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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

Bianca keeps walking, pulls her hood up as she tries to figure out what's wrong with her and why she's getting upset about something like this when they are just friends right? She though to herself.
Bianca stops walking eventually and sighs as she runs a hand through her hair. "...oh gods... I like the tosser... Oh fuckity fuck..." She said as she gripped her hair.
Lucy watched the two, and had to brace herself against all of the raw, conflicting emotions. She followed the girl, Bianca, into the woods, running to keep up. Sneaking through the woods to keep observing. Blinking at the spray of words, she realized that the odd boy was the cause of the commotion. Practically vanishing, only to reappear at her shoulder, her eyes grew shrewd, though none could see them. Her horizon blade was working perfectly. "He does like you..." she whispered into Bianca's ear, before flitting away from her reach. She froze in place to continue watching, but without causing movement.
Bianca snorts. "Great... I'm hearing voices again... And he doesn't like me. He can and probably has every girl he could ever want." She muttered while continuing to walk towards the border, not sure where she's going.
("...oh gods... I like the tosser... Oh fuckity fuck..." I'm literally crying I feel that so hard. Bianca, I feel you)
"A voice?" A voice?! was the spell that effective? No... She released a choice word which she had just learned, and started walking next to Bianca, changing sides occasionally. Regaining control, she said, "But that is why he must want you, Bianca. When he can have all of the girls ever, then you are the thing that he cannot have. Because of that, he wants to be near you. Why do you think he tried to follow you here if he didn't care?" she waited for a response to what she considered her best argument.
Lucy turned imperceptibly, and then scorned, saying in a hushed tone, "And now, he is begging you to simply talk with him. Go on, at least see what he has to say?" she stepped a few meters ahead, searching for something she could use to block Bianca should she deny.
Bianca shakes her head while walking. "There's nothing to talk about! Just leave me alone and chase after some other girl!" She said as started running,
D.J left the cabin after resting a bit, rolling her aching shoulders as she headed to the infirmary. She had heard about a bunch of kids there who had been hit by everything from giants to dracaenae, and most were probably bored out of their skulls. Stopping on her way their at her cabin, she grabbed two board games she kept under her bed. Not that she had siblings to go against, but her mother had insisted she bring them. At first, it seemed stupid, but now they seemed to have their uses. After a long walk to the big house, D.J arrived in the infirmary, nose and cheeks flushed from the cold, and peered in to see if anyone was awake.
Lucy smiled. She then did three things. Trip, knock over Bianca, and dropping her knife, releasing her invisibility. "Oops." she whispered as she ended up on the floor covered in mud.
Bianca growls in annoyance. "That's bullying child." She said as she looked blankly at the other girl, blind, but shadow mist starts to surround her as she gets ready to shadow travel. "...I'm not forth chasing after Sunshine. I'm the darkness that gets chased away by the light. While the light is loved the dark is hated." She muttered before starting to turn into shadow.
D.J smiled at the slight stir, putting the games down on a table as she went over to the girl. Her glass of water was empty, so D.J refilled it as she watched for any sign the golden haired girl would wake.

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