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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

Mel walks in and looks between the two before grabbing Carley. "Hey. Carl..." She said slowly and darkly.

Amanda pulls on her lab coat and runs to the infirmary, gives Kurt a small sad smile. Blake puts Courtney down.
Sömmer leaped down at least 2oft landing on her feet. Her legs absorbed the landing much better than she thought they would. She shook of leaves that had risen around her and set off back for camp, winding through the forest heading back for camp. She was in no rush since it was dinner then campfire soon. Two times of day where food was her only motivation. The campers generally annoyed her since the drastic differences in personality gave her a wide range of hatred. She could hear another monster prowling around the boundary of camp and with her being so close to the border and deep in the woods unarmed she didn't want to push her luck. Even if she had some dragon thing at her command.
Light said:
Blue flicks her. "That was self defense."
Courtney has lost too much blood. She looks pale.
Bianca sticks her tongue out at him and pokes his forehead.

Amanda takes a deep breath before putting her hands on Courtney and start glowing, healing all her wounds at once. Blake standing near by, the wings still present and soon going to be hard to get rid of.
Vanessa smiled at Mel gratefully. "Thanks for pulling her off, Mel." Then, she registered that the sisters were both acting that way. What the hell was wrong with them? Wait.

"Stay back!" She warned, with her bow and arrow out. "Okay, what's up with Erebus? Why are you two acting like that!?"
Mel blinks and looks at her. "What? I'm just annoyed at her for doing something so stupid and dangerous." She said as her eyes went back to normal.
Carly giggled. "You thought that was real? Wow, you really are jumpy as hell." She placed her knife in the holder on her waist. "I would never hurt you on purpose."

Vanessa didn't know what just happened, but she was terrified now. "Yeah. You guys are related." Carly giggled as she turned to her sister. "What's up?" She tilted her head. "Why are you here?"
Blue decided to act like she's not there and just lay down on her bed.

Courtney starts to groan in pain as her leg starts to heal with the arrow still in it and her broken ribs start to heal.
Mel looks at her. "Well you wanted to spar, and i bailed because I had to help some new kid. Now I'm here." She said while crossing her arms.

Amanda pulls the arrow out after cutting it in half, healing all the wounds at once, glowing brightly. Blake watching.

Bianca huffs. "Hey! Jeez, this is the thanks I get for letting you crash in my cabin even thought you have your own.."
Blue acts like he's hearing things. "Wow thanks for this empty bed voice in my head!"

Courtney's hand reaches out looking for something.
Bianca knocks him off the bed with a block of dirt. "Asshat..."

Blake takes her hand, grunts in pain as he realizes the wings are staying.

Amanda healing her, glowing brightly, going to pass out once she's done.
Charlotte grinned heavily. "Sure, Sissy." She giggled affectionately. "Vanessa, you be the ref, okay?"

Vanessa rubbed her face. "Yeah, whatever." She walked over to the side, her hooves lightly tapping the ground.

Carly took her dagger out. "You ready?"
Carly readjusts her grip, then, attempts to sweep a leg across her sister's knees and push her over.
Bianca glares at him, "excuse me? Do I look like a pillow?"

Amanda slowly stops flowing and collapses. Blake catches her and lays her down on the bed beside Courtney's.
Charlotte attempts to dodge, but, with Mel being more experienced, she was way too slow to dodge Mel's attack. She fell on her butt, but rolled away and kicked Mel's own. "Ha!"
"If I didn't know any better I'd say you feel like one." Blue's pokes lingering on her skin a bit longer then before. "Hey you know what we should do?"
Bianca rolls her eyes. "Inappropriate Huh? Well we're already violating a rule, a girl and guy can't be alone in a cabin together.. Also you go to dinner... I'm staying here, why would anyone want to see me?"
Blur gets up and walks to the door. Opening it and looking over his shoulder. "If you say things like that I may cease to be a somebody." With that he closes the door and walks off. Deciding on skipping dinner and heading over to the camp borders. Ready to kill the monsters surrounding it.
Bianca looks towards him as she feels him go. "...but why would the light want the darkness around...? Isnt it the lights job to chase away the darkness...?"
Blue stands out the camp borders not waiting for long as two harpy come at him from both sides. He backflips dodging them as their heads smash together. He fires an arrow which explodes right when it makes contact with them. Turning them to dust. Two hellhounds come out the bushes behind him fortunately making a lot of noise. He readied four arrows. A quad shot and fired it. Two arrows for each each hellhound. For each eye. The arrows suddenly act as a vortex sucking the hellhounds into them.

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