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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

She blinked a second, her mouth popping open as she lost herself in thought for a solid minute. "Jesus fucking Christ," She hissed, eyes wide, an old habit from her former religion coming back. "I can't even imagine how hard that's gotta be. Especially with Sunshine riding her ass."

(Light ive told you before that if you spoil anything i stg i will hunt you down and kill you)
Sebastian walked through camp with a blank expression on his face he was clearly lost in thought mainly about what happened earlier with Lia. He headed towards the mess hall knowing she would be there, the dark images Grimm had shown him flashing through his mind as he contemplated whether or not he should share them with her. If they could disturb even him how would she react... He was leaning towards trying even as he entered the mess hall even moreso as he saw her. He grabbed a plate and filled it haphazardly though when he was finished it wasn't very full at all having more of a snack than a meal, he sat across from Lia a plain, "Hey." Being all that was said.

Valencia had arrived at the mess hall sometime earlier and was busying herself with nothing in particular doing her own little training by spreading her shadow all the way across her table. Being the only Nyx child as far she knew her table was always lonely. That is she saw an Asian girl sitting alone as well, she decided to join her at what was apparently the Aeolus table.

Suzume was greatly surprised when another camper joined her but was disappointed a bit when she found it was not the girl from the infirmary. She looked down at her plate curious about this girl but not having the courage to utter a word let alone start a conversation.

Solace nearly had a heart attack when the harpies swarmed, all he could do was run his anxiety causing flames to sputter in and out of existence with each step. He had drawn his sword in hopes to ...wel he didn't know what he had wanted to happen he initially just swung frantically hoping to cut something. All he managed to do was smack a harpy in the face which served only to piss her off. And now he ran his only guides were a gut feeling and an odd frequency he had been hearing at louder and louder volumes as he got closer. He sprinted dashing across some road and straight into the woods being abused by branches as he bolted through, but it was nothing compared to his stepfather's beatings, though it was worth it to spare his mum. He finally broke through and went head over heels down a wickedly steep hill. As he laid at the bottom he was jolted out of his exhaustion Toby the screeching of harpies which got him off the ground in record time. He sprinted to his right feeling the ground rise under him he swung his sword more and lopped off some tree branches that would have hit him but unfortunately left an easy trail for the harpies to follow. They dove at him repeatedly clawing up his back shoulders and arms adding more to the scars on his skin. He fought to get away but was knocked down on a particularly step hill, he turned his head to the side and saw an odd single tree that had gold glittering on a branch and something that appeared coiled at the base. Soon enough the harpies landed and peck at him repeatedly, "Someone anyone please, HELP!!" He curled up and frantically waved his sword to fend them off, feeling only the sharpness off their beaks and the warmth of his blood soaking through his clothes.
Johnathan raises a brow before realizing who she meant. "Ohhh! The broken sun! Got it. And she definitely won't let him... She's to scared to let anyone in... Except family and close friends..." He said while sighing


[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Sebastian walked through camp with a blank expression on his face he was clearly lost in thought mainly about what happened earlier with Lia. He headed towards the mess hall knowing she would be there, the dark images Grimm had shown him flashing through his mind as he contemplated whether or not he should share them with her. If they could disturb even him how would she react... He was leaning towards trying even as he entered the mess hall even moreso as he saw her. He grabbed a plate and filled it haphazardly though when he was finished it wasn't very full at all having more of a snack than a meal, he sat across from Lia a plain, "Hey." Being all that was said.
Valencia had arrived at the mess hall sometime earlier and was busying herself with nothing in particular doing her own little training by spreading her shadow all the way across her table. Being the only Nyx child as far she knew her table was always lonely. That is she saw an Asian girl sitting alone as well, she decided to join her at what was apparently the Aeolus table.

Suzume was greatly surprised when another camper joined her but was disappointed a bit when she found it was not the girl from the infirmary. She looked down at her plate curious about this girl but not having the courage to utter a word let alone start a conversation.

