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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

Nikki pushed herself to move faster before tripping on a root just before the border, the cyclops and hell hounds were on her in an instant. Nikki tried to get away as she was lifted up by her neck, the air in her lungs was starting to disappear and the world was spinning for her.
Zane finished eating and left the pavilion, on his way past his board, he carried it behind him with his mind. Bringing it to him, he caught it and walked towards the cabins, keeping his mind open to read thoughts of people who passed, wondering if he would hear anything interesting.

As he got to his cabin near the border, he heard a faint cry for help, and it was fading. 'I'll find you' he called back, hoping that whoever it was heard him.

@Soul OMU
Nikki slips into unconsciousness as she hears in her mind faintly, 'I'll find you...' The cyclops trio laughed and readied their weapons to finish her off, a dark murderous look in there eyes.

Mel finishes eating and starts walking, thinking deeply as she does; wandering near the border.
Blue looks over since he was already outside the border. He pulls out his bow firing an arrow. Hitting the cyclops holding her up in the neck. It doesn't kill it but it stuns it. The cyclops drops her and Blue runs over catching her.
(I thought she was pretty far away from camp?)

Somehow, Zane realized he knew what direction The other person was in, and started running in that direction, wishing he could use telekinesis to run faster. He hears the sound of a hell-hound as he breaks into a clearing, summoning his sword and throwing it, slicing the Hellhound almost in half.

@Soul OMU
Blue rests the girl down on a tree. Deciding to help Zane out a bit before leaving. He fires two arrows. One for each foot of the cyclops. The arrows turn into a vortex absorbing its feet and making it fall. Blue proceeded to fire an explosive arrow and the cyclop's face lands on it. It detonates and the cyclops turns into dust. Blue runs off to the infirmary with the girl in his arms.
(She was, she had been in town before and then she managed to get to the forest, and please don't rp scenes when I'm not here. xD )

Nikki, unconscious, freezing everything she touches unconsciously, completely unaware of what she's doing or that she's making it snow.
Blue's arms start to freeze. "Oh no you don't!" Blue attempts to run faster through the snow. He can no longer feel his arms. The infirmary in his sights. He lets out a faint light from his body trying to keep himself warm.
Zane summons his sword back to him and Does a TK jump and lands on a cyclops as Blue takes out a different one, a quick stab through the face, takes care of the second cyclops and Zane makes the last one fall with telekinesis. As it starts to snow, he laughs. "No clue what's happening but let's finish this!"
(Amanda is unconscious in the infirmary, Blake is in the infirmary with wings because he didn't shift back in time, Courtney is asleep in the infirmary...)

Nikki, making it snow hard, unconscious and freezing him slowly but surely because he's holding her.

The monsters vanished into dust once they were beaten.
Kyle walked out of the Pavilion and saw Blue running with a girl in his arms, snow starting to fall heavily everywhere around camp. He ran towards them, seeing that the girl was freezing things, "don't take her into the infirmary, take her to the lake, it looks like she won't hurt others there, and I can carry her using the ice."

Zane laughs as it snows harder. "I hope this stays for a bit longer, I could use some legitimate board time, but that girl still needs help." He ran back to camp, and TK leaped forward, almost catching up to blue and getting close enough to hear Kyle.
Blue has to make a decision now since Amanda is unconscious and he can't bring her into the infirmary. Since she might make it snow on the other patients. Blue lays her down in the snow by his feet and comes up with a crazy idea. "Maybe if I can use the same tactic I used on the dragon to make it grow maybe I can help her out. Maybe I can speed up her bodies natural healing process." He holds out his hands over her. The golden symbols appear and spark. As soon as he starts Blue feels drained already. He decides to pray to the gods as well. To aid him in this task.
(Thank you)

She woke up with three major feelings. Confusion at where she was, sorrow at what had beset her the night before, and an overwhelming sense of anger. Swallowing the anger with all of the control that she could muster, and rolled off of the bed. Pain flared in her leg as it thumped against the floor. It had somehow been bandaged. "Oh, good." she whispered into the room. "They took me to the insane asylum, I... will be... alright. I can't hurt anyone here. Then she saw the boy with wings. She stood against the wall, almost shrinking, and then saw the lights. Outside, a battle was occurring. Why did they have to hurt these people? She felt a surge of rage, and ran outside, drawing the tiny bronze needles, but stopped cold when she saw the woman on the snow. She ran over, and her eyes widened as she saw the golden lights. She felt an odd light sheet her vision, a black one, forcing everything into shade. She felt a strange urge to go and kill whatever did this. She inspected the body, not interfering with the magic, but assessing the wound thouroughly. Halting spontaniously, and looking up at the boy, she said softly, "Am I insane? How did I get here?" and started to cry.
Zane slowed down and walked the rest of the way, "let me try something, maybe it'll revive her." He focused and reached out, 'hey, you alright?'

Kyle sighed in relief, "looks like you guys have this covered," he walked back towards the beach.
Blue smiled at that although he would never admit it. He put one last push into the golden symbols before his energy gave out and they shattered. Blue falls back tired and trying not to pass out.
"Hey, don't feint, I can't carry you, you're too big." she said in distress as she grabbed his cold hands, and looked into his face with worry.
Bianca along with many of the other campers came out of the mess hall and looked around in surprise. Bianca however, couldn't feel much due to the snow and it making her feet cold, she did however sense Blue and made her way over to him and caught him with the earth. Chiron made his way over in his full form while putting a hand on the girl's head. "...she will be alright... Give her a moment to wake..." He said as Nikki started to wake and the snow melted away. "Huh... Vhere... Am I?" She said softly while looking around weakly. Chiron kneels down. "Your safe... Do you know what you are?" Nikki nodded. Chiron sighs a bit. "Good... That explains part of it... Do you know who your parent is?" He said as Nikki bit her lip.
Lucy turned and fell over at the sight of the centaur. "I... I am insane." she stammered. "I am somewhere I have never been. I don't know how I got here. And... And now I am seeing half horse-men." she stood up as the woman woke. she picked up a handful of snow from the ground in wonder. "Snow?" she wondered. Seeing all of the other campers, she realized that she was starving, and the smell of food was too tempting to resist. "Wait." she said, her eyes coming into sharp focus as Chirons words brought here back to reality. "What do you mean, 'Parent'? Do you mean the person who did this to me? Based on the fact that you are a centaur, and these people have magic, added to the fact that you all live in these cabins, you are greeks, but I don't understand the magic. If we have... parents... then does that mean we are half divine?" she noted a kind of colour around all of the campers, a tint which felt green, which somehow connected them. But this chiron, he was filled with warm orange. She... felt kind of drawn to him, and as her eyes faded back into a dull brown, she held on to his hand.
Zane stands up,"you're in Camp Half-Blood, a place I just arrived at myself." He looks at her softly, "are you okay? I felt the same fear you did in the moment I was in your head, right before you lost consciousness."

(Zane is talking to Nikki)
She turned at him, and her eyes widened in horror. She couldn't... see his colours. Was he mad? Happy? Sad, perhaps? She willed herself to see them, but then realized it. He was a mind reader. Of course she couldn't read his thoughts. She let out a shaky laugh, disturbed by the seeming wall of consciousness.

(Might not be on for a few hours)

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