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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

"Well, good thing I'm not trying to intimidate you, I'm just a bit angry, but more at one of the gods." He flipped his knife again turning it into a sword, "and for what it matters, I'm getting the flag." He stormed off, and in his anger, he thought that he had pulled the water from the buckets, but had in fact pulled it from the air, to make a shield of ice on his right arm.
Artaith snorts. "Right... 'Why are all men complete dicks again...? Oh right superiority complex...'She thought the last two phrases to herself.

(Also pulling water from air is very hard and complicated... It took Katara a short time to learn it because she was under dire situations...)
( Wow... here comes a cross country trip.)

Alexandra keeps close tabs on her teams flag.

Blue finally managed to kill the monsters but Delta is still chasing him. He fires some exploding arrows back at the corner Delta's about to turn and then turns a corner himself. Only to face his own arrows. Delta switched the alleys around. "Well played.... crossroad kid." Blue sighs as the arrows blow up.
(And he's royally pissed that his memories are a lie, he doesn't realize he did it, he won't do it knowingly, or probably at all, again at least for a long time.)
( Is capture the flag going or are they just setting up the flags? Also I'll only be referring to Delta as Delta and not give him speaking roles. Kind of like how we use the monsters so I wont have to make a character sheet.... I hope.)

The blast knocks Blue down but doesn't injure him too badly since they're made from his power. He gets up and turns around receiving a punch to the jaw followed by a kick to the chest knocking him on his back. Blue readies and fires an arrow at Delta's head but it's easily dodged.

Delta pulls out his sword and attempts to stab Blue but Blue rolled out of the way and fired another arrow. Knocking the sword out of his hand. They both ready another weapon. Delta with a throwing knife and Blue with an exploding arrow. "We don't have to do this Delta. Look I have someone important to me who's missing. You can help take me to her, just do me this one favor! You have no reason to fight me unless you want my.... rank..." Realization dawned on Blue. Delta only wanted to kill him for his previous rank. He fired the arrow and Delta threw the knife. They met halfway and knocked both of the boys back by the explosion.
( I feel like Blue's going through a Mario scenario. Can he make it to the castle which is Hollywood which is also really far from New York?)
( xD Hollywood is also where the entrance to the underworld is. :P and night Kai, also okay Light. And Johnomono i said you could jump in if you want to have him run into Bianca his half sister.)
( Okay all Blue has to do is let Delta kill him. I'll be posting serious posts tomorrow but for now I'll do parenthesis.)
(Ask in the ooc or the pm.)

Bianca walking around Hollywood, currently dressed in a black hoodie, jeans, beads around her neck, bandana tying her hair back and flipflops on her feet, not paying attention as she runs into Mason, "sorry dude." She said as she walked passed him. (@Johnomono)
[QUOTE="Soul OMU](Ask in the ooc or the pm.)
Bianca walking around Hollywood, currently dressed in a black hoodie, jeans, beads around her neck, bandana tying her hair back and flipflops on her feet, not paying attention as she runs into Mason, "sorry dude." She said as she walked passed him. (@Johnomono)

(Thanks but you gotta wait. Working)
Blue and Delta get up after being knocked down. Delta picks up his sword and swings at Blue.

Blue ducks and gives Delta a jab in the sword arm. Stunning Delta, he grabs the blade with his hand drawing blood and pushes the hilt into Delta's nose. Finishing it by sweeping his feet from under him and slamming his fist into his chest making Delta hit the ground hard.
Kyle, stil angry, walks into the river, making water cover his body, making an inch thick layer around his body, he then storms into the enemy forest.

Zane had fallen asleep in the tree and didn't know that Capture the flag had started below him.
Bianca feels a shift in the air behind him and swears a bit before pulling her flipflops off and throwing it at the Chimera that had appeared behind Mason with a Snake Woman. "Look out!" She snapped and pulling him out of the way. (@Johnomono)
Mason snarled and turned quickly, pushing past the surprise from the girl seeing the chimera as well.

He quickly reached into his back pocket, pulling out a small black blade.
Bianca snorts, staring blankly ahead. "Unless you know how to actually fight a chimera and an Ednina I suggest we run to fight another day." She muttered while standing by him.

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