Solace nearly had a heart attack when the harpies swarmed, all he could do was run his anxiety causing flames to sputter in and out of existence with each step. He had drawn his sword in hopes to ...wel he didn't know what he had wanted to happen he initially just swung frantically hoping to cut something. All he managed to do was smack a harpy in the face which served only to piss her off. And now he ran his only guides were a gut feeling and an odd frequency he had been hearing at louder and louder volumes as he got closer. He sprinted dashing across some road and straight into the woods being abused by branches as he bolted through, but it was nothing compared to his stepfather's beatings, though it was worth it to spare his mum. He finally broke through and went head over heels down a wickedly steep hill. As he laid at the bottom he was jolted out of his exhaustion Toby the screeching of harpies which got him off the ground in record time. He sprinted to his right feeling the ground rise under him he swung his sword more and lopped off some tree branches that would have hit him but unfortunately left an easy trail for the harpies to follow. They dove at him repeatedly clawing up his back shoulders and arms adding more to the scars on his skin. He fought to get away but was knocked down on a particularly step hill, he turned his head to the side and saw an odd single tree that had gold glittering on a branch and something that appeared coiled at the base. Soon enough the harpies landed and peck at him repeatedly, "Someone anyone please, HELP!!" He curled up and frantically waved his sword to fend them off, feeling only the sharpness off their beaks and the warmth of his blood soaking through his clothes.

Lia finishes her meal as he sits down. "...hello Sebastian." She said curtly as she got up to scrap her plate.

Nikki was in the forest when she heard a cry for help and blinked as she made her way towards the border and bit her lip as she headed across towards the voice, getting the wind to carry her.

Amanda busy working away in the infirmary, hasn't eaten at all today.
"I understand that feeling," She said, rubbing the back of her neck with her hand. "I spent a lot of time like that." She let the words float in the air, then turned to face Johnathan, resting her arm on the back of her chair. "What about you? Care to spill 'bout the skeletons in your closet?"
"Like your dirty secrets," She said with a lazy smile. "The deets, y'know? If you don't want to, it's all good."
Johnathan shrugs. "Don't really have any..." He said while stretching and getting up. "I'm going to go get Amanda some food, she tends to forget to eat.." He said as he left.

Bryan sighs. "Well she's around here somewhere.. And your in Camp Jupiter now."
"Oh." Blue finally recognized this place. He was once ordered to mingle with the demi-gods here and report back everyday to whom hired him to do so back then. He couldn't remember he just wanted information on the camp. A simple get in and get out. That was years ago though. Blue made sure to take him out after he stopped being a mercenary to make sure the man couldn't do harm against the camp. "It's been a while..." Blue whispered to himself.
Sebastian finished his....meal quickly tossing a apple he grabbed off of the serving table into the flames, and stopping by Lia, "We need to talk."

Solace still swung his sword but much weaker getting lucky and burying the tip in a harpy's chest but as it fell back it pulled the sword from his hand and his instincts took over turning him into a living bonfire as everything including his clothes turned to flame which the harpies attacked less vigorously but attacked nonetheless.

Suzume divided she was finished eating at the same time she decided to seek Amanda out. She rose from the table looked at the dark-haired girl in front of her, "Must find Amanda now." She used the wind to clean of her plate and put it with the dirty dishes before leaving heading to the only place she knew Amanda would be, the infirmary.
She did a mock salute with her index and middle finger, smirking a bit, then leaned her head on the back of the chair, her eyes drifting shut.
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Sebastian finished his....meal quickly tossing a apple he grabbed off of the serving table into the flames, and stopping by Lia, "We need to talk."
Solace still swung his sword but much weaker getting lucky and burying the tip in a harpy's chest but as it fell back it pulled the sword from his hand and his instincts took over turning him into a living bonfire as everything including his clothes turned to flame which the harpies attacked less vigorously but attacked nonetheless.

