she summons her sword and gets ready with the ares kids.

(@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira )

Valencia jogged alongside Artaith her bow in her hand and an arrow at the ready, she moved quickly and silently the lessons from Artemis second nature to her she weaves through the underbrush scarcely disturbing a leaf. She was kindly slightly distracted as her mind drifted to the rose tucked behind her ear, she felt her cheeks threatening to heat up and violently shoved the thought from her mind

Solace followed farther behind and while he wasn't as skilled as Valencia he moved with some awkward grace his sword in his hands and his heartbeat in his throat.

Sebastian stuck with Lia though for some reason kept his sword sheathed, he didn't utter a word just stayed silent a deadpan expression on his face he left no sign of emotion.

Amilia had her sword in her hands and was watching the entrance to their, main camp intently.
Artaith quietly moving through the forest with Solace and Valencia, keeping her ears and eyes open for noise and disturbances.

Lia slowly making her way to the flag. "...I know you were hurt earlier from what you did this morning..." She said while spotting the other teams flag and watching the defenses.

Nikki and Blake flying around as well but being discreet and quiet, Blake lands and shifts human so he doesn't get stuck.

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