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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

"Are you nuts!? That's a damn cow!" Carly shouted. "Its brain is the size of a pea!" Vanessa slapped a hand over Carly's mouth. "Now you've gone and done it."
"I know.... but she can handle herself. I know its really dangerous though." Blue lightly slides his hand on the gouge in her back. Trying not to hurt her.
Bianca looking up at him blankly. "Still... What if she makes a poor discussion? One that might cost her life?" She said softly while looking towards him.
"Her? The only thing she can do to it is annoy it to death. She doesn't really.... have it in her to... well nevermind." Blue smiles.
Bianca looking towards him. "...I'm talking about the Titans... They are dangerous and have been making the monsters more dangerous and rowdier then before..." She said softly while feeling the hard edges of the tally marks.
Bianca sighs softly. "She's fine but that Minotaur will break out..." She said as she took her fingers off the tally marks. "...do you find if I touch your face?... I want to see what you look like..."
Bianca looks up at him with blank gold eyes as she lightly reaches up and places her fingers alongs is chin and lightly runs them up over his jaw bones and then up over his cheekbones, lightly tracing and mapping out the contours of his face.
Blue stands there patiently. Staring at her. Thinking about the girl she reminds him of.

Courtney sings to the minotaur whom still wants to attack her. Light from the box entering its body.
Bianca runs her fingers over his nose lightly them up over his eye lids gently, staring blankly at him.

Minotaur eventually breaks the light bars and roars, summoning more monsters ready to kill her.
Zane grabs his snowboard and a backpack with clothes and a few other items inside before closing the trunk, "Nice to meet you. So whos was that girl who ruined the kill?" he asked as he started walking towards the camp.
"Apollo kids huh?" Zane nodded as they walked, nearing the treeline, "Tell me, is this place as awesome as they say it is?"
The monsters charge her and hold Scruffy down. Courtney unable to bring herself to harm them. Her arm erupts in pain as another hellhound locks its jaw on it. An arrow hits her thigh and she drops to her knee. The hellhound who's biting into her arm continues to frantically claw at her back only letting go before a cyclops runs over and kicks her away. The monsters leave her limp body on the grass. Disappearing with Scruffy.
Blake yawns as he wakes and notices Courtney is missing and slowly gets up before limping out of the infirmary, looking for her.

Bianca finishes looking at him by running back her fingers over his lips briefly, her fingers lingering for a moment before she pulled back and stepped out of his arms, shaking off the feeling she got from when he touched the gouge on her back. "...you look quite nice."
"A place for demigods to be safe from monsters, whilehaving chariot races and Capture the flag. I think thats pretty great, but you seem to think differently." he stopped and looked at her with a piercing look. "I can tell, even without reading your mind."
Mel looks at him. "Yeah this is the place and it is great... But being chased by monsters each year isn't... Almost dying each day isn't... Being able to live and go to school isn't possible... I've been here for 4 years... It gets boring..."
"So then not much different then this past year." he shrugged as he set his board down, "I should be able to keep myself entertained by honing my special skills."
"You're not to bad yourself." Blue smiled at her. "So what should we do now?"

Courtney lay in the ground. Her blood soaking the ground around her. Her eyes close.
Bianca huffs a bit and hits his chest. "Don't try and make a pass at me Lighter. Anyways I'm exhausted... Because you take a lot of energy to deal with..." She said while grinning a bit.

Blake slowly makes his way out to where she is, saw her in a dream and saw what happened.


Amanda currently swimming with Kurt in the ocean, smiling a bit while floating.


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