Suzume divided she was finished eating at the same time she decided to seek Amanda out. She rose from the table looked at the dark-haired girl in front of her, "Must find Amanda now." She used the wind to clean of her plate and put it with the dirty dishes before leaving heading to the only place she knew Amanda would be, the infirmary.

Bryan walks out of his bunker. "Anyways we should probably find Bianca before the arse hole does..." He said as he started looking for her.


Lia looks at him briefly. "Do we now? Hm I don't know, I'm kinda busy..." She said as she started walking.

Nikki senses te heat and stops momentarily before flinging icicles at the harpies wings from afar since she didn't want to get to close.

Johnathan walks into the mess hall as Suzume leaves, he glances at her before shrugging and getting a plate for Amanda.
D.J's stomach grumbled, and she tried not to growl herself. She hated going to the mess hall, because all that awaited her was an empty table and people reverently giving their food to parents that did nothing to deserve it. Rising from her chair and bundling her bomber jacket tighter around herself, D.J cursed explicitly, causing Kali to squeak, as she left the Big House for the pavilion. The walk was long, especially with snow hindering her, and she tried not to look to sour as she stepped into the mess, snow freezing her combat boots. She got her food and grudgingly offered a small portion to the gods, then sat at her table alone, eating her food - pasta, like her mom made - with a little more force than necessary.
Sebastian sighed with exasperation and took two large steps towards Lia grabbing the arm at the elbow to turn her to him, "Whatever it will take for us to be on good terms again I swear on the river Styx I'll do. But we really need to talk."

Solace's flames dimmed as the pecks from the Harpies lessened. He rolled away grabbing his sword and standing aware of a throbbing pain in his side that was surrounded by warm wetness, "Can't die yet." He noticed ice spikes sticking through the wings of many harpies and charged them I their disorientation, he killed three with his sword which was miraculous before running toward the girls who was standing there. He hoped she didn't see his fire not wanting more people to think he was a freak, "Run!" He stopped in front of her putting himself between the girl and the monsters hoping to protect her, though curious as to why she was in the middle of the woods. The remaining Harpy charged squawking loudly a menacingly making Solace jump and close his eyes swinging blindly and decapitating the beast.

Suzume, reached the infirmary and popped her head in with a quiet, "Hello?"
Finally finishing his project, Zane put on his helmet and goggles and walked up to the top of the hill. "Let's hope this holds up," he mutters as he tightens the bindings to his boots. He goes down once, and the opposite side holds up, so he builds up speed before doing an inversion and holding it for about a minute before dropping again.
Kyle walks around the camp, somewhat aimlessly, with snow in his hand, trying to figure out ways to manipulate it, since it is ice.
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Sebastian sighed with exasperation and took two large steps towards Lia grabbing the arm at the elbow to turn her to him, "Whatever it will take for us to be on good terms again I swear on the river Styx I'll do. But we really need to talk."
Solace's flames dimmed as the pecks from the Harpies lessened. He rolled away grabbing his sword and standing aware of a throbbing pain in his side that was surrounded by warm wetness, "Can't die yet." He noticed ice spikes sticking through the wings of many harpies and charged them I their disorientation, he killed three with his sword which was miraculous before running toward the girls who was standing there. He hoped she didn't see his fire not wanting more people to think he was a freak, "Run!" He stopped in front of her putting himself between the girl and the monsters hoping to protect her, though curious as to why she was in the middle of the woods. The remaining Harpy charged squawking loudly a menacingly making Solace jump and close his eyes swinging blindly and decapitating the beast.

Suzume, reached the infirmary and popped her head in with a quiet, "Hello?"

Lia looks him in the eyes, studying them for a moment. "...fine. Let's go then." She said as she headed to her cabin.

Nikki started to panic a bt as he drew nearer, starts asking it snow once more as she starts to run on the air, putting a lot of distance between them.

Amanda glances up from her desk. "Hm? Oh hello." She said and smiled gently. "Did you need something?"

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