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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

Delta sighs and takes off the dress and wig. Leaving him shirtless with his usual hair and a pair of basketball shorts.
"Lead the way," Jack said, standing up and touching the hilt of his long sword. He couldn't wait to use it to get even more practice. It would be even better since he was actually sparring.

Collin walked to the training center and took out his one of his made swords. He wanted to test it to make sure it was properly made. It could be faulty.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
(Agh. Why am I turning on Teen Wolf right now! Must be the constant Dylan O'Brien Pictures!)

Scott looked up and smiled. Then went back to his rack, holding up shirts to a mirror.

Sömmer smiles. "See. Its fine"

Peyton smiles and skips off to the training arena with them. Her sword at her side and her knife in its sheath. "So whos first?!" She says when they arrive.
jacunliffe said:
(Agh. Why am I turning on Teen Wolf right now! Must be the constant Dylan O'Brien Pictures!)
Scott looked up and smiled. Then went back to his rack, holding up shirts to a mirror.

Sömmer smiles. "See. Its fine"

Peyton smiles and skips off to the training arena with them. Her sword at her side and her knife in its sheath. "So whos first?!" She says when they arrive.
( xD )

Dylan looks at Omega. "How do I look?"

Brayden and Evan walked out. "Where?" Brayden asked, looking at him as he drew his sword. He got ready to summon some ice if he needed to.

Jack followed with Amy. "I'll watch," Amy said, sitting on the bench as she looked at Jack.

"Mhmm," Jack replied, taking out his long sword and getting ready to spar. He had extra reach with it since it was longer, so that was good. He also liked that when he struck he wouldn't have to get in close to attack.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
Dylan flushes a bit and looks down bashfully. "You think so? Thanks man."


Blake nods towards Joey. "Coming up the elevators."


Lexie and Bridget training together.
Peyton shrugged and pulled her smaller sword. But she didn't need a long reach if she used it right.

Scott chuckled and tried on his own combination.

Sömmer rolls her eyes, smiling. "Your not naked so calm down" She says amused by his blush.
Isabel watches in jealousy. Having a sour look on her face watching Bridget spar with someone else. She didn't know she had such a look on her face.

"I feel naked!" Delta looks at her.

Omega nods. "Yeah I do."
Light said:
Isabel watches in jealousy. Having a sour look on her face watching Bridget spar with someone else. She didn't know she had such a look on her face.
"I feel naked!" Delta looks at her.

Omega nods. "Yeah I do."
jacunliffe said:
Peyton shrugged and pulled her smaller sword. But she didn't need a long reach if she used it right.
Scott chuckled and tried on his own combination.

Sömmer rolls her eyes, smiling. "Your not naked so calm down" She says amused by his blush.
Bridget and Lexie talking while sparring.

Dylan smiles and nudges his arm. "Thanks, that's nice of you to say, hey Scott you trying that on? Looks good!"
"Ready?" Jack asked, waving the sword in the air as he got ready to spar. He didn't really need the reach, but he appreciated it.

Collin walked up to Isabel as he grinned. "Why such a sour look?" he asked, looking where she was looking and saw Lexie sparring with someone.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
Sömmer smirked. "Its just a shirt." She says and then a grin spread across her face. "How did you ever go swimming?"

Scott nodded and headed into a change room to try it on.

Peyton grinned. "Ready." She says as she took a step back. Breathing in for a second and then waiting for him to make the first move.
Jack clicked his tongue quietly as he stepped to the side and did a little fake out by slashing to her side. He then brought the sword back to him and sidestepped again.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
Peyton swallowed anticipating the first move not to connect but then stepped back again when he sidestepped. As she stepped back though, she tilted her body and shot forward on a diagonal, sword at the ready, trying to get close enough to strike from an angle.
Jack got ready to parry her strike as he grinned and got ready. If he successfully parried it, he would slash at her and hoped she wouldn't parry it if he caught her off guard.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
Isabel sighs. "Nothing."

Delta looks down. He never really learned how to swim. It explains why he was sinking like a rock when they first got Upsilon.
Peyton bit her lip, wanting to try something new. So she went in for a strike and his right side and then dropped and swiped at his legs with her own.

Sömmer grinned. "Interesting.... Guess I will have to teach you. Or push you in and hope you don't drown." She says only half joking.

Scott decides not to buy the outfit and glances around the mall.
"Alright," Collin replied, walking down and sitting on the floor. He was looking down at metals as he fiddled with them.

Jack parried her strike and then stepped to the side and avoided one swipe but the other hit his left leg. So he lost some balance and almost fell. But as soon as he regained it, he rolled his sword and slashed at the hilt of her sword.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
She moved to a half standing position which meant she was even lower than usual but almost dropped her sword when he hit the hilt. She smiled through her hair which covered now half of her face and swiped again at his legs. Hoping he didn't expect the second attack from below. Using the time she had bought to regrip her sword.
Delta frowns at that. He didn't want Sömmer to think that way. "Matter of fact." He rubs the back of his head. "I think I will let you teach me."